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hi guys my name is Chloe otherwise known as princess peon and welcome to my channel first of all I got send this top by subscriber this week and I'm literally obsessed with it it's the cutest thing ever I'm gonna wear it all the time now but I got it I looked at it I was like I don't remember ordering this but obviously I did cuz it's exactly something that I would wear and no one else in my family would be wearing this and I saw the message attached from it was a subscriber and the message was like hey I saw this shirt in a shop and I thought you'd really like it so I sent it to you and I was like oh my god you guys know me so well anyway I'm obsessed I love it thank you see in today's video I thought that we would discuss some unusual artistic traits anyone who is autistic or anyone who knows someone who was autistic who has a family member that's a statistic a friend that's artistic whatever knows that there is a very huge very in-depth process to getting diagnosed there are so so so many different check marks and symptoms and traits that may deem someone as an Aspie but did you know that there are sorry so so many different traits of autism many of which go unknown and unspoken about and are considered quite unusual so I thought that I would show some top 10 unusual orders and traits I remember when I first found out about these traits I was like wow I had no idea that was anything to do with autism wow that relates to me so much and I had no idea with anything to do with being autistic but it is so I thought this might be a good video for you guys who are in the process of getting diagnosed or who are autistic or who just want to find out a little bit more to say some of our more weird unusual symptoms and traits number one difficulty sleeping and insomnia girl this is something that I relate hard core to not so fun fact insomnia actually affects an average of about 73 percent of autistic people but some studies showed that it can affect up to 80% how crazy is that I have always struggled getting to sleep I remember it well I don't remember because I was an infant my parents told me that when I was a baby I could not sleep like I have never been able to sleep they told me that the main thing that would kind of come and relax me was whale music which is still one of my favorite genres of music I don't even know if you call it music I call it music that would put classic ballads on Irish ballads on whale music and they were the only three things that would kind of chill me out a little bit but still nothing would ever get me to sleep the only other thing that they tried which kind of helped was when I would have piles and piles of teddys on me too I was doing way to blanket things from the age of an infant which which shares a lot it's actually very specified to autism and that's not saying that just autistic people are insomniac but that is a very big trait of autism that often goes unsaid and unspoken about leaving a lot of us feeling really alone and really unsure and really confused so you're not alone if you are an insomniac autistic we've got this we're all gonna be partying at 3 o'clock in the morning cuz none of us can sleep although there's not really a specific reason as to why autistic people seem to struggle so much with insomnia and difficulties of sleeping there are two possible reasons why the main thing is the first one being sensory overload and the other one is a lack of melatonin in our brain regardless I'm not a scientist I don't know what the nitty-gritty details about it but a lot of us struggle with sleep issues so if you are an artistic that also struggles with that you're not alone number two poor and abnormal posture now again I'm not a scientist I'm not a doctor I don't know what the big fancy details about it but I do know that a lot of autistic people have a bad / poor posture which then also leads unto our third tray a different or awkward looking gate and way of walking I cannot even count the amount of pairs of shoes I have ruins because I my feet don't work like feet and I can't walk like a normal human apparently yeah the amount of times I was and still am to be honest told off for walking wrong up for walking in the wrong way or for ruining my shoes when I was a kid and even now is literally countless when I was a kid I actually went to a specialist to try and correct the way I was walking and it did help a little bit I remember they gave me these weird shoes which were really ugly and I hated and I wouldn't wear them long story short a lot of us have AIDS weird or strange way of walking you'll find a lot of autistic kids walk on the toes of their feets obviously the toes of their feet what are the toys would you be walking on or a lot of us like me a pigeon-toed and walk like this kind of which means that we trip over ourselves a lot and a demon is very clumsy I personally have tendency walk on the inside of my feet so they're kind of like that and that it's like yeah it's it's not great it's not yet no matter how many times I'm corrected for it no matter how many times I've gone to people and had like walking help it doesn't help sometimes when I'm nervous or really excited I'm really anxious I'll also find myself walking on my tiptoes again I'm not necessarily sure why but I think it has something to do with the fact that I'm so overwhelmed and there's so much sensory stuff happening that walking on the entirety of my foot adds to that century and walking on the little tiptoes of your foot makes it easier I'm also told and I found out from my autistic friends that they're often told as well that we tend to walk very fast regardless a different odd or strange walk and a lot of autistic people is very very common number for a connection with animals since I was a kid animals have always been a huge huge huge part of my life you guys might have seen some of my recent videos that I have recently saved through rescue horses many I now have eight horses which is a lot you guys probably have also seen my autism assistance dog Matilda who was my best friend in the world and I love her more than anything and she's actually waiting at the door sticking her nose in the cat door waiting to come in to this moment with attention animals are my favorite things in the world and I have such a deep personal connection with them and I feel really emotionally attached to animals no matter what the animal is a big reason of this is I don't feel threatened by animals I feel safe around them I know that they're not going to judge me or mock me or make fun of the way I look or the way I act or my little quirks and traits and things that make me me which a lot of people tend to do animals are easy and they're not overwhelming and you can just chill out with them and a lot of autistic people I really connected emotionally to animals number five clumsiness this is again something that I've relayed Hardcore - and I thought was just me and not looking where I was going and me just being a dork and I didn't realize it was actually something had to do with being autistic at any one time I am literally covered in like several different band-aids and big bruises that make people worried about my health and well-being but the only reason I'm covered in them is because I'm really clumsy and walk into walls and doors and yeah it's I have a really bad sense of spatial awareness meaning that if I'm walking down hallway nine times out of ten I walk into the doorway part of it without walking through it and that comes down to spatial awareness motor skills and something called dyspraxia which is often associated with autism and is another neurological condition basically it means that my motor skills are completely out of whack and I'm really really clumsy number six troubles with directions if any single one of you makes a one direction joke at the moment I am 21 and I still don't know my left and my rights and my all the different directions and stuff I still have to do this to see which way is left and which way is right because if an L is facing the right way it means that it's left funfact again I don't understand the reason of this but I do know that a lot of autistic people really really really struggle with directions number seven rituals with nori outcome a lot of us on the spectrum will have rituals which seem Auto peculiar to people that are neurotypical or even is people that don't understand the rituals that we have in the first place because a lot of them do have no reason other than making us feel safe content calm and grounded which in my opinion is enough of a reason in it so however a lot of these rituals will seem peculiar or strange to people around us because there's no specific reason for them on the outside because of this a lot of autistic kids are often diagnosed with OCD which yes can be a part of autism and can also be and included diagnosis but ritualism and having to follow specific things that we make up in our heads doesn't always necessarily lead to OCD it can just be a sign and symptom of Asperger's number eight intense compassion and empathy this is one that I really want to speak about because a lot of people seem to have this misconception that people that are autistic or have Asperger's are very Anna and pathetic and are very self-centered which is not true at all in my experience people in the spectrum are some of the most empathetic kind-hearted people in the entire world in fact we experience empathy so deeply that it's actually really really overwhelming for us sorry it seems to come off as a different way and for neurotypical people it may seem that we have no empathy when in fact we're feeling more empathy than what you probably have in your little finger you guys know firsthand that I cry really easily like if I'm not between like a five and a seven on the emergence kale I'm crying I have a video on my channel called my 50 cent ear which is a story about when I was 17 I think and I went into an op shop and I bawled my eyes out I had an entire meltdown in the middle of an op shop because I saw this old ready stuffed deer and I was so upset about the idea of what was going to happen to it if I didn't buy it I have saved countless mice and cats and horses and chickens all from being killed and when I think about what could have happened to them if I didn't save them I start getting teary or aside to get teary again now so while a very very large misconception about a symptom of autism is being very unethical actually incredibly false and a symptom of autism could be the fact that we are extremely over empathetic number 9 a large and unique vocabulary now this doesn't relate to everyone obviously because I know a lot of autistics are non-verbal however a very large and very unique and very extensive vocabulary particularly at a young age can be a sign of Asperger's syndrome I remember when I was in primary school I would be writing an essay on something and my teacher would pull me up and say this word doesn't exist as a kid and now I have a very very large sense of justice and I was like you know what I'm not gonna put up with that and whereas most kids would be like you know it's a teacher the teachers probably right I was like no even now there are times that I will use words in daily conversations and people will be looking at me like why did you say that there is a simpler way of explaining that rather than using the thirty-two long words that you just used I never saw and I still never see that the words I use as a big or weird vocabulary I just see the words that I know it and use them in sentence that makes sense to me number 10 a lack of organization this hits home hard I am the most unorganized person in the world and I really need to be organized because I do a lot on my daily life and they just have no organization which means that I get in trouble a lot lack of organization and the inability to organize things is a very big trait for a lot of autistic people however with that in mind I do know a lot of autistic people particularly autistic girls who are extremely organized and I'm like man I wish I was you while extreme and very good organization can't I only work as a sibling for autism as well I would say it is probably more common for disorganisation to be a very common autistic trait that isn't very much spoken about I've got in trouble as a kid all the time at school because my desk would always be horrific ly messy and then when I was in year 7 and I had a locker my locker was always messy my bedroom is always still messy and it's not that I don't like cleaning although I don't like cleaning it's more so the fact that I really really struggle with understanding organization and understanding how things works and the step-by-step guide of organizing something and then it gets really overwhelming and I'm like you know what I'm just not gonna organize anyway and then my entire life becomes a mess sorry trouble with the organization it might not just be a messy kid it could be a symptom of autism sorry that is it that is my 10 different unusual autistic traits obviously days on all of them and if you guys do want to see more videos of unusual autistic traits or common autistic traits do let me know down in the comments below and obviously do take a look this Ruth Corona so although all of these are very very common autistic traits that are not often spoken about if you do have these it might not necessarily mean you're artistic you could be autistic and not have any of these these are just some traits which I know about which I know other autistic people have which aren't spoken about and I feel like we need to bring focus to that is it for this video guys thank you guys so so so much for watching and if you did like this video make sure to LIKE comment subscribe I don't mind you whatever makes you feel happy see what that makes you feel good and I will see you guys in my next video bye [Music]
Channel: Princess Aspien
Views: 26,737
Rating: 4.9366827 out of 5
Keywords: autism, autism spectrum disorder, autism spectrum, what is autism, high functioning autism, autism awareness, signs of autism, autism symptoms, autism test, autism signs, autism traits, 5 autism traits, common autism traits, adult autism, autism characteristics, autistic, autism speaks, early signs of autism, autism children, aspergers, princess aspien, chloe hayden, unusual autism traits, symptoms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2019
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