101 Facts About Minecraft

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Most of these arent even facts. He's litterally just explaining basic gameplay features.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Skjold_ 📅︎︎ Mar 11 2016 🗫︎ replies
creepers gonna creep creep creep creep creep and the withers gonna with with with with weird baby I'm just going to stop singing this song in case I get sued greetings mother factors of all shapes and sizes and welcome to 101 facts I'm Sam and I'm here to talk to you today about the mine craftiest game of all time no not Donkey Kong you silly fool it's minecraft obviously the Weibull minecraft be appearing in a school near you how many records has the game broken did the Spice Girls really want a zigg a zigg r2 r2 threw those questions about the answered so craft your pickaxe of knowledge out of diamond and wood and get mining into the stone of sexy sexy wisdom this is 101 facts about minecraft number one minecraft chiseled its way into the hearts and minds of the non pixelated world in 2009 number two just in case you clicked on this video not knowing what on earth minecraft is it's an independent computer game designed by self-taught programmer Marcus Pearson who fans call knotch number three it was originally going to be called the cave game which reminds me a bit of a part of my childhood but I should probably talk to my therapist about that rather than you lot number four it's described as a sandbox game which means people have the ability to create their own experiences players also have the ability to create whatever the bloody hell they want from little wooden huts all the way to massive stone castles number number five walking to the end of a flat Minecraft world would take 820 hours James Franco could cut off all his limbs in that time nullus it it sir in rather biblical fashion the first version of Minecraft was created in six days number seven the alpha version of the game made its public debut the next day however knotch didn't rest like God did on the seventh day oh no siree Bob he tweaked and updated the game and would continue to do so under delivering the full version on November the 18th 2011 number 8 mo yang has sold more than 70 million copies of minecraft across all platforms since its release 70 million that's more than the amount of kisses Kanye West gives a mirror every day well just about more anyway number 9 Pierre Sun soon got tired of running such a huge game so like any other professional he took to Twitter in June 2014 to advertise to outside parties encouraging them to buy shares in Mo yang the tweet read anyone want to buy my share of Mo yang so I can move on with my life Oh number 10 it clearly got RT dong to build Gators timeline as three months later Microsoft bought mo yang for 2.5 billion dollars number 11 occasionally even the game itself gets its name wrong one in every 10,000 times you play the introductory menu shows the title mints raft is it bad I kind of wanna play mints raft now it sounds like it could be really fun number 12 the game contains more than 350 splash messages which are those bits of yellow text that appear on the game menu the messages consist of things like this this and this number 13 in 2015 turkey attempted to ban the game due to it being too violent but surely Turkey if a game teaches your children to build swords and fight against zombies and giant spiders that's a good thing you know just in case zombies or giant spiders appear just a thought number 14 in the game players gain XP when they viciously murder a variety of things the ender dragon which is also my wrestling name will drop a whopping twelve thousand XP number 15 in an earlier version of the game 1.3 to be precise the leveling system meant it took 17 XP to gain a level no matter how high your level number 16 in the game you have to be careful what you shove down your gullet chicken has a 30% chance of giving you food poisoning rotten skin has an 80% chance and pufferfish 100% will definitely poison you number 17 there are 32 different potions in the game now some potions are in the game but aren't available to players number 18 there are three types of gameplay survival creative or adventure number 19 in the survival gameplay players have to gather the material to build craft and gain experience points much like in real life in this mode there is a health hunger and armor bar as well as an inventory and when underwater and oxygen bar I'll wait you guys don't see that in real life 200 number 20 in creative mode players have access to an infinite amount of almost all blocks and items available and can instantly destroy them much like the concept of larb or perhaps Wolverine players cannot die in this mode number 21 Adventure mode is essentially survival mode except you can't break anything with that little withered pixel hand of yours instead you have to use the suitable tools to break down the suitable blocks boring number 22 players can also play hardcore which is a hard version of survival mode in which you only have one life so you know Yolo and all that they can also play spectator mode which allows users to float around and be invisible number 23 in 2013 minecraft sold 8 million copies on PC with $0.00 marketing budget number 24 in fact as a whole the entirety of Minecraft has a marketing budget of almost $0 due to most of it being down to word-of-mouth and YouTube lets play videos alone number 25 over 15% of all YouTube content relates to video games including this one as a matter of fact with Minecraft being the game that takes the top spot for most of use number 26 in 2014 minecraft videos had around 60 2.7 billion views next in line was Call of Duty with a measly twenty three point four billion catch up guys number 27 in 2013 The Fixer Rydberg Secretary School in Stockholm introduced Minecraft as a mandatory part of its curriculum so sure they may not know stuff about history or math but they will know how to survive the night in a forest made of squares number 20 a es since buying mo yang Microsoft has launched a site aimed at teachers could minecraft edu which encourages them to use minecraft in schools to teach them foundational math skills as well as encouraging creativity see every single newspaper in history of ever videogames can be educational and don't turn kids into murderers number 29 around 15,000 schools in the UK now use it as a teaching aid number 30 as of March 2015 every single Secondary School in Northern Ireland has minecraft edu installed on its computers to be fair though they do have a real giant spider problem to train the kids against number 31 the University of Hull used minecraft teach them molecules in chemistry in a project called mold craft each colored block refers to a different element for example Whiteville is hydrogen and red wool is oxygen number 32 minecraft has also been used to teach geography and history by exploring real-life models of historical buildings such as the Sphinx or the Hunchback of not radar oh just the knotted arm itself okay that makes more sense actually calm down Quasimodo number 33 in the game a mob isn't a dangerous group of businessmen with a passion for breaking limbs but it is a living moving game entity number 34 mob is short for mobile and they exist by spawning in various ways mainly at nighttime so there is a reason to be scared of the dark sorry I don't know what happened there number 35 mobs are affected by the environment in the same way as the player and can get hurt by the same things for example catching fire falling drowning being dumped on my birthday ah they just bought a ring and being attacked by a weapon number 36 when a mob is killed it will give off a puff of white smoke and drop items that may be useful to the player number 37 the pesky and at times bow limp ting iconic baddies the creepers were like many other super villains actually created by accident when not tried to create a pig in the game he accidentally switched the figures for heightened length and the result was the hideous explodey creeper number 38 the Enderman is another Minecraft bad guy who speeches incomprehensible a bit like other villains that I can think of but its ramblings is in fact English words and phrases such as higher here this way and what's up play backwards or lowered in pitch terrifying number nerdy thine the ghast is a monster that makes horrific whiny noises much like the sound of yo mama but these sounds are actually the result of an accidental recording of music producer Daniel Rosa fields cat when it was awakened from a nap number 40 hostile mobs include endermite Guardian silverfish skeleton slime and zombie villager number 41 the game also includes boss mobs that are notoriously hard to kill but reward huge XP such as the wither or the aforementioned ender dragon the meaning of life the ender dragon was the first ever boss mob and it was born on the 11th of November 2011 so remember to send it a card number 43 iron golems and wolves are the only two mobs that can become hostile and peaceful mode but only when provoked number 44 the entirety of Denmark was recreated in Minecraft by the Danish geodata agency it's a one-to-one scale recreation which is made up of over 4000 billion bricks so now you can go on holiday in Minecraft kinder number 45 many impressive universes have been recreated in Minecraft form including Star Wars Star Trek Game of Thrones my flat and Harry Potter number 46 thousands gather each year for minecon a real world conference for Minecraft Ian's the world over in 2013 the first batch of 2,500 tickets sold out in just three seconds number 47 in 2015 minecon broke a Guinness world record for being the largest ever convention for a single video game with 10,000 attendees sorry watchdogs maybe next time number 48 like a particularly angry person who hates vinyl minecraft has broken loads of records so many records in fact that it now has its own section in the Guinness World Records 2016 gamers edition number 49 Minecraft Pocket Edition the block based building on the go has sold 30 million copies Apple say that it was not only their best-selling game of 2014 but it was a number one app - number 51 Austrian fan plane - game non-stop for 24 hours and 10 minutes that's seventy two point five in game days and just in case you didn't know just over one out game day number 51 another world record belongs to an Australian man who massacred 100 sheep in when one three seconds me that is all for why we sir oh right you mean in the game number 52 l jape across from the USA traveled 415 miles on a pig smashing the original record by 333 miles again is that in the game or okay just checking just checking number 53 the Ordnance Survey won the record for the largest real world place recreated in Minecraft they released a map of mainland Britain called GB minecraft - it required 83 billion blocks to make number 54 the Battlestar Galactica took four and a half months to construct and it's made of over five million blocks I wonder who built that number 55 the longest Minecraft rollercoaster was constructed by check user day mine gave me it takes 50 minutes 502 get round number 56 the record for the largest original fictional world when two players on the a earner server the project measures over two thousand square miles and is eighty four gigabytes large it's complete with developed cities and stunning landmarks number 57 the Minecraft world is approximately eight times the size of Earth surface area number 58 despite the game being created in such a short space of time 400 copies were selling per day for around $6 per download meaning not could eventually leave his job and start his own company mo yang number 59 mo yang means gadget in Swedish also bra means good I'm just showing off there but in case you ever need it number six city minecraft sold about 20,000 downloads in its first year and by the end of the next year it was often getting that many downloads per day number 61 in May 2012 the game was released to Xbox and sold more than a million units in the first week alone number 62 it's now the most played xbox live game number 633 using his minecraft monies not once outbid Beyonce and jay-z am i reading those names right on a Beverly Hills mansion paying 70 million dollars in total Nintendo 64 it's 23 thousand square feet with 15 bathrooms and 8 bedrooms it also has a giant candy ball which costs $200,000 to stock which is somewhat counterproductive Lee situated next to his huge home gym number 65 designers of the house spent eighty four thousand dollars on the toilets alone number 66 before selling the company to Microsoft he routinely threw parties hiring DJ's such as a VC and deadmau5 what you mean I'm pronouncing oh sorry an Avicii and deadmau5 to press buttons at the parties also at one of his parties in Vegas even Prince Harry turned up and snuck out in the early hours number 67 Minecraft celebrity stampylonghead who apparently I sound like according to countless numbers of you guys has one of the top 10 most viewed channels in this world that we live on number 68 the velvety voiced Fox from Portsmouth is relatively closed mouths about how much he actually earns but in one month alone his channel received 157 million views on YouTube which will have earned in between forty seven two thousand thirty five thousand dollars maybe I should be playing Minecraft instead of talking about it number 69 skydoesminecraft has just under 12 million subscribers he makes an estimated two point nine two million dollars yearly income just after YouTube's cut number 70 minecraft is a world with private property but no police force so it's no surprise goes down occasionally people known as griefers are rapscallions who deliberately destroy people's Minecraft stuff and occasionally post videos of their douchery number 71 a woman named Amanda Osborne set up her own server where her autistic son could play Minecraft without the hassle of such griefers now children with autistic spectrum disorders from all over the world are all using Amanda Sat server number 72 in 2013 a rather silly ten-year-old boy charged $800 to his grandmother's credit card while playing Minecraft although the game itself doesn't take money once purchased users have the ability to donate to the servers in exchange for perks and privileges number 73 it's easier to catch a fish in the rain there you go kid now you can make your grandma's money back just set up a fishing business in Minecraft number 74 if you kill pigs cows and chickens to the flint and steel they will drop cooked meat as your kind of cooking them alive poor sods number 75 an egg has a 1 in 256 chance of defying medical science and hatching for chickens at the same time number 76 it's impossible to hit an Enderman with an arrow egg or snowball just like the Slender Man on which they are based I mean that's not fact by imagine you couldn't hit Slenderman with an egg number 77 you can't open a chest if there's a cat sitting on it which incidentally is true in real life as well number 78 tamed wolves will attack you if you shoot yourself with an arrow which really serves you right by managing to attack us off with an arrow number 79 despite having no arms creepers can climb ladders good for them I guess number 80 pink wool is very rare the chance of a sheep spawning it is 0.5% mind you that's higher than the chance of Jennifer Lawrence slipping on that ring I'll keep sending her seriously Jen just say yes please please number 81 all cows in the game of female because they can all give out milk and yet they can still breed and make baby cows hmm it's almost like this stuff is unrealistic or something number 82 allegedly according to a number of forums the ability to throw eggs was added when a player said he would eat the USB stick if not CH added it in off no chance of safely removing that hard web for rejecting number 83 you can zombie-proof a door in the game by placing it one block above the ground much like white men zombies can't jump and open doors at the same time that's what the film is called right number 84 on March the 28th 2011 a man who calls himself kurt j mac set himself the goal of walking to the end of the universe in minecraft he's tracked over 700 virtual kilometers in 180 hours number 85 in january 2014 max virtual journey had raised over $250,000 for charity he won a Guinness World Record for his trek after travelling over 2 million blocks number 86 one minecraft block in the real world would equal one meter cubed that means that the Minecraft world is bigger than some planets number 87 early in Minecraft creation many users reported seeing a mysterious figure in the distance that was apparently following them they said it another default character only with ghostly white eyes this phenomenon became known as herobrine and has since revealed to be a creepypasta horror story so he's not real or is he no no he's not number 88 in the game players can craft paintings to decorate their homes with some paintings in the game feature references to other computer games such as Donkey Kong King's Quest and Grim Fandango number 89 in some cases gameplay actually mirrors real-life for example if you apply heat to sand you can make glass and it's this easy in real life to write number 90 in some cases however gameplay actually goes against real life and common sense for example wooden slabs are not affected by fire whereas in the game they are or maybe that's the other way round number 91 in 2 and 15 mo yang announced that Rob McElhenney creator of it'll with Sunny in Philadelphia will direct a Minecraft based movie hopefully it too will star Danny DeVito and some rom harm number 92 the film is being made in partnership with Warner Brothers animation out of the success of the lego movie in 2014 the film is set for 2017 release number 93 previously fans have tried to take minecraft of the big screen themselves but met opposition from Moby yang probably because they wanted to make their own movie a Kickstarter campaign seeking six hundred thousand dollars was shut down after a request from the company number 94 in October 2015 telltale games release a story mode version of Minecraft with characters and a narrative and everything telltale of the characters behind the episodic game versions of The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones number 95 the first episode of the series was called order of the stone widget like a mix between two Harry Potter titles and moves away from the sandbox game entirely as it's a point-and-click adventure game number 96 I'm a creep I'm a weirdo number 97 Verizon built a working video phone in Minecraft I know that sounds mental but it's true seriously his captain sparkles you know actually using it number 98 oh god I just realized something maybe creepers are just lonely and blow up whenever they feel loved have you ever thought about that you monsters number 99 you can get a companion in the game in the form of a friendly wolf if you see one give it a bone not like that you sicko and it'll limit a puff of heart and follow you around Oh zombies are useful if you kill one they drop feathers spring and bones feathers are used to make arrows bones to make fertilizer and tame wolves and strings for bows and fishing poles so thanks on bees you're our friend once you're you know dead and stuff number 101 has anybody ever told you to go to hell leaving you very confused about how to actually do it well minecraft teaches you how all you need is some obsidian stone make into a rectangle and set it on fire and boom your own portal to hell use it wisely now we don't want any Hitler's escaping that was 101 facts about Minecraft and don't know about you but I had a lovely time if you want more facts like a creeper it's just really desperate for a couple then click on subscribe right bloody now for more 101 facts while you're at it why not check out twists new video showing off the most realistic house in Minecraft it really is quite something I'd sure as heck liked to move in as a little treat let them know that I sent you in that you're a mother factor they'll be very confused I'm sure but hey sharing is caring minecraft is quite something eh you can build anything anything well not anything I couldn't use it for instance to rebuild my hopes and dreams of becoming an Olympic figure skater apparently I have no rhythm and my thighs are too much like tree trunks minecraft op rebuild those can it can it yeah I'm gonna go hit the ice again salutations
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Views: 651,176
Rating: 4.6695857 out of 5
Keywords: 101 facts, 101, 101facts, minecraft, minecraft facts, facts about minecraft, minecraft gameplay, amazing minecraft, minecraft best builds, minecraft song, minecraft download, minecraft animation, 101 facts about minecraft, diamond minecart, minecraft mods, best minecraft mods, funny minecraft, minecraft rage, stampylongnose, stampylonghead, stampy minecraft, funniest minecraft mods, minecraft house, minecraft story mode, minecraft survival, minecraft parody, minecraft videos
Id: ai3PwUs4Zd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 7sec (1567 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2016
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