100 ways to Kill Alphabet Lore Letters!

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have you heard the joke about the skunk ah never mind it stinks guess what Squidward [Music] go back to my torture device if you enjoy this video and you want to see more like it smack that like button and subscribe if you're new it's free I'm yellow so today we will simply be trying to find the best and most effective way of dispatching letters I've had enough it's time for them to go I was stuck in his head oh very not I think he's fine stop you've done your fit are those his teeth where is deep like that as you can see we're off to a great start I had the evidence like pit oh and I won't be stopping at adult letters today they're all getting it get in there oh almost feels wrong but it feels so right uh how will he do hey no he screamed is that blood what is oh no now I feel bad where's his teeth I think we smashed his teeth out or they they were in his eyes he's fine oh don't worry about it you know I've kind of always wanted to do it to this look at his face he's too cocky get him sore he's got a lot of Health it would appear oh there it is oh it's better than I'd hoped for he's wriggling is he Daddy yeah all right and he might be excuse me oh no he's dead for sure oh and I'm not stopping at babies or regular letters we've also got the cursed ones I'm gonna try and stick this one through a fan no don't pull me in ah you know maybe if I stand behind and pull him this way will that work all right you're going in you yes we said please would you mind he's just too big oh it worked oh look at him oh he's still got some life in him was he always this big so gross like a giant alien there's the foot I do think that maybe this fan was designed for babies though oh no it's happening again oh but I'm safe I'm safe the baby see you later again oh no why do I keep doing this to myself I think I managed to wedge him in we're safe where's he gone it's blasting off again what is going on where is it all right here's a regular Ram I don't even know if he's he's gonna fit down this hole he's almost perfectly sized for it let's just give him a little a nudge see how he goes oh oh I've fallen in oh but I'm fine I don't know how I'm gonna get out wiggling the easiest way to get out is to die all right what's next oh I forgot to turn the fan off no no no no no no no no no no no that's enough Guillotine F's been a bad boy uh these are maybe too big we might need the baby or we could just try his wedge he doesn't have a body maybe the baby will oh the baby [Music] oh God he's attacking me from the beyond the grave all right turn it on oh my god what have I done look at his eyes why does he look like that from mine what I kind of like it it's one who I can think of might be perfect for this and that's tea especially if we oh it's oh it's it just it worked out perfect it was Destiny it was Destiny is he in the bucket oh did you hear the squelch again he's got that shark skin he's he's too thick can't get through it there's only one thing for it Chuck him in the incinerator you two pick get in there get in there oh he's in looking nicely now for the crusher we need to stick someone in here hmm oh my gosh the walls are already coming in baby D will he survive how long will he survive I've given him a friend to keep him company well as you can see he's slowly taking damage we'll be back to check on his Progressive day but up next I want to blend some letters I'm feeling like a nice mixture could work we got super letters we got a baby we got a regular letter and an evil letter now we simply turn it on how will it blend ah D died first oh vanished the Baby D type did I do or was it a b the snake's gone in the pit snake pit no one no one survived at all how's the snake doing how are you doing diva dead no he's still alive I can't just stop at one blending session I need another j k m blandom oh he died then Jay then Emma now they're all just sort of mashing around what sort of smoothie will we get or will it just be alphabet super oh Jay's just been flung out by the butt M's out K wins he wins the spin Royale I'm not sure what he wins Payne you okay look at his butt why is he so pink ah you dead yet he's still alive well that gives me time to take first e to The Mangler we're gonna mangle him see what happens will he die I reckon he will give him a second oh he's dead and there he goes oh that was kind of disgusting mean X oh I'm supposed to go down let me in the hole cool I want to see ease body wait what happened where is his body this calls for investigation I'm going down but he's not in there he's still alive so I'm going to repeat the experiment and immediately try and go down the hole so we can witness oh the hole was already open we can now witness the the the the manglin where does he go what happened he doesn't come he repeat experiment oh there he is okay his body's been chewed he's so is he stuck is he going down he's going down slowly there you can just see him what happened I think he's stuck oh my gosh what's happening oh he's fully I think he's okay that's how we put him in the middle wait for the stream there it is there's the scream go down okay this time he's definitely going down and he he just vanishes what what kind of Witchcraft is this I must sit and think in my dungeon You're Dead Yet Dennis is almost dead okay now we wait gonna be worth it trust me he did level corpse this whole time fail to all now's not your time snake I shall repeat the experiment but with hate he has a ghost form so I assume once it's once he gets squished what happens to the ghost the only one way to find out stick him in and we begin the waiting process back to torturing this I'll stick Baby J in the hole you stay there lasers Don't Mind If I Do cursed I will it do any damage to him yeah it shot him in the butt but I don't think it did any damage I'm pretty sure this thing would kill me yeah not him he's not made of the right stuff it vaporizes only bananas but that's fine because we have Alternatives such as this giant hammer we left the hammer we released the hammer hit him in the butt he's not dead he's gross all right this time massive swing huge swing surely dies surely no a thousand times big swing oh God he's got so much life big swing to the front big swing to the back big swing to the front big swing to the back we're getting there Lads he's dying oh my that was a big one that was huge okay one more oh and we got him in the front that works nicely okay he seems fine I wouldn't worry about it what's hang on oh it's disgusting oh it's like those fruit things you pull you know the stretchy gummy fruit winders ah now that needs to go in the hole no one can look at that disgusting oh all right now for the squisham hammer you stay there sir well I pick victim M Baby M with the two release the hammer and Funk and one more bolt another box how many bunks will it take comment below how many how many bottles is that five six seven bunks 11 12 it took 12 bunks to M to die did you guess right was it worth it baby child now our next device is is a wait you're dead now our next device is a wind chamber so if we pop inside I've selected some nice letters including p f v q and K now unfortunately to actually do any damage to them you kind of need some body so we're gonna get in a couple of extra Q's in here oh sorry sir who should do it and then we just turn on the wind and the cues they should start flying where's the other one going the other one stuck underneath the other queue he sat on it why does that look like a human foot I always do the thing F's on the Move look at Q go it's like he's screaming this is the fastest I've ever seen him move he's just vibing anyone taking any damage they are but it's ones and twos cue who you've let the side down but for now let's just uh let's just make the more bodies turn it back on and see what kind of mess we get nobody come out feel like a nuclear physicist waiting for the atoms to do what happens if I go in there ah such violence look at them oh that's so cool it's gross but it's cool I'm going in again and let me check on H you're dead yet oh he's dying 2 000 left let us wait for his demise a few more seconds should do it what will happen to the ghost will he even come out he came out the body's now there but now the ghost is he's just he's holding back the wall because the ghost has even more Health now we wait for the ghost to die but there's plenty more to do you need to stop spinning you're a safety hazard now for the big fist who's getting it I'm really sorry sir but it had to be you it just had to is he gonna die oh release oh my gosh he's fine don't worry about it you didn't see anything again cursed B squish them look at his teeth is he okay these are the Rigamortis is set in why is he floating um hit him again again is he going are you okay can I he's very light is he a ghost what happens if we put one of the combinations like g-u-n under the fist will it release the letters it's just killed it all right but for science the calf it barely fit but we're gonna do it anyways squish them got you got him did it oh if that one worked they released the letters but then B got killed because B was under there and uh season the days in the Fist and sees in the wall get out of there right they've seen too much you get them both at the same time is it enough see he's propping it up he's fighting but he's dead now I've got a nice Q corpse over here I kind of want to put it through The Mangler excellent right through the butt oh that looks like he's needing dough anyone hungry for a sandwich what happens if you do it to one that's alive just sort of uh lobotomy you okay sir are you taking damage I can't really see his help where's your health are you dead already oh no there it is he's dead now oh don't come near me well those are still going at it got a nice bit of room in the spiky Mangler for maybe another letter we've got a curse a h and J's at the back with his weird bum we're gonna turn it on see how long it takes to kill him have a guess it didn't it didn't kill him did you guess it didn't we go again yep get up this time for sure there's too many lives it's still alive will it be three times third time's the charm oh it killed James but H survived and AIDS somehow he's just dead he's the winner oh he's trying to escape he's I've seen what happens in here is that me honey no way nobody escapes oh god wow he kind of came off worse to be honest although hey keep trying to get out you're dead boy today we go again I'm so evil Jay's trying to escape all right now we go check out our ghost you're dead 8 000 Health to go plenty of time to push them and let us off the building he's a super letter so surely he survives the fall only one way to find out oh hang on there he goes how would he do Willie live B for victory oh my the launch Holy Moly when flying I'm not sure that one's dead is he gonna drag himself to the hole oh that would be excellent you you keep doing that this next one will make you ask I don't know I just needed to will it even fit oh there he goes we're going with him oh is he oh he's like a nice cushion he cushioned my four thank thank you kindly I wonder if I push baby H down here with a ghost say yep his body's gone the ghosts here send the ghost as well there's two of them they're on their way down is it possible to tell the difference they I think they look the same form together door relax hey another spiky let's put a snake in it have a good feeling about this this one goes out to all my hufflepuffs I've ever had a bad time with a Slytherin you dying snake ah it's taking a minute big skin in it and he's finally gone down he goes oh he's oh he's broken the machine with his r with his tenderness he's wrapped around it no get down there get down what's even down there um please don't break the game silly snake no we missed the the big reveal ah I think it just killed him to be honest the bodies just came out you know what I'm a man of science we'll do it again you two get out of here but we'll give him a head start by just killing that one now we just got a ghost and in the meantime the Catapult and the cannon and you know who's perfectly shaped like a cannonball well um maybe not perhaps if I shrink him a little bit you gonna fit in there queue one more there oh look at him he's perfect I'm gonna shoot him at the wall and see if he goes spot we close the cannon the cannon goes what happened again we'll see from the this looks like he's fine I think he might need to be dead that I can't help him all right well we'll just get we'll get a fresh one we wedge him in the back like this is he in there don't get stuck in the walls now we'll just give it a go let's see if it works he's kind of sticking out the back did something happen where's he gone I think he might have gone somewhere is that him kill him I blinked and I missed it this part of the video is called seven q and account is he it I think he's in we fire go no I work magically all right now we can stick him in this thing open open oh we need to put him in before the spikes you know we'll give him a rest we'll let baby a take the the fall on this one uh spikes for you sir you want some spikes oh from the bottom and from the sides they got him he screamed he's dead that was kind of brutal oh my goodness our next device is this uh big spiky wall we're gonna call a spiky wall and we simply push the baby letters off and see if any of them get stuck or we'll just go straight to the bottom dying with I I think it's the first time eyes died today he's too small to kill that that might be why he's a bit light that's fine okay you're up next K went down K screamed well okay get stuck K made it to the bottom up next is l l is long so I think could get stuck the eye has come off it's gross but I'm pretty sure L made it too L is not for loser today L is for lying in the dirt I am so sorry what happens if we put I in a trap machine I think and then if we release the trebuchet would I go I just got thrown into the ground I'm sorry lad and so we finally get to see what happens to the ghost there it was he made a ghostly noise and he got squished open reveal the body was it worth the wait I don't know let me know in the comments now the final challenge is going to be to try and kill Titan Z with the cannon get your big donut butt in there we're gonna use all the fodder we can you're too big you just do someone smaller I and see and and then you dead a all right nice that's three bullets his health you can see is it 15 960. we're gonna fire the Canon player it worked did it did it do any damage it was your health he still has 15 960. it did not work look at those eyes well there you have it let me know in the comments which is your favorite torture device I think I might know and if you've enjoyed this video and you want to see more like it smack that like button and subscribe if you're new it's free and I'm yellow what
Channel: JustJoeKing
Views: 202,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 ways to Kill Alphabet Lore Letters!
Id: FAuG4Ys2pWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2022
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