100v1 Against The BEST Geoguessr Player in the World

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hey guys who's suda here and in today's video I gathered 100 people and we'll be facing off against the best you guess your YouTuber zigzag previously we won v20 zigzag and you beat us really badly and he left a comment on the video saying one versus 100 next and honestly I didn't think it'd be possible at first but I researched a geographer and they're allowing us to test this one versus 100 mode so this has never been done before and I have no idea what to expect I just so many people so basically how this works is we get 100 guesses for every one guest he makes and only one of us has to be closer to the actual destination if you guys don't know you saw her six thousand points and the team that go bankrupt loses but thank you to your guesser for allowing this to be possible and a big shout out to zigzag for partaking in this video again if you guys have any interest in geoguesser make sure you subscribe to zigzag he really does have the best content on this game without further Ado let's get started you guys been practicing geoguess here a little bit Yeah I warmed up earlier I'm kind of worried that like we might beat him like really I don't know how to play guys zigzag is here hello zigzag how we doing um what's your prediction for this uh this boat here I don't know it highly like there's a hundred chances for you guys to get a good guess so I feel like I feel like you guys should be good oh if you if you beat us I'll give you my entire Channel and all my other channels too yeah this has never been done before so I'm hoping this doesn't break the like the whole website everyone join this link remove good Ness I just nuked the channel because that was not gonna work I'm sorry about that I didn't think that would happen [Laughter] thank you very much let's get it see how this pans out then you guys have any clue off the bat where we could be probably the Chicago um wait we can't move by the way Florida is always a good guess are you a Florida you anchor Florida for us we're starting off in is Argentina here um I'll go in Venezuela it's looking like a New Vegas New Vegas area like I don't think this is America just America a lot of people going Australia look at Australia I think it might be cheesy is this Australia yes or no no no it's not I don't think this is America oh one second okay we got some points though spread across the whole world it's a big damage fast round this is like the same [ __ ] thing this is the same thing when there's a sign is kilometers it's Australia right so it's not Australia either then I'm guessing somewhere in uh South America because nobody is South America I don't know plumbers are in Canada but this is in Canada move oh it was Australia I mean I feel like it's impossible look at those guesses there's so many oh my gosh look at the spread across Australia then man this might be impossible for him actually oh this is looking like Canada or America Florida I think Florida I know I live here could be Southern he's not I don't think he's too good in America so look at these American guesses there's no way he beats us here I'll go somewhere else just to be different I think I would go like Corpus Christi but we'll see here and okay well let's Corpus Christi there thank God we still got points on him though barely okay we have New Zealand I feel like I feel like at least someone's going to recognize that this is New Zealand for sure oh they got cows and shoes what are you guys thinking on this though I don't think this is America right look at the bull urge what are the Bullards mean to you I'm missing France it's not France though oh whoa that might be it for him oh it was North [ __ ] he's done oh he got wiped on that one easy man it's the video hello zigzag yo how do you feel that is the sound of a defeated man honestly honestly you could have actually won just off the last really accurate I feel that's uh with a favorable seed I'm gonna do it that one had like a bunch of easier countries okay let's get it all right let's keep going then good luck good luck bye-bye waiting okay [Laughter] [Music] are they selling propane tanks okay here we go first ones in Turkey we have this kind of Turkish language here I'm thinking just like so first one nobody guesses I'm gonna pray there just to be safe because there's nothing where was it indeed it was Northern turkey there just a bit further east so I don't even know where this is I don't know either oh my God for Dylan Isaac I'm pretty sure that guys like four times oh really what happened here so what are we thinking of this terrain though uh I think it's Brazil but could it be Colombia or Mexico or something South America they definitely had a wildfire here it must have been a while it must be Australia oh wow wow okay it was Brazil oh that's just tough we covered every single like kilometer in that hole oh this is tough done oh South Africa right here I know in South Africa look at the trees man that's South Africa everyone just throw it in South Africa I want to be the closest one in this one though I think I know what this is roughly speaking it's got the right angle here oh yeah I meant to put South Africa I'm in South America who's in Antarctica oh wow how is he on it oh yes we got the road there let's go he was on the same road he was on the road how do you find them that dude has never been to South Africa he's over there On The Run yeah okay we're on the coast this could be an island perhaps I'm going to Sri Lanka I think this is uh in the Noosa Islands here so this could be big damage I could imagine I'm gonna go in New Zealand or something random I'm going in Tasmania to be safe UK I have no idea where this is I've seen this in cars too and yeah we were it's very close guess here oh this is big damage guys you got points on us 100 points okay it is literally in the balance now that's exactly the type of round we needed oh no we're in danger I thought that was it Florida nah this could be like Brazil wait there's horses and look pretty hungry oh he could be right Indonesia area so what's this pole doing here this should be a Cambodian poll like Thailand or maybe like somewhere in southern Cambodia Malaysia someone do Taiwan I'm going to Bali the game's kind of lagging no no I'm actually blown away oh my god oh no we lost how did that happen man let me get him in here you did it man yeah you got the same road yeah I saw the mountain in the background oh you recognize the exactly like location you know I did bro also shout outs to Dylan Isaac getting closer three times in a row yeah someone Isaac might clutch for us whoever that is it's me and it looks like we might be starting in South Africa here oh wait I swear I've been like to a place like this in like South Africa do you think Egypt yeah [Music] Egypt dirt of any kind it must be in Egypt maybe alien lives where are the pyramids though bro I just saved us from getting a lot of points flamed we know that suda loves to get [Applause] now I can say contributed in some way oh this is uh this is French right I think it's French we got French language um on the stop sign that means you have to be in Quebec because actually in France they just say stop it could be like much for y'all or some [ __ ] this is your Homeland suit I've never been on the East Coast with the French but French at East yeah don't go don't go west we have to be closer how is he that close Isaac is carrying us so hard right now Dylan Isaac once again proving himself to be the goat now this guy we have one really good player amongst us we're deep in Vietnam right now you think it's just Nam I've seen it in the movies hold on let me go get my grandpa wake his ass up from his 20-year coma Cambodian antenna so we should be somewhere in Cambodia here I'll go in like Thailand or something probably tomorrow jungle where these jungles at Cambodia and it's Dylan Isaac again getting a bit suspicious of this Dylan Isaac fella to be honest it's not even one video we should somewhere in Japan this is Japan 100 wait this actually couldn't be something like that Japan oh yeah yeah are you certain in Japan I'm very certain I don't even know if this is Japan though man it's Japan Bro Look at that I'll go somewhere else just in case we get like knocked out there you go okay next one here that's a Tucky I think it's gonna be turkey yeah I'm gonna go wild I'm gonna say Africa I'm missing Italy probably a bad guess where is it oh we got them here for sure oh my gosh I didn't even look closely bro not bad another dubbing the books for us he forgot to turn on his cheats hello zigzag yo what do you thinking as far as rules here so we toggle another one no moving pending or zooming yeah we could do that let's see how uh let's see how Dylan Isaac that guy's been getting us every round the Cambodia I guess was almost a bit too good we'll see though he's got the Saucy wussy script bro I sent him the I'm sure that video script and that's how he knows what's going on yes he saw the plot he's predetermined okay into it we go here oh no moving panning or zooming we're in Russia off the bat here South Africa I think this is like this is like a Ukraine bro we can't even Zoom like you're crying man I think it's like Poland I'm gonna go whatever country this is Bosnia that's a pretty good guess there and Dylan Isaac in the middle of Russia why did he know that it's a [ __ ] geographer YouTuber in Russia too many Wizards indeed France I think it is I think I'll just go here I don't really show where it is though all right I'm just gonna get some Spain pointless guys well where was it was right on the Spanish border that was Spanish architecture instead these trees look very uh ripe ripe they look like they've been watered good they don't they don't see much much sun I think this might be like Latvia or something like that to be honest you think it's Japan oh oh he got us here no Dylan to save us we know when we start doing damage that's when that's when the confidence goes down for the other team oh I know where we are for sure this is like definitely uh Africa around like Ghana really thank God for Dylan once again man this guy bro if it wasn't for Dylan Isaac we would have won this Pokemon by now bro you guys thinking here that's some cows it's definitely America a lot of guesses in the east coast a lot of guesses in the farmlands it feels like Florida or Georgia we all know that as I've said they love Florida on the other team so oh it was Alabama this is a d round triple damage oh my God this is actually Florida Australia mountains it's not Florida it should be Kenya this is the Google car that you find in Kenya Kenya wow okay there's already Kenya oh okay this is a Czechoslovakian poll over here and I think the home round feels more Slovakian probably East Slovakian if anything I don't know I see one of those like looking buildings in the back yeah I'm gonna look like Romania then oh it's check here okay so it's just a different Hill in Tyler we're gonna stay alive I think Dylan what the [ __ ] is going on what is happening oh this is Oklahoma is this America it's definitely some tornado weather going on I Didn't Have A vibe here I thought this might be like Arkansas or something like that here probably half the people have been to this road you know so which houses were closest here are very low oh I think it's different this kind of feels impossible for this is possible zigzag would you like to add someone to your team or should we just kick Dylan I'm looking at his guesses he's close everything around I don't get how he does it in like middle of Russia too he's got a script right oh you think he's such oh definitely oh really oh so now that the cheater is gone we're gonna lose now we're [ __ ] we made a [ __ ] toggle I don't Loki I may have taken that one without Mr Dylan username I'm sure he is the wizard yeah oh my God yeah he's definitely yeah what's his name you're some racist [ __ ] we don't gotta worry about it what was it I can't say it the name he can have there's no way he's racist and a really good idea sir you never put in these regions if he was racist I was praising Dylan Isaac that whole time I didn't realize what he did is everyone swimming a racist man what the [ __ ] bro dude that's kind of messed up soon I should have known that he was racist guys I am very disappointed as well not only was this guy cheating he's extremely racist and he was screaming out the country to the entire call every single round check here oh it's in Kentucky it kind of throws off the results because I wanted a real one versus 100 so in reality I don't know if he would have won any of these rounds if it wasn't for a few lucky guesses or the cheater I mean the guy who literally knows where we were so I apologize and let's get back to the video it'd be interesting to see what happens now what do these roofs make you feel hyper [Music] look at the writing Spain just to cover the country it is Malaysia indeed because we've got black stickers in the polls it was in who the [ __ ] is this dude man I'm obsessing everyone's hacking now who's that guy limes we cannot win every win we're acting at this point what kind of road is this this is definitely eyeshadow this could be like uh somewhere in Asia right but it's a truck though they don't have trucks in Asia we have some Thailand action I would say I'm going Mexico just to be safe but it could be wrong there was no way in Mexico that would look like this [ __ ] there's a truck though like where do they got trucks okay wow look at this spread literally everywhere in the world are you cheating cheating won't put five times down I think this is Russia this could be great or bad for us obviously Russia is so huge it's actually going to be Ukraine with the red car this looks like somewhere in Europe yeah what's a solid white line where is that what does it mean when there's like the polls on the left what does that mean to you guys cheating are you cheating Jordan I don't know where this is I'm gonna go like Bosnia or Monte place oh where was it I am trippy is that you oh huge how do you know I'm cheating now you already gave me the cheats this is somewhere in Cambodia I would say this is Asia I think it should be obviously this has to be somewhere in Latin America what country are you thinking cheesy I'm thinking El Salvador where's that funny he was lying you know I was [ __ ] making fun of you bro oh I just want to go there too I want to go there should be safe where is it Cambodia everyone was in Cambodia this is Russia Moldova moment there's no way there's Moldova this is Europe Austria okay oh my all right it's Russia or something I think this is east of the mountains in Colombia what do you think this is hyper uh I'm going to Romania I think it's so much Southern though I don't think it's too north it does look Southern it's probably Bulgaria okay it was just on the other side of the mountains there I live here with an insane guest saving his team no wonder they knew where it was no way they live right there oh this is Finland these settings are frying my brains Finland oh and we are in Sweden like Connecticut wait some people are going very North Finland it could be right I feel like this feels a bit further north right we have a lot of small trees so like the further north you go the thinner the trees are see will be right oh Sweden close enough singular nice gases that have been doing so much for them there looks like it might end here because I think this is the US this is definitely in the US wait 204 yeah the area codes on the thing and then you guys lived in 204 no no she'll be like Iowa I swear that's like Colorado it's pretty flat for Colorado though Arkansas I don't live there I think it's U.S but maybe I'll try Canada just to like I think it's like maybe Saskatchewan I'm gonna try Saskatchewan here I think it's I think it's not out of the question I'm gonna go like here in saskar I don't know Winnipeg oh I think that's it for him Canada we got Canada existed someone said bring back Dylan yeah I heard he was misunderstood I think hyper in his username he misspelled the entire sentence he wrote as his username zigzag would you like to invite one person to your team to double team US unless you want me to team up with you zigzag wait we can do that carry your ass I think I might just take use it because okay on the next best option I'm switching sides all right I'll see you guys later I'm a Trader remembering goodbye guys me and zigzag are gonna go win this game here citizen zig's team now who's the pro now I'll make the first con you just tell me how wrong I am every time all right let's do that if I had to say see the vegetation okay we're in Spain Spain's not impossible I mean I'll take Western Ukraine you just like take a guessing black in Eastern Europe just go what you feel I'll go by Romania again whatever you initially think just do the opposite of that yeah Austria then oh thank God I actually went more south but this one I'm thinking I've seen those that telephone pole right there makes me want to go Peru yeah it's a good it's a good call really I think it's actually Ecuador the next country out isn't that that one Warzone Maps wow that's crazy yeah okay see that we got it all right Romania Romania right yeah Romania yeah yeah good job good job no just kidding I'm not gonna go Romania unless it's actually it's romantia bro it is I think this could be uh we could be somewhere in Thailand somewhere near Malaysia Cambodia yeah it could be anywhere to be honest [Applause] [Music] maybe I am the deciding factor here just kidding I want to take all the credits if we win this one then I think that's actually locally the case we're winning this because this is yeah [Music] no it's Guatemala uh good call it looks like Guatemala it's it's Ecuador I think okay well this should actually look like church yeah like four again okay this is not Japan I think I think it's Serbia I think we can go through Serbia yeah I'll get Belgrade and you go further south I'll go by NIS yeah this is good there could be a few other countries I could see like oh Nish no what's this oh we still lost five points okay what is this bruh oh Europe I think uh Europe I'm gonna go Portugal maybe you go Portugal okay there's a gum Cruise uh it's actually Australia oh it is Portugal huge gas for you let's go once again I've done it well dude again they only have one person there this is what is this is that snow I think it's Russia somehow bro Russia I don't know this is [ __ ] uh what could even be hungry I'll go closer to hungry hungry they're hungry hungry I can zoom in oh thank God it's so laggy right now let's go Brazil I think he thinks Brazil this is the perfect spread if they get closer then that's just you know surely our power is combined oh my God I'm doing it yes you've probably given me the good guys this year I think it's I think it's all you bro I have no shade the best five rounds what do you think here what do you think here this one's just I think you can get this Tunisia this is gonna no good quotes oh really [Music] [Music] this is Senegal we're definitely within this yeah [Music] wow CS2 looks really realistic I think this is a knockout round let's see if it's Senegal yeah it's over oh it's time is point three yeah Rock couldn't save him this time oh my God oh my God they slapped our booty walls on that one not bad okay I feel like you don't need to be at all for this you're gonna win without me here and maybe I'll sub back in and then I mean you guys are better with Radu obviously but this time this time you guys can look around and we'll play No moving companies okay the contacts Roddy was a pro player he's gonna be teaming up a zigzag and I'm going back to the team of noobs I'm back sorry I had to switch sides and dominate you guys real quick oh you think you can just come back you think we're gonna accept you back we're not welcome here I can I can go so who is Isaac he's dreams biggest fan you'll see this Isaac [Music] he only adjust his training hello trainium and no one else see what is fine Isaac what did your encouragement here so you got to be hyping up during the whole game right I know it's the best it's covered his muscles the whole time they're big [Laughter] they're huge they're like bigger than my head okay the meat writing is insane tricks on it here we go again what's that language really Jordy you should know what does that say Jordan me Shirley barshall like the amount of Palms I see I think the contact Sula he's like he's like the Bangladesh guy uh okay Thailand I bet Cranium Mouse adventure does know I had no clue uranium would now I guaranteed do you know I think I might where is it okay yeah we should get more in the Philippines let me uh it's uh Thailand we should get more work in Texas where training moves yeah this place [ __ ] sucks just kidding I'm sure it's great here premium could fix it collect me and I'll fix this place if you move to this country you would change the whole economy the dollar of this country would Skyrocket okay oh man that's tough Nigeria again you'll get them next time I'm trying it's a team sport Isaac but though you said Puma I'm gonna go buy outside Belarus Belarus cool why you do that I wish you would train him I know I'm trying [ __ ] suck off it's so laggy I can't even like scroll to where I want it's getting worse zigzags he's holding you offline right now that's so true I think it's Norway I think it's Norway yeah this Red Roof holy Jesus Christ I'm always successful who do well at this point on our team literally pulling a fortune and like measuring the sky I have everything in here what are we think in here I'm going turkey yeah uh this is East I think Syrian border kind of what's in a click and Moldova or are you I think to do what I show speed didn't show his weiner on camera what are we thinking we're eight seconds I know when you set a location we're just someone famous weiner brain or something like I have no idea where this is Brazil quadruple damage itself oh it's over again there's no chance I'm only spanning again even though it's not Spain yeah I think Piggy's cheating zero yards okay oh my okay all right Isaac it's nice talking to you man it was nice speaking to you I love you I love you I kicked him as you said that I'm pretty sure it's pure with the trees if it's not then you're throwing oh wow and they got the exact here and post on the road Jordan it's your fault do they get this Japan oh it's one of those Asian countries characters the characters I've even been like wait where is this [Music] people as well yeah I was like wait a minute but these player models look Chinese where are we now uh in the coggle in the equator yeah why is everyone guessing on the line look at the guesses it's all on the [ __ ] Tropic of Cancer what the hell are they planning this or like what's going on here yeah this is a planned attack I think we broke that's probably what it is but who got it though oh he's still close like what's going on I'm so confused I don't know and this whole thing is broken and I guess all along the Equator then are we spelling out sex next round yes are they trying to type something on the map are they typing sex oh my God man how are they choreographing for that like how do you do that that's impressive honestly this is Puffer hyper huge he's right there that would have been over if it wasn't for you Hammer the glue on the sex round yeah that was a section I never again and we're getting sex again to be honest are we doing baller sex we should definitely end before they get to like symbols of hate they will evolved that way so it looks like oh it's fine it's over I thought they were about a swass on us Chad is Fang W's you see that well thank you guys for participating this is not at all how I expected it to go but I feel like this is just a social experiment of what happens when you bring home equator I mean they came together in that other chord like they really all work together to do the memes so at least I work together for something one thing they were able to do honestly who took the W here was it actually us I think it was actually the people who gained the most friends we'll do one versus 200 next 200 in a month from now way laggier and way more Trolls but we'll figure it out yeah [Music]
Channel: Whos Suda
Views: 2,081,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Whos Suda, Whos, Suda, geoguessr, 1 vs 100, 100 vs 1, geoguessr 1 vs 100, pro player 1 vs 100, 1 pro vs 100 noobs, geoguessr pro, zigzag, zi8gzag, pro geoguessr, 0.1 seconds
Id: nzFguyilloc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 25sec (1885 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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