100% FLAT EARTH FAILURE!!! D. Marble's Ignorance Abounds

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when a hospital this is gonna be another long one my father was famous he was [Music] last week I was blocked on Twitter by D marble I sent him a link to my videos trashing his Eclipse claims to see if he had any defense and his response was to challenge me to debunk another one of his videos well that wasn't his only response he was smug and insulting and he sent me some lame memes that I easily shot down but he blocked me because he wanted to keep asking questions but not answer any and I kept calling him out on it so he flounced away but he did issue a direct challenge which was debunk this and I said I would now unlike Darrell I'm not afraid to answer questions so when I say I'm going to debunk his video I'm not gonna dismiss parts of his video offhand or respond to a point with that he puts forth with a meme or a question back at him I'm going to address every single point of his video so this may take a bit but when I'm done you'll see that Daryl doesn't have a high school level understanding of science and whether that's through ignorance willful ignorance because this information is easy to acquire or just stupidity I don't know but either way he has no idea what he's talking about let's get to his video [Music] one thing that we have to deal with as flat-earthers from the heliocentric enthusiast community is the idea that they always say that we have absolutely no evidence to support what we believe this is true he has no evidence to support what he believes none well I think I'd like to weigh in on that and do what I can to provide a little more evidence that's important side B think you have evidence today we're gonna be talking about the Sun you're gonna want to hang out on til the hand for this I love how smug he looks here he really thinks he's got a showstopper of evidence at the end he has no idea that he has no idea what he's talking about now what we're told according to the heliocentric model is that the Sun is 93 million miles away we're gonna start off by talking about the distance we'll talk about the size in a little bit the thing is according to what we've seen these the CGI images from the Sun we always see the solar system and it's never to scale you never see a representation graphical representation of the Sun being 93 million miles away from the earth and all the other planets you know in relation you you never see it that way every time the Sun seems to be small and close it's right at the center there aren't there isn't a whole lot of distance in between the Sun and the rest of the planets definitely not 93 million miles of distance in scale on these little CGI images in my previous video I called him a small thinker and this is one reason why right off the bat Darryl shows he doesn't understand the reality of large distances why don't we see images of the solar system at scale maybe because we want to be able to see the planets remember a week or so back when I made a video showing that the Eclipse debunks your Flat Earth model Darrell yeah well in it I showed this image a to-scale representation of the Sun Earth and Moon there's the Sun can you see the earth it's right here let me zoom in give a second here we are what Darrell doesn't seem to understand is how big 93 million miles is if I pull back again here this is how well you can see the earth if we show everything to scale and that's just the 93 million miles between the Earth and the Sun Neptune is some 30 times farther away so the Sun would be a 30th its diameter and nothing else would be seen if the earth were the size of a small marble the solar system would be about the size of San Francisco so let's spread out up being yoga ball and a bunch of marbles over an area the size of San Francisco back up and get a photo of it all what would you see what value would that be that's why they don't show the solar system to true scale let's continue okay also another red flag in that whole idea is that it is CGI the fact that every time you see the solar system you see the Sun and the earth in the sky and all that out in space it's always CGI that should be a red flag okay no it's not always CGI these images here of the earth are not CGI they are single exposure film images of the earth now the fact is that all imagery from satellites of objects in the solar system taken today are digital and all digital images come through some form of a computer hell any image you see online has technically been processed by a computer but that does not make them CGI they're not necessarily computer-generated if a satellite captures an image of the Sun in the infrared spectrum infrared is invisible to our eyes so the infrared image is converted into wavelengths that we can see so even though a computer converted it into something we can see it didn't just generate the image now some images are computer-generated for sure but to say all is just lying or being ignorant of the facts hey the Sun if the Sun is 93 million miles away you know we we have the images we have videos where the Sun leaves a hot spot on the clouds or on the surface of the earth as you can see here in this footage from dog cam you see the the weather balloon has a camera attached to it it's floating above the clouds and all that and you can see a hot spot now if the Sun were 93 million miles away there's no way it will be able to leave that that little spot there on the clouds but right there you can see it or from this this video that where did you come up with the idea that hot spots can only result from a light source being closed who told you that a hot spot occurs because a great deal of light is being reflected toward the camera from a particular surface that's it distance of the light doesn't matter the fact is if you look at this image you see puffy clouds all over which breaks up the light diffuses it but the point that has the hot spot is smooth and reflective likely water and so you get a lot of light bouncing straight toward the camera hot spot it has nothing to do with distance whoever told you that about hot spot they lied to you this video that I took personally from an airplane you know on a flight from Little Rock to Houston you could see the Sun seemingly right above the surface of the earth you could see this this spot where it appeared that the light was that much more intense in that area than anywhere else on the surface of the earth now so you don't know how light works do you don't you know that light is more intense where more is bouncing toward you these areas here are getting just as much light as this area but more of it is bouncing away from you while this area right here is right in line with you in the Sun and more of it is bouncing towards you why don't you know this don't you have light bulbs how have you not noticed this fundamental property of light and vision if the Sun were actually at a distance of 93 million miles away all the rays from the Sun would hit the earth parallel but the fact of the matter is there's pictures and you've seen these things more than likely or you're seeing one right here of the Sun seemingly sitting right above the clouds where the Rays kind of splay out into these different directions showing where if you trace the Rays back to the bees you know sing this singular source these call these are called crepuscular rays if you trace these rays back to the source from each side you'll see it goes straight to the Sun and you can pretty much triangulate the location of the Sun or using those sun rays the only thing is we've been brainwashed for so long to believe that the Sun so far away that when we see these waves will say you know that that's just a coincidence it's some sort of optical illusion or you know the sun's actually that at that distance point is it's refraction you know light works differently out there with the Sun when in actuality that's not the case you know of course crepuscular rays well let's just say sunbeams yeah you're not gonna like it but it's not refraction it's just perspective parallel lines when seen at an angle appear to converge at infinity now this if this wasn't the case if sunbeams really did show the Sun nearby it could be quickly proven use your math to get the position of the Sun then call someone that should be under the Sun according to your math and ask them where the Sun is I bet good money the Sun will not be right overhead but another proof that the light is parallel comes from images like these these are antique crepuscular rays rays that show up on the opposite horizon from the Sun the sunlight comes in from there that same light that you think is from a nearby source it passes us by and then converges that infinity over there they converge at infinity because they are parallel if the source was nearby the light would still be diverging spreading out as it passes and would not converge and infinity over there your model kit just explains some things there all it has to explain things better and it has to explain more things than the heliocentric model I could say sure but mere Sun model might explain these rays but it doesn't explain these rays while the heliocentric model explains both oh and when you see pictures of crepuscular rays from above the clouds they run parallel as far as the temperature differences concerning the Sun you know we're told were than in this Goldilocks zone we're in this perfect space where we're not so close to the Sun that we would actually burn and we're not so far away from the Sun that we would all freeze to death you know this wouldn't be like an ice planet you know so my question here because I'm a simple guy this is a simple question Suns 93 million miles away if we were any closer to the Sun we'd be on fire right so you'd like to think that everything within 92 million miles away would be ablaze wouldn't you because that's what we're told right we're in the Goldilocks zone if we were closer we would be on fire right that's what the trusted scientific community tells us right I want you to think about this stuff okay and by nearly 50 years on this planet I have never heard a single scientist say that if we were any closer to the Sun we would burn or any air will be on fire or any farther away we would be an ice planet where are you getting this nonsense no one has ever said that you have this naive concept of the heliocentric model where the earth is going around in this perfect circle around the Sun at exactly 93 million miles and any closer or any farther away means catastrophe okay so first let's talk about this word zone which he seems to not know what it means here zone means range of distances where conditions would be friendly to life as we know it specifically liquid water the atmosphere to keep it it's not about being on fire or being an ice planet that Goldilocks zone is a decent size to Venus crosses into it on occasion and Mars sits right in there too now Mars doesn't have much of an atmosphere though but it is in the zone no there's there's lots of room to move around in the Goldilocks zone which is good because the earth doesn't stay at 93 million miles from the Sun no it's got an elliptical path that takes them about in about 91 and a half million miles out from the Sun and then out to about ninety four and a half million miles so when Darryl wonders why the inner planets aren't on fire and the outer planets aren't all ice all he's doing is showing that he doesn't know what the actual positions taken by mainstream science are moving on you know um also concerning the Sun at that distance realize this try to acknowledge this fact that every time you see the Sun out in space you always see this big orange ball and you see these these uh solar flares you know just kind of jumping off the surface and you know it's all it's all looks like hot lava it's it's orange this molten ball out in the middle of space and behind this big orange ball you always see this black background the black but the background is always jet black but you when you go outside and you look up and you see the Sun so it don't look like more of a yellow spotlight small local and with you what do you see with your own eyes behind the Sun you always see blue when you go outside and you look up at the Sun you see a blue background so why is it that here on earth you see you look up and you see the Sun and the Sun always has a blue background but when you see these official images from the trusted scientific community and the good folks over at NASA who are raking in that 52 million as a date you see the Sun and it's always a black background why does that why does that happen why does it look that way ask ask these questions to yourself okay I was genuinely stunned when I first heard him take this position do you really not know why satellites images taken of the earth have a black background while we see a blue sky when we look toward the Sun or sometimes an orange sky you don't know that ask these questions to yourself no instead I decided to ask my 12 year old son Malachi without coaching this is what I got for an answer hey Malik I have a question for you okay so you know how when you go out in the daytime and you look at the Sun and it's kind of like this bright yellow white and it's on a blue sky yeah but when you look at pictures of like from satellites of the Sun and it's thick orange up against black what why is it black when you look it there but when you look at it up to yourself with your eyes it's up against blue excellent that's pretty good he's 12 years old and he knew the answer to that question was that a complete answer no but at 12 years old my son seems to know more about how air effects like creating a colored sky then Darryl does dude when you're on the earth you are looking at the Sun on a planet with an atmosphere it reflects and scatters the light and appears bloom sometimes read sometimes orange so when we're looking up we're looking at atmosphere in space which is where the satellites take those images there is no air no light scatter you are looking at the vast nothingness of space and my twelve-year-old even knows that the Sun is so bright that the images we see have been filtered as to not be too bright to allow us to better see the sun's features and when you filter out light the the bright Sun you also filter out the dim stars so even those go away you know the the size comparison of the earth those as follows they tell us that the earth is 400 times smaller than the Sun vice versa though the Sun is 400 times larger than the earth is what they tell us by comparison looks a little something like this now there's also video representation where they're there who's telling you the Sun is 400 times the size of the earth did you bother to look that up where did you get that number first off the diameter of the Sun is a hundred and nine times the diameter of the earth 109 not 400 but that's just the diameter when you when it comes to volume the Sun is 1.3 million times the size of the earth that means you could pour 1.3 million earths inside the Sun neither of those numbers is 400 where do you get 400 there is one pilot he shows that he's flying at 35,000 feet and what he does he takes his camera shows the controls shows his altitude and out of the window on the right side he shows the moon off in the distance and it's nice and dark and what he does he pans his camera around to the left over a seemingly flat surface because you can't see any curvature at that 35,000 feet and then he shows the Sun and the Sun in this video looks small looks local it looks like it's sitting right above the clouds you know but there's also it's called a sunset it happens every night the the earth turns and the Sun sets below the horizon every night you know that's a specific facet of the globe model right now I know this wasn't a point of your video but let me speak to your claim about seeing the curve of the earth at 35,000 feet you know this plane is not 35,000 feet above the horizon right no they sure they they may be 35,000 feet over the surface of the earth but that's not the horizon that we're looking at here no really what we're looking at is the horizon made by the highest clouds below the plane in the distance right the plane goes up the surface of the earth falls away but when the plane goes above a cloud layer that becomes the new floor you can be up 35,000 feet but if you're only a thousand feet above the clouds in the distance then you're only a thousand feet above an even bigger sphere I can guarantee you've never thought about that another video from a pilot where he shows the controls at 38,000 feet what does he do he gives a big thumbs up smiles at the camera and it cuts to another clip from that same cockpit and the camera shows the clouds now out of the right side of the window I believe it was and over these clouds inside these clouds you see this large orange bright object now they're at 38,000 feet you can see that it would appear that the Sun is not up in the sky but perhaps that you know from this evidence it looks like the Sun is in the clouds when he's flying that airplane in that in that particular video you know there there's more evidence another video with either a sunset or a sunrise Darrell doesn't realize that the heliocentric model allows for the Sun to be below the clouds let's call let's call this the earth and the sunlight is coming in from this direction if this is you here and there's a cloud overhead you're in the shadow and the Sun is bouncing off the top of the cloud if we're gonna plant above that cloud it's bright and reflecting but if you're here where it's sunset or sunrise actually just past sunset or just before sunrise on the surface even though the Sun is below the horizon for someone at sea level for this cloud here the Sun comes in and hits the underside of the clouds making the clouds glow like in these photos now if you're at a plane above those clouds you see the Sun through those clouds and you see the globe coming through it's really quite simple if you take the time to think about it for a close small local Sun you know there was a guy on the beach where he talked you through his video and he said I knew that this was gonna be a good day to get a good video of the Sun with clouds behind it on the beach so he took his p900 and he zoomed in on the Sun and you could see clouds behind the Sun signifying that the Sun is not 93 million miles away or four hundred times the size of the earth you know and if you actually just trust your senses if nope that's not the clouds behind the Sun that's the clouds in front of the Sun being washed out by the sun's intensity if you were to be absolutely honest you'd have to admit that you don't actually see the clouds go behind the Sun but you see this up the clouds run up to the edge of the Sun and then disappear and then kind of reappear on the other side how does that work okay let me let me show you a picture here start off with some nice thin clouds in the distance see how they move around then they pass in front of the Sun which is so bright that the clouds cannot be seen it's washed out maybe some highlights and glow around it here now closer to you are these thicker clouds and the sunlight doesn't make it through them shadows appear in the clouds resulting in this layered look the Sun is far and bright in the clouds are thin if you you can hop on YouTube or you can you know take a look at this video and find additional videos you're gonna find that there are time lapses that people have taken of the Sun moving across the sky and while the sun's moving across the sky you'll notice that the earth seems to be stationary like the earth isn't moving the buildings that you see are moving you see the Sun drifting across the sky so what was that tell you it tells me you don't know how anything works do not understand that the camera is attached to the earth and they are moving together hey there oh here's a dashcam video why doesn't the front of the car move because the camera is attached to the moving object and is moving with it do you really expect the earth to be moving relative to the camera the camera is on the earth and moving with it how do you not know that man we're told that the earth is rotating around the Sun yeah we feel no movement we don't see any motion we don't feel any motion out here but we feel stillness when we go outside and in the time-lapse you see the Sun moving across the sky just like that so what does that tell you I believe that tells you to trust your senses and what did your senses tell you your senses tell you that the Sun is the thing that's moving and at the earth is flat and stationary but let's go on you don't feel the earth moving trust your senses how to address this okay for some people like Daryl they think that their senses are really good when in fact they're pretty dull they think that since the earth is spinning we should feel like we're moving fast but our bodies don't feel speed no no we don't feel speed we feel acceleration but if our speed is constant we don't notice the motion if you're in a car or on a train or a plane that's moving smoothly you have no idea how fast you're going without visible visual cues you can't tell now you say but I can feel that I'm moving Jerry I always feel it what you feel is the bumping and the vibration of the engine the road the tracks the turbulence and each of those bumps is an acceleration but you have no sense of speed without visual cues that that's how simulators work by fooling your senses slowly dip the Box you're in and shake it and make you feel like you're accelerating forward then rumble you a bit and show images going by very quickly and you think you're moving fast but you're not and you can't tell simulators use the fact that we can't tell how fast we are going to convince us of motion that isn't there now now some of you out there may know a bit of science not not you there you'd never think of this but some of you may be thinking wait since the earth is spinning I'm travelling on a circular path I'm not going in one direction at a constant speed I'm changing direction in every moment and that change of direction is acceleration why don't I feel that acceleration well it's possible we would except for the fact that that acceleration is overwhelmed by the acceleration we do feel the acceleration of gravity you see gravity is accelerating us toward the center of the earth at all times the ground just gets in the way and we feel that acceleration at all times that's how we can tell up from down at all times we're just used to it we were born in it and it's always there we tend to ignore it and that little fraction of acceleration of the earth spinning it barely touches gravity we don't notice it now I was thinking to myself the other day you know concerning the song that in our graphical images say Google Earth things like that we're shown the earth okay the rest of this is too slow but this was a big stunner at the end of his video that he was so proud of given that the Sun can only illuminate half the globe at any one time he decided to test the globe model by calling his fellow flat-earthers in Yorkshire and in Queensland by Skype so you can see that the Sun is visible in both places and his local Washington at the same time well they don't really see the Sun but the sky is lit up by the Sun the guy in Yorkshire says he can still see the Rays and the guy in Queensland says the Sun is just coming up so neither of them actually say that they can see the Sun but and the video was just bright but they acknowledge that the Sun is over there and lighting up the sky and I ignored that - now given those locations are 15 time zones apart he thinks this proves the heliocentric model has been shattered what it actually shows that once again he has an elementary-school understanding of the heliocentric model but before I go on about his failure of education there's this part as I was writing up my deconstruction of his other nonsense he put up another video defending himself from criticism people say he faked it somehow or something and and I don't think that's what happened what he did was real but he just didn't understand what was happening he defends himself by setting up a globe with a light and shows that these two locations cannot be lit up by the Sun at the same time and I'm glad he did that because my criticism was to show that he doesn't understand how the heliocentric model works and his demo proved it he sets the earth up and you can see he's unable to have light on both Yorkshire and Queensland at the same time that proves it right let me set up a similar demo this is how he had it set up my earth like this my son over there in this case my son is smaller than my earth so it will illuminate a little less than half of the globe while the real son being bigger than the earth eliminates here more than half the earth but we work with what we have now I have an old Hass globe and it's not very reflective so bear with me but I the location of these three cities on it here as you can see when the UK is at sunset here Australia is in darkness and this is why Darrell thinks he's right so here's the thing it's summer in the United States and the seasons are determined by the orientation of the Earth on its axis in regards to the Sun and since it's summer that means the northern hemisphere is pointed toward the Sun like this now in Daryl's video he claimed that no part of the earth should get more than 12 hours of light as you can see here places on the globe that are far north have longer daylight during this time of year anything more north than this will have 24 hours of light right now Yorkshire daylight hours are over 14 hours a few weeks back they were 16 hours in Tacoma the days are 13 and a half hours long because it's here not as far north but pretty fair north so while only half the planet gets light the half that is at this angle during this part of the year has more daylight hours so let's look at our locations shall we give me a moment here we have Yorkshire and it's dawn and as the day passes we get to peak Sun and now or at sunset the Sun has gone down and all you see is a goal from the Sun set in Washington you can see its peak Sun and over here in Queensland down there look at that the Sun is just making this sky glow huh it's almost as if once again Darrell doesn't know what he's talking about now I see why he is self-assured smile on his face all the time they do say ignorance is bliss [Music] maybe you came by congratulate myself if tree you
Channel: GreaterSapien
Views: 684,385
Rating: 4.4966593 out of 5
Keywords: D. Marble, GreaterSapien, Flat Earth, Pseudoscience, Creationism, Globe Earth, Heliocentric
Id: aSHFzRnK9rE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 44sec (1964 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2017
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