10 WORST Mistakes Wrestlers Made On Live TV

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[Applause] like this video subscribe and turn on notifications and once you're done leave a comment saying that i subscribed and you will be replied too we'll be doing as many as we can we're back and we're bringing you even more times when your favorite wrestlers [ __ ] up on live television it's gonna be a good one i'm deewick and these are 10 more mistakes wrestlers made on live tv back in 2017 number 10 bailey's failing elbow come on bailey you're better than this and you're making it really hard really hard for me to defend you which i keep on doing for some goddamn reason but seriously what in the hell is this it was bad enough seeing you sort of go for the ropes and then just hop off to try again okay fine fair enough everyone makes a mistake every once in a while but two in a row bailey you actually go for the move when your opponent is already completely down on the ground and you make contact with nothing [ __ ] you bailey charlotte [Applause] oh glancing blow i don't think bayley got what she was looking for number nine kurt angle just just what the [ __ ] okay it's low on the list because this was obviously ring rust but clearly but god [ __ ] damn this is just disgraceful kurt what are you doing there buddy he tries to smoothly drop himself out of the ring and it just is not working out at all at oh seriously this is just sad to watch all right look at this [Applause] number eight security don't know their role remember when jinder mahal got thrown out of the andre the giant memorial battle royal like a jobber and then became wwe champion under two months later ah good times anyways another memorable moment from that match came when mr gronkowski was supposed to interfere and help out his buddy mojo raleigh win the match and win the armbar but the real wwe security cards apparently didn't know that this was happening i don't know how this i don't know how they [ __ ] up this badly to not let the people know that a dude was actually supposed to hop the little barricade but this led to some stupid confusion where the woman was just sort of in the way and it was really awkward no brock think twice about this and here's security trying to get gronk back into the crowd number seven charlotte's ass at the nudes leaks she went through weren't bad enough how about just straight up flashing the live crowd well mooning a live crowd i should say is during a spot she had her trunks pulled down just about all the way down completely revealing the fairest part of the flair to the live audience luckily it was opposite side of the hard camera so instead of getting the goods we got the facial reaction once charlotte realized a bunch of horny nerds and unfortunate family members were just treated to a show they didn't know they paid for rookie in the ring and that's what we're seeing right here come very close to winning the smackdown incredibly close she almost sucked the [Applause] world number six john cone i love this man now i still don't know him i don't know anything else he's ever been involved in or ever been a part of but i love him i [ __ ] love him big show and braun strowman redid the old brock lesnar spot and say what you will and how it's kind of lame i [ __ ] love this referee bump what on earth oh my [Applause] there he is and there he goes out of the ring he falls and onto the floor he shall remain oh this is just fun to keep on loop man i love it just play this like eight more times honestly [ __ ] it [Applause] oh and fun fact what the hell john cohn's son is nicholas braun strowman's tag team partner the last raw tag team champion was jon cohn's son what the [ __ ] number five sheamus kicks out jeff hardy's tooth um ow [ __ ] really ow dude that [ __ ] had to hurt imagine you're wrestling a match all casual right nothing too special you're just chilling on the ground and [ __ ] sheamus out of nowhere god damn punch your head across the [ __ ] ring nope seriously that's what happened his head got punted across the ring poor jeff hardy really took this one to the dome man bad enough to legitimately knock a tooth out too he's on dream street that jawbreaker might have taken a little more out than we thought oh god you were saying i think jeff hardy might might need a dentist to cover again by shake oh [ __ ] that just makes me quake in fear of big irishmen kicking me in the face if you don't like genuinely cringe at the idea of just a tooth that was there just not being there anymore you're a liar reuse it or not let's put it in a little envelope for you i'll get one over here okay okay this one's a little loose why are we still on the topic of teeth the idea of your teeth just [ __ ] right over scares me so much and here we go more teeth just [ __ ] right over seriously though this was pretty insane cesaro goes to attack and uso and they jump out of the way leaving cesaro's head to go crashing into the pole behind the turnbuckle and holy [ __ ] his face just smashed into that [ __ ] thing and i mean he he took this one really hard his teeth didn't even like break or like fall out they got pushed down further into his gums and i want to kill myself oh my lord yikes number three poor luke harper he got screwed guys luke harper got screwed there was a battle royale to determine the number one contender to fight for the wwe championship and the final two wrestlers were aj styles and luke harper this was during that awesome period where harper was being pushed and treated like a serious wrestler which i mean goddamn took him long enough to finally get back on that track now that he's a tag team champion but this little period was amazing by the way both men were taking off the steps and hit to the floor with a suplex from luke harper and well uh they tried to recreate the john cena batista spot from the 2005 royal rumble but instead aj's feet very clearly hit first and luke harper got completely screwed [Applause] over [Music] number two jbl is an idiot and he can't stop falling you heard me the hard-ass texan backstage bully for some reason doesn't know how to walk properly on multiple multiple actual occasions jbl was seen falling from grace by quite literally falling towards the ground whilst walking down the ramp it's not really that hard jbl one foot goes before the other and then vice versa and then you just [ __ ] walk stop falling you drunk old bastard and number one probably the biggest mistake of 2017 i don't know how this one slipped the first list nakamura dropping john cena on his head uh yikes man just yikes if there's ever been a time to [ __ ] yourself and fear that you might have just killed any potential of a push or your job in the future it'd probably be the time when you drop the face of the company on his head and nearly compound his neck into a pile of broken bones during an admittedly great smackdown live main event we saw just this take place when shinsuke nakamura went for that legendary exploder suplex he does on the face that runs the place and he yeah john didn't stick that landing he got dropped hard on his head but luckily nothing came of it schinsky noticeably apologized after the match seeing his shook it off because he's such a goddamn professional good [ __ ] john good [ __ ] and those are 10 more of the biggest mistakes from 2017 will a third list come let me know on twitter at dewica yt or in the comments down below if you would like another one of these i'm sure we can find more mistakes from that year because 2017 was a it wasn't 2015 bad but it had some moments like the video if you enjoyed and if you really enjoyed go ahead and push that subscribe button so you can watch all of our videos we got plenty more on the way thank you all for watching and make sure you share this with at least oh what are we saying i i think you guys share this with at least seven people otherwise nakamura is going to come to your house kick your door open [ __ ] your wife and then drop you on your head too you
Channel: Watch WWE
Views: 5,988,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wwe top 10, watchwwe, wwe, wrestling, wwe mistakes, wwe fails, wwe fails and accidents, wwe mistakes and fails, wwe mistakes 2018, wwe mistakes caught on camera, wwe live tv fails, wwe funny moments 2018, wwe funny mistakes, wwe 2018, wwe 2018 new
Id: TT9Y7z1bmRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 03 2018
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