10 Zootopia Fan Theories That Make Total Sense

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there are so many fascinating fan theories about Zootopia like why there are no fish or cats and dogs in the movie and what's really going on between Judy and Nick stay tuned to find out what the directors have to say about that you'll be shocked when you see the deleted scene the directors also confirm why the antelopes our groundbreaking Disney characters let's dive into all of this and more with ten Zootopia fan theories that make total sense this is priority number one Judy and Nick are descendants of Robin Hood and Skippy we love that when Disney movies exist in the same universe and there's a fan theory that Zootopia exists in the same world as Robin Hood not only that but Judy and Nick could be descendants of key characters in that movie Robin Hood himself and Skippy the bunny even more exciting is the fact that the co-directors of Zootopia are on board with the idea a fan asked them whether someone who lived in the Zootopia Universe could go back in time and discover whether Disney's Robin Hood existed the directors responded by saying that it could have taken place in the Middle Ages and therefore it was a neat idea that totally makes sense k-max time pointed out the similarities between Robin Hood and Nick lending weight to the theory that they're related Nick's thirst for justice and rebellious nature could have been handed down from his ancestral brave pioneers who weren't afraid to think outside the box when society ridiculed Nick for wanting a fair setup he turned to shady markets and dealings to bring more good to the world that's just like how Robin Hood took from the rich and gave to the poor and then there's a fact that these two Fox characters share an uncanny resemblance as for Judy and Skippy they both share Laurel roots so the theory goes that after the events of King John's reign Skippy's family was able to afford land and make a farm this lasts all the way to the new world where Judy's family are farmers Judy also believes in justice and righting wrongs just like Skippy although this is just speculation there's another fan theory that got explicitly confirmed by the movies co-director Judy's neighbors are a gay couple when judy has shown to her apartment at the Grant's Pangolin Arms we briefly see her next-door neighbors they are Bucky and Pronk orcs antler son Oh hi I'm Judy your new neighbor don't expect it Judy soon discovers that they are loud and argumentative they listen in on Judy's phone conversation with her parents after her rough first day at work and they offer up some pretty rude comments like telling Judy to turn off the depressing music and telling her that tomorrow may be worse they also yell at each other to shut up the couple largely went unnoticed but some fans put forward the theory that they were in fact Disney's first ever gay couple the clue was in the credits where they were listed with the same double-barrelled surname lawrence antler s'en and in November 2016 co-director Jared Busch confirmed on Twitter that they are indeed a gay married couple he added that they don't yell at each other because they're gay they yell because they're real it was in response to a fan who asked if he'd ever commented on the nature of Bucky and Punk's relationship and Jared plus co-director Byron Howard actually provided the voices for those two groundbreaking characters the Zito pians were created by humans a fan shared a theory on reddit's but the animals we see in Zootopia are actually human animal hybrids and humans created them there are various ways we can see this in the movie the Zootopia n--'s have larger legs than their presents de cousins they are legs made for walking uprights so there must be human DNA present to make that possible they also have fingers rather than paws and the females have two breasts this is another human trait if you look at rabbits in the wild they are rodents which means they have six teats to feed their young again that points to human DNA this fan acknowledges that there's a potential problem with this theory and that's what we hear in the first trailer for the movie it says Zootopia exists in a world where humans never happened and that is why Zootopia is a modern civilized world that is entirely animal however the fan has an answer to that this humans never existed line could be what the government of Zootopia says because after all how would you feel if you woke up one day and learned that dragons created humans that might sound ridiculous to us but utopians might also find the idea of humans creating them to be ridiculous we'll give you even more fan theories this potential cover-up stay tuned for more on that later in our video humans were overthrown by the Zootopia --nz another fan theory on reddit also proposes that the Zootopia ng's were created by humans but this fan takes the theory even further by claiming that Zootopia takes place in a future where humankind has been overthrown by animals the theory suggests that humans became so advanced they decided to create new mammals with human DNA and these new mammals got the most beneficial human traits we're talking things like speech walking on two legs having opposable thumbs and having a higher cognitive function that totally ties in with the kind of anthropomorphic animals we see in the movie they have these very human traits like wearing modern clothing the theory goes on to suggest that these advanced animals saw how badly their wild counterparts were treated they were disgusted by the way humans behaved towards wild creatures and so they revolted against humanity over time the anthropomorphic animals and wild animals started to breathe and that's what created the mixed animals we see in the movie why there are no cats and dogs this man theory on reddit can also explain why there are no cats and dogs in Zootopia and it links to the mammal discrimination we see in the movie as well as the stigma attached to being a predator after humanity was overthrown a similar stigma would have existed towards animals that had previously been associated with humans we're talking about all those animals you don't see in the movie as well as domestic cats and dogs there are no primates horses or cows one of those animals have in common they either look like humans or they have a symbiotic relationship with humans for example dogs are our man's best friend cats lived in luxury horses had close relationships with humans cows relied on humans to harvest their milk and feed them primates looked like humans and that's why they don't appear in Zootopia because they were all removed by the other species why there is a corgi in the UK version another Reddit user also put forward a similar theory but with a slightly different angle and it explains why there is in fact a dog in the UK version of the film a Corgi to be precise which is the Queen's favorite dog breed but we'll get to that soon let's go through the whole theory first the fan suggests that there are no cats and dogs into topia because they actively stood by humanity during the uprising it's not just that they had a close relationship with humans but that they defended humans when the animals revolted this fan theory gives the movie a backstory were animals overthrew humanity and an event called the Great Purge this fan also has a response to the fact that the trailer says Zootopia exists in a world where humans never existed the answer is that the rulers of Zootopia didn't want their brutal past to ruin their present day peace so they staged a cover-up as for the dog in the UK version of the movies the fan responded to that by explaining that the Corgi would have been the traitor and what did the Corgi do why led enemy forces down the secret path to humanity of course why there are no fish in Zootopia aquatic mammals are also conspicuous by their absence although we see water in the movie we don't see any underwater life the ocean seems to be there for recreation for the land living creatures rather than as a home for aquatic creatures we see the utopians using the beaches for fun and there are leisure boats out on the ocean plus there doesn't seem to be any method to transport aquatic life around the metropolis so where are the aquatic mammals there's a fan theory that the mammals that live in the ocean like whales live in a fish topia instead and that's because it was just too difficult logistically for them to live as part of the metropolis but there's a darker theory too that suggests there are no aquatic mammals because it's utopians just don't care about them at all this is evidence from their natural history muzeum not all mammals are represented it's true that Nick and Judy don't necessarily see every exhibit during their time in the museum but there is no evidence at all that there are any whales dolphins seals or other intelligence underwater mammals in the museum and we learn why Judy first travels into Zootopia we see polar bears visiting fish town market and Clark halibuts these are places that sell consumable fish not only that but there's also a place called blubber chef blubber comes from whales and other aquatic mammals so that means they eat them to all those utopia is a society built on equality they don't value aquatic life and they even eat other Judy and Nick's relationship is deliberately ambiguous the truth behind Judy and Nick's relationship has had fans in a study debate ever since the film came out in March 2016 there are two main camps one that believes they're just great friends and one that believes they're romantically involved the ambiguity behind their relationship isn't just a fan of AIDS the directors left the character's relationship open to interpretation and they understand why fans can read it either way co-director rich Moore told aw that he immediately found out that one camp of fans shipped Judy in net and want them to get married these fans even showed the directors drawings of the characters wedding but on the other side he's found fans who strongly believe the characters should not get married they don't want there to be a romance they just want Judy Ann next to be best friends and they're curious as to why every male and female couple in a movie has to fall in love when talking about the spin-off potential of the movie the directors revealed they would have to address that lingering plot point rich Moore admitted that they would have to take on the questions of what Nick and Judy's relationship really is like and he knows that one camp will be disappointed with their decision the directors even had some fun with the ambiguity in a deleted scene and in that deleted scene it looks like Nick and Judy were secretly dating stay tuned for that Judy and Nick went on to have kids the fans that ship Judy and Nick have been playing out the debate with other fans on Korra one fan explains how it would be possible for the characters to get together in a sequel and not only that how the characters could have children hold up a minute how would a rabbit and Fox our children the fan made an argument in favor of the theory by citing Disney movie history there have been other odd couples made up of two different species the fan gave the example of the Robin Hood movie and the strong indication of romantic interests between the bear Little John and the chicken lady Kluck Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog were also held up as examples the pair had daydreams about having children together in a movie not only that but the fan also pointed out how animals in real life have bred with others sees raccoons can breed with cats dogs can read with wolves and coyotes horses can breed with donkeys so it wouldn't be to beyond the realms of possibility for Judy and Nick to have kids Judy and Nick were secretly dating when the movie was first released a fan created an image on deviant art showing duty introducing Nick to her parents as her boyfriend a fan tweeted the picture to the directors with the comments we know this team was deleted and director rich Moore actually replied with a surprising revelation he revealed that there actually is a deleted scene similar to this fan pic and he promised that they try to include it on blu-ray true to his word the deleted scene was included on the film's DVD and blu-ray release in June of that year in the deleted scene Judy brings Nick back to her apartment only to find her entire family waiting for her her folks are shocked to see their daughter with a fox and her dad assumes Nick is Judy's boyfriend director rich Moore explained that the scene got caught because a different version works better they wanted a moment where someone could threaten Judy's ability to become a police officer but people didn't believe Judy would give up everything because her parents told her to go home to the actual scene in the movie was when Judy's boss almost candor and Nick comes to the rescue so there you have it 10 Zootopia fan theories that make total sense which one do you think is most likely and do you ship Judy and Nick or do you think they're better off as friends weighed in with your opinion in the comments section below thanks for watching make sure to subscribe to the things for more videos like this one we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: TheThings
Views: 375,771
Rating: 4.8114243 out of 5
Keywords: thethings, Disney, Zootopia, Zootropolis, theory, Nick Wilde, Judy Hopps, Robin Hood, Bucky and Pronk Oryx-Antlerson, relationship, conspiracy
Id: vsU3X1yaVwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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