100 Mile Training Plan | How to Train Like Kilian Jornet

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what's up guys and welcome back to another YouTube video today we're going to be talking about 100 mile training plans so if you've been following along with my recent videos you'll know that it took me 11 years to finish my first 100 mile race so my first attempt was in 2011 back when I was just 19 years old at the Angelus Crest 100 and it did not go well at all by mile 30 I had to drop out because of stomach problems and it was not a good day and it was basically the first big failure of my life so it really sucked so then 10 years later I tried again here in nice so I'm currently living in Nice France and I tried to run a hundred miles here last year at the nice by UTMB 100 and that also did not go well I made it to mile 80 this time so 50 more miles than the first time but I was not able to finish the race because I just didn't have it in me I just mentally couldn't even think about going through a second night of not being able to sleep and I I couldn't do it so after the nice 100 I was in a bad place I just thought I would never be able to finish running 100 miles and it was just something that I needed to give up on and that I would never be able to do it I tried twice and I failed both times and I just couldn't do it I couldn't run 100 miles so I thought I would never finish a hundred mile race for as long as I lived I just thought that I was cursed and that it just wasn't for me so that niece race was last year 2022 and then this year 2023 at the beginning of this year I decided that I would give it one more shot that I would give myself one more chance to run 100 miles so this time I knew that I needed to train differently that I had the first two times so the first two attempts I didn't really have a set schedule and I was just basically going off of my gut feeling what I needed to do for that race of doing long run sometimes taking time off usually only running about five times a week and it just was not working for me for those two races another thing that I did for those first two races was I relied a lot on B races which are just races that aren't like your a goals so I just was like I'm gonna focus on the build up I'm gonna focus on running 50k 100K and then I'll get to 100 miles and it did not work for me at least I know it works for a lot of people but for me running B races just didn't work so when I showed up to my Hundred Mile races I already felt so tired and fatigued and I just b-races just didn't work for me so I knew that this year I wasn't going to sign up for any B races I was going to go straight to the 100 mile race without any races in between training so after searching for the perfect 100 mile race I found it it was the trail to help Provence 100. it was a 100 mile race with over 25 000 feet of elevation gain which is what I like I like running Mountain Ultras so this race would be in the Alps de Provence region of France so I booked the race and was ready to start training to run 100 miles again so I started looking everywhere for the perfect training plan so the first training plan I looked at was the swap Hundred Mile training plan so that's the some work all play podcast they have on training plans also on their website by David did Megan roach and so I really liked them so I thought that they would have the perfect plan for me and so I went onto their website downloaded their training plan and after looking it over I decided that it wouldn't be right for me it didn't feel like it was doing enough it felt like it was more steered toward athletes that were running flat 100 mile or semi flat 100 milers I guess um not really Mountain hundreds and so I decided that I wouldn't follow that training plan so if you do want to see that training plan I'll leave a link for it in the description so then I remembered a couple years ago I bought a little book called training for the uphill athlete so this book is by Steven house Scott Johnston and a little guy named Killian jornette so if you don't know who Killian jornet is he's the best Ultra runner on planet Earth best runner probably on planet editor so I started looking through the book and of course I skipped straight to the end where all the training plans are and I found the 100 mile training plan and it was perfect I I as soon as I saw it I was like this is the plan for me this will get me to the 100 mile Finish Line I had no doubt in my mind not just because Killian helped write it but also because just the mileage the dis everything seemed perfect for me so the way that the training plans are laid out in the uphill athlete is that for each week they tell you the mileage in the style of running that you're going to be doing that week so for example 64 R means that that week you're going to be doing 64 kilometers with a focus on recovery so I had done a good job at keeping up my Base fitness from the last 100 mile I did last year so the last 100 I did was in September and then the one that I would do this year was in May and I started training for it 16 weeks before that so on the 100 mile training schedule I started following it at week 33 which was 16 weeks out from the 100 mile race so week one was a recovery week because you were supposed to have Run 100 kilometers just a couple weeks before that in a race but like I said no B races this time I was done with those so I just started with a recovery week which didn't make a lot of sense to do but I did it anyways so I'll throw the first week up on screen so as you can see the first week was about five miles a day of running with a 16 mile long run on the weekend and one rest day so the two red days on week one are the days that are focused on recovery so that means that you're wanting to go slow low as possible slower than your Zone one heart rate just taking it really easy and just recovery so for the white days you have aerobic training which is Zone one or two on a five scale heart rate zone so now let's hop into week two so week two was an intensity focused week so it was focused on bringing yourself up to zone three training so as you can see on Tuesday it's in yellow and that's because that's the day where you do intervals if you see that interval section it says two to four ten minute in zone three with two minute job recovery and then just do the rest of the miles and warm up and cool down so this isn't following the plan in the book directly but it's as close as I got to doing it and it was good enough for me to finish my race so then after that we have week three so on this week is when it really starts ramping up in mileage so we did an average of 6 six miles a day or four days and then on the weekend it was a back to back long run so we did 28 miles on Friday and 28 miles on Saturday so that was hard and it felt hard and so for these long runs you're going to want to do about 40 to 80 percent of your weekly mileage in these and you're also going to be wanting to do about 40 to 80 percent of your elevation for that whole week so for those days you're really focused on pushing yourself as hard and as far as you possibly can and you're also going to want to be running in zone one or two so Killian says to do all of your training basically in zone one except for any interval or Tempo runs or anything like that so after this 80 mile week it was week four so this was another recovery week which meant that it was just an average of 5 a day and then 16 miles on the weekend so as you can see on this week we didn't have any interval runs and we focused a lot on recovery week five we continued to ramp up the training and really work on specificity so the yellow means that you're going to be doing specificity training which is specific training for the 100 mile race so that's when you're doing back to back long runs so in this week we have back-to-back long runs of 31 miles so I like to do my long runs on Fridays and Saturdays sometimes I do Thursday Friday so you can mix it up do whatever you want as long as you're getting in those back-to-back long runs so from week 5 to 11 it basically repeats itself so you're going to do a specificity week and then a recovery week right after that and then the mileage just keeps going up and up until you get to 35 mile back to back workouts and then from there you're going to start working your way back down then we have week 12 to 15 where you're going to be tapering so tapering is just when you start cutting down on mileage getting ready for the race so during these weeks you're going to be cutting your mileage about in half and you're going to be really just focusing on recovering from the specificity weeks and getting ready to run your race and also during the taper weeks you're also going to be doing one intensity week so during this week you're going to want to do a little bit more in zone three and four but also still focusing mostly on Zone one then lastly race week baby so this is the week that you're going to be ready to run your 100 mile race I cannot guarantee that this plane will get you to the finish line but for me it was the thing that finally was able to help me push to that Finish Line it was something that I was trying for for so long and I was so happy that I was finally able to do it so as you can see during this week we have two 32nd interval training days so during these two days you're just going to want to Spice in some 30 second intervals into your training so just 30 seconds at zone three or four and then afterwards taking a two to three minute rest and then do that for the duration of the workout so then on the weekend it's race day so you should be ready to go ready to run 100 miles it still is crazy that I was able to complete that I can't believe after 11 years that I was finally able to do this and it was a dream come true and I'm so happy that I was able to do it alright guys so that wraps up everything about the 100 mile training plan if you have any questions let me know in the comments below and also if you would like to download this plan link is also in the description so you too can run your 100 mile race so don't forget to like subscribe hit the Bell do all that stuff thank you so so much for watching and I will see you again next time bye [Music]
Channel: Running for Views
Views: 311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 Mile Training Plan, Training for 100 Mile Race, Ultra Marathon Training, How to Train for 100 Miles
Id: r__S-On88iI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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