$100,000 Gorilla Tag Competition...

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last video I hosted a 100 000 China Rock giveaway where you guys commented and I would randomly select nine of your comments to participate in a 100 000 Shiny Rock competition the video reached to 80 000 views but I'm still gonna give away a hundred thousand shiny rocks anyways this video took a lot of effort and a long time to make so I would really appreciate it if you guys would subscribe we're getting close to 100K subscribers and there's lots of new videos to come let's go to mountains why does it stop starting right now everyone come to the fan the fan this is going to be slightly slightly skill based but like slightly no it's gonna be it's gonna be brain based it's gonna be brain based don't go yet right but the person that makes it the least farthest with the fan is out and when and you can't touch the ground you have to be like your hands in the air well at least furthest is out yeah yeah yeah if you can't touch the ground once you go into the fan you have to have your hands in the air yes just stay where you're at stay where you're at oh okay he went first okay next person me I'm really scared okay okay next person I'm over here oh shoot those little wings okay next person okay where are you oh okay I missed the fan oh there you go um next person oh my gosh okay your last [Music] okay I'm sad come here need you to eat yourself oh no it's been fun the first victim is gone I'm sad last one to make it out of the maze if you get if you get hit by a thingy you have to restart and go back through oh God and we have to make it to the end right yeah you have to just you got to make it and get out that's it oh okay are you good okay yeah you're all gonna start out here okay you ready yeah okay don't play remember the way three two one go oh shoot oh I don't know you're not either Goofy oh this sound just left oh there it is no oh we had one fall no it didn't happen please don't be here go back thank you so much another one fell I love you yes oh my gosh yes let's go oh my gosh it's one two three four oh my God right there five sticks we got but you guys oh I gotta get off the maze get off the maze oh another one fell whoever that red is you still got a chance you're not going the right way turn around you're going the wrong way you're talking about the monkeys who's that [Music] I mean he could go the right way you go okay guys don't attack him oh you guys tagged them goofy you can get his content is not that way this way follow me follow me no no no no oh my God hey move your hand Roberto optimiz Mr Bean oh no no it's so good while we're trying to attack him come on you still got it if he gets hit by a monkey s if he knows where to go and then he's got it okay I might have made it through oh it's me John I think John outs and I'm sueded and I'm set up why don't we just do a rock paper scissor tournament yeah yeah we're going to eliminate one person everybody everybody come here come here while we're standing right here Armada stand right here foreign ERS just go wherever you want but the losers come around the campfire okay okay everyone do your magic like just right now okay ready we'll go on three okay okay [Music] you won so you're you're safe Scissors Shoot okay turn around okay okay so toy gun what's over here so basically whoever whoever loses the most like like say if he has paper and you guys both have scissors then he's out all right so it's like that what if he has like block I have scissors he has paper huge discount it's just a redo rock paper scissors shoe ah what so that's two rocks your scissors so that means what that's this is scissors scissors yeah it's the finger always and gorilla attack I always played like paper like this and then scissors I think that's an excuse yeah we'll do rubber scissors if you beat me then you can do it again but if you lose then you're out all right this is this is paper this is paper it won't be one of the scents paper Okay paper yes this is right here we go here we go [Applause] okay so then he's back in he can do it again it's a side effects paper scissors rock paper scissors shoot oh he's dead then it's going on I'm giving him 5 000 if I win okay five thousand that seems pretty not generous what we could do hide and seek well no everyone just changed their color to to Red so everyone stands out Cole is still trying to keep red what yeah I'm red he's like a little yeah he's red yeah red okay well he's okay colorblind Pig okay go hide I'm going inside the others go ahead is this the first person found that's out so I'm coming I already hit my coach hello who are you yes yes okay everyone else can come out now there's so many people making come here right yeah yeah dude I was in here hiding right behind this thing what I went in here bro that's me I went in I went in there and around here okay all right so we got y'all yeah oh my gosh okay so everyone come over here and look how many shiny rocks you have right yeah 5.4 the person with the least amount gets immunity for next round I have 2 700. um I have 4 800. wait how much do you have left 600 0 400. so you have how much something all right spending money on this game oh okay he didn't rejoin it's warmer no laggy right here I have gotten the screenshot and he indeed has 600 training rocks bro he broke his neck chiropractor okay so I'm not here oh my God over here guys over here hi who said you could hey back in the forest what's wrong this is gonna happen rather quickly so once once I'm finished talking you can go okay the last person to equip the nose ring and come back and put it on loses which nose ring the nose ring the only noser the only nose ring I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it got it do I have no we can't wait for him restart his game he wants to restart his game I forgot about that uh wait who is wait no wait who is the other line who is wait was it was it was it no it was it no it was it was Woburn it was red so while we're out right what do we got we got like three people left no we got four because it's cool okay four four okay because he's starting so we're going to the first Whopper um well you're out for now yeah I forgot you had immunity I just completely left my mind okay okay how about this okay you three you guys converse with each other and decide on a game to get the next person out um yeah you know we'll just see the monkey on the Shelf that's okay okay so this is gonna be a bit different than your typical is it laggy over there pretty quests y'all want some copyright free elevator music if it's copyright free I mean you can go ahead this this is this is already out okay you can't touch this there's no touching any walls okay can't touch any walls what you can touch these little whatever these things are you can touch these oh my gosh but no walls and then and then we'll start removing those this is already out though Wait no that's out the whole thing including including the little monkey heads oh so someone can very well get out oh my God safe bro this is scary I don't know why I'm like I'm so nervous bro calls out yeah he hit the he hit right in front of the thing [Music] okay so we have three people left now so we're gonna do a Redemption round three it's a Redemption round we so here you guys yeah you guys can stay there so I did all the people including Cole yeah we're gonna do Simon says oh yeah the last person that's in gets back in okay everybody Simon Says last person to slide down that slide loses go we have walking winning the 100 000 Chinese rocks and for you I think so yeah John was the last so now John is John is completely out now I'm just gonna do it okay Simon Says jump twice Simon Says Simon Says Simon Says get to the top of tall tree okay now last person to touch the ground is out I didn't say Simon Says gone wait he said last person to touch the ground was out yeah I didn't say Simon Says last person Simon Says hey let's go that's crazy all right you guys come together and split up into two teams okay never mind okay so each one of you guys pick one person of your team to go on The Miz I'm good okay whatever this is I trust you are you sure you're not lying to me right now if if one team loses you guys are both out [Music] oh no you have to run but Jinx you have to run now okay I need the two people that are gonna go in the Maze to stand right here this is all you man you're gonna guide your teammates to here and they're gonna get hit by a monkey and they're gonna fall into the thing right underground and the first okay and I'll be I'll be somewhere I'll be somewhere around here right and you you'll have to lead your little little friend towards me to go small do they run yeah they have to go small so it's I'm guiding him to chase you yeah you're guiding him to chase me bro I got you so I'm so you guys you're gonna go in once you once you get in there I'm gonna go somewhere around here and I'll and you guys the first person to touch me their team wins okay you're hiding oh wait no you're just gonna be like I'll be somewhere around the map okay all right ready guys three two one go okay okay just keep just run just run to the end just run to where the coin is your thing man dude [Music] all right you're good I can't help anybody yeah okay let him follow you and and when you get um do you see me go go go follow me follow me he's over there he's this way he's under the ground run yeah yeah take the shortcut take the shortcut run run run run run away you're good bro he's right under your suitcase you're good come on Thunder jinx thank you I'm cheating he's allowed to him they could do whatever they want everyone just don't don't touch me because I'm against no oh yeah less food wins less friends let's go dude let's go hey tiny Facebook dude so guys our last people remaining out of all nine hmm let me just get another brainstorming uh where are they you're gonna like come here bro he just described what I did you can clip out the map by doing this ready wait no what he did it where is he what is wrong with you over here my headset broke right there that would have been that one is wrong with you okay so okay so there you guys are gonna have to do the coolest thing on vines that you can think of and tag John you're just gonna slap him as hard as you can but it's gonna look like a tag right so you're gonna do what you first of all you guys are gonna both take off your cosmetics and change your name and be the same because you're both gonna be red so there's no bias yeah so there's no bias okay John's Gonna Stand um John's Gonna Stand like right there and you guys are gonna start at the bottom of irons and you're gonna have to do the coolest thing you can um like do on vines or whatever that will impress them and slap Jon and and then whoever they vote was the coolest is what happens who is who wins okay challenges yeah it is really weird so wait so okay no talking now raise your hand who wants to go first okay you'll go first you're gonna go down into the tunnel so you can't watch what he did just silently judge okay don't say anything and then we'll get the other person out and you can say stuff at the or just don't say anything okay and then I'll have you split into two sides one for the first one one for the second one okay so you ready uh the first person you're right okay watch you guys ready is everyone up here okay I'm ready three two one go [Music] okay that's that's the first guy now don't don't say anything don't say anything three two one go [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] all right so don't say anything don't say anything so wait if you want to vote for if you want to vote for the first person come over here if you want to vote for the second person extend the end of this you can vote too John um so that's that's first person and that's second person you can just come over here that's sad oh no don't push him off bro that's so mean oh my God okay wait who is who is this person over here who are you it's grapefruit reveal yourself I don't know I think you needed himself I'm blessed bread it's bless Fred what's his name or what where is he where's walber he's done he's dead he's all the way down there I'm sad piggy come here nice I'm putting half of it with I'm sad her you're happy you're 25. I'll do 25 I'm sad 25 bread 50 me [Music]
Channel: TTTPig
Views: 580,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gorilla Tag, TTTPig
Id: ZHD_FYc_gck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 53sec (1433 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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