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hello everyone and today on a Rainbow Six Siege and well as you can see I've got a hundred packs I've gotten 46 Alpha basically 30 Bravo packs 15 beginner packs and rainbow is Magic packs and I will be opening all 100 today I don't know how long this video is going to be probably about maybe not half an hour because I'll try and be as fast as I can before yeah that's it for the introduction I'm gonna start off with elf packs just uh get them out of the way first so let's go pack number one oh game's been glitchy oh nice first one and that's a purple old but duplicate rip anyway see what's in here and soul of aid for Capital not good I wish I could add this but do now the software required nah that's not good either don't want seasonals unless they're brutal sport because brutal swarm ones are actually decent uh this this one's all right yeah this this one's okay nice can I get a chippy nah Marine jungle enough star nope just instant skip literally not even gonna look at it for a second instantly uh let me guess it's gonna be a rare I'm guessing rare I'm just gonna take a bit longer than I thought it takes while for the packs to load what I'm hoping for is Maybe I'm not even after Black Aces or anything I'm just after any and literally anything good seems quite Fair now this weapon skin it's really good gotta admit you know what I will equip it actually does look pretty good I don't think I got any other skins better than that for that one let's see should be charm no oh this command and force it's okay it's okay not too shabby but not the best damn I know this these are alpha packs but quite a bit of green uh no I think I already got this no I don't well I don't like it got other whole zero react set so I won't be using that shifting tides pretty good but I'm not gonna equip it because I think I don't remember what skin I have that's better than that I think it was the Brazil flag skin I really hope this like recording doesn't corrupt or anything well not nice but you know 600 will go towards oh legendary What's it gonna be uh like I already like I already have like a little I think it's called the little Frosty monkey Shield so I might swap it out later as I was gonna say I hope this doesn't two legendaries in a row with Alpha packs you joking and it's one that you know what can't be buff just equip it because it's legendary maybe someone will recognize that completely random legendary and be like oh that's a legendary he's cool command on first once again like I said it's an all right skin I like I like the color green I also like Crystal God who's liking of the glass like the rainbow well it's kind of like the the rainbow colored Reflections you get off broken glass sometimes I guess that's what it meant to look like I don't even think we're halfway I think I had 46. not even fully halfway yet shift inside it's pretty crap not gonna lie um avoid Edge okay I thought I had this one all these like what was this Smalls I think they are all the same just with different names foreign Ubisoft gave them different names free crap oh do I do I really no I'm not I'm not equipping now that'd be good for like role play or something if someone wants to present another funeral anyway ah that was Universal damn rip at least I got 2 550. quite a battery now freaking Hound getting like a lot of Greens in a row and then getting a lot of purples and legendaries in a row nice this is all right I just watched I forgot his name I thought I think maybe Varsity gaming or something yeah I think it's varsity he literally just did a video of a pack opening which I just watched like um a while like an hour or so ago and he got and the one he wanted was the glazed waffle and he got it and I got it too black ice mate what's up what's up give me all these pretty crappy skins come on ah maze green come on oh no and it was a dude look at me oh no I mean these are literally the worst packs I think um Northstar crap like all the obviously well most like 90 maybe 95 percent of the seasonal ones are crap not equipping that cause I've got the um like pirate for getting gridlock set it really does love giving me ethics that will not black ice I'd rather than be random epics I'm never gonna use rather the name crappy greens but you know like before nice but not gonna equip it here we go come on ah Jesus Christ um I nice legendary What's it gonna be all right that is pretty nice let's see it do want to equip it or maybe like maybe later I should remember maybe later I'm unsure though green done let's see uh really I mean it's okay it's better than like half of the seasonal skins but still pretty trash not gonna lie all right this is nice I don't think I don't know if I'm gonna equip this or not but yeah another green but it'll last the alpha packs gonna be green it's gonna be very anti-climactic oh this is nice I'm not gonna equip it because I'm unsure whether I have black ice for Cali sniper I think I do but just in case I do I'm not gonna equip it this is a pretty nice one though this is pretty nice one of the best rare skins I've seen in a while sides like most people are lazy like varsity and all that they say like purple yellow green and all that I try my best to say like uncommon rare epic and legendary oh it's just like it's like a matter you just gotta stick with it otherwise you know if you don't go with the flow you know you'll just be casted out I guess because you're different or something I don't know what I'm talking about but but I do know and sorry about is this is the last Alpha pack this is gonna be green blue purple or orange I really let's say in that sentence but here we go and the screen I knew it'd be green Soldier well the thing is any Cali skin is kind of a good skin I'm not gonna lie basically any can't Cali uniform is a good uniform well you know I'm also going to check these because involves use video These we're not actually perhaps they just gave you like Renown I think but apparently they are packs for me oh nice not gonna equip it but nice nice um green really these just like normal packs these just like normal Alpha packs or these like special or something yeah I think they are just like basically Alpha plus elf packs but you can't get duplicates damn uncommon it's it's okay it's okay oh it's got a muncie's logo on it as well nice a lot of gifts yeah yeah a lot of gifts here a lot of gign GIFs nice all right that is amazing that is amazing I will be equipping this to Lions thank you this like like the line should be is one of the best chibi keychains I'm so glad this is better than literally any black ice I'm not joking I really love this I just wish they made like a line chibi figure because if you didn't know the make like chibi figures but I think they've like stopped making new ones so yeah they did do like a Ubisoft um Rainbow Six extraction lion but obviously not the same as our OG lion boy over here we got him that's pretty crap not gonna lie press X to open this damn oh bruv not a single black eyeshadow move went through about 50 packs a few I mean I'm glad I got that waffle that is really good that is a really good skin that's better than any black ice as well oh nice ah some people might like it I don't please and these last four packs just give me something good not necessarily a black ice or something good to make up for the black ice it can be a black ice or it can be anything I just need something due to the lack of black ice as I have gotten other really good stuff I wanted to know that but I feel like I need at least a bit you know more good stuff if you're not gonna give me any black ices rip yeah just rip all right this one's pretty nice I'm gonna admit this one's pretty nice yeah this is a really good headgear actually I'm not gonna equip it but this is actually really good one not gonna lie anyway so let's open the normal Bravo packs first and then we'll do the rainbows Magic see like they're all basically the same they're just all these same exact colors just in different shapes and then they call it a different name uh not good not good I should get at least one Black Ice from these three Bravo packs come on really really please no I I don't mind that that's actually I'm not gonna use it but that's actually all right oh that might actually go well with the pancakes won't it I'm unsure but that that might go nice with the pancakes anyway let's go with the rainbow with magic I already have the AIM full chunk asset except the operator portraits so I'm really I really want to operate a portrait now that I did not want those probably one of the last Rings ones to be honest oh so was that so was that not looking good oh this is really not looking good I'm getting like some Middle East favorite stuff come on amazing oh oh no all the money I didn't spend any real money or else excredible but all these were renamable ah damn all I want is the card background like I'm not even gonna ask for this tracker one I just want the operator background that's almost good which I'm not gonna go which I'm not gonna go either one Evis the chunkers operator portrait or the car background I don't mind one like this is one of the good outfits I'm not gonna lie I forgot this if I got to Thatcher helmet I wouldn't be mad I wouldn't be mad about all the other crap stuff I've gotten out with the rainbow packs please please I mean that's animated or please just please I beg you please just give me it no well at least I got basically the full fat just that except the headgear which is admittedly the best part and the operator portraits uh rip that must have costed me like nearly a hundred thousand renowned for those nine packs I think maybe unsure though because I think they're like ten thousand 500 oh no way oh no actually 13 500 I think so yeah about oh yeah but I would have done challenges got a few of those anyway I only got yeah like brother packs which like there's not that many and never mind there's a lot of bloody uncommons rip I mean there's 27 I'm bound to get a black ice or a Seth I'm even gonna get three block houses or a full set of something I'm honestly Falls that mean headgear and outfit not necessarily the pistol or the gun whatever the gun is and we're starting off with a terrible one and I mean it very terrible one damn this is not looking good that right here this this is a good skin I'll I'll equip this I'll be equipping this later I am 100 sure well not 100 but I will be equipping this on at least one of them if I don't have black ice I'm unsure whether I have the black ice for the MP7 or not just in case here we go finally yeah equipped to all of us damn finally but I I never use the sasg 12 so I still I I'm still load a good black ice I'm not saying it's bad like I just I do not use that one okay this is a good height gear I will admit but I really don't like it this isn't my type of thing yeah so yeah the game still owes me something good I've saved up a hundred packs and it's gave me a fee like maybe two or three things that I'm pretty happy about oops I accidentally left it rip oh no damn ah once again um I don't see me getting a black ice I was hoping that'd be a black Heist I was really hoping that'd be a black ice just so it would sh like I uh never mind I'll I'll know just I hope I was just hoping that was a black ice after saying I bet it won't be wow this is such an amazing skin guys I highly recommend if Ubisoft ever starts on the skin for like R6 credits buy it it's amazing it's literally the best skin in the game oh my God sarcasm by the way if you didn't tell wow this is so good m m I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it was going to be another like extravagant like head gear I knew it I knew it'd be another extravagant head gear that I went like I just knew it damn it's gonna be a bloop but yeah it's gonna be a blue damn okay okay I use this I use this rip only mozzie has the Commando nine done need to give some other operator to Commando now but I'm going Mozzy that often I mean I do have an elite for mostly Ah that's the thing I have the elite for mozzie and would I love after the black ISO Elite skin I don't know if I want the elite skin back I'll just put it on I feel like the game still is me and black Heist that I use like every day if I play like let's say just one ranked game no no maybe about if it's play about 20 rounds I wanna at least see the black ice in one of those 20 rounds I will equip it look this is not one of the black ices I use like every 20 rounds or something I think I need the MP5 I think I need to fit the MP5 so please just give me MP5 all the one and maybe if you do the revolver block if there's a black ice revolver Montreal well if you do do that like that just saying maybe you could stop giving me uncommons Mr Bravo pack oh this game loves me today this game absolutely adores me last 10 packs were nine tenths of the way through but yeah it's gonna be blue the game I feel like the game took a bit longer than so it had time to change it to a purple just to contradict me black ice mate another Monty LaRock Shields can really oh my God just give me one more black ice any black ice I don't care even if I don't use it that's all I want all right this is pretty good I I would equip this if Lion's default skin wasn't so good this is a really good one I can tell they put effort into it let's see another legendary kind of gold that's if you want to call that oh yeah I'd call it gold but nah don't like it it's all right better than no skin but oh here we go ah dumb last four bucks all right last three packs the big final three I wonder if I'm gonna get a black ice probably not let's just see what I get okay this is not looking good not looking good at all please just be purple or orange okay even if I forget the set I'm not using it so this is pack number 100 what will it be I bet you do not just build up and then it'll turn out to be green what do you guys think it's gonna be comment if you've made this far and just guess what pack 100's gonna be before you actually see it opening three two one I am not a good one really not a good skin little head gear really don't like it um yep pretty disappointing oh 100 packs gone rip anyway I'm I'm just not happy with that to be honest before I forget I mean it wasn't like I was obviously hoping you hope for good stuff but I wasn't like thinking that I wasn't expecting anything good so I'm not that down got a few Oak I got a few ones I wanted like that waffle gun and all that and I got like what was it two black ices and I got like like what was it free Monty Shield skins damn but not many block houses pretty disappointing actually yeah pretty disappointing like I don't know it's pretty pretty disappointing like I wouldn't have minded maybe it's raps like I didn't even want the full set maybe just the P90 would have made me happy like this um [Music] yeah like all I got to say is damn just um but yeah not much more to say other than see you guys in the next video guys this is damn I am pretty disappointed ah this opening did take me like three months or something to save up for that so yeah damn that's all I gotta say damn anyway I'll see you guys in the next video [Music] see you later bye bye I'm waving you can't see it but I'm waiting bye what a crap pack opening
Channel: Monarch_GAMING
Views: 37
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #PS4share, PlayStation 4, Rockferry92, Sony Interactive Entertainment, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege
Id: _NEhQNaLhp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 18sec (2058 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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