10 Tricks Carnivals Don't Want You To Know

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[Music] hey guys what's up it's Charlie here and today we're going to be looking at 10 tricks carnivals don't want you to know so we all know that carnivals are a ton of fun but another thing carnivals are known for is you not winning any prizes well don't worry it's not you the carnivals actually have many tricks which keep you from winning but today we're finally going to be blowing it open and exposing carnivals for the tricks they use coming in at number 10 is darts so we all know the classic game of pop the balloon with the darts the carny gives you 7 or less starts and you have to pop some balloons to win a prize now it may sound easy to hit a balloon with a dart and it is but what's not easy is popping the balloon with darts the reason why is because the carnival starts tips are blunted this means they're not sharp enough to puncture many of the balloons meaning unless you throw it very hard and very precisely it will just bounce off and the second way carnivals stop you from winning at this game is by only blowing up the balloons slightly this means there's lots of rubber on the balloons making it very strong this means you have to hit a very very tough balloon with a very blunt dart and try and pop it yeah all of a sudden this game sounds a lot more tricky not only that carnivals don't use regulation darts in fact they actually break the dart center of gravity well that does is stop making the dart fly accurately this means the dart will go into wild directions no matter where you throw it a few professional darts players actually did a test tear and they couldn't even pop the balloons so if a pro can't even do it then what chance does a regular kid have however there is a few tricks you can use to counter the carnies tricks and win if they put a piece of paper in between it then the dodge won't be accurate but usually not all that's like this so get another one the next tip is to throw very very hard most people don't throw that hard things it's only a balloon but that is a big mistake as you need to throw very hard to try and punch with these very tough balloons and finally try and choose a balloon which is bigger than the others this will mean the surface area of the rubber is much bigger which will make the balloon more weak and this will give you a much much greater chance of popping it with a very blunt Dart of course this game is still fun but at least now you can rest easy knowing that you're still mad showing us not you it's simply a combination of a blunt dart and a very tough balloon next up is hoops and balls with you're good at basketball or not throwing a ball into a hoop isn't it or tops they accept at the carnival why is it that every single time in the carnival when you try and throw a ball into a hoop it bounces out or doesn't reach why is it that every time at the carnival when you try and throw a ball into a hoop it doesn't go in well it's got nothing to do with your balling skills LeBron James probably couldn't do this that's right no matter how good you aren't basketball this can still be difficult as the hooping carnivals is curved and bent from the angle you would see it out it doesn't look that bent but once you go underneath it you can see how bent it really is and also next time you're at a carnival inspect the ball you should be able to see that it's not pumped up correctly the carnival folk pump it with way too much air Soviet bounces and jumps up way more and that's not all they usually also put the hoop really high up and really far away from you however just like the darts won there are a few tricks to get around the carnivals tricks first off is try and be very accurate and consider the different tube and bull sides don't act like it's a regular hoop in ball because it's not the next step is to throw the ball very high as the hoops look WAY lower down from your angle and also you can counter the massive amount of bouncing and jumping the ball does with a curve if you're not very good at basketball you may know the trick of bouncing it off the backboard but in this case it won't work the ball has way too much air inside so all just bounced off the backboard so don't try that trick method as it simply does not work here instead shoot I added with a curve and you may be able to do it but remember they're playing a lot of tricks on you here so no matter how good you are a basketball don't expect to win this next up is rope ladder now this is something that confuses a lot of people when you see people failing on the rope ladder you think how are they messing up that is until you step on it and realize it's impossible what it looks to be a simple task that you could complete in middle school is actually impossible at any age but there are a few reasons for this firstly if you look closely you'll see the ladders are only fixed at one point instead of two this makes it very easy to rotate as it's pretty much connected to nothing and this also makes it very very difficult for you to keep balanced which is why everyone falls off however there are a few ways to win first off visualize it not like a ladder but as a tightrope that's right you need incredibly good balance to win this thing most people try and do this very fast to win but that simply doesn't work as simply makes you lose balance instead you need to make every move count and do it slowly move the opposite hand and legs simultaneously it's best to use your left hand and then your right leg and then your right hand and your left leg and so on that's the best way to keep balance and is also the same way you can climb a gym rope you also have a much better chance of winning this if you're a young child this is because you're smaller and have a lower center of gravity so if you're a big guy trying to win a plush toy for your date then forget about this game it may not seem it as it's targeted towards kids but the roy bladder is one of the trickiest carnival attractions let me know if you've ever want the rope ladder and if so are you a cat next up is basket toss now we all know the basket ball toss it looks so easy but then you look so dumb when you can't do it you simply have to toss free tennis balls into a basket to wear but on this attraction the carnie trips you before you've even started play act nice and give you a free try to win however that free try ends up working against you this is because it sits in the basket and actually pushes all of the incoming balls out that's right when they offer you a free try at the beginning say no because that actually makes you lose however even without the free try you're still set up to fail here first off the baskets are made a very bouncing material which makes your ball bounce out and also the tennis balls they give you are not official tennis ball they give you much lighter tennis balls than usual which makes them bounce out the only way to possibly when it is is to have amazing technique and accuracy but I'm convinced even a professional billiards player wouldn't be able to do this too good tips are to make your throw light to make sure it doesn't bounce out and also to not spin the ball at all as this will make it roll around the basket and then eventually fly out the baskets a physician and a very odd angle which makes them fall out very easily and if you look at the base of the baskets they're actually indented yeah that means they weren't simply sit at the bottom instead they will roll out if you're looking to win if though this is definitely one carnival attraction to avoid next up is bottle pyramid now this one seems easy enough you're given a bunch of balls and are told to toss them - not some bottles down a few feet away from you now that sounds super easy but carnival folk use one of the oldest tricks in the book here they know most people will aim for the bottom two bottles this is so the top one will fall down as well as the bottom bottles no that would be easy and all if it weren't for the bottles being filled with that's right carnival folk fill them with stones and led to make them very heavy and despite them giving you a baseball it's usually a fake baseball which is very light the LED inside the bottles are much more heavy than the baseball making it literally impossible for you to hit them down however there are two ways to try and get around their tricks and win if you're worried about being scammed then ask permission to hole the bottle if they don't let you hold it then it's probably because it's filled the glare so walk away but if you still don't want to walk away and want to try their tricks then you can do something to knock the bottles down even if they are filled with lead but instead you should train aim for the bottom of the two bottles to hit the land you need to toss the ball very very powerfully and hopefully that will be enough to knock the lead down and all of the bottles too you have to have some serious strength to do this so kids don't even bother but if you're a pretty muscular guy trying to win a plush toy then try this out next up we have duck poem so you may be thinking duck pond is the foolproof attraction which everyone wins it's literally made for young babies who want to prize well that may be true but it's also one of the carnival's biggest moneymakers for a reason if you look at the duck hunt there's lots of great prizes but what most people don't know is that 99% of those ducks contain only minor prizes and only one of those hundreds of ducks contains a jackpot prize so those kids who keep on playing it only have a 1% chance of hitting the jackpot this means even if they tried a hundred times they still likely won't have a chance and the reason why it makes so much money is because kids play this over and over again to try and hit the jackpot however the kids and their parents have no idea that the jackpot is far out of reach so next time you think the duck pond is an easy way to get some free prizes then think again so unless you want to fall for some serious carnival tricks then avoid those duck ponds next up is star shooting we all know star shooting it's a game of accuracy where you use a BB gun to shoot out a star on a target now some people think this is easy if you have a good enough shot but no matter how good you are at shooting it you're still not gonna win this one and here's where it gets scientific the reason you don't win at this is because of something called Newton's third law this is all about actions having reactions think about it when you've used your BB gun to shoot out the whole star you're left with a small part however as it's the last piece of star there's no paper around it this means there's not enough resistance to shoot out the last piece of paper meaning of course it's pretty much impossible to shoot out the entire star most people think this is simple accuracy in target shooting but actually science makes it impossible however some military people have actually given away a secret technique to win at this carnival attraction that's right we literally have to bring in the army to figure this one out what you can do is shoot a circle around the star then you need to use the last few remaining bb's to push the star out this should form a perfect circle on the target shooting out the star completely no of course you need to be pretty accurate to do this and also pretty good at shooting but if you are then that's the only chance you have to win at this there's lots more information on Newton's third law online but in layman's terms it means this carnival attraction is a big fat scam next up is baseball pitching so we've already covered that no matter how good you are at basketball the hoops and Bulls game is impossible well the same is true if you're good for baseball if you're good for baseball that doesn't mean you're necessarily going to be good at the baseball pitching game the baseball pitching game is simply where you measure the speed at which you can pitch your baseball out your score is measured to be the baseball radar gun but that's also where the carnival folk trip you are you see their baseball radars are tweets you see their baseball radars are tweaked and actually show your speed at 10 percent less than it usually is so if you throw a ball at 20 miles an hour then it will show up as a team or if you threw it at 100 miles an hour then it would only show up as 90 it may not seem like a big deal but it can mean the difference between winning and losing you're supposed to guess what your speed would be but seeing as the radar meshes inaccurately this pretty much makes that impossible but of course seeing as I told you how the radar is crooked you can actually use that here advantage now simply guess your speed like normal but then take off 10% just don't pull your calculator up in front of the carnival food or they will know you're onto them instead simply calculate it in your head and then subtract that from your guess so if your regular guess would be 30 miles an hour then make it 27 miles an hour or if your regular guess would be 90 miles an hour then make it 81 miles an hour it's very simple basic math you can do in your head which makes this a pretty easy game to trick the alternative is you can pitch it very slowly and thank of a fairly rough answer like 10 miles an hour or so however some carnival folk may catch you out and actually kick you off the game so try this one at your own risk next up is ring toss now this is one of the biggest scams at carnivals and I recommend not playing this game at all sounds pretty simple you're asked to toss a ring on top of one of many bottles however there are a few factors that stop you from winning this the rings are made of hard plastic meaning they won't go very far and also there are at least slightly bigger than the neck of the bottle meaning it's almost impossible to win and they almost always bounce off this pretty much no way to get around your tricks except having a perfect throw so if you have spidey-senses then maybe try this one out but otherwise I would leave it to the professionals or should I say the fraudsters however one thing you can do to increase your chances is make your ring spin this sounds counterintuitive but it actually stabilizes the ring when it lands on the bottle this makes it less likely to bounce off and makes it more likely to stick on the neck of a bottle have you ever won this carnival attraction I'm guessing knows it's pretty impossible but if you have then massive congrats to you now this one isn't so much about a carnival game but the whole carnival itself let's say you in the biggest plush toy they have at the carnival now you may be happy about this but you shouldn't be that is because you likely spent 10 times more than what it would have cost to buy it online carnival toys are insanely cheap as they're all pretty badly made and made in China one of the most expensive plush toys probably costs a maximum of ten dollars however for a player at a carnival it can cost them hundreds of dollars two winner found the smaller toys sometimes only cost a few cents so if you just want the toys then simply buy it online of course this does take out all of the fine but if your kids nagging you to win a toy then simply buy an online later that's where you can potentially save hundreds of dollars I'm not saying don't enjoy the carnival but just know you are getting ripped off but hopefully if you use a few of the tricks in this video you can get around their tricks and actually win some stuff first time but of course if all else fails Amazon Prime exists check out the pole in the top right corner toward for the biggest carnival scam and be sure to check out my second channel for amazing life hacks and even DIY slimes they'll be a link to that channel on screen in a moment so click it to check it out but as the ways thanks for watching check out some more videos on screen right now leave a 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Channel: Top 10s
Views: 3,304,445
Rating: 4.5732021 out of 5
Keywords: tricks, secrets, don't want you to know, top, 10, top 10, best, most, worst, fair, carnival, Tricks Carnivals Don't Want You To Know, trick, magic tricks, fun fair, games, balloon tricks, clowns, win, secret, tip, skill game, tricks carnivals, duck pond game, pyramid game, fairground, clown, rides, roller coaster, game, accuracy game, common game, playing basketball, you won't believe, in the world, facts, amazing, incredible, fact, list, video, lists
Id: ttlaWf0pGts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 07 2018
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