1000 DEGREE METAL BALL vs HYDRAULIC PRESS!! You Won't Believe What Happened...

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we can do better this part actually got me really scared everybody we have bouncy balls we got thousand degree metal balls and as you guys can see here we got a hydraulic press we are going to be comparing the hydraulic press to the 1000 degree metal ball seeing which one's a better destroying sort of destruction device finally when all is said and done we are gonna put back thousand degree middle ball inside this hydraulic press and what we're gonna press it and while I don't know what's gonna happen I have an idea of what's gonna happen it scares me a lot but I'm still gonna do it starting off with the bouncy ball Travis what's up hydraulic press 4000 degree metal ball press hydraulic press all right let's do that what'd you say I did alright that's good we're on the same page let's press the ball let's point this back in the safety spot which is only minor which is really not that safe traps don't hit this with your feet here we go safety Channel look at this that looks like look like little pieces of burrito yeah yes you know I was really scared it was just a hole you can just fly off off possibly cause some harm but Jesus look at that alright well this is uh this is what's left of your bouncy ball I think it still bounces maybe I mean kind of all right next item are you really eating McDonald's right now you know how we're gonna crush it or burn it fire burn oh it's your burn I wasn't eating these I'm on a diet okay okay should we crush the burn it up oh it will touch the madness I totally wasn't actually eating these we're gonna watch cushion that both OH clear the battlefield that's actually effective oh we got some nice turkey mass tonight does my voice sound weird a little bit a little bit I think I look like Bane but I probably just looked like Breaking Bad I don't know what I look like right now just look okay it's a lot of construction going on where we are right now and I'm quite upset about it so if you guys sporadically here [Music] like that just try to ignore that and there's flies in here and it's annoying the we got McDonald's burger wow did I get it I don't dad been away I'm gonna get that fly burner where Travis where's brett-o I hate flies you see that - what I like my buns toasted you know that's pretty cool at all never mind thoughts on the fly land take this Janis Craig I'm trying to film you know what that's cool but it's not that cool let's see what I'm slowly going insane but let's crush the McDonald's burger it's kind of stuck on to this thing the McDonnells donut yeah I never been seen before oh yeah no I'm a pass on that one okay what do you think we should do now oh yeah I think yeah yeah yeah let's do that these are some special dice they're not any you know ordinary squishy dice they have a little bit of squish to them but they're like you know Lucky Charms you know the marshmallows how they're like sugary and kind of hard this is exactly like that oh they look tasty oh did you just oh yeah he did okay so not tasty no we're gonna burn one and we're gonna crush one this is gonna be really good all right ready though comment down below summer you think it's gonna be I'm saying it's a 5 zoom roll what did it even or did it land on 5 mm all right and land on 3 if you commented 3 I'm gonna hurt you comment where is it Airbender when you need one Avenged yeah get some real marshmallows baby oh [Music] no everything's away but there's no fire mm-hmm doesn't take a genius water puts out fire now we have a bigger mess yep why do you let me do these things this is Travis's fault when I was at the store and I bought these I bought it specifically because I was super have to crush it so let's crush it bring two [Music] these comes back I don't know what to do oh my god home ball yeah slowly no that ought to do it what's going on Jesus well what is this this is the world Tongass die dice it's a roll Chagas dice you know what if it's been through all of that it deserves to live let's move on let's move on let's move on oh I thought of guarding the garbage no oh alright not that close move on alright now I couldn't burn everything and put it in the press as well but the next couple of things I think would just be better off in the press we're about to break some myths have you got my papers all wet well maybe do you gonna drop them all okay pick them up have you guys ever heard the myth that you can't pull the paper more than seven times no matter how big it is I think that's actually true but they didn't have a hydraulic press and we do so let's fold the paper seven times one two three four five six what already at six how is this even a myth Oh God Sabbath Sabbath at seven that's seven what is it that's 7.7 is that not seven mmm let me know if that counts guys that it's not flat yeah well luckily I have a machine that might just be able to make it flat come with me not really that far there it is that's what I'm talking about you can't tell me anything is impossible cuz I'll make it possible look at that oh my guys that flat does that paper fold it seven times Inc so you know why you wanna go break yeah let's go for it oh I broke though yeah eight nine ten all right no crushing paper paper is pretty cool or what if you get metal paper aluminum foil tin foil same things right sure metal paper remember the Japanese aluminum foil ball challenge let's do it [Music] where'd it go Japanese aluminum foil pancake challenge that is rock-hard look at that it's like a karate disc I'm not I'm gonna cook it oh you put that there I've seen your flies whoa does me as well finish off the roll that's always that's solid like that's a knife at this point yeah you're gonna hit your hand with a ruler no like back to school uh well big that's what it's like it's a solid piece of metal yeah that's pretty cool you know what else is pretty cool I don't really know the next item is pretty cool I think I really know what it is let's find out Halloween Halloween cool I always liked Halloween Halloween's coming up pumpkins are pretty cool and you know what everybody knows or I traffic is a basic blank and he likes his pumpkin spice lattes I know we all do so Travis is gonna be crushing this one I know it's gonna hurt your soul but we can grab dry it after and then grind it and put it in the latte and then you're gonna drink it at Starbucks but you didn't get it from Starbucks so then they're gonna kick you out of there this may end up not going that well for you homemade always with us yeah let's find out ah doesn't really fit my niece Coby they doing that time you did really yeah here we go now it fits all right Travis really get messy I mean I said no over like cool oh yeah Oh ah yeah okay yeah yeah yeah I do all right not oh okay then I won't keep these oh you don't encourage something out of it first all right now I know we've done a lot of crushing and well I want to get back to burning and I'm looking at my list I got a whole lot of crushing to do before I start burning again so might as well do a speed round you know a speed round I can't crank crushes we're gonna do that let's do it a TV car thing thought it would fly I already broke it yep where the mango oh he fell in awkward position you know they say whenever you fall off your horse you just got to get back on it the same goes with an ATV let's get it [Music] you know maybe he he shouldn't have got back on it he did the splits quite wide in fact he looks like a frog hey good at this is getting good next you get him I don't even think so with you can't stand flies it's like a predator I don't see them but I see this and you know what it's an eyeball so it sees you let's squish it stay still forget your shoe like it I don't know yeah did one down let's crush it Oh Oh who knew they were jelly inside I knew I think we should just move on to the next now this is an eraser it like comes apart in different sections policies is kind of like really cool this pretty cool hey I the seagull is literally laughing at me can't catch a break I know all the medians got names but I forget this one's name I think he's like the lead guy if you know his name comment to John below you'll get a heart [Music] Wow there's nothing there is nothing okay let's find out how strong the Hope really is second maybe I don't see him check it out let's crush the hope [Music] No looks like you got punched by Thanos seen better days turns out the whole cat candy for brains oh yeah kind of sweet smells good you know deep down inside the hooks really sweet and plasticky we got streamers come on see trick yep thought I was gonna do the clown trick where it's like all in your mouth and you know I'm talking about yeah you didn't work out and work out let's burn it wow I really thought that would catch fire oh here we go well that's not very exciting and we have fire that's much easier and somehow it's still relatively okay whoa nothing no luckily I got three jaw breakers okay looks like it actually does kind of look like a jawbreaker inside you know what the ball is still hot Mazal burn the jawbreaker [Music] oh my god you burnt it away all right let's get back to what we were doing yeah pour it out did you can see colors now maybe I would think so oh you want to crash it I do let's crush it glad we had glasses did you think we kind of assumed tell me I thought you knew what you think you're doing it wrong you're having those things couple things couple not that though okay oh oh that's the center oh no it's literally how many legs so you get to the center of it found the jawbreaker but you get the point that is a life hack to get into the center of a jawbreaker then go what is it let's go no way okay now kind of one do that again another one are you're expecting me to say something cool I am yeah I got nothing he's doing the gum pretty much yeah oh it's actually pretty good gum oh I have another cool idea luckily we got one more jawbreaker why is there a plug on your ceiling good but we can do better damn it because I can if you guys are on your phone comment the last three emojis that you used was this one one of them let me know well guess you won't be using that one whoa that's hot this won't be using that one anymore so works it mean it should work right this is the strongest smelling school like oh my god that's literally all I could smell in this garage this is how you know this works no nothing here we go three two one you know it's amazing how regardless of what color it starts off with it always finishes off as brown do you think what I'm diggin mmm yeah we're gonna crush it yeah the best man getting arrested okay Travis okay you crush it okay my man is got a brand new channel you guys need to go check it out we're making a lot of bangers over there like money things like a lot of bangers capital B you know what capital ang bangers I'm so excited you guys it's a brand new channel so if you can't find it links in my description down below the channel is called trap t Rav go get my man a sub and you know what go crush that soap we'll see how that goes why [Music] wow it looks so squishy like under that even though it's not looks like big league chew looks like big league chew what it what is big leecher do kidding okay you never have big league chew that gum you bind like the ball over y'all there ya can know exactly what looks like well it smells great it is alright now guys I am actually being 100% serious this part actually has me really scared I don't know what's gonna happen when you crush a 1000 degree metal ball under a hydraulic press it could explode that's why we've created a pulley system sort of thing where I'm gonna hide but if something happens in this video I've gotta make sure that before I do I have to give a huge shout out to all the members who signed up with the joint button and are helping support this channel thank you I love you so much to those major people are boom right there Bridget Jones and boom right there is Jasmine Quinn thank you so much guys these two are real ones and guess what they both have YouTube channels go check them out a cake you shout out to them go comment on their latest videos just Dustin sent me if you guys wanna shout out my next big boom click the join button or click the link in my description down below it you know if you got an Android it doesn't always show up but without further ado this is the time of that video where things get even crazier than the craziness you've already witnessed let's heat up the ball let's get the press ready let's do this [Music] I think we're good what do you think happened who stood hopefully please be squished oh my god look you'd actually squished it though and then the metal is flaking off yeah look at the metal flakes off hold on guys actually this does look exciting but I am so happy of this outcome one of two things were supposed to happen either this or this cooled it down as you can see the bottom is nice and flat look boom lays flat boom lays flat lays flat okay so thankfully I survived another one of these videos if you guys want to see more Boom Boom down my two latest videos and you guys know do they know they know what I'm squishing thousand-degree metal balls or not I always like to leave on a high note that went alright we made it
Channel: JustDustin
Views: 2,027,563
Rating: 4.7086291 out of 5
Keywords: hydraulic press, hydraulic press vs, 1000 degree metal ball, 1000 degree metal ball vs, hydraulic press vs 1000 degree metal ball, experiment, giant, line x vs hydraulic press, 1000 degree, you won't believe what happened, science, line-x vs 1000 degree metal ball, justdustin, what happens when
Id: lTRfx7QAkYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 29 2018
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