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rling away from a a figing through a beautiful pass it's a wonderful Argentina goal the p cut [Applause] [Music] [Music] in chriso [Music] Ronaldo sent in that by bernado Silva and what a start this is for Manchester City it is the perfect start inside that's why he [Music] scores de bruyne and an opportunity that's taken by Manchester City Bernardo Silva gets on the Fantastic confident pass the G ATO United in the mood again here Bruno for Mayu for 2-0 it is just remarkable Mayu starts it here and he keeps running [Applause] on this on the volley brilliant oh what a strike what a creative clever free kick [Applause] [Music] Fernandez theous flick from ö to gwend dozi to bin here's lacazette back to Özil oh that's just a sensational goal from arle Total Football M Merit St and Emir Stadium goes absolutely Aguero with a cute little touch staring that's the second goal again de bruyne makes that initial run for this ball cleverly just ignores this he's offside de bruy here sh really good control build up play again totally in [Applause] control nice l b by Crow spus Junior running through and [Applause] scoring and it's the 14th time [Applause] keeps it on his left of course oh what a ball to kamasi to Messi he could not leave New York without Geor is [Music] saved lias feel they should have had a free kick Lucas Mora now with options in the middle Kane 22 Spurs lightning start to the second half is rewarding the S oh good ball Alvarez that is a magnificent goal that is a truly wonderful free kick right off the training ground de bruy slips it in and it's into the back of the net and the first thing that pet Guardiola does is go straight to the set coach H Wilshire H laaz wow chaby alono jav Alonzo levandowski Lely touch [Applause] Thiago he has struggled for goals of late he hasn't scored in two months of bunes League of football and he's denied by the goalkeeper hits makes the save it stays n Redmond it's going to be a free kick in fact referee happy for Southampton to take it quickly it's Danny and it's a brilliant start for Southampton in this battle between two teams in need Danny y scores again for the Saints and they have a little bit of cat mouth how do you oh and now Kina caught off his line oh what a goal from Lucas salion perhaps inspired by Ben Bender Christian Kina asleep at the wheel that's what the young kids give you sometimes they play without that fear only so that's a lovely back heill and the queing up in the middle that's a fabulous finish it is Sensational it is n Andis with the cheekiest of finishes Josh King rer nicely work straight from the training ground wonderful for former who Tak an early lead as St CH his PA oh Milner that short and asil keep it alive for mland Niles to convert and Arsenal will restore their two goal in [Applause] [Music] Guerrero here it's left for Marco [Music] Roy was testing defense by Guerrera hereit pack him up Castle but Waits flager [Music] and now the keeper giving it away cor yes yes yes Harry KCK he's hided behind the keeper the keeper NY strw the ball on the floor and kic's got that in first half injury time that is brilliant Harry coric that is brilliant my [Music] [Applause] one a three men beat Carol flicking it on for Shelby the flag is up Shelby will continue he puts it in and now they will just check the V what's he given it's a goal it is a goal it's 2N to Newcastle [Music] United hurry Kane [Applause] scores and F for the first time releasing at toall G that is a quite brilliant goal from Manchester United from one end to the other in a sweeping move and [Music] finish rashford nice ball across oh his Greenwood brilliant what a goal rashford on the left hand side lovely little duby from Bruno Fernandez am Mason [Music] Al [Music] and turning it round to Ronaldo it's [Applause] spectacular that's exactly what they brought him back for [Music] [Music] sitting on a brace now you wouldn't put it up past Ronaldo to get the hattick touch battling to get back in front of him but it still as in possession into the box it goes into the tenter it's F and it's wonderful once again heavy Resa at the heart of it on there by Fernandez through kamani what an what a goal that is why he's a crowd pleaser and that's why it's so special the crowds are here to wit thisi might be thinking to take this one quickly it's unbelievable it's a wonderful wonderful wonderful goal Cristiano biragi might have scored [Music] shinho has Ste that one round and tamy Abraham catches watf off guard and that is a finish of perfection I think we've just seen the pass of the Season there by Geor kavv yanchuk looking to get forward but carava goes for it oh what a goal that's astonishing from Alexander kavv and Ukraine have sealed it in remarkable circumstances [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Bing the first Rec card of Allison's career by the way D oh scores and catches Liverpool out well Adrian was setting his wall up well now Brighton will believe Liverpool down to 10 men did [Applause] Cod miners start to go extraordinary 101 [Applause] minutes that F host [Applause] [Applause] Stadium almost full they normally only have the lower section open for lead games comes that corner and all the way in did anyone get a crucial touch and healthy Maria doesn't care [Music] Mane [Music] [Applause] [Applause] leaves it for elich placing short NY wordss faroni H the way and in it goes for Barack [Music] and Arsenal here have made a glorious start a moment Rena complained there was an offside a ren might be wishing there was oh we see will hit the target for bit D it's l oh he's ran up and hit it when no one was ready his first Chelsea goal since his return of course is a Belta [Music] [Applause] and there's no flag this time and ö with a chance to win it it's zel and Arsenal have done it may have scored the winner here tonight [Applause] spe off the ball is in Newcastle possession Bruno kimar it's a first time ball to isach and isak's going forward Walker comes across with him he's in the penalty area he hits the shot into the net it's Newcastle one city one and you have to say that that Counterattack threat was evident before and it's there again what a finish always on the Move Cristiano Ronaldo great feed Cristiano Ronaldo that is stunning absolutely stunning he is still the man Cristiano Ronaldo for Real Madrid what a goal that was there was still a lot of work to be done when Bena fed the ball to Cristiano Ronaldo and he we were talking about heart completed their fight back could be three here oh it is quite brilliant he finishes is s it again two in the space of 5 minutes and chanona getting this m [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] he set [Applause] [Music] [Applause] free appro the 10-minute Mark CH and Hannibal standing over this right hand side deliver got for go he it w God what a way to score your first bluce goal City men de bruyne har 3 Kev de bruyer assist earling harand goal [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] helgerson in the center turn up just brilliantly wonderful skill can he finish no prod up [Music] [Applause] [Music] Johnson times go short instead L the space brilliantly done Jamal musala [Music] stop start an Insidious ball in and it's worked the inventive set piece met by javani [Applause] [Music] [Applause] dorenzo set me free
Channel: 90 Minutes
Views: 95,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wOoQphqd-a8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 2sec (1262 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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