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again I'm saying it on your face are you like this honey go get a plate of cream cheese and pepper jelly and come in here I'm talking to you just keep your mouth shut so that I could do my work hey you listen here honey don't talk to your elders like that okay can again how's it going everybody this is pierogi again with scammer payback now have you ever been put into the friend zone before I think we might all have but in this video I'm Roy Miller and I encounter a scammer it puts me in the horrors own let's get into it yes I hope I got the right spot because my computer's just locked up now and there's a thing that's up on my screen are you the one who was working on the computer oh when the problem came in plugged in my Apple X because people tell you you can you know plug it into the USB and I plugged it in and it just like froze and then there's you know ESPN it went to something different it was like blue okay alright so for you what is your what is your name honey yeah my name is Kim potentially our support for Windows okay it's Kim Spencer with Windows yes I'm Roy Miller it's good to meet you all right Miller a wildest you are the quickly connecting your computer to the secure service center of Windows then I have to check what kind of problem was coming in the Candida and I'll definitely fix the problem see ok ok how did you learn how to do all this stuff those technicians so I don't know how to get and get it done so I okay all right can you just hold them for a second just please yeah I'll be here do I need to click on anything ok oh my love you I hope you have a good night okay you get some rest now no I was telling my mama she's going up to sleep now she's visiting in town from New Orleans and we just we had a little party at the house we were watching the Atlanta Falcons game and she came over she's just the sweetest I love that woman she's great but she's going up to sleep now she's your mom yeah she's a good name I don't know why I keep doing this all right it'll not work like that maybe you have to try again and again again and again nothing else you can do you tell me about the body no it will not work I'd really like to get this thing to work here I don't think it can you put someone else on here so maybe maybe they can help me out because I really need to get this thing done please you wanted to pick with them appear well no I mean I'd love to speak with you you've got a sweet pleasant voice but is there another website I can go to to get this thing download it or what yeah the same page anything again I'm not good at this it's is this log me and rescue what is this is this right no this is help me not net it looks like I might have something download and hold on let me see here well I don't know honey I know I'm trying to get it it looks like I've got I might have something download it I'm trying to see if this is it or not it says lagu marc has invited you to join a support session yes you click on join session yeah no it's I'm just using somebody elses session to give me a second yes I see it now whose tractor is this machine no it's just it's one of my favorite John Deere fan ok what do you do by the way what's your profession well I told you I'm a subcontractor for a paper mill you don't have money you drop a tracker and what is this right now okay keeps clicking on that yeah they can see I am working on this ya understanding me well I mean I kind of understand but I don't understand you know what is all this at least explain can you at least explain what all this is cool thank you for choosing advanced identity but I didn't choose this no I am getting it you sound so perturbed with me I don't understand you're trying to check my steal my identity you're you know you're on this identities can I do viewers know I'm not good at this what you mean you're not good at this just completed my school I'm not no I cannot do that I don't know how to do that do all that I just know the fixation of the computer okay the only thing I can tell would you please explain would you please explain the steps that you're going through because I either need to read all this or you need to tell me go ahead and tell me what all this is because I'm starting to get a little nervous here so you need to click on next no because to see your computer is completely under your control I cannot just give you the technical steps how to do it you're doing everything off your own so have you seen this kind of problem before any computer I have LifeLock I don't need identity protection I don't understand why you're loading this on my computer is just to check the problems which are there on this computer okay Candida what is it can you explain what this is scanning for you know someone you know stealing my social security number I you are a patient technician I am NOT a technician that's why I'm trying to ask what is going on yeah just keep your mouth shut so I can do my work did you just tell me to be quiet yeah please be quiet goodness gracious I've never been taught this way before I'm sorry if you found offended but you're disturbing me let me just do my work I thought we were in this like honeymoon phase of you being nice to me again and it never worked out I can't I can't talk all the scans are going on thank you how long do these scans typically take maybe half an hour 25 minutes can we please in here can we just start at square one and just start let's pretend like we've never met before let me shake your hand i'm roy miller you're kim Spencer let's just start over okay and let's build let's build something back up let's build the foundation back okay so what do you want me to do I just want us to start as friends again I don't want to have this back and forth where you're upset with me and you're telling me to shut up and all this it's just all the scans going on I want to get to know you you tell me about you what you like to do you know are just single things like that you know we'll just kind of go from there I'm professional person I don't get into all this just let me just do my work just keep your keep my work do my run what do I need to keep please leave we'll leave please leave the computer yeah stop talking so I could do my work okay I'm sorry if you felt offended but I'm not a technical salesperson or support person who would listen to you like this I don't like that are you dare yeah I'm here you told me to shut up I'm not saying anything I don't want to get another slap on the wrist by you maybe you have trust issues or something I don't get it I'm a nice person if you gave me a chance to at least explain myself a little bit you would see the the light at the end of the tunnel can I at least tell you my background of where I'm from my history yeah I grew up in a young a young town just west of New Orleans and my father was a crawfish fisherman and we used to do Low Country rules every weekend and that's where I learned how much seasoning to put into one of them Low Country boils with the corn and the potatoes and the crawfish I learned how to be a man by that now do I know how to do computers no but I got a bunch of dirt under my fingernails and proud of it my mother she is the Diamond Club winner of The Essential Oils multi-level marketing company mm-hmm so I'm very proud of her and the Empire she's built she has taught me how to treat a woman with respect and with love mm-hmm so that is who I am yes that's who I am I'm a man of integrity yeah my might be a little bit Goa but I do have I don't have book smarts but I have street smarts you know is it all real that's what you're telling me because the way you told me sounds real yeah okay alright time working on incubators yeah are you gonna tell me anything about yourself I mean I'll sit and listen no okay you know who you remind me of have you ever seen that movie Mean Girls you remind me of Regina George from Mean Girls the one that was like all the guys liked her and all that kind of stuff and she just had the pick of the litter you know yes right that that's what okay it says no identity traces found what is this oh I click okay what did I do I don't know I believe it's never just God disk and again so how much is this upgrade no nothing that's good I pay so much anyway for this dang computer I'm glad that there's no you know cuffs for any of this kind of spell alright but I'm not able to do anything on this computer it's out of my reach now what do you mean it's out of your reach I cannot do anything like that's what I'm telling you you cannot do anything it says start scan yeah start scan let's see it says no identity traces found what does that do click on ok ok click on ok and then what I click on after that alright so we can't do one thing we all on your lead honey cuz you're a strong confident woman and that's something I really is very attractive to me so you tell me where we need to go and I'll do it ok can you just go ahead and kill this let's click on D type here why is this why is this so small no this is my computer it's a family computer right here you won't be typing in Thai super spy very anti super spyware alright so since the work is done I'm closing it now ok what do you mean the work is done can you please tell me what is going on here we've built a connection here and the least you can do is tell me the truth here's the thing I wear my heart on my sleeve ok alright so I've felt that we made a bit of a connection when I heard you laugh and I I don't know I just felt something there is there is there any chance you know do I have any chance at all I'm done working on a computer about the chance yes there is no there is a big note why is it a big no you have zero chance I've told you everything about me I'm cute I'm like a six out of ten but I have a personality of a 10 out of 10 so you're not even gonna give me a chance huh all right so there is women who would be more interested for her name just give me a second hello yeah hi this Kim yes I am Kim and no I will not be able to do anything for you because we are professionals we don't do anything like that you just said you'd be able to transfer me over her and I can try to work a little bit of magic here all right my sender saying that today is Sunday and you have nothing to do that simply means you're a poor person you have nothing I'm a poor person I told you I didn't have money yeah I'm a poor are you saying that are you gonna put me over to your friend or not you saying that you don't talk to people or person are you don't people I'm in like a lower caste system or something what does that mean I have I have a good personality and I'm a six out of ten so if money is not everything for some people money is everything why are you so ruthless Kim yeah I don't talk to people here's the thing doesn't have it look if if you just come back and give me a chance I do I don't have the money Vivian oh good I'm glad I got you Kim this is Vivian I was my grandson was just talking to me he said he was on the phone with you and you hung up with him I just could you give me a couple of minutes just to see if maybe you would hear me out go ahead okay here's the thing honey he's got a blue-collar job okay but I don't have many many more years left and I'm gonna pass down my my inheritance to him and it's it's an it's in the millions of dollars does that change anything he wasn't talking about the picture movie he show it was Mean Girls Mean Girls I've never seen the movie but that's what he told me and he was he said you were the pretty blonde what else what else in you mean to him but he really was kind of attracted to you and he was opened at least doing something long-term I mean honey I'll pay you to even talk to him again what did you say that you will pay me if I talk to you again no I'll pay you if you talk to my grandson and give him a chance honey if you talk to him I'll send you you know I don't know I could send a cheque or something whatever is the easiest way but I'll pay you money honey all right give me a second just get him out of the friendzone please just give him a chance he's not the best looking he's cute he's like probably a 5 out of 10 just give me a second please hello oh you're back honey thank you for coming back okay well for every minute that I spend on the phone it will cost you somewhere close to a thousand dollars a thousand a minute that doesn't make any sense it's not economical I mean it might not be you know I go through you but that's how much it's gonna be costing you how do you do the transaction I guess that's what my question is you can use your card for that okay hit me a card details we can talk over it so I go onto my bank and send it or what do I do so you can use your card you have a presence or a debit card yes I do I've got one of those okay the girls of its and tell me the details on it there's this Kim I was just somebody else now are you messing with me no Kim excuse me [ __ ] Kim the person he was speaking with earlier all right I'm on my bank account now I told you you can use your card now you listen here and you listen quick okay honey you better be nice down you better give him a chance and you better be nice to him did you hear what I said honey you better write down some years you better write down some notes honey this is not the real Kim I can tell but this isn't telling you this isn't the woman that my grandson fell in love with okay he is smitten over Kim Spencer and this is a Kim Spencer if you're done talking let me know so that I can start talking back okay go ahead then honey I am NOT gonna be taking notes from you yes you are going to be taking this move I did not finish talking so you better listen I heard you I did not disturb you when you were talking now you're not gonna disturb me when I am talking I'm not disturbing you honey if you wanna be needing my help it's gonna be on my ground for the payment it's gonna require a card a visa master closet or a Costco card does that count no it doesn't count okay well hopefully my grandson can rise up from this because he is down as can be can you at least pretend like you like him and just give him a chance and I said first you need to pay and then I will talk to your grandpa so help me the card details okay honey honey go get a plate of cream cheese and pepper jelly and come in here I'm talking to you do I need to go into the other room it's gonna take me a moment if I can go get my Costco card yeah are you about to fall asleep or something my own kids you don't bore me do it hey you listen here honey don't talk to your elders like that okay you listen here and you listen here good okay like I said I'm not a pushover like my grandson is I'm gonna write a strongly worded letter to your supervisor okay it's gonna be in ready and it's gonna be impressive and you're not gonna like it I'll feedback that I the feedback that I write to them okay you better stop with this back to me you know one thing that would be good for your life is if you do not and using essential oils because you sound really stressed honey probably your grandson is are you kidding me you take that back no I just put your supervisor on immediately you know what this whole thousand dollars a minute it's over it's over it's done but just supervised on immediately no I won't you're gonna do about it what do you mean what I'm gonna do I told you I'm gonna write a strongly written letter and where would you send it to to Microsoft in Washington okay honey I know exactly where it is I've been there a couple times an on what name you would be sending this letter - his name is William H Gates Bill Gates he's the CEO of Microsoft okay oh my god and you really think he is going to entertain your and you yes he's going to okay you're gonna get in so much trouble yeah yeah me honey yeah I'd be really sad I'd be extremely scared worst personality I've ever come across yeah exactly what do you think about now I'm not upset at all honey I'm sitting here puffing on my essential oils that's a terrible laugh you sound like kind of like the you sound like Bette Midler though one of the witches from hope good yeah you sound like the wolf yeah yeah but yes snake that's what you are oh thank you you're a terrible person you know that right I think it's okay for people like you it's perfectly okay oh really and you think it's fair to pretend to be Microsoft - huh this is like a song you said yeah my name is Kim potentially our support for Windows you said your Microsoft Windows from the beginning honey and pretend to be Microsoft and fake it and run terrible sorry my computer it can't really put your tune my mom my chair I don't appreciate that you try to take money from my grandson and scam him and pretend to say that there's viruses and stuff on them okay again I'm saying it on your face are you like this you're saying it it is not microphone you're saying it on my face what does that do I hate to repeat myself I'm worried about you you sound like us you sound like a sociopath no you sound like a sociopath hmm hello my grandmother's getting upset here so I had to take over the phone all right what's going on what are you saying to her yeah what are you saying to her [Music] [Applause] [Music] your hands in the air honey that's an amazing was motivation dat imagination what's margination appreciate that well here's the wing honey you early you're probably one of the worst scammers I've encountered in a long time it's really sad what you're doing you need to get a better job it's not very noble no I know I'm not crazy at all you're a scammer and it's terrible personality yeah I've got actually yeah I've got six seven personalities I'll call you with are you high or stone to something honey goodness gracious the level of stupidity coming from you is ridiculous do you think this makes everybody proud what you're doing how you treat people [Music] [Music] and there you have it hashtag poor zone hope you enjoyed that video Kim was absolutely ruthless with me check out some of these other videos you want to keep this thing going we've got some more content on the way here soon thank you so much to love and support
Channel: Scammer Payback
Views: 75,293
Rating: 4.911305 out of 5
Keywords: scam, scammers, scambaiting, pranks
Id: BPlyISMngvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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