10 US Cities With The Worst Reputations.

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at some point all cities were filled with hope  and promise that point is normally around its   founding then at some other point they got a  bad reputation and that's what we're talking   about today there are a lot of different  reasons a city gets a bad reputation crime   poverty pollution crumbling infrastructure or  homeless camps that pop up on sidewalks like   here in Portland Oregon there are 100 of those  scenarios and hundreds of reasons for each one   that happens jobs leave a city housing gets  too expensive shrinking tax base and someone   legalizes every substance that you can inhale  inject drink or snort whatever the reason cities   get to the point where it becomes known for one  of their shortcomings and a bad reputation is   created today we look at 10 cities with bad  reputations got it get it good let's take a [Music] look number 10 Portland and San Francisco  Portland and San Francisco share the same fate out   ofc control housing costs have led to an increase  in homelessness and open air drug use and before   you do stop typing housing costs aren't the only  or the main reason for homelessness we all know   that it's mental health and addiction issues  we don't need to go over that again but out ofc   control housing costs do present another layer  to the homeless situation the addiction and the   mental health problems have always been there  and they've put in a certain amount of people   on the streets the new portion of the situation  is out of control rent and home prices now both   Portland and San Francisco have had their moment  in the Sun as a shining example of America at   its best if you had two nickels to rub together  in the mid 1800s you were heading to California   and probably San Francisco trying to get in on  that gold this continued on to the 1960s when   the hippie movement was there and then on to the  Silicon Valley days there's always been a serious   Allure to San Francisco until recent years the  housing costs the homelessness the cost of living   in general and crime and everything that goes with  that stuff has basically destroyed San Francisco   Portland's had a couple bursts in its existence  where people have been moving to the latest one   started sometime around the 1990s and it continued  till I would say about 2016 with little Peaks   and valleys through that whole thing Portland has  gained double digits in population since the 1990   census since 2020 so from 2020 to 2024 Portland  has lost almost 6% of its population and it's   because of its reputation just like San Francisco  they' reputation for the homelessness and all the   other problems and then you know they made the  wise move of legalizing just about everything   this reputation has played a big part in the  downfall of Portland businesses are leaving new   businesses don't want to come into Portland more  and more people that actually love the city of   Portland have decided to move elsewhere I love  Portland Portland's a great City it's just got   far too many problems right now I don't recommend  it to anyone anymore even though I love this city   it's almost like having a loved one that's going  through some really hard times you love them and   you hope for the best but if anyone's going to  loan them money you tell them not to that being   said both Portland and San Francisco are seeing a  little Improvement when it comes to their homeless   situation both cities homeless population peaked  in 2019 Portland had about 8,000 people living on   the streets and San Francisco had about 8,500 in  late 2023 it's estimated that Portland had about   7,500 and San Francisco had 7,800 that obviously  is still far too many homeless people for any City   both Portland and San Francisco get their bad  reputation from drugs and homelessness before   we go on we got to pay our bills and thank today's  sponsor story blocks if you've been watching this   channel long enough you know I ran out of my  own travel 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the Anchorage experience so to speak with drugs  comes violence now there's another thing and a   few people have talked about this I've read a  couple things on it a lot of people will leave   the lower 48 to Alaska and Anchorage in particular  to get away from problems they've had in the past   in the lower States will they start doing the  same garbage in Anchorage so they're actually   bringing a bad element of course you have  extreme alcohol abuse in Alaska period and   Anchorage is no different Anchorage gets its  bad reputation from substance abuse and violent [Music] crime number eight Springfield  Massachusetts if you don't know Springfield   Massachusetts has a bad reputation you probably  are from the western United States if you're   on the Eastern Seaboard or any place in New  England New York New Jersey Pennsylvania you   know Springfield sucks if you're looking for it on  a map it is west of Boston and north of Hartford   Connecticut which is no gem itself Springfield  Massachusetts and Hartford Connecticut share   about the same amount of suckage Springfield's  the type of place you visit when you're looking   to engage in some criminal activity they've got  enough to go around where they really shine is   their poverty the Census Bureau reports that the  poverty level in Springfield Massachusetts 26.7%   over one quarter of the residents live below the  poverty line in Springfield Massachusetts just for   context the poverty rate in Massachusetts overall  is 11.4 the national average is 15.1% at the same   time Springfield Massachusetts was 26.7% and when  you look at the crime stats year-over-year the   numbers aren't moving in the right direction  Springfield is getting more dangerous for you   and your stuff a lot of property crime goes  on here now their reputation comes from just   having a lot of idiots really a lot of crime  lot of poverty their infrastructure is horrible   if you want to make some money in Springfield  Massachusetts open up a business that boards up [Music] Windows number seven Baltimore Baltimore  is a strange City there's some Hope on the horizon   because they're growing kind of a tech scene  but it's not growing fast enough Baltimore   has actually been losing population since  the 1960s they had never had a down census   till the 1960 census and they've been losing  ever since a majority of those losses though   haven't moved out of state they've moved into the  suburbs around Baltimore I'll be in Baltimore in   August Baltimore is a great city to live in if  you are a street pharmacist or a Hired Gun I   imagine Baltimore always shows up as one of the  most violent cities in the United States their   violent crime rate is freaking ridiculous 320%  above the national average their property crime   is 68% above the national average there's  one reason that it's so low their property   crime it's because nobody has anything worth  stealing one of the other major problems for   Baltimore is Urban Decay they've got a lot  of rundown buildings and a lot of areas that   nobody really has any business going to not even  the residents and that's how Baltimore got a bad   reputation number one it's the violent crime The  Gangs all that stuff after that it's the Urban [Music] Decay number six Rockford Illinois  if you compare dangerous Illinois cities to   Animals Chicago is like a lion with a sour  disposition and Rockford Illinois is like a   honey badger with hemorrhoids in a toothache  Rockford has had a struggling economy for   decades record unemployment almost year after  year in 2019 they had the highest rate in the   state and then there's the violent crime they've  got a lot of it they got a lot to go around if   you're looking to be assaulted in some way  shape or form this is a good place to start   your search there are some sect of the Catholic  religion back in the day that believe the more   you suffered the more God Favored you if you're  on that Quest Rockford Illinois is a good place   to get in God's good graces you might become a  saint you're talking about a city where 25% of   the population lives below the poverty line that's  a full 10 points higher than the national average   after that you got to look at their schools they  really don't have the best schools they don't   get good marks and their education attainment  kind of sucks and I think this is why they have   such a high unemployment rate if you don't have a  educated Workforce a lot of companies won't come   to your city and they won't set up shop around  you the percentage of the residents that have   high school diplomas is 7% lower than the national  average Bachelor degrees it's 29% lower than the   national average the only thing that is positive  about Rockford Illinois is the cost of living   it's Dirt Cheap that includes housing housing's  Dirt Cheap Rockford Illinois gets its bad   reputation from poverty and violent crime the  lack of jobs is also a big driver for their bad [Music] reputation number five Camden New  Jersey Camden New Jersey has been the poster   child for rundown dangerous cities for quite  some time it's like the worst city in the   area and they have Philadelphia right across  the river the best that could ever happen to   Philadelphia is a couple Bridge collapses that  connect them to Camden New Jersey Camden New   Jersey used to be a major manufacturing Hub  especially when it came to Electronics back   in the ' 50s 60s '70s and maybe even in the  ' 80s a little bit General Electric was there   RCA was there now in 2019 their crime peaked  it's gone down a little bit since then their   violent crime rate right now is 3 125% above the  national average that's brutal in 2019 it was 4   9% above the national average this is another  situation where the property crime isn't that   bad because nobody has anything worth stealing  someone breaks in your house The Only Thing Worth   stealing is your mattress you got at Goodwill  and it's a good one because it doesn't have any   blood stains Camden New Jersey bad reputation  comes from poverty violent crime and lack of [Music] jobs number four Memphis Tennessee Memphis  Tennessee has been the top of the violent crime   Heap for about 7 years now they're always in  a rival situation with Pine Bluff Arkansas for   the most violent Southern cities sadly this  is a city with a lot of history and a lot of   good people it's just got horrible horrible  crime rates there's still plenty to see if   you ever do decide to go visit Memphis Memphis  Zoo Graceland a Bass Pro Shop that shaped like   a pyramid what's not to love about this city on  the Mississippi River if you ever do visit Memphis   my suggestion would be to stick to the touristy  areas they're a little bit safer than going   into the neighborhoods Memphis is a little  bit different when it comes to their crime   rate both their crime stats are really high their  violent crime rate is 555 per above the national   average their property crime rate is 267 above  the national average nothing is safe here you   your stuff your imaginary friend named Julio who  makes you say inappropriate things at Mass this is   another city that's got a problem with poverty  again 25% the population here lives below the   poverty line Memphis has a whole bunch of problems  but their violent crime rate is such a problem   that nobody else really knows about the other  problems their bad reputation comes from violent [Music] crime number three Chicago Chicago's  the first one on this list that I don't think   deserves as bad reputation as it has and I'm  going to tell you where the bad reputation   came from Chicago is a very large city when  it comes to population and actually an area   it's a good-sized city if you count all the  suburbs and everything else the city itself   has 2.7 million residents with the entire  metro area having 9.6 million residents   that's a lot of freaking people now everyone  thinks Chicago is the most dangerous city it   is not it does have the most murders a lot of  years but since they have so many people their   crime rate or their violent crime rate is well  below most of these big cities as an example   Memphis Tennessee has 633 th000 residents their  metro area has 1.3 million like I said Chicago   has 2.7 in the city and 9.6 in the metro area  Memphis had 269 murders in 20122 I use those   numbers because the FBI doesn't release the new  ones till September from the year before so anyway   Memphis had 269 murders Chicago had 604 murders  so that means there was about 22 murders for every   100,000 residents in Chicago in Memphis it was 43  murders for every 100,000 residents almost double   so yes they do have the most murders but the odds  of you being killed are a lot lower in Chicago   than a lot of other really bad cities so where  does the bad reputation come from all that well   it had to do with an election all politicians  want to find anything they could pin on their   opponent doesn't matter what party you're from  just so happens Barack Obama was a senator from   Illinois and from Chicago so when he was running  for the White House they got to find anything they   can to make him look bad and like I said every  political party does this any competition you're   going to do this if you're a boxer you're going  to find the person's weakness and attack that   weakness well if you're from a city that has the  most murders in the country you're going to bring   that up during an election cycle as often as you  can ignoring the fact that their rate really isn't   that high it's using stats selectively and I'm not  on any political party I mean this is the smart   thing to do if you're running up against someone  so I get it the only one that suffers from this   really is the city of Chicago they have this  horrible reputation and that reputation really   took off when Barack Obama was running for the  White House Chicago has all the typical problems   a big city will have gangs drugs poverty all  that stuff but all anybody really thinks about   is the violent crime and the murders in Chicago  and that's where they get the reputation from [Music]   number two Oakland California Oakland California  is often overlooked when it comes to big cities   but it is a good-sized city I think the fact  that San Francisco is such bad shape these days   they kind of Overlook Oakland but Oakland is a  bit of a nightmare since about the 1960s crime   in Oakland has been a problem to the point where  they overworked police force is a major problem   now what's a shame about this is is Oakland  is is a beautiful city sort of I mean it's got   some rundown areas and stuff but overall it's  a beautiful city it's a waterfront city you'd   expect it to be in a little bit better shape I  mean property values alone should make Oakland   A Better city to live in there is a little  bit of good news though since 2019 the gun   violence has gone down by 22% which is great  their violent crime rate still 31% above the   national average their property crime is pretty  bad too 231 above the national average and crime   is where Oakland gets its bad reputation I mean  there's other factors like it's got a really high   cost of living and the housing is expensive they  got gang problems all their major league teams   have left the city and they got Karens calling  the police on people for having a barbecue in   the park that's one of my favorite Karen videos  this lady came up and started giving this family   a hard time cuz they were having a barbecue by  little Lake they have there in Oakland it was   just a little tiny barbecue they had well she  called the police and everything and everyone   around her started giving her a hard time  when the police finally got there she played   the victim and started crying it's ridiculous  but yeah Oakland gets its bad reputation from   its violent crime and gangs all right before we  get to number one we have another Channel called   on this day there is a link for that in the  description area below all right on to number [Music] one and number one Detroit yes every  everybody knows Detroit is a nightmare and   it has been for some time now it started in the  1960s suckage really started picking up steam in   the 1980s and their reputation hands down just  comes from poverty I mean the city has been a   mess for a long time they've lost almost 70%  of their population from when it peaked in the   1950s if you look at any neighborhood around the  outside of downtown Detroit you will find vacant   Lots everywhere look at this picture right here  all those vacant Lots where it's nice and green   there once were homes there and people just left  them they left the city left everything behind and   abandoned their homes and the city started mowing  them down because people were setting them on fire   for no reason homeless people were living in them  they were just causing more problems so the city   just started bulldozing some of these abandoned  homes for a while there they were selling them   for $1 Detroit at one point in its history was one  of our greatest cities it was the center of the   universe when it came toer ameran manufacturing  especially American Automobile manufacturing   now there is hope for Detroit they're in the  middle of a little bit of a turnaround right   now the downtown is really nice their crime rates  going down but they still carry that reputation   their reputation is poverty lack of jobs and Urban  Decay all right that's today's video hope you guys   enjoyed it hope you got some information out of it  now go out have a great day be nice to each other
Channel: World According To Briggs
Views: 71,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: United States, United States of America, World According to Briggs, Travel, Real estate, Top 10, briggs world according, according to briggs, Briggs, worst cities, Most dangerous cities, United states, US Cities, world according to briggs, united states, briggs, travel, usa, texas, fox news, united states history, chicago, portland oregon, san francisco
Id: ZnVaYf5iIWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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