10 Unsettling Things Made from Human Body Parts

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welcome back to top 10 I'm your host Cosmic horror madman Eric Malachite and today's video is right up my alley you scared yet that's right we're talking about human flesh and all the creepy things artists can make from it as a massive fan of unsettling body horror I'm already getting ideas so what are you thinking today's script was penned by Ian 40 so if he's provided socials they'll be linked right alongside my own and yes I will be making plenty of love crafty inside comments and [Music] jokes the human body is a wondrous thing and arguably a miracle of science consider how many other things are as complex as a human in the known universe and we do kind of stand out as pretty incredible it's either extremely fitting or extremely off-putting then that some people have taken it upon themselves to use parts of bodies to craft new and interesting things starting with number 10 flesh map artists are often unique in Creative individuals and what Ian really means by this is that we're all crazy people I'm probably on multiple watch lists just for the things that I've had to research for all of my Cosmic horror books they have to be if they want to succeed at their craft so while some artists are happy to put ink to paper or paint to Canvas others like to experiment with how they create their Works after all anything can technically be art if you try hard enough American Artist Andrew cross now is an artist who pushes the envelope op in how he makes art and also what he considers art for 20 years craft now has used human flesh to make sculptures using skin from bodies that have been donated to science craft now has made lampshades boots and even a map of the United States naturally craft now says that there is a deeper meaning behind his art and considers it a commentary on human cruelty yeah I'm totally using this in one of my stories thanks K now number nine ancient blood paint few things are more interesting from an archaeological standpoint than ancient cave paintings saying some of the earliest forms of communication art and historical documentation is fascinating most of us think of cave art as little stick figures throwing Spears at stick Buffalo but there's more to it than all of that for instance aside from the subject of the cave paintings there's something to be said for the paint itself research has shown that prehistoric artists in Australia and Tasmania developed the red pigment they used for their art in a very simple and to obvious way they used blood which is not even close to where I thought this was going several paintings dating back 10,000 years and one at least 20,000 years show evidence of proteins from human blood the art itself looks to have been painted over even older carvings it's possible these date back as far as 31,000 years making them some of the oldest cave paintings in the world number eight bone sculptures not so long ago humans used to be big fans of carving things from Ivory the fact that this had to be harvested from elephants wasn't a concern for many people and we've made countless pieces of Art and even piano keys from it the cruel and maab practice is mostly but not completely behind us but the fact is death and the things it leaves behind have always fascinated us as a species some people are still making art from the bones of animals today Bruce milosi makes sculptures that from a distance might look like any other sculpture you'd see in a museum get closer however and the textures will catch your eye he makes extensive use of animal bones the kinds of things that might be left over from dinner or found on the forest floor but then there are the human ones calling it now this guy does a lot of night digging mosi's art is like a three-dimensional collage of bits and pieces large and small the human bones are given no more prominence than any others and in fact are often hard to pick out of the crowd this is intentional as moski doesn't feel like humans are any more important than the other creatures of the earth a very of crafti and sentiment I'd say his goal is simple to show a reverence for both life and death whether the bones are from chickens or humans number seven Body Worlds in 1995 the first Body Worlds exhibit opened to the public in Tokyo since that time over 40 million people have gone to museums around the world to check out the exhibit or some of the spin-offs had inspired the concept of the exhibit is as fascinating as it is Grizzly they subject human bodies to a process called plastination they remove fluids from the body replacing them with polymers that Harden and preserve the body perfectly this allows the bodies to be manipulated in a variety of fascinating and unusual ways they can be stripped of their flesh or cut to show perfectly preserved cross-sections they can remove layers Beyond just flesh including fat muscle and bone in some cases whole body is constructed of nothing but veins and arteries in the shape of the human that once housed them have been made originally it was said that all of the bones were donated by people who in life were 100% aware of what would happen to their bodes after death that said the exhibit actually returned some bodies to China in the early 2000s as there was evidence that they had been executed prisoners a competing exhibit called bodies says that they are simply unable to verify one way or another if the bodies they used were executed prisoners or not number six human skin books for a serious book fan nothing beats a leatherbound tone whether it's a personal journal or a valuable old antique such as the Necronomicon a book in leather can be a conversation piece and a collectible but it's worth looking into when a leatherbound book was made and exactly how it was made leather comes in various forms after all from sheep to cow and more often than you might think human in the late 19th century it became a rare but not unheard of practice for the Flesh of executed criminals or mental patients to be used to bind books the skin of the first man hanged at the Bristol goal in England was used to bind the book that told the story of the man's crime the Flesh of William Burke a known murderer was used to bind a journal cover the practice was by no means widespread and today there are only a handful of examples that have been found and definitively identified it seems as though the books were mostly produced by doctors people who had access to corpses and the skill to remove human flesh why they also felt the need to use it to make books is a matter that has not been fully determined however number five lab grown human skin bag the future comes at you fast and technology is changing the world every day just look at your local grocery store in the meat section and you'll see that there's already a section devoted to meat that isn't actually meat and soon there will be a section devoted to meat that is meat it was just never alive lab grown tissue is a real thing and will revolutionize both your barbecue and Healthcare but maybe it's destined to revolutionize fashion as well after all if you can grow skin without a living body what's stopping you from making your own leather and for that matter what's stopping you from making human skin leather designer Tina grun had plans as far back as 2016 to make leather handbags made from skin grown from the DNA of designer Alexander McQueen McQueen died in 2010 but gorun has access to some of his DNA things to hair samples he left behind celebrity bags aside the same technology could be used to make a bag out of anyone 's DNA if they had the money and the interest you mean it makes for an excellent last minute Christmas gift and you can use it in a necromantic ritual tell me more number four teeth necklaces there's a popular legend that George Washington had wooden teeth look into it and you'll see that's not the case and you very likely may have had dentures made from the teeth of other humans there's always been a market for human teeth and they've served a number of purposes reusing them as Dentures is almost too normal back in the day they were also used say necklaces as well archaeologists in Turkey uncovered relics in a Neolithic excavation site that date back thousands of years among them are some teeth that are around 8,500 years old which were drilled and strung together to form a necklace just like beads analysis also indicated that the teeth likely came from different people this doesn't necessarily mean that ancient peoples were knocking teeth out just for the fun of making jewelry but it also does not not mean that as well there was no sign of disease so the likeliest possibility was that they were removed from someone on purpose rather than falling out naturally number three hair sweaters in the Bible wearing a hair shirt is a form of penance you slip into a camel hair garment as a way to punish yourself because it's terribly uncomfortable in modern times we have terribly uncomfortable wool sweaters that can get very itchy and arguably fit the bill here as well suffice it to say there are not many benefits to wearing a shirt made of hair and we're not even talking about human hair yet for those who do like the idea of hair or fur but not the cruel y aspect associated with traditional fur farming some design clothing made from human hair it's arguably sustainable and offers something unique if nothing else yeah I could totally see a group of cultists making their ceremonial robes out of human hair now there's an idea number two blood albums sometimes an artist will talk about how they put their Blood Sweat and Tears into the work that they make it's a metaphor in almost every single case but not always for instance there is at least one album you can get that has been pressed with the blood of several pop stars The Flaming Lips released an album called The Flaming Lips in Hy FNS back in 2012 as a special treat for extremely rabid fans emphasis on rabid there were 10 special pressings of the album made these versions contain blood samples taken from the aention friends including Kesha Chris Martin and Erica bad the album had a price tag of $2,500 a pop and was sold with a normal copy of the album so you could still listen to it without risking a blood bath in your record player in 2014 Meredith Graves of the band Perfect [ __ ] one uped The Flaming Lips by having her own blood pressed into the wax itself rather than just being encased in a compartment in the vinyl and put out 1880 copies of the album Number One blood ink ancient cave artists aren't the only ones who saw the upside of using blood as ink modern art has found some uses for it as well and it's not the Avant guard Fringe art art you may think in fact in more than one instance the use of blood and art has been incredibly mainstream back in the year 1977 the band KISS was incredibly huge they were so big in fact that Marvel Comics actually had a kiss comic to Chronicle some fictional Adventures for the band for the super special number one issue blood was drawn from all four band members and mixed into the ink used to color the book and why not yeah that's metal as F because they were taking on some big-time Marvel villains like Dr Doom blood was inevitably going to be spilled though it definitely sounds like the stuff of urban legends it really did happen and was even certified by a notary public obviously someone felt it was unbelievable even at the time it was happening I mean I could totally see that being a big satanic Panic moment right there a copy of the book in decent condition will run you a few hundred on eBay closer to the present rapper lilas X caused a stir by releasing some limited edition Satan themed shoes in 2021 that also contained his blood in the ink used for the design many people were up in arms over the idea but it also made international news and guaranteed that the shoes would be known the world over so maybe the plan worked out just fine well I certainly hope you enjoyed this gross little video and if you're a twisted horror author like myself hopefully it gave you some fish ideas I'm Eric Malachite and I'll see you next time space cowboy
Channel: TopTenz
Views: 7,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top 10, toptenz, top10, top ten, top 10 list, karl smallwood, Blood Ink, Blood Album, Hair Sweaters, Teeth Necklaces, Lab Grown Human Skin Bags, Human Skin Books, Body Worlds, Bone Sculptures, Ancient Blood Paint, Flesh Map
Id: huu6--1-6y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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