100 Vintage Baby Girl Names from 1921 - wow i'm in love with sooo many of these! SJ STRUM

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hey guys welcome over it's baby monday i hope you are good today's list is a long one i've got a hundred names because i just couldn't narrow this list down i think that we should do it together actually we should pick our favorites together and then we'll see from the majority of likes which are our top five to ten girl names on this list girls this week boys next week and those are the top red names from 1921. so vintage names have this kind of cycle so many of these i'm desperate to get your opinion on there's so many that i absolutely love love love love love um it's actually made me you know when you find a name that you love and you know you're not gonna use it i'll get it across it's a really weird reaction and i'm like oh no um missed it so yeah i will get on with the list this is taken from the office of national statistics for england and wales is how they used to do it if you're on the american version of this i found it on appalachian mountain it's an amazing name website you i talked about loads at the beginning of this series because it's one of my all-time favs and so you can go over there and she has done the american list i will link it below but these were the british names so if you're having a baby in the 20s you might want a 20s name i was thinking what a brilliant way of bringing it back so the number one name for sure this is going to get super popular is named margaret and yeah i just i fall in love with margaret it's one that's kind of like ah i just think it's stunning um i had margot on my list and that's boomed up the chart i think that with the popularity of the crown are you watching that princess margaret's become like a real popular and he's a character popular royal um funny enough i'm not really watching the crown i'm allowed to say that um but i was born in princess margaret hospital that name of my hospital i was born in and i was brought up in stratton margaret that was the area so i'm really kicking myself that i wasn't ahead of the curve with margaret because i think it is lovely it does suffer a little bit with nicknames but i thought about that i've over thought about that um and i was thinking maybe gigi is what i would go for or obviously margo you could go for and number two is the name mary so still around quite popular now but most of you use it more for like a middle spot joan at number three so a lot of these i was thinking what we do now is we add the ie and we're quite into the nickname names that's the sort of trend at the moment so it'd be like joanie so see if you think these are two old-fashioned see if you prefer them with the ie ending or if you want to be proper vintage quirky out their name then go with the full form because that's not being used as much like number four joyce i think is gorgeous i think he could definitely use it joyce on a little girl because joy again is sort of creeping up through those middle spots charts and then it normally jumps to first um but joyce i think is a lovely one really like it dorothy is number five it was number five um back in 1921 yeah stunning name i was with my first name crush when i was little my mom tells me that i used to only let only answers she called me dorothy for a while so i obviously really like dorothy and my um dorothea is really popular and that's my niece's middle name so we did have a listen dorothy somewhere in our family kathleen is at number six and these sort of een endings i can't think of a modern one if we've got morgan lying doing adeline um but um lean seems to be lost there's kathleen doris at number seven i wonder how many of you think that you could go with doris for a first name i feel like doris at the moment it's like a cat's name like a car's name because it's got that quirky vintageness to it doesn't it doris i'm sure i know a car called doris um but doris day you know one of my all-time favorites so i think it is really really wearable and really pretty looking written down like that then there's irene at number eight kathleen irene and um yeah the number nine is elizabeth so again another royal elizabeth and margaret i think that elizabeth is going to continue to be popular and i think that we more go with things like lizzy libby like eliza is more popular than elizabeth but i think the full form again i do feel like there's going to be this counter trend now from going from the nicknames back to the full form elizabeth so beautiful eileen is it number 10. so eileen and irene um are just such like you know for me they're kind of like they're not even grandma names they're more like oh i guess they are i guess they're like teacher names type of thing like we were doing my teachers names um i don't know if they ever come back into fashion what do you think do they sound quite vintage cool to you or are they still just kind of like a bit like you know my teacher next door and number 11 is betty which is already back with a bang obviously it's another derivative of elizabeth um but definitely got its vintage vibe cool already and then jean at number 12 jean do you think that will come back in marjorie is it 13. and then when i left with gladys at number 14 i think gladys is gorgeous and it's got kind of like modern virtue vibes doesn't it with like you know joy and gladys i think it is like one that a lot of you might really like if you just say it and take it out of any other context of it kind of being an older lady's name gladys um gladys knight of course it's just a really really pretty lovely name doreen is at number 15 doreen um and then vera at number 16 which i started to think i really really liked you know think about all the names that are popular like olivia evie ava why not vera like it is actually really beautiful and with vera lynn and being such an arena we all really got behind when virulent passed away in this year this pandemic here don't talk about the pandemic um for the 1920s what a way to bring the 1920s vibe into your name with the name vera after virulen um so i thought i can see that being a bit of a breakout star maybe we could add it in our list if enough of you like it pop it below lc is at 17 already back with a bang i know loads of little elsies barbara is at number 18 and then winifred at 19 and this is again one of those winnie and we love as a nickname winifred she could be freddie as well which is like the boy name is girl name so cool my neighbor's little girl is called freddy and i've also got a boy called freddie not obviously but i do um so winifred i think could be up there on a lot of your lists if you're looking for a really strong vintage name you can play around with that's a really great one edna at number 20 edna they're hard those d sounds the d sounds but we do love them they're coming back in like this year we saw dana go in we saw delilah shoot up the charts and ada so the d sound is kind of really appealing to modern parents so um edna maybe is a bit still out there but what do you think and then audrey and number 21. so audrey always was french to me so i'm lovely to see it back in 1921 it was quite popular at 21 um in england and wales audrey and i think it's absolutely lovely i think it's one of those that it's got that vintage vibes everyone knows how to spell it audrey hepburn it's got so much going for it and it's a little bit underused in my opinion so if that could be a good sneaking one for your list i'm just reading these off my laptop for you whenever i keep looking down at the floor um next up is edis so i really like edith i think with edna maybe a bit strong edith is really really gorgeous and really really works as well for a modern day and it's right ahead of florence which is so popular isn't it still lovely to see florence on this list from all those years ago as a loving nickname flow but i do feel like with florence you're gonna have a very popular name there'll definitely be a lot of florences in their class and things like that i know tons of little girls for florence so you could go a bit quirkier and at number 24 next to florence is phyllis again i think this is one that looks really pretty when you see it written down it's got such strong kind of like old lady vibes to it phyllis but you think about felicity went into the top 100 for the first time last year you're not going a million miles away from that with phyllis what do you reckon what do you think lillian is at 25 which is gorgeous a really lovely long form for lily if lily is just too popular for you lillian perfect and hasn't really got the popularity then it's hilda that's a really strong one isn't it hilda 26. hilda does seem difficult for a tiny baby doesn't it um hilda but again i can see with like you know matilda is really a popular hilda um could be like a quirky choice for some of you olive and number 27 and then annie at number 28. and this sort of captured my heart i know it's a really common name annie but we don't use it so much there's not i don't know i don't think any of the kids have ever had an annie in any of their schools or their classes or their clubs or anything so um it's that number it was at number 28 back in 1921 it feels so vintage and i love the movie annie i'm going to watch that with the kids today actually um so yeah i feel like that is a contender violet at number 29 still super popular alice at number 30 which isn't as popular as you'd imagine considering it is like that beautiful disney movie and everything alice um so vintage really really lovely it was kind of on our list i'm sure at some point alice patricia at 31 and ivy at 32 which is going up through the ranks i know some of you are gutted about it because it's been on your name list for so long um perfect for christmas obviously ivy uh but it is storming up the chat i wouldn't say it wouldn't put me off don't don't change displaying just go iv why i don't do ivie or anything like that just go with it if you love it you will always love it it will never be something that doesn't bring you joy to be honest and names bring so much joy didn't they what about muriel at number 33 muriel um i think that's so adorable imagine a little girl um called muriel it's quite hard to say isn't it and obviously the movie um which i loved you're a terrible muriel do you remember that i loved that movie um but yeah i think again it's one of those quirky ones and then iris at number 34 which i think will keep rising you know the goddess of the rainbow as well and with the rainbow symbol for stay home stay safe and everything during the nhs um and pride and everything like that rainbows are so symbolic for so many of us so i think iris will keep getting popular and it's irish from the holiday christmas movie so for christmas evelyn is at number 35 hate it no my daughter is called evelina which is a scandinavian version of evelyn and quite old-fashioned as well so there's not so many younger evelinas in sweden from my understanding a peggy is peggy a nickname for margaret as well isn't it i've got it i'm gonna have to have like two little dogs with margaret and peggy catherine is at number 37 ethel at 38. what do you think of ethel it's probably a bit of a love hate i really like it again i have ethel in our family my cousin married an estonian girl called ethel and they say attel which is so pretty isn't it so it gets pronounced and then beryl is next to that so ethel i feel like i could see the beauty in it beryl and probably some of you can't see the beauty and ethel but beryl to me i'm not too sure i'm not too sure i can get behind it but i don't know you you mind it's all very subjective gwendolyn is at 40 isn't that pretty gwendolyn and then ellen at 41 sylvia at 42 and we have a new little silvie here in our community baby born just this week little baby sylvie so congrats do pop birth announcements below and actually this week on my instagram which i'll link below i shared some of your baby names over there so if you don't follow me on both go over there because i did your little baby names from the game we're gonna do a few more to keep celebrating our baby names here um but the sylvia love like sylvia plath i think it's gorgeous sheila at 43 and then rose just by itself rosie is our most popular derivative of rose but there are so many other um that but we just pop it in a middle spot quite often like matilda rose isn't it everyone's got rose in the middle um so we should play around with it a bit more and then constance at 45 which again hands down one of my faves from the list constance with a nickname connie i just think it's lovely i love virtue names like that and i think that you're staying steady and there's constant love it just got so many lovely vibes to it constance um i'm loaded about that as well now francis at number 46 i like the name frances for boys and girls i really am into it because i know a few frances and they're all so nice like lovely people i love the nickname fran um as well at 47 it's lily which has endured the test of time hasn't it and at 48 is frida which i know a lot of you like so that's a good spot for a d isn't it obviously i've got then that she could be freddie as well couldn't she is nickname so i've got freddy so i wouldn't have gone with frida but i do know a few fridges and i just think really nice nice to see it being used then i loved this one at 49 is the name marion like made marion um that kind of goes under it doesn't it marian so pretty um very unusual i like you know like um rather mary than marry like it's kind of pretty isn't it marion i think that is a bit of a gem in this list that we found from these are the top names from 1921 and at number 50 is nancy um which again i really really do like and i know that some of you or and also somebody i know in real life were struggling to get this past their partners so i wonder again if it's a little bit divisive i think nancy's really genuinely cool name the nickname nam i also think is really quirky um so i think it's really wearable but i wonder if it's a bit hit and miss grace is at 51 and then beatrice sarah at 53 i'm sarah jane um that's funny how that must have gone up and up and up um because it was so popular wasn't it i'm not that i was born in the 20s um agnes at 54. gorgeous really like it um ness as a nickname am i selling this to agnes with ness or nessie um maybe that's a bit look messy um but i really like it and i was thinking about it it was a show wasn't it about selfridges the the shop must have been set in the 20s and the shop assistant was called agnes i loved that show i was really really into it it's unusual for me because i don't watch stuff really religiously like that but that show mr savage i was so into and she was agnes so if you were thinking about it then go back and watch that show um and it will make you fall in love with it ruth at 55 may which is like you know again middle spot heaven for most of us may everyone wants a short syllable middle spot and then nora at 57 which i think is gorgeous and nora's on this list twice this one without the h and again with the h so i wonder i mean for me it just seems like i don't think it is really popular now but i know a lot of nora's um maybe because of that i don't need them in real life on instagram it's a kind of instagram name isn't it nora and i know norma um nora i think it's stunning really stunning and i worked with a girl called nora and you always remember the name it's very kind of like standout but simple so i think it's a really really great one on this list as well brenda at 58 jessie at 59 which is one of the only nickname names on here jessie um and then pamela at 60 pam that's kind of gone hasn't it next to anne um helen at 62. a lot of you really like the name helen and helena it comes up on a lot of your kind of suggestions that you really like it helen um very kind of classic isn't it and then marie at 63 mabel that 64's already had its revival again i know a lot of you gutted about it but yeah it's already back with a bang so maybe go with some of the others on this list and then eva 65 maria ruby doesn't strike me as a 1920s name ruby um so it's kind of interesting to see that at 67 and then nelly at 68 which i think is a great choice if you like ellie ella those sounds and you could think about going nelly because it's got that 1920s connection which is cool um but it is kind of rising through the charts but it's really lovely and i really like nell as a simple middle spot as well as opposed to say bella you could have nell who's nelly um i think it really really works it's such a lovely one hazel at 69 is the kind of the same i think as a replacement for say olivia if that's too popular for you hazel they seem really similar to me it's obviously like nature name and it's got the color vibes too as well that color is so popular isn't it that kind of hazel brown um am i wearing hazel brown a little bit in my dress my contrast dress um so yes it kind of feels very now emily is at 70 which is still in our top ten josephine um at 70 world i do love jc as a nickname and actually my daughter's made her own little best friend at preschool who's called josie which i'm quite happy about and then daphne at 72 i find this really fascinating because i remember my friend she was picking her names and she was like i really like the name daphne and i thought it was terrible at the time this was like when a few years ago i was like oh and she ended up choosing lynnea and i was like much preferred it floral name daphne obviously being a floral name and now i love it so it's kind of funny isn't it i do think there's something sometimes it just takes a couple of years for a name that cyno seemed a bit unwearable to suddenly be like top spot like mabel even years ago we'd have been like oh mabel um but yeah daphne for me falls into that jane next to that daphne jane actually sounds quite good in dj um ada at 74 fastest rising most popular girl name from last year um thanks to peaky blind as we think pauline um and enid which you would imagine is more popular than it is i've looked at this name before and always expected it to have quite a big um usage but it doesn't as much as you would imagine enid gertrude is at number 78 don't know if i could get on board with gertrude but i love gertie as a nickname i think he's absolutely adorable rita at 79 which is quite again a little unsung hero like rita ora um you know rita is actually quite a lovely name isn't it but don't really hear it so much june at number 80 which i love as well we've kind of got more juno which is kind of like a god name goddess name which we really like but jun you know you think about all the all the months days of the week did you see actually that um uh ron from harry potter i know that's not his running had a little girl called her wednesday that was really cool rupert grinch congrats to them a little daughter wednesday but june yeah like with may june january april all those names we like them stella um is it number 81 and then the second spelling of nora then mavis i love that i made this and actually when i do baby in consultations with you guys um which i'll be giving away every single monday for the rest of the month not this one from december i'll be giving away a free baby consultation to anyone who can enter um but maybe a lot of people say like i like ava eve or they like mabel or they're after a nature name and i always end up recommending mavis to so many of you because it's a bird um it's so special i think it's lovely with the s at the end and maeve has boomed um and mavis actually is a kind of really sweet i can just imagine a little girl called mavis like a cute little guy i think it works so well is that you have to always when you say the name like this you think of a certain picture in your head think mavis think cute little girl and it just suddenly like really works he's just like actually it is adorable mavis um i'm going to see it and probably have done a pinterest pin on mavis just sell it sell it i'm not going door-to-door with mavis thelma is 84. um mildred is at 85 mildred um that's a tough one with the d sometimes can sound so strong can't it with two ds and then bridget at 86 which has really kind of stood the test of time i love him i love bridge it's the nickname bridget jones i feel like i need a movie day monika is 87 that is my mother-in-law's name and i think with the revival of friends has re-watched friends in lockdown this year and younger generation getting so into friends friends is everywhere again isn't it so i wonder if monica and rachel were thinking probably going to have a big surge again because we're so swayed by what we watch daisy is 88 against the test of time and eleanor lillian alma at 91. i love it i think it is so gorgeous if you're looking for really vintage vibes i know it's quite used around europe so let me know what country you're in but not saying used here in the uk anymore um but i know that a lot of you guys love it we have talked about it before so if we're having a little girl or didn't we having it pop alma on your list play around a bit like i do think names have to live with you for a bit it's hard to be struck by lightning by a name sometimes you have to really like um spend time with it to really really like it lucy is at 92 really again one that's been around for a long time dora at 93. um christine 94 maureen all these moorings irene's that really has i'm going to have to really think about if that's come back have a look through my current list janet at 96 i quite like i feel like that's i've got quirky vibes to it now janet rosemary i think this is really bang up to date actually from rose being such a popular middle spot mary obviously was number two back in the 20s rosemary's got the perfect vintageness but it's very garden you know we're very into garden names at the moment like sage basil outdoor naturey type of names foodie names but rosemary top pick for me hannah is at 98 i always think it's such an unsung name i know it's quite popular still hannah but it's one of my favorites i know quite a lot of hannah's um which is why i never sort of chose it because one of my really good friends is called hannah um so it'd be like i'm picking a name like naming my child after you and not my other friends but um i've always thought it's so pretty i love it really really gorgeous one sybil at 98 which i've got to do i love it sybil i just think you know if you like belle um and things like that and wondering like bella and stuff um or even sylvia we talked about earlier sybil works so well and again it's one of those perfectly timed i feel get in there quick with cybill so i think it will start going up and then the last one at number 100 of the 1921 baby list is amy um which yeah just is a really sweet name a bit like emma um those sort of very sweet names that sort of stand the test of time i think will be around forever on our list so i hope you liked that list as i said i think we should try and put together our own selection together from the full hundred want to give you the full hundred so there's you can play with it so let me know your top one i know i say top one and everyone's gonna do their top ten but whatever is at the top that's what i'm gonna count up and i'll make our own list of the top five say top 10 1920 girl names that we think are going to come back for 2021 um and the boy name list version will be up next monday so do hit subscribe do hit the notification bell if you've got tons of new stuff coming up don't forget those giveaways throughout december those will be starting next week and enjoy your week stay home stay safe say hi in the messages below i'll be down there chatting as well bye guys
Channel: SJ Strum
Views: 193,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baby names, vintage girl names, sj strum, vintage names, vintage baby names, baby girl names, baby girl names unique, baby girl names 2020, rare girl names, old baby names, olden day names, unique girl name, different girl names, baby name list, baby name ideas, rare vintage names, girl names, 100 names, popular baby names, pregnancy, names i love
Id: -qUNo3tgI4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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