100 McDonald's Chicken Nugget Challenge • MUKBANG

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hey everyone it's me nick avocado we're back home we're home hello we're back home as you do we're home hello and this is hot and stevie cause we're e mcdonald's the kids yay we're doing a hundred mcdonald's nuggets [Music] a hundred chicken nuggets oh my gosh will i gain weight probably but it's just water weight it's just water weight that's what i've been saying from from day one you guys it's just water weight jiggly wiggle it's just water okay so are you ready let's go here we go look i'm going to take you in the car i'm going to film the reactions my reaction i'm going to film me ordering oh no that's 100 of them but anyways before we get going i have a special announcement for all you guys are you ready this video is proudly sponsored your boy got sponsored by filmora9 now when i do my q a's for my youtube videos instagram whatever you guys ask me all the time how do i start a youtube channel how do i make the video become a video like how do i put it together what do i do this sponsorship is actually a software it's an editing program where you can make videos on your own just like me and a lot of you want to start out you want to make money online you want to become a youtuber this is the best way to do it because this program is perfect for beginners it's easy to use and it's free to try so let me tell you what you can do with it you can do split screen editing that's when you have images side by side record pc screen and voice you can do editing of clips and it even supports functions like green screen and advanced color correction so if you want more reds to pop out you want more blues to pop out you can do that on this program there's tons of preset effects such as titles music filters and animated elements that are already built into filmora9 for free to use my favorite is the titles when i started out on youtube i was a vlogger for years and i would do titles and animations of you know chapters or new events this is wonderful and if you're looking for some more cool audio image footage and after effects you can go to film war 9's online stock library called film stocks and then you can download any of the assets that you want and the best part is not only is this free to try but if you decide to purchase it it's still more affordable compared to adobe premiere pro or final cut pro so i want you guys to check this out all of you especially if you're looking to start a youtube channel which i know many of you are click the link at the top of the description box and download it for free using my special link and have fun if you make a youtube video you want me to look at it comment it down below and link it and i'll go check it out okay so let's go on to mcdonald's let's go get some chicken nuggets i'm so excited and um you guys know i'm still trying to get over this tooth thing if there's like a little lisp you know what's going on my gums are swollen it feels like if you take a big piece of bubble gum you stick it at the roof of your mouth those are my gums falling down so the reason why we're doing mcdonald's you know no more blended food but the reason we're doing mcdonald's uh chicken nuggets is because they're soft they're small bite size and i can still eat i have to eat to survive so we need a hundred of them right so let's go let's begin here we go are you ready to go to the drive-through here we go one two three i am driving around i'm at the drive-through and uh i almost got smashed by somebody they almost smooshed my car into an accordion because they turned before looking i had the right away they should have stopped and looked and yielded to the traffic and they did not yield to me so i am calling nancy my attorney i'm gonna show her the proof i'm gonna show you the proof yes i'm gonna show you the proof look i got my mcdonald's hairline to match the restaurant hello oh yes um i'm gonna please have 100 chicken nuggets okay 100 chicken nuggets please 100 100 yes okay yes and i'm also gonna have five signature sauces five signature sauces and five sweet and sour sauces five hot mustard sauces okay five buffalo and five ranch please ma'am okay and that's everything okay okay thank you why did he call me a man okay ma'am he didn't say man okay man no he said ma'am do i sound like a woman i am not a woman i'm calling nancy my attorney this is just unacceptable i'm calling corporate i'm not a woman do i sound like a woman [Music] now go slightly slightly back so you see a little bit white under oh i love that one oh my god no wait wait i can do it there's really not that much wonderful all right let me do the thumbnail no why did it do that is it my footsteps oh no there's too much okay we're giving up you guys saw what it did look like it looked like really cool yay um so i'm still trying to get over the bump in my mouth so i'm gonna be eating these to the side and taking small bites i hope you can understand but i thought today i would do something i've never done before and it's called the 23 breaking the ice questions to get to know people better so cheers to that let's start eating question number one icebreakers what is your favorite food what's this one um my favorite food is spicy korean ramen with cheese oh what was that one this is honey mustard or hot mustard do you like to travel yes and no i said this like the other day where i was talking about those women who were fighting at the airport because there was a delay i saw someone else comment um it's because they were being charged for their bag and they were now missing their flight because they were trying to get the back i'm sorry that's life you have to be responsible and make sure you know what you're doing before you get there that's why i just say traveling is not luxurious you have to um there's jet lag there's time zone differences there's start and stopping delays a lot of safety measures and then sometimes things bounce i don't even know click the link down below and book me on cameo where i'm gonna make a special video just for you traveling can be fun when you're actually there after sleeping for a day when i go to asia i messed up for a little bit and coming back too because the time zone difference i'm on the east coast i live in florida when i go to la to collab with the other youtubers i also get kind of messed up and that's just a five hour difference no three three hour difference what are you reading and watching at the moment i am watching um that was really good even though i don't really like the barbecue spicy um you guys might not know but i don't watch tv i only watch it when there's a political debate like the presidential debates i'd love to see that on the tv we have a tv and we never use it we use it for youtube we watch youtube me and orlan will watch youtube videos together on our tv but oh let me take my vitamins but in terms of like cable we don't even have cable in this house i love netflix oops there goes your vitamin i love youtube i love so many um so many different oh what's this one so many things on the internet that i don't need cable there's so much better there's no commercials don't those drive you nuts you spend so much more time watching a show because of all the breaks now i'm over i don't want to have you know things advertised you know swiffer swapper i don't mind 30 seconds a couple minutes but what is it like seven eight times in one tv show and each commercial is like five minutes it's long like the break the total breaks i would go back to tv if they had one or two commercials not all of them okay in reading i don't really read i know that's embarrassing to say but i think a lot of people don't read anymore i never read books for fun never i like to listen to music for fun what's your favorite alcoholic drink and non-alcohol drink water you guys that's one of the reasons why i'm still healthy as i eat 100 chicken nuggets i drink about one gallon every day most people don't even drink half a gallon a day i mean i am drinking a lot of water hmm um so that's why okay but alcoholic drink i don't really have one i'm not a big drinker i'll drink whatever i don't even need chasers ask my friends that i party with i'm one of those people that i don't need a chaser i just go for it and i'm done i'm loving this array of sauces i even joined in mine this spicy buffalo oh i'm really avoiding my my problem area on my tooth alcoholic i guess since i'm i don't have really much to say about it i would say sir rock like the super super okay i do like vodka that's really really really distilled so it tastes less less bad um i apparently have less hangers from it i don't know if that's true or not i like sorak i like the expensive stuff i love that peach sorak [Music] yeah i like vodka over any other alcohol i think a non-alcoholic if i can't say water i would say what does nick want to drink i like root beer if i had to pick a soda that's my favorite soda but i guess root beer do i have any pets if you're new to the channel i used to have a talking bird named mr noodle who currently lives with orleans family in colombia um i used to have a kitty cat her name is miss kitty she currently lives with orleans family here in florida um i used to have a sloth the sloth currently lives at a sanctuary in colombia we used to have goldfish or lots of different fish half of them died the other half are in a stream somewhere and that's really it currently here in florida so we used to live in colombia me and orland now that we're here we have zero pets i think it's best that way we're so irresponsible we're so like this and that and i move i move non-stop i've moved five times in florida i used to live all over the place i was at my parents house then i was in philadelphia i'm always traveling i'll go for a month at a time la vegas canada i just i'm not the type of person i have a pet or a child what did you want to be when you grow up and what do you currently still want to do okay when i was a kid i wanted to be a locomotive conductor then an engineer who kind of um who steered the steam engine down the railroad i dressed up like thomas the tank engine for halloween you guys know one of my favorite memories um when i lived in new york was just being on the subway i love trains they make me really excited i also wanted to be um an irish step dancer a professional like the next michael flatley uh river dance then i want to be a professional violinist that was my longest thing i think i studied music i went to school for music i went to college for music i dropped out after two years for a multitude of reasons the main one being to do what i wanted to do in the performance field i didn't need a degree i felt bad i felt at all those classes and so many responsibilities were holding me back from networking and getting my butt in new york and just starting because i wasn't really getting technical training at that school was more so to have a diploma behind my name which is important for some things but that's the choice i made but also my mental state was going down you're like you mental problems no never would have thought that um now i'm a youtuber now i make youtube videos every single day every single day i don't even know what a youtuber was four or five years ago i really didn't i started a mukbang journey though this world journey train wreck i started doing mukbangs in 2017. well it was october of 2017 so basically two months away from the new year so 2018 1920. my three year mukbang anniversary will be this october 5th and we're currently in july five three years doing mukbangs straight seems like a lot longer [Music] i love what i do i love talking i love eating i love entertaining i love food and being a vegan for five years i it was so freeing to be like i don't need rules when i eat now i'm eating whatever i want that's i'm that's who i am today um i make about 50 videos every 30 days there's no days off for me i never have a day off ever remember if i'm not on this channel i'm on a different channel if i'm not on that channel i'm on that channel if i'm not on that channel i'm on this channel this channel is my daily channel i think i've missed like two days out of the past four months so i'm a hustler i work hard um i never stop editing rendering editing rendering eating digesting um now the question is what do i want to be after this i have i love being a youtuber i don't see myself doing anything else um i might want to do things more things with music but that's not in like the freelance world where i used to be a part of in new york for you know less than a year it wasn't even that long but something musical here on youtube i'll reach way more people i'll be in full control i'll have a higher salary i mean i got paid 20 bucks a cabaret show sometimes 20 people for a whole show so um i see myself always being a youtuber i love making videos okay what's your favorite and least favorite things about yourself favorite is my drive my drive you know i've fallen down so many times i've been canceled i've had the whole world think that was some type of like manipulative creepy i mean people probably still do and you know i've come to a point where it's like let people think they want at the other day they're thinking about me for free you know i have to ask them to think about me um favorite so my favorite is that i don't give up even when i really want to give up i never give up on my marriage i never give up on my career i never give up on my friends most of them you know unless they're crazy i've been used a lot in the past very used where i would be like in the middle of like absolute chaos like some of the hardest parts of my career and then you have people begging for stuff out of me you know like a month later like wow the whole world hates me you know for their own their own wants to even hold their horses um my least favorite thing i think would be god where i begin um perfectionism you know i love the thumbnails to be beautiful i love to be consistent with my time i like to be um i'm super busy i run all these channels i from the moment i wake up to the moment i put my head down to sleep i am in business mode a little bit of friends a little bit of love life should work on those things but you know it's it's you know this this project's open i give an attention if it's over it's done it's closed it's gone forever i do this this is my video i have to get it out we have to render and post and do the thumbnail and render post um do this i've many projects i have to mop the whole place i have to do laundry i have to buy groceries i have to you know pay this bill in this bill like i i am a million things at once i don't have time to sit and settle so one of the flaws i don't like about myself i'm a perfectionist because i like everything to be done perfectly if it's not well goodbye it's i have something else to do but it becomes mentally straining for me to really get everything in a row and i don't take the time to really smell the flowers you know that saying go slowly smell the flowers i look at the flowers and i'm on to the next thing and that only happened when i gave myself this crazy schedule to be honest with you i don't think i was always that way i've always been super like professional intellect strategy analytical everything is done with strategy i think about everything everything has thought put into it even my craziest of videos even when i'm pouring my heart out and i'm having a bad day i have to sit and edit it and look at it and examine it from an artistic point of view how it's marketable you know i it's a pro and a con to be super businessy i mean i'm the type of person that could be an entrepreneur and you're like oh my god this is crazy i don't think so but um i took the simplest thing eating and i turned it into a five channel i won't say lifestyle but career in a way you know kim kardashian a lot of people don't like her like she's controversial for different reasons but she still found a way a way to make money off of just living she herself is the is the brand from her being alive she is now marketable she is the brand and that's kind of clever because she's not even doing anything very special if you think about it she's just being she is she just is and what she did was very smart i mean indifferent from the the normal you know you go to work you get a degree you do you pay off your debt to you know so i like that i'm a hustler i'm hard-working i don't like that i'm a perfectionist and i move very quickly i don't have time to sit around and enjoy the flowers or the music and that's sad because i love doing those things i don't really have free time ever it's like it's so rare for me to have reach what is free time what number am i on are you guys counting for me so and i could go on and on about flaws i don't like my double chin but that's fixable i'm gonna lose weight sell diet books i have it all planned out you know i don't like my double chin but that's very superficial um i actually like my hairline people always give me rap or rap they give me um grief and just you know rudeness over my hairline people think it looks like mcdonald's dracula i think it's cute it's unique it's it's one of a kind i can't name another youtuber that has this type of hairline i think reaction time has a small one but not like this and um it's unique to me um that's one thing that i like about myself beyond my hairline i like that i like that i like myself for the most part i mean again i don't like my personality flaws but i don't let that get in the way of me and also my physical attributes i like that i don't care too much i mean i'll joke about the water weight in the chin and the belly but i don't really care too much about it i'll joke about it but i i have friends and family and just other people i know of who will ruin their whole day because they don't have look how they don't like how they look or they think they're ugly or their eyebrows aren't done right and they're going to cry about it for weeks like i like that i've never got caught up in that and some of that's in your control and some of it's not it's like a mental problem um and also girls especially are very critical of their looks i like that i'm not [Music] um another thing i don't like is it's getting old try to stop are you still here another thing i don't like about myself would be [Applause] my hypoglycemia has really created a lot of problems for me in my life everyone who has that disease will react differently it's case by case it's not black and white so people get massive mood swings some people don't they just get a little tired some people start shaking and compulsing like crazy some people they just get like a little pail however i was designed designed by god i get terrible mood swings where i it's like bipolarism it's like i'm a different person what is the most recent dream that you had and it's still on your mind i don't want to say it oh i don't want to say the other one either there's two i can think of that are on my mom well they're not on my mind i could just remember them oh okay i can share this one i have a dream that kind of replays like you ever have a dream that you like go back to every couple of nights it's like the same thing maybe that to me that's a goal i'm very goal-oriented of deadlines to meet things to map out to put my ducks in a row and i i work really hard to get it done [Music] and what oh hey orlin i need more water one of the things that i like that i do um excuse me one of the things that i want to do that i think i'm planning in my head to like what's the word attract that what you think positive thoughts the law of attraction comes to you i have a goal that i dream about often and it's the same dream that i am working on broadway in new york city i've moved there um and to be honest with you sometimes orlan is in the dream and sometimes he's not um just be honest with you sometimes he's there in our new york apartment or condo maybe we buy something maybe we rent and then sometimes he's not there and i'm on my own i'm doing my own thing i'm fulfilling that drive to be artistic and to perform music in new york and i have the same dream of like i'm the concert master of the pit orchestra and i go there and i'm helping to tune everybody and i'm putting my heart into the music and i feel secure because it's stable you know youtube i get paid from youtube and it can be really high can be really low but it's so unstable and it's kind of it's like freelancing in new york and i really don't like that i the thing about working in the pit orchestra of a broadway show is that it's a salary it's not hourly it's a salary if you're in any kind of orchestra and they have a musician's union and you get health benefits and planning for retirement and there's safety nets you know that's not like oh this video doesn't get that many views so wow i get 50 less money or oh the video gets tons of views but i said too many curse words or i talked about a subject matter that advertisers didn't like so the cpm drops like i don't l i don't like how unstable that is because it sometimes it makes no sense i'd rather know that i have a salary i'm getting 80 000 a year to perform in the orchestra and i show up every single day i work i perform i practice i do well and i also have benefits um sorry about my lisp i can i can feel my swollen gum dropping um but anyways i just i have a dream about that all the time i can't tell you what show i'm doing but i i am a lot healthier appearance wise my weight's gone down when i vision myself in the future i envision healthy weight loss happy thriving um going to the farmers markets union square farmers market i love that um getting some tomatoes fresh fish being you know happy and pursuing that drive to perform musically that i don't really do on youtube which is fine um that's a dream i have anyway what's in your fridge right now lots of avocados i eat about one a day minimum sometimes two or three i don't care how many calories it is i love my avocados no acne ever water and avocados i'm telling you um ranch hot sauce ketchup more avocados what else is in there some oranges for orlan the freezer is a better question the freezer is a better question um our freezer is the same size as our our refrigerator we have a regular refrigerator and then we have a standing freezer that we had to buy right around the time we moved in here um for all of our like crab legs and dumplings and broccoli fish to bulky lots of seafood what are you most proud of right now work related um i just hit 2 million subs on my main channel oh my god i am kind of proud of that i never thought i would be i'm like a sub is a sub i don't care i mean i do care if people are subbing but you know i never beg for them i never asked people to subscribe you see youtubers all the time please subscribe please subscribe make sure you like make sure you comment it's like i feel like you should let them have that make be their own make have that be their own choice even a friendly reminder here and there's whatever like i do my own little advertisement by my cameo you know it's 20 seconds though it's not some people will do a whole spiel every day of like like subscribe comment share put this no um so i've never really cared about subscribers i mean this channel has 200k and the views are outstanding for 200 000 subs or whatever's on here i'm getting 100 or more every video so i don't but i do feel good about that 2 million do you know why there's a few reasons why i think it's because i was canceled about half a year ago by a lot of people in their minds and um the whole thing blew over and i don't think anyone really cares about it anymore but at the time i was so so bothered and so upset i was crying myself to sleep i was so so so bothered um it was a really bad time in my life again i had friends that were trying to use me in the middle of that crisis like you know you know i had people trying to use me on top of i was afraid of legal problems and i spent so much money to defend myself i was petrified and also knowing that so many people were believing lies and people um there were things that were not right things were so twisted for clicks you know and i i remember crying so much so much every i couldn't even sleep um and then i developed really bad sleep apnea right after oh my god i'm getting so upset right now on top of it and then january february is when my ad started going down my revenue because of the bud light issue so i got pulled financially i already was spending a lot of money there were people in my life who were being very inconsiderate and selfish and then i was being cancelled by millions of people um it was and i saw i think i lost a hundred thousand followers at least maybe more i lost like a hundred thousand something i think and they all came back and i didn't think that they would and i remember talking actually to be honest with you i remember calling trisha um i mean we talked a lot but we talked again after and again what i say with my other youtuber friends i like to keep between us but you know i just this is something i can share it's not private or whatever revealing but she told me um and she wasn't even saying like oh i've been canceled so no she was really speaking about me she's like nick you have something special you're entertaining you have a really unique story you're adopted you're married to hispanic you lived in colombia you're a wild card but you also know how to be in the entertainment business and she was just like saying all these really nice things have stuck with me ever since like um you have drive that no one else really has people will complain but they'll never really be able to do what you do and um you know she was one of the people that gave me hope and she said you're canceled now but also well whether you think it was that big of a deal or not is subjective and whatever what you believe but um you know people including her told me it's not like you really didn't you didn't steal anything you didn't break in you it really wasn't a big deal you know um it really wasn't that big of a deal it was the whole drama big strawn out because of the miscommunication and because i don't know but and so she was like people people are looking for fights people are picking at stuff but at the end of the day they don't really care like they're gonna act like they do typing it out but deep down they're like um and so i just i'm very happy that i hit 2 million followers because i didn't think i would i thought i'd be just kind of like flatline for a year so um and i don't know if i've proven myself over the you know five six seven eight nine how many months it was um i don't know if i've proven myself in any way i don't think i have i don't think i've had to i think people just like it is what it is i didn't have to keep going on about it all and also that's when i started doing more trolling too i was like well i'm the villain i've been made out to be a villain so i'm like well then i'll just be the villain i'll take on that role and i'll give the people what they clearly want and um and that might have parted to do with it as to why it's like the views never dropped ever um and even the support even the people who supported me the needle wasn't shifted anyway if anything i get way more merch purchases way more cameos i mean way more comments i i was getting like 3 000 comments per video now i'm getting like five or six thousand comments per video um i don't know i just i just hope for the best and i just did what i thought would make sense and i never gave up despite it all but deep down i thought um people don't care about me and i'm never gonna have more subscribers this is flatlined and that kind of that kind of hurt you see toddy her her subs went down you see so many people who have issues and it's they're flatlined or they go down and they never stop going down i went down but then i went right back up and um what am i most proud of work related i'm proud that i made it through you know it was horrible horrible horrible however i mean oh my god um and i was angry on top of that i was angry and i was hurt and i felt like man just like in shock the extent of how things can be twisted on the internet for shock value and for pr you know in shock but also like i was aware that that could happen i'm just very thankful you know that the people who support me still do and um and you know at the end of the day i was able to like you know especially i feel more comfortable talking about it vaguely again but you know looking back and saying okay i still can see this as a learning opportunity for me for things that's like i mean ever since then i really prioritized where i put my energy you know i never collaborated again other than trailer trash tammy and i probably never will i mean i need to be more selective about who i talk to who i bother giving my energy to um i weeded out a few of my friends around that time i was like you know this is just this is not really what i need in my life this is the type of energy and it was a wake-up call not a wake-up call but it was a good time for me to be like okay you know you didn't do anything wrong well to an extent or at least not what people were saying that you were doing now you're probably not wondering what i'm talking about because like five different things happened it was like this person and this person and this person and this umbrella of people and then i did this and then this person lied and said i did it i'm thinking of four five different youtubers right now you know that it was all around the same time it was all around christmas last year and january and february um and you know now we're almost over with summer we're halfway through summer we're the middle of july the end of july almost so december january very much april may june it's almost it's been half a year so what are you most proud of i'm proud that i hit 2 million subscribers despite it all i kind of beat the odds and i never gave up on myself or the people who did support me and i just kept going i just kept going and um that's what i'm proud of i really i'm so happy i i'm so happy that i came out alive as you could say he came out alive um and i'm proud i'm i'm not happy it happened but there's always a lesson to be learned during anything and again like i said like now i'm very selective of who i speak to i'm very selective about what i bother giving my energy you know who i'm giving it to and i have to say like why why you know i'm more i'm already very business oriented but now i'm extra business oriented and extra selective and extra careful and um i'm just happy because at the end i feel like i still um you know my life wasn't over for that and i still gained how many did i have around that time 1.7 1.6 so i still gained 400 000 more followers from then until now 400 000 people decide to subscribe to me despite of it all you know and i feel like i'm a lot better now about how i conduct myself and if i'm angry i don't write things in the moment as often i just walk away and i keep it to myself or i vent to someone i really can trust or um you know youtube is my you know all these questions about my career and what i'm doing am i happy my finances or these things about youtube is not just a game it's not a hobby it is my career and i i have to be more professional and i have been um in my own way now it still looks like a train wreck but again i am a train wreck and also everything has thought everything is um executed perfectly by perfectionist like i know i know you know um i know people can be entertained if i hit orlan with a noodle i know people are gonna laugh if i keep farting and show you my poop it's edgy i walk the line but it's this perfect blended balance of cringe but i can't stop looking but there's parts of him that i like but there's parts of him that i don't he's controversial but he really isn't that if you think about what he's saying he's just being silly but he is silly naturally but he is dramatic but also he's extra max because the camera's rolling plus i'm unmedicated i mean i feel like i'm so what are you happy with about your career i'm happy that i've made it you know like that i um and i'm still unique to myself i'm you can't no one can be a nicocado avocado i'm happy about that too what are you most proud of work related i'm proud that i was able to be myself on the internet and also be myself in a way that is in a production because this isn't like a severe surveillance camera i have to edit someone has to watch this i have to upload it has to get reviewed by youtube moderators so that it gets advertisement like it still has layers of filtration filters and um i'm i am happy so and whether people see that or not people think that oh he just eats and people he just gets paid no um the people i've always said they don't see and this goes for all of the other mukbangers it's not just eating they don't they do not see all of the work and effort and energy and thought and time and money put into running a channel whether it's that simple of eating whether it's as simple as putting on makeup or just reacting to other people's videos like reaction time or you know it doesn't matter what how mundane or basic or low iq whatever they're doing they're still doing and it doesn't happen by itself someone has to put in the effort to program the videos to work download filmora link down below learn how to edit your own videos learn how to render them learn how to piece them together in a creative way that takes skill that takes time that takes um experience doing it faster knowing what sells knowing what sells for you maybe not for others but for you it sells you know trying to find your place you know get ideas from others but if you're just a copycat you're never gonna make it um i just feel i don't know i'm what are you most proud of work related i'm proud of where i'm at i guess oh hi i'm back now my head's not chopped off i was kind of hunching but i just changed the camera battery i'm really stuck on this question am i bragging i don't know i just feel like i feel proud you know i feel accomplished in various ways in ways that are unique to me i mean my parents would never see this like getting subscribers eating a lot of food getting out of internet and drama they've never really seen that as a big accomplishment let's see that as like your side hobby that you're getting too obsessed with you know but i've turned this like kim kardashian you turned something into unique for you that can be a business so that's what i'm proud of i feel like i'm also proud that i've gotten smarter um with people you know i'm a lot a lot more careful i don't engage i don't entertain i don't with the haters and stuff like i just don't care as much anymore i used to really really care i used to really really care about the comments and stuff and i feel like you know i've been doing this now for three years almost this mukbang stuff and i feel like someone just made a video the other week of the saying like oh i'm gross he eats animals you know just the angry vegans again and like i would have really been like oh my god oh my god like a year ago and now i just i didn't even watch no i didn't even watch it i was like you know what and and i don't care i have stuff to do i'm very busy you can keep talking about me but i don't have to talk about you you know it's like you know i'm staying focused i'm staying on track and i'm also it's not a matter of being aware of it and then like trying to fight off the temptation to it's like i actually don't like my mind has been healthier that i'm don't i don't have to even know what the haters are doing you know like i have 6 000 comments under yesterday's video do you think i read them all like i love when you guys comment but it would take probably two and a half hours maybe three hours to sit and read six thousand comments it's impossible and it's just i used to try try to get through everything and it would just from my like from you you feel like it's one one-on-one like you know so much about me you feel like you know everything about me and you feel like it's your place and your time to connect with me which it is but you're not in my side where it's like okay but there's six thousands of six thousand of you that are wanting comments replied to and you're imagine how overwhelming that can be and even if they were all positive that's a million in thoughts you don't need to know everyone's opinion in life you know i don't think our brains are designed to be able to even sustain that we don't have the capacity to know everything so anyways let's move on what risks are you think what risks do you think are worth taking getting on an airplane i've overcome that fear i used to fear that now i don't fear that anymore um hmm staying with your spouse even if they cheated on you i think that's worth the risk for stability for financial reasons for the fact that you still love each other especially men who operate from down there than up here you know i think it might be difficult for women who've been cheated and be like oh my god it's very emotional for them but likely again it's a case-by-case basis but likely the guy did it because maybe you weren't pleasing him or not to say it's your fault but guys detach the emotion from the activity it's very like i acted from down there for 20 minutes the relief was gone and i never talked to her again i don't even know her name i don't care about her i don't want to look at her it's really just and that's biological that's physical that's chemical that's kind of how god made us to reproduce like crazy um and whether he's getting that at home or maybe he wants more than what he's getting at home maybe it's not your fault i don't know i feel that's worth a risk worth taking because i think potentially great relationships that could be long-lasting and meaningful are um ruined because of a mistake that really again you really have to look at the whole picture and see what the intentions were i feel like definitely um i mean i'm a guy and i'm with a guy so it's a lot easier to talk about stuff like that girls that's a whole different thing um but that's worth that's a risk worth taking in my opinion i'm working things out with someone that you love and have been with for years over a mistake of cheating um oh we're driving's a risk i don't know probably a major risk um again it's personal what it's worth to me may not be worth to you to me it's worth risking my life with bad food to get my name out to get my name out there to make sure people keep talking about me to get reactions out of people for free to spread my name to grow my business and to be able to provide for my family to provide for my future to be able to have an income you know and to do what i love just to share my personality if i just sat here and talked i would get half the views i get that the food were in front of me i always say people click for the food but they stay for the conversation but people have to discover you there's some billions of people in this world and it's very competitive on social media you have to find a way for people to discover you it can't be i mean in a way i didn't create mukbang mukbang was around in korea the koreans made this up but i have to do it in a way that's unique to me you know so it's to me it's worth the risk especially because i know this is temporary a couple years i'm about to celebrate three years i think i'd like to get five years out of it five years vegan five years non-vegan well it has nothing to do with veganism anymore it's just junk um and then maybe go into uh weight loss or music or travel i want to travel more um something people really like my voice and i'm not saying that to brag but i think i would get into podcasts and uh some storytelling where now enough people know me that i don't need to and i it's not like i'm forced to do this i love to eat there there's no question that i wake up and i'm like i'm so excited which i eat today every day people ask me do you get sick of eating junk food all the time i'm like maybe later that day but the next day no when i'm hungry all over again without a doubt that's why this is perfect for me because i think a lot of people would get really sick of it or a lot of people would have gained way more weight than i've gained yes i've gained over 100 pounds but it took over 1 000 cheat days for 100 pounds it's not that bad for zero exercise basically um there's just some people so that's a that's a risk i think is worth taking for me um what are you truly passionate about music art film dance anything artistic design another thing i feel like i would really like to get into is like the set design for broadway shows i love anything artistic visual audio everything that's what i'm really passionate about oh and nature a little bit not as much as or the orleans that's more or less thing what's the best advice you've ever received and what's the worst the best advice i ever received god how do i just pick one and i i'm also dried up like the worst advice oh i don't want to say that out loud there's another youtuber who told me something and i did it and it like didn't work but it's not their father just trying to be helpful but it's really not that big of a deal anyway because i would definitely overcome it that was many years ago um the best advice i really can't tell you i say this in my shows a lot do your best forget the rest that's simple it's easy to remember and it's very true in a way um i really don't have an answer for that what's the best and worst advice you've ever given to somebody i don't i can't think of anything which movie would you be would be better as a musical i don't really watch movies you guys if you could learn any language right now what would it be i don't know i was gonna say spanish because that's what my husband speaks but i don't know i think maybe something one of the asian languages but i don't know i don't know why i don't know um what's the weirdest thing in your purse or wallet right now it's not on me um there's nothing weird in my wallet tell me your funniest joke oh i have to fart oh that wasn't a fart ah kind of funny um if you could start a cult what would it be and what would it be called you're the leader my little avocados i don't know what the heck do i need to call it for i've really never been about making people think a certain way everything i do is real well most things no some things are reactionary you know i'll react to tatty i'll react to other big youtubers and stuff but it's more show about sharing my my mind my perspective in my life my family my unique life it's more so about sharing than making people feel tell them what to say say think i let people think for themselves i never block comments you know you see people you go there even you know no shade but jeffree star just uh posted a video all the comments are blocked can you cook no none at all could you survive in the wilderness no i'd be the first one dead how many apps are on your phone an average amount what artists do you think is overrated and one that's underrated um i really hate save it because i love music and i feel like if people find a genre of music that really speaks to them that shouldn't be knocked down because someone else can't relate to it you know i can't relate to country music i can't relate to rap music i can't relate to r b or soul music i can barely relate to pop music truly i mean and so there's some artists i can think of in those genres that are super famous in my in my mind it's like for what but i'm famous in the youtube world for what you know i mean i don't want to be that person that knocks what brings joy to others simply because i don't relate to it or i don't connect with it so i don't really again i'm such a big proponent of music and outlets for art that i'd rather have everything be included than so an artist that's underrated now i obviously my bias will say a lot of the classical musicians should be you know world famous they should be you know mega millions billions i feel like there's some such talented people who no one really talks about in society no one really thinks about oh i know some classical musicians who are you know just fresh out of undergrad or grad graduate school or they just finish their doctorate in you know new york or philadelphia or cleveland or whatever some amazing violinists and pianists and they have you know fan pages for their art you know they're so you know mr water bottle violinist and they have like 3 000 followers but they play so well they're so skilled and a no one knows them yet b even the people who do know them they're the average person won't really care because classical music isn't really as idolized as a rapper or a pop star so it's kind of sad to me because i find a lot of value in that so but you know what there's someone else that would say classical music is done it's old we've evolved we can we don't need that type of music but then i say back to them try watching a nice movie without that orchestra okay try watching a really great great film without the orchestra and then you'll come back to me and say oh no we need the orchestra we need that type of music so that's really all of it i feel like i've talked a lot i only ate probably like 40. i have one more my gum does hurt but it's not that bad right now because i i've been avoiding it now i have a rival of the birds in my head the thing about classical music i feel like is that you don't have to really know a lot about it to be able to really like well i guess that could be said for anything i don't know anything about rap and there's some of it that i kind of like kind of kind of maybe a little bit anyway that's my video thank you for listening it was very long but it was something different i thought you would like a little it's not like a q a from you guys but something that break the ice for people that are new i mean if i just gained 400 000 new followers in five months on the main channel that means there's 400 000 people who they don't know much about me other than the dramatics so i am a person uh i am i do have goals and visions and dreams and um there's a lot of different sides to me there's a crazy side there's a calm side there's a professional side very business oriented here on youtube and um you know i'm multi-dimensional and that's me that's my life and i'm also nico avocado yeah and that's i was just talking to somebody i was just talking to somebody um about with regards to seeking out a publicist to help represent my channel and um it was an interview and they're saying like who is nicocado avocado and the more that i try describing to them who i am but also who my online self is i've realized that i've evolved so much like i'm still me i don't feel like i've changed that much um i've always been ambitious i've always been musical i've always been funny i love to i always like to walk the line i like to be edgy i don't feel like i've changed even from my earliest of videos i like being different um but i still have evolved in other ways and i was speaking to this person and you know three minutes into it i i was like you know what wow i've really evolved what i do on the internet even though i'm doing the same thing i mean my first mukbang to this mukbang is so different so i think it's kind of special anyway um thank you for watching i really enjoyed spending time with you if you want me to make a personal video for you let me shout this out put me on cameo link down below and um yeah i can't wait to make a video for you just for you and if you're new please consider subscribing check out all my other channels thank you to everyone who has been sticking by me through thick and thin even if you don't like me as much now but you're still here and that does mean the world to me you know i know i'm never going to be 100 liked and i know that people will go back and forth with if they like me or not i see all the time on instagram people will come and be like oh i used to love him now i now i'm not unsure or the opposite oh my god he used to hate him now like now he's my new obsession and really depends on what time of year they're following me what i happen to be putting out in my videos you know am i mentally unwell am i mentally stable am i doing too much trolling am i doing a lot of acting if there's maybe it's just a bad week maybe orlan and i are fighting and he left the house and i'm crying about it like it's just like it's such a so i do appreciate you guys for sticking by um even if your opinions of me do change um you're still here you're still watching you're still listening you're still talking and that is the the the greatest gift that anybody could have on social media because um if no one says anything then it's dead it's done you know so i do appreciate that i really really do and um thank you so much for your time this was very long and i will see you tomorrow for another video yay and please uh keep saying some thoughts and prayers or whatever you like to do to wish people well because my my gum is so swollen still ah and it's just not good it really hurts but please thank you okay bye bye
Channel: More Nikocado
Views: 535,699
Rating: 4.1913862 out of 5
Keywords: nikocado, nikocado avocado, chicken nugget challenge, 100 chicken nuggets, 100 chicken nugget challenge, 100 chicken nugget mukbang, mukbang chicken nuggets, chicken nuggets mukbang, chicken nuggets asmr, asmr chicken nuggets, 100 chicken nuggets asmr, asmr 100 chicken nuggets, chicken nugget challenge mcdonalds, mcdonalds chicken nuggets, mcdonalds chicken nugget challenge, mcdonalds chicken nugget mukbang, mcdonalds nuggets mukbang, mcdonalds nuggets challenge
Id: W_jFVZzoj7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 57sec (3897 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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