10 Upcoming Triple-A Video Games That Will Die At Launch

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Now video games are more popular and lucrative than they've ever been right now but of course it's not simply possible for every game no matter how anticipated they might be to be a banger home run unfortunately some games are destined well to hit the Bargain Bin very quickly so let's take a look at them as I'm Jules this is what coach.com and these are 10 upcoming video games that will probably die at launch and just remember this is firmly tongue-in-cheek if these games go on to be absolute Mega stars then I don't mind being wrong but if I'm right well you're welcome so let's kick things off with number 10 Skull and Bones can you think of a more obviously Dead on Arrival upcoming game than Ubisoft skull and bones while this squash buckling action adventure game was revealed all the way back at E3 2017 and had a planned 2018 release yet with its release date being continually pushed back it quickly became clear that development wasn't exactly going well by September 2020 Ubisoft revealed that a new vision for this game had emerged requiring more development time effectively confirming reports that Skull and Bones have been quasi-rebooted and moving away from from a traditional AAA open world campaign into a live service title with a world that changes over time One Source said that ubisoft's new Direction was heavily inspired by the live storytelling elements of fortnite and if anything ever signals a game that is destined for failure it's listlessly trying to cash in on the glories of an existing hit release between this the game's continued strain development and the general feeling that Ubisoft has oversaturated itself with live service games it's difficult to have faith in the end product being anything less than a dud that eventually is just sent out into the world just so that Ubisoft can finally be rid of it if this somehow isn't a total flop on launch well there's going to be a ton of crow for most players to eat 9. fair games it's never a good sign when a new game with some serious heavyweight Talent behind it fails to drum up much immediate hype and that was precisely what happened with the recent reveal for fair games the live service shooter produced by new outfit Haven Studios which is headed up by Assassin's Creed co-creator Jade Raymond was unveiled with a slick cinematic trailer at Sony's latest PlayStation showcase and well barely registered a blip on social media it didn't help that the CGI trailer showed off not a single frame of actual gameplay and its bright saturated neon heavy Aesthetics simply felt like a craven attempt to cash in on the success of the likes of fortnight furthermore there are a number of similarly themed live service Heist Shooters in the works right now namely hyenas and the finals ensuring that fair games with its lack of released gameplay footage feels a little too late to the party with there being so little interest in the game already it seems destined to flop on launch and quickly be forgotten in The Ether of generic live service slop it would be great to be wrong though and I hope that haven Studios actually does well number 8. EXO Primal now because Capcom is apparently averse to just giving the people what they want and making a new Dino Crisis game we've been instead blessed with air quotes around that with the third person multiplayer Dino shooter EXO Primal now I have played this and I really really enjoyed it but if I'm being honest the future of this game is still very much in question and that's because this pvpve squad based shooter could be a right laugh if it were free to to play except exoprimal is a full fat retail release and though Xbox game pass subscribers can play it for air quotes free on launch everybody else will need to Fork out a hefty AAA price tag to play it and if that's not a major threat to A Game's potential to build a community and survive long term what is while EXO Primal might cling to life in its early days due to the Game Pass effect you could expect it to flop on PS4 and PS5 because nothing we've seen from the game so far suggests that it is worth a 50 pound asking price especially when there are other games doing effectively the same that are doing it for free 7. the crew motor first ah the crew ubisoft's racing franchise which just keeps on coming back no matter the utterly indifferent critical and player response to the first two entries in the series the third game of the crew motor Fest was unveiled earlier this year and like its predecessor will operate under the live service model where the publisher continually updating the game with new content after release except the revealed trailer was met with a resounding shrug from all but the most ride or die crew fans with many noting how aggressively the new game appeared to be co-opting the aesthetic and gay gameplay style of the considerably more successful Forza Horizon 5. even though Forza Horizon is exclusive to the Xbox PC ecosystem it nevertheless Remains the king of the online live service racing games and players in droves couldn't help but negatively compare the crew motorfest to this even nicknaming it Forza Ubisoft or more cheekily Horizon at home when you additionally consider the other racing games taking up players precious time this year Need for Speed Unbound and the soon to be released Test Drive Unlimited solar Crown it's tough to believe that there's going to be enough oxygen in the room for the crew to survive 6. multiverses nobody could blame you for assuming that Multiverse is a Warner Brothers themed Smash Brothers clone had already been released given that the game entered open Beta last summer and stayed open for almost an entire year shutting down fairly recently many players understandably believe that multiverses had simply quietly transitioned from open Beta into full release mode given its free-to-play model and how polished the game was during open Beta but back in March Warner Brothers revealed that the beta period was ending and the full game wouldn't be releasing until 2024 an announcement which rubbed many players the wrong way while analysts began to question the logic of this business decision for starters the game's player count rapidly dwindled in the months following the beta's launch and secondly players decried that no refund would be offered for the premium content purchased during the open Beta that is now unusable until the game's proper launch all in all it felt like an odd decision to close up shop when interest in the game is clearly already petering out and with most players having evidently had their fill of multiverses during the beta it's tough to picture many of them returning for the legit rollout plus with Warner Brothers is no refund policy burning much player Goodwill before the game is even officially out its primary revenue stream will almost certainly be harmed as fun as the game actually was to play during the beta people have already moved on to other things and it'll take something truly special in order to win them back number 5. killer clowns from outer space the game fans of cult 80s horror films were left positively flabbergasted when an asymmetrical multiplayer game based on the classic sci-fi horror comedy killer clowns from outer space was announced by following in the footsteps of similar titles based on the Friday the 13th and Evil Dead franchises killer clowns from outer space the game will allow players to control either the murderous clowns or hapless citizens fighting for their lives the game's announcement was nothing if not unexpected given that killer clowns from outer space simply isn't a genre household name and despite its 1988 movies box office success not even a single sequel has ever materialized as such it isn't an IP that's remained in the public Consciousness over the last 35 years and so it's easy to question whether or not it'll actually manage to capture a committed fan base like the aforementioned multiplayer horror games and with the market getting even more crowded with the Texas Chainsaw Massacre multiplayer game that is due to release later this year it's easy to see how this more Niche offering could end up lost in the shuffle that's certainly no indication of the game's perspective quality just simply that it may struggle to break out amongst higher profile genre competition then again if it became a hit with streamers and the general public Embraces its loony premise on its own terms it could very well become a surprise success if you were to bet on this fate though you'd certainly have it pegged as a flop sound badly 4. foam Stars much like fair games foam Stars was unveiled during Sony's recent PlayStation showcase and though it at least had the good sense to show off some actual gameplay footage folks just couldn't stop comparing it to both fortnite and especially Splatoon the Splatoon at home jokes quickly wrote themselves and the entire reveal had a serious Aura of desperation around it the Square Enix was transparently attempting to cash in on two of the most successful and popular multiplayer games of recent years but here's the thing though recent press interviews during the summer games Fest were actually generally positive encouraging players to put aside their preconceptions about foam stars and approach it with an open mind yet there's ultimately one factor which will likely decide foam star's fate how much will it cost well Square Enix has kept mum on the specific so far but it suddenly feels like a game that only has a chance of surviving amid the Sea of live surface party Shooters if it is either free to play or comes with a budget price tag if the publisher dares charge a full AAA RRP for this thing say 50 to 60 quid it's going to be dead in the water before it's even launched but given that Square Enix demanded a hefty sum for the lives serve as train wreck babylon's full belly a year ago get better off keeping your expectations in check 3. Disney speed storm name a more iconic Duo than publisher Gameloft and Shameless cash grabs you might have assumed that they're free to play can't race at Disney speed storm had already been released given that it's in a current period of paid Early Access ahead of its full fat free to play release in September and while it's a reasonable expectation that early access titles are a little rough around the edges and iterated upon for launch proper given the utter indifference with which The Early Access release has been received it's tough to imagine many sticking around for the official rollout now a Shameless Mario Kart clone starring a host of beloved Disney characters could have actually been a ton of fun right except while critics largely praised the central racing mechanics the game's lack of content grindy progression and overabundance of currencies and pay to win microtransactions have near been universally derided combined the lukewarm at best early response with the fact that there's hardly anyone playing it barely two months after it entered Early Access and even the free-to-player lure likely won't move the needle much at all when the final game launches 2. Suicide Squad kill the Justice League ah just just show the reactions done the trailer when this dropped I mean no no prove me wrong and number one ever wild rare's new game ever world was first announced in late 2019 and though early reports indicated it would be a third person Adventure title with God game elements industry Insider Jeff Grubb claimed in 2021 that it had been rebooted into something quite different following the departure of the creative director vgc's Andy Robinson meanwhile indicated that it had been reworked from a survival game into Aviva pinata-esque simulation title whatever the New Direction truly ends up being trademarks file for the game indicate that it will have a live service element of some kind and given rare's ongoing success with their live service Pirate game sea of Thieves that's not terribly surprising all the same considering the love for rare's more focused curated projects the inclusion of live service mechanics May well deter many the fact that it's launching day and date on Xbox game pass will certainly give it a leg up but it's still easy to believe that this one will come and go without making much of a dent and there we go my friends those were 10 upcoming video games that will probably die at launch I hope you enjoyed that and please let me know what you thought about it down in the comments section below as always I've been Jules you can go follow me over on Instagram and Twitter where it's at retro J video is a zero or you can swing by the future game show or fgs where I do all of my gaming content going forward big loves you will hope you're treating yourself well and I'll catch you soon bye
Channel: WhatCulture Gaming
Views: 416,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 83g5UALu_-E
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Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2023
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