101 Woodworking Tips & Tricks

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I'm not ready for this so here goes nothing the finger point is a telekinetic link between you and you saw it keeps your soul going straight if it's inside as curved you're definitely going curved offline use your bench for the initial setup on your blade the taps on the wedge and the blade will be just enough to Matt get it to engage the miss colors of the home center make great green in green viewers the end hook on a tape measure is loose to allow for the thickness of that play whether somebody is pushing it against something or pulling against it either way it's not very accurate if you want your most accurate measurement it's best to line up the inch here and the inch on the end to nanos it's a straight board is all you need to make any kind of angle shooting boards you want no just no clutter pads on your bed shows prevent marring your work rubber pads under your bench of sticks act like Snickers and ceramic from sliding around crack trash boards that have a pit in the middle are also perfectly quarter-sawn adding a copper down to your leg vise to make it look better than it slides it here round over the tip of your spear point marking nice and do not sharpen it too much because you'll get a slightly better line with the rougher edge and running over the tip gives you control and reduce to the chance and that will break off in the wood sandpaper erasers works just as well hooking hoop as they do your Bell Sanders to gain control with your turning guy just turn away to heal is it rough to smooth out bruising round it over the gain stability leave it long still cool to the touch just keep walking you can deal with cups of those but runways a twist having a slightly radius blade on your smoothers often times will give a smoother sensation to the fingers because we would not feel the undulations but we will feel any slight ridges left by a straight blade and if you ever need a lower angle blade well if you just use a plain a little bit it accomplishes our the same thing simply green or soapy water does a better job of swapping away this word because it breaks water adhesion allowing those liquid to get farther into the grips a little extra finger pressure on either side is all you need to add a nice radius to your smoothing plane a block plane is a lot more comfortable than the number three smoothing only fine you're absolutely truly best work that way future historians will think you are a true master always use a brush clear weather shavings because you never know what might be hiding underneath it all the short boards are smooth it might as well be a jointer who says boards out to be a perfect 90 degrees to be jointed [Applause] sandpapers like socks in the dryer the one you're looking for is always gone missing but you got to hunt it down as if you're Liam Nielsen or else feel the shame of the scratches you find whenever you apply finish also velcro stapled on the wall cool now use people magnet the person wants just another word for shop annex angling small coos through your sickness panic gives you turn acute always it you were getting asked you cut the lead flow is the best shop cleaning device to ever invented if you don't have to lock your gym that quick shot of computer dust stuff will create a layer of non oxygen right above the finish to help it last a little longer try not to put a chisel or gallery back that in the center of your palm and then start pushing with it because that's where all your nerves are you can cause some serious damage it's better just to hold it and use a mallet you can turn a chisel into a scraper simply by adding that bird to the end it makes dealing with hard grain a lot easier to get can use a two-handed scraper at Osten furniture will make you feel like Superman able to thin even the most modern of Steel's a modern Hansel is an engineering marvel with handles designed to fit your hand perfectly and add functionality such as being able to lighten the load by simply squeezing your middle finger it may starting a cut a lot easier a lot of turning tools such as this party guys do not require you to reset the platform every time you need sharpening just start on the bottom of it and lift great gather Gately first coming over the top you'll have a nice edge sharpening your chisels a little bit a lot on a stroke will maintain the edge a lot longer and make them a lot more useful than sharpening them a whole bunch on the stones every now and then when learning any type of new skill really focus on keeping your body alignment will yes join showing you the right way trust me as you get older your ligaments will thank you for it if tapping well it's good enough for cavemen then it's good enough for us woodworkers and honestly I haven't found a better plane the gesture than one of these cheap rubber and hard side mallets you use a rubber on the wood and the hard side on the blade whack [Music] makes everything better to reduce blade drift as much as possible Center your goats on the top of the crown of your wheel instead of centre of the blade because if you put a center the blade on the top of the gullet it has a tendency they'll rock rock both front and back if you put the goats on it only the backs going to rock so the black back can follow the curve wherever you want and you'll get a lot straighter cuts that way if you're in the front you have to adjust the curve for the drift and the drift might change the temple and how the teeth get bent if your jig or a bit off blue tape to the rescue you can do a tenth of a degree each time this one right here it was just a tad bit loose and a tad bit too far over so I just shaved a little bit on one side edit blue tape to the other short fingernails make sawing exactly on the knife line a lot harder because you can't drop them in the knife fight ah an extra slice of pizza will make your body clamp a lot more efficient make your own zero-clearance tracks all by simply screwing on a straight edge that then piece of plywood and sawing it off for a perfect clearance you always make a great work surface for sheep good just take your piece of plywood here rotating the pencil a little bit after each pass will keep your tip sharp hey I didn't say these would all be gems when you use tape as your deck marker fold over the tape so it makes a little flag that way when you get close to your guest you'll knock your sawdust away I've learned the hard way that inch is not always an inch be sure and check your rulers because a lot of times if you get rulers made overseas or for a different market the inch is slightly different I learned that the hard way by buying sets at Harbor Freight if you don't have a Wolverine set you can still get a nice fingernail grind on your gouges by simply concentrating in drawing a you have fine dovetails will hide the through groove you cut for the bottom wall tool storage is actually better than a toolbox because you can actually find your chopsticks are good for ready glue within my square section for that you can mix up the epoxy and chemical really really well you can even plug holes with them and they're also great for cleaning out your ears things are a nice way to get longer any longer include adhesion on it guru datta because the scroll saw teeth are only set to one side it will always have drift at an angle use a pencil line to determine which direction the drift will go to so you can solve straight lines time and time again hollow grind your chisels on the course of stone you got mines of 36 the less the grit the less freshen there is the less heat built up and you really don't care what it looks like in the middle you just carries care if it's shining on the top and bottom light tap on your bench is usually all you need to clean out your rap but you need more grandma shoeshine brush never use a brass or plastic wheel you accidentally cut yourself a repurposed mustard bottle with hydrogen peroxide and it will allow you one-handed clean it out neither instant Jim Chuck use a tennis ball neat but need to find the perfect center of a board just set up a ruler on two even numbers and divide them by half to minus 10 is a so four down from 10 is 6 so there is my center of the board stay organized by storing your small offcuts in the trash bag just be sure to take a duster of at the end of the day wheels are small shops best friend get yourself a roll of velcro straps and then write a letter to NASA thanking them for inventing it because you're going to use this stuff everywhere for short term storage trick wrap doesn't wonders for Greenwood it's understand fuel even more than a wick it is going to start molding you can use the Carpenters square to rough out a perfect 45 on the bandsaw safety is important but so is getting the job done poplar looks just as good as cherry if you're going to paint it don't waste your money on high in woods if you're just going to cover them up also you can't use car wax and a buffer on painted surfaces these Taiwanese thread boxes are just wonderful little devices if it only if your reharden the blade from the factory there with you hard no brake on you I've marked all my metal tools with permanent markers for their settings if I ever need to change it hello denatured alcohol will take it right off you don't need a full set of channels and start woodworking I've had this set for three years can you tell which one I use 99% of time I'll give you a hint only ones mushroomed on top it's a half-inch don't matter try check your following jewel no just kidding use that green on chair legs so that you'll get straight grain all the way around and if possible orient it so that as the board shrinks because these grain rings are going to want to straighten out so straight kind of like that you want the tenants to close up on the edges the first eighths of an inch of most modern mid-price chisels is not going to be representative of the quality of down here the steel because of the grinding process it heats this up a little bit so you lose a little bit of annealing it's probably going to be a tad bit softer than down here you'll get to the good stuff after you learn to sharpen it the hole for brass screws must originate with a steel one and I recommend you also use a little wax on the tip start them young the piss is where cracks turn green wood so if you dry your own get it out of there so it does burn well the first inch of most inexpensive rulers are awful little bits mainly from the manufacturing process because they start stamping it a little bit too close to the edge where they grind it off either way it's short so that's what most accuracy start with a number one and go out that way this fingers make a great fix if you're trying to excite a three-five your first coat of shellac should be a washed coat pigtail one pound cut of shellac I get there by using these Ensor seal coat which I believe is a two pound cut and I just feel half of my bottle with that and half of it with denatured alcohol then I had the next coat has my two pound cut and I used this most of the time and sometimes if I want a little bit heavier I'll go through with a 3-pound which I believe is interlocked we look like a girl at doing bad dish moves with River a chick drop chisel $4,000 grounding into your femoral artery's the wood doesn't care if you get your chisel sharpened to a perfect twenty-seven and a half degrees every single time just sharpen them and get back to work if you're having trouble free hand sawing a straight line on the bandsaw just focus on keeping the curve in the bandsaw blade shadow wrenches make perfect sizing gauges on the lathe sometimes with the cost of paint the tight x2 painting to do multiple coats to lay on the shellac so weigh on the wax to pull out the car buffer and put carnuba wax on it and give it a nice satin Sheen you spent more time and money putting paint on there would have been just use nicer wood a bit with Spurs on this on its side is actually designed to go backwards first in order to score the hole that way it can get a nice clean entry make your life easier check up your drills with a hook makes for easy storage two weeks after you finish your project you will what remember where the gaps are so don't stress about it now a stop mocking cannot be used for long doors for fine detail work just look for cleanup right there with either a English or Japanese song you need a recess align it drop the handle with real life these things are so slow a destra present leg even means of a bad about to happen just relax go with the flow and if you do to get a catch it'll be a lot less dramatic if you aren't having that desperate fighting it all the way well there you go 100 woodworking tips and tricks some of them great some soso some common Lane but there was a hundred of them yeah I promise you a hundred and one the last one remember it's always worth the effort to learn create and share with others yeah be safe and have fun
Channel: wortheffort
Views: 1,767,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wortheffort, woodworking, tips, tricks, tools, techniques
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2017
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