100 QUESTION MEGA QUIZ | The best 100 general knowledge trivia questions from my first 50 videos.

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[Music] hi this mega quiz is 100 of my favorite questions from my last 50 videos so sit back relax and enjoy the quiz here we go what is a female donkey called is it a sue a jenny or a claire [Music] and the correct answer is a jenny which grows the fastest fingernails toenails or hair [Music] the correct answer is hair how long does it take to hard boil an egg two to three minutes four to seven minutes or ten to twelve minutes and that one is my most argued about question so if you don't agree with the answer let me know why in the comments down below and the correct answer is 10 to 12 minutes [Music] what color is sunset on mars is it blue red or green [Music] and the correct answer is blue [Music] what is this species of tree called is it a camphor tree tamarind tree or dragon tree and the correct answer is dragon tree what does the bridge of size in venice link a hospital hotel monastery and brothel or palace in prison [Music] and the correct answer is a palace in prison what flavour is the drink kirsch did cherry orange or anise [Music] and the correct answer is cherry what type of rock is the great sphinx of giza carved rock is it limestone sandstone or marble and the correct answer is limestone what is the mona lisa painted on canvas paper or wood and the correct answer is wood who sold louisiana to the u.s in 1803 was it king george iii napoleon bonaparte or jefferson davis [Music] and the correct answer is napoleon bonaparte what does the word terracotta translate to is it baked earth red pot or clay pot [Music] and the correct answer is baked earth in which sport can you win the stanley cup sailing football or ice hockey and the correct answer is ice hockey which of these is the hottest the sun's surface lightning or lava and the correct answer is lightning which of these is the coldest on average the arctic himalayas or antarctica [Music] and the correct answer is antarctica what does karate literally mean is it empty hand punch and kick or the way and the correct answer is empty hand what is this traditional english dish called is it frog in the bog toad in the hole or sunken sausage and the correct answer is it's toad in the hole what is april fool's day called in france is it april dogs april cats or april fish and the correct answer is april fish in golf which of these would be the lowest score a birdie an eagle or an albatross and the answer is an albatross what is the most common blood type in the world a b or o and the correct answer is oh in 1763 what did britain swap havana for with spain was it for five ships a hundred cannon or for florida and the correct answer is florida which sport uses the biggest field polo american football or cricket and the correct answer is polo how often is there a full moon is it every 21 29 and a half or 33 days and the correct answer is every 29 and a half days which part of a platypus is venomous it's bill leg spurs or tail and the correct answer is it's leg spurs what's the largest planet in our solar system is it saturn jupiter or uranus and the correct answer is jupiter on which continent are the atlas mountains are they in africa asia or europe and the correct answer is africa in which star was filmed as han solo die in the last jedi the force awakens or the phantom menace and the correct answer is the force awakens who invented bitcoin was it nikai yen satoshi nakamoto or the cia and the correct answer is satoshi nakamoto what is a peruvian purple is it a plum an apple or a potato and the correct answer it's a potato what is the currency of vietnam called is it ding dang or dong and the correct answer is dong what is a florida cracker is it a firework biscuit or sheep and the correct answer it's a breed of sheep where on your body is your glabella is it in your ear between your eyebrows or behind your knee and the answer is between your eyebrows what does the german word panzer mean does it mean panther battle or armor and the correct answer is it means armour what's the maximum possible total score in 10-pin bowling 300 270 or 130 and the answer is 300 in what year did apollo 11 land on the moon 1968 69 or 70. and the correct answer is 1969 in which modern day country was sparta was it in greece turkey or italy [Music] and the correct answer is greece who was the soviet leader during the cuban missile crisis was it gorbachev regenev or khrushchev and the correct answer is khrushchev what is the standard height of a basketball hoop 8 feet 10 feet or 12 feet and the answer is ten feet how many hearts do octopuses have one two or three and the answer is they have three which river flows through rome the tiber rhone or seine and the answer is the tiber what was keanu reeves character called in the movie point break was it johnny texas johnny utah or johnny kansas and the answer is johnny utah how many legs there's an octopus no it's not an octopus as a lobster how many legs does a lobster have six eight or ten and the correct answer is ten in which country is mount kilimanjaro in kenya tanzania or south africa [Music] and the correct answer is it's in tanzania who runs the hamburger university in chicago is it mcdonald's burger king or wendy's and the answer is mcdonald's what does a manometer measure is it manliness pressure or electric current and the answer is it measures pressure what is the main ingredient of the south american dish ceviche is it meat milk or fish and the answer is fish which wood is used to make cricket bats spruce willow or oak and the answer is willow what did the owner of the humpty dumpty supermarket chain invent in 1937 was it shopping carts barcodes or coupons and the answer is shopping carts which island does singer rihanna come from is she from bermuda jamaica or barbados [Music] and the answer is she's from barbados what does c represent in albert einstein's equation e equals m c squared is it carbon celsius or the speed of light [Music] and the answer is the speed of light mediterranean sauce aioli means oil and what garlic bread or almonds [Music] and the answer is garlic what do you get if you alloy copper and tin do you get bronze brass or steel and the correct answer is you get bronze how much memory did the first ipods have five kilobytes five megabytes or five gigabytes and the answer surprisingly is five gigabytes what speeds do record players normally have 33 45 78 35 45 77 or 37 37-43-73 and the correct answer is 33-45-78 what is a benito is it a hat a fish or a sausage [Music] and the correct answer is it's a fish how many apostles were at the last supper with jesus were there 8 10 or 12. and the correct answer is 12. monty video is the capital city of which country croatia morocco or uruguay and the correct answer is uruguay where did apples originate was it in kazakhstan india or china and the correct answer is kazakhstan in which european capital is the famous charles bridge is it in london rome or prague the answer is it's in prague in which country is william shakespeare's play hamlet set in england denmark or germany and the correct answer it's in denmark what was the first food eaten on the moon was it bacon tomato soup or fries and the correct answer is bacon how many keys are there on a full piano are there 68 78 or 88 [Music] and the correct answer is 88 where is a shrimp's heart located in its head body or tail and the answer is it's in its head out of these who ranks highest in a restaurant kitchen a chef to party commie chef or sous chef and the correct answer is the sous chef what's the best possible hand in a game of poker four aces a royal flush or a full house and the answer is a royal flush what is pyrite also known as falls gold concrete or quicksilver and the answer is it's fool's gold what is this breed of hairless cat called is it a manx sphinx or siamese and let me know in the comments down below if you think they're cute or not and the answer is sphinx what wavelength of radiation can insects see that most humans can't gamma rays microwave or ultraviolet and the answer is ultraviolet what color is a black box flight recorder is it black orange or red and the answer is they're actually orange what is this weird-looking vegetable called is it a romanesco broccoli okra or celeriac and the answer is it's a romanesco broccoli which mosquitoes bite people only the males only the females or both males and females [Music] and the answer is only the females bite which mexican food means little donkey taco burrito or enchilada and the correct answer is burrito which planet is known as the morning star venus mars or saturn [Music] and the correct answer is venus how many masts did the titanic have none two or four and the correct answer is two who is the greek god of the underworld is it hades aries or thanatos [Music] and the correct answer is hades what is the name of the fictional game played in harry potter is it fidich biddich or quidditch and the correct answer is quidditch how long does it take the sun's rays to reach earth 8 seconds 8 minutes or 8 hours and the correct answer is eight minutes what did the romans use as mouthwash did they use urine wine or vinegar [Music] and the answer is they use urine which hormone is known as the happy hormone insulin adrenaline or dopamine and the answer is dopamine which pasta means little worms in italian spaghetti vermicelli or macaroni and the answer is vermicelli which sounds a little bit like wormy chelly who is the greek goddess of victory is it elektra athena or nike [Music] and the answer is nike who did pocahontas marry was it john roth john smith or john jones [Music] and the answer is john rolfe which part of the plant is a potato is it the roots stems or seeds [Music] and the answer is it's the stems what is the taj mahal is it a palace church or mausoleum [Music] and the correct answer is it's a mausoleum what's the world's most popular pet cats dogs or birds and let me know in the comments down below if you're a cat dog or bird person and the correct answer is dogs what is hair mostly made of argan collagen or keratin [Music] and the correct answer is keratin what's the biggest country in africa is it algeria libya or angola and the correct answer is algeria which famous musician's mum had a cat called elvis john lennon elvis presley or johnny cash and the answer is john lennon which country was the first to allow women to vote india new zealand or austria [Music] and the correct answer is new zealand in which u.s state is jack daniels made in tennessee kentucky or louisiana [Music] and the correct answer is tennessee what does the p stand for in sunscreen spf is it for prevention preservation or protection and the correct answer is protection what did thomas crapper invent seat toilet paper or the ball now the answer is the ball cog what is the most commonly stolen food steak cheese or chocolate and the answer is cheese which city had the world's first atm was it london tokyo or new york and the correct answer is london when is the earth closest to the sun is it in january july or october [Music] and the correct answer is january which of these is not a type of donut bear claw tiger tail or warfare [Music] and the answer is warfare which is the bad cholesterol hdl ldl or pdl [Music] and the answer is ldl the term chippy refers to which profession in the uk and australia is it a chef carpenter or electrician and the correct answer is carpenter what did judas get for portraying jesus 30 pieces of silver 30 pieces of gold or his freedom [Music] and the correct answer is 30 pieces of silver in ancient egyptian mythology who is the sun god is it horus osiris or ra and the correct answer is what is the statue of liberty's official name is it liberty enlightening the world liberty for all mankind or liberty lights the path the correct answer is liberty enlightening the world okay and if you've made it this far congratulations and you've definitely got to give me a thumbs up for this one have a great day or a great evening and i'll see you soon
Channel: Quizzes4U
Views: 850,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quiz, quizzes, general knowledge, general knowledge quiz, pub quiz, questions with answers, trivia, trivia quiz, multiple choice questions, multiple choice test, questions and answers, general knowledge test, general knowledge quiz with answers, general knowledge questions and answers, general knowledge quiz 2021, general knowledge quiz multiple choice, mega quiz, ultimate quiz, best quiz, best general knowledge, best trivia quiz
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 37sec (1597 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 25 2021
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