100% Disk Usage in Windows 10 Tips

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you know i guess some people are still having issues with a hundred percent disk usage so today we're going to revisit the subject stay tuned it's been exactly a year since my 100 disc usage video came out and it's still the top video on my channel in fact it's still getting tons of views every day so obviously this is a problem that's affecting a lot of people so today we're going to revisit the subject and i'm going to give you the top tips at least the tips that help the most on this subject now these tips aren't going to help everyone and if you want to watch the full video i'll go ahead and tag it here so you can check that one out too so if this kind of content interests you then please like this video and don't forget to subscribe to my channel and hit that bell icon so you can be notified of future videos i post a new video every week now let's get to the first tip so the first tip that i'm going to cover today is disabling some key services that will help reduce your hard drive usage these are three services that i disable on almost every older system and it helps a lot with disk usage so let's get to those right now okay so the first thing that you're going to want to do here is click on your start menu and type in services and then go ahead and open the services app and now from here the first service we're going to look for is the connected user experience and telemetry so go ahead and scroll down and here it is right here so we're going to click on that we're going to change this from automatic to disabled push the stop button and then hit apply and ok essentially what this service does is pretty much just spy on you this is microsoft's telemetry service and honestly i may be wrong on this but i don't think it has any redeeming qualities at all other than windows malware so this one i disable this one on every system that i work on regardless of disk issues however this will help to reduce resources used because you know you're taking away at least one of the ways that microsoft spies on you in windows 10. so now let's move on to the next service so what we're going to do is we're going to scroll down and we're looking now for a service called system main and here it is this this service used to be called superfetch and microsoft changed the name of the service i'm not sure exactly which build they changed it in but they changed it to system main everyone should have system made now you probably won't find super fetch anymore but just be known that it used to have another name so we're going to double click on this we're going to go ahead and change automatic to disabled then we're going to hit stop we're going to hit apply and ok and essentially what super fetch does or system main in this case is it actually preloads applications into memory when the computer boots up so windows tries to guess which programs that you're going to use and it loads those programs in the background so that when you click on them it appears as if they're loading faster unfortunately this affects your disk usage and it actually affects a lot of your system's resources so if you have a slower computer or you're suffering from 100 disk usage disabling this service can help out a lot so now let's move on to the next one so the next service that we're going to do is the search service so we're going to scroll down to windows search and here it is we're going to go ahead and open it we're going to change the startup type to disabled we're going to push stop then apply and okay and the windows search service is probably the biggest culprit when it comes to disk usage issues especially with services with these three services that we just went over the search service typically uses the most hard drive resources and can affect 100 disk usage the most however this is also the worst one to disable in some cases because this actually disables the windows search functionality so if you want to search for files and folders or if you want to search in microsoft outlook this can actually affect that and make your search actually not work the way that it's supposed to also if you're using the windows 10 built-in backup this will actually disable the backup so it doesn't work so you may have to have the service enabled and if that's the case unfortunately you won't get the benefit from disabling it so now let's move on to the next tip okay so the next thing that we're going to do is we're going to change the power profile in windows 10 and to do that it's really easy what you're going to do is you want to right click anywhere on the desktop and we want to go down to display settings and then from display settings you want to go ahead and click on power and sleep right here and then from there you want to scroll down until you see additional power settings now this might actually be over here on the right if you have the settings expanded to full screen but if you don't then just scroll down you should find this additional power setting somewhere in this power and sleep section and then once we open that you can see right here that right now it's set to balanced and what we want is we want to change this to high performance and some computers will have the high performance already and some won't so if it doesn't what you're going to want to do is click on create power plan and then you want to choose which power plan you want we want high performance and then go ahead and name your plan i'm going to name mine high performance and then we're going to go ahead and hit next and then from this section you can actually change the way that windows operates where how it turns the display off and how it puts the computer to sleep you can change these settings to fit your needs and i'm going to go ahead and leave them default and hit create and now as you can see we have two power plans we have the balanced and we have the high performance now changing the power plan probably isn't going to have a huge effect on your disk usage but it may help a little bit and if anything it will speed your computer up a little bit but it will also forsake um the power savings features so what'll happen is is that you know if you're using a notebook like this one you may get a little bit less battery life but your computer will actually be faster so it might be a good trade-off i typically always put my computer in the high performance mode because honestly the performance is more important to me than battery life so now let's move on to the next tip okay so the next tip actually may seem a little obvious but this one right here might actually affect your issues more than you might think and that's simply running windows update so what we're going to do is i'm going to show you how to manually start windows update and how you can go through the process so let's go to the computer so what you're going to do is you're going to hit the start button you're going to click on this little cog right here for settings and then from there you want to scroll down to the last item that says update and security go ahead and click on that and then push the check for updates button now at this point update is going to go ahead and run it's going to check for updates first and then once it finds updates it's automatically going to install them and it may take some time if your computer has updates to install but once it finishes it should give you a restart button go ahead and restart your computer and hopefully that'll solve the issues that you're having so now let's move on to the next tip the next tip that we're going to go over is a tip that's helped me solve a lot of 100 disk usage issues and this is actually a bug in the sata drivers on some computers now this doesn't affect all computers it only affects some but if you have this problem it can result in the 100 disc issue so let me show you how to fix the problem okay so you want to right click on your start button and go to device manager from device manager you want to click on your ide controllers and pick your sata controller from there click on driver and click on the driver details if you're using the store ahci system then you're probably suffering from this bug if you're not then this really doesn't relate to your system this only relates to systems that are using that specific driver so if you are using this driver then we're going to want to move on to the next step go ahead and hit ok and you want to go to details and then from the details tab you want to go to device instant path and then you want to actually copy this string right here and the next thing we're going to do is open up notepad from notepad i want you to paste that string into notepad just so we can remember it for later and then what we're going to want to do is open up regedit and to do that just go ahead and type regedit from the start button and go ahead and launch the registry editor you're going to have to actually allow it to open because you need administrator privileges in order to open it so we're going to want to go to local machine system then current control set then enum i don't know if i'm pronouncing that right i'm probably not but go ahead and click on it anyway and then we want to go to pci and then from this section right here we want to match our device instant path with the entries here in the registry so we're going to go ahead and scroll down and see if we can find this instant path in the registry here this is the reason why you use notepad it makes it a lot easier to figure this out and it looks like we have it here so we're going to go ahead and open up the containing folder and then we're going to move down and we want to look for device parameters so go ahead and click on device parameters and then from there we want to go to interrupt management and then from here we want to click on message signaling interrupt properties and from here you'll see a d word that says msi supported so we're going to go ahead and open this one up it should say one we want to change this to zero and this will actually disable the msi support for that driver and from this point we can go ahead and restart windows and if this was an issue for you then you should see a dramatic drop in hard drive usage once you reboot your computer so now let's move on to the next step and this step is actually the most important step this one is going to help your hard drive usage regardless of what your problem is this one right here is if nothing else works this is the step that i take on all systems and i haven't had a single system that didn't get its 100 disc issue solved by using this step and that's unfortunately upgrading to an ssd you see windows takes advantage of the performance benefits of an ssd drive the reason it does this is because honestly ssds used to be quite expensive i mean i'm talking like four or five hundred bucks for a 120 gig drive and back then only pretty much the elite users would use ssds most people use spinning disks because honestly it was just more affordable it just was too expensive to use an ssd on a system back when the prices were that high however in the last few years the prices have literally crashed on ssd drives you can actually buy an ssd drive at the same size as a spinning disk for a comparable price and honestly it's not worth not using one nowadays and because of that everyone has been upgrading to ssds and because of this microsoft has actually started taking advantage of the performance of ssds and this is one of the reasons why you're having 100 disk usage issues is because windows is expecting your hard drive to be faster because honestly you really should be using an ssd and this is another reason why manufacturers need to stop selling computers with spinning disks i mean i work on computers all the time that are brand new in the box and they still have old-fashioned hard drives in them you know honestly i think that's just an irresponsible way to build a computer nowadays if you're building a new system use an ssd and if you're buying a system make sure you don't purchase a computer that doesn't have an ssd included you should be able to get a 500 to one terabyte ssd for honestly really close to the same price as you would for a spinning disc so there's no reason to use an old-fashioned spinning disc anymore so i did a video recently where i show how to upgrade your computer from a spinning disk to an ssd without losing any of your data and i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to pin that video right here so if none of these tips work then go ahead and watch that video and upgrade yourself to an ssd so if this video is helpful to you then please click the like button and also don't forget to subscribe to my channel and hit that bell icon so you can be notified of future videos i post a new video every week and hey before you go check out a couple of these videos have a great day
Channel: CyberCPU Tech
Views: 1,171,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100% Disk Usage in Windows 10 Tips, fix 100% disk usage windows 10, windows 10 is really slow, how to fix 100% disk usage in windows 10
Id: e3kYlLbk20I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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