10 TIPS & TRICKS on how to be PRO as SHERFF in mm2 (Murder Mystery 2)

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it's the dream [Music] before the video starts I would like to tell you about loser.gt it's a website where you can buy murder mystery 2 items for very cheap when you have completed your order all you have to do is click here to claim your item then you just follow the instructions to claim your order and then you will receive your item so easy it's so quick recommend hi guys and welcome to a new video in today's video I will be giving you 10 tips and tricks for when you are a sheriff in Murder Mystery 2. I really hope and I really think these tips and tricks are very important to think about and in my you know get you better or just make you a pro at the game tip number one when you are the sheriff never show your gun of course you have to show the gun when you are shooting that is understandable but never show your gun otherwise because the murder will Target you okay the murder is right here uh I'm giving out tips while I'm about to die just letting you know never show your gun to anyone not even your friend because if the murder knows you are the sheriff they will Target you because you as sheriff is the most important person in the game because you are the only one who can end it for the murder so of course they will Target you if they see your gun okay let's see the sheriff is right here and also okay but oh let's go okay number two watch out from everyone you don't know who the murderer is it could be anyone so watch out from everyone but at the same time do not make it suspicious if you make it suspicious they might suspect you of being the sheriff if you avoid people too suspiciously so don't make it too suspicious but avoid people sometimes the murder can even trick you and walk past you multiple times to gain your trust so you really think they're not the murder because they're not killing you but in the end they will actually kill you so don't trust anybody never and avoid everyone okay I see [Music] a gun [Music] tip number three you need to remember that your first mission as a sheriff is to figure out who the murder is you need to sneak around to figure out who the murder is never ever hide nobody can save themselves you are the only one that can save everybody you cannot be the one hiding when you're a sheriff and if you hide and you die you ruin it for everybody nobody will be able to find the gun [Music] if you are hiding and you die nobody will be able to find the gun because it's hidden do not hide you need to sneak around to figure out who the murder is for example you can figure out who the murderer is just by looking at the dead bodies if you see a body burning somebody with the fire effect is the murder if you see a body totally green somebody with a radioactive effect is the murder so just be smart sneak around look at the bodies look at the effect if somebody has a ninja you don't hear the kills so you need to think about that you know that kind of stuff you need to be sneaky you need to be smart you need to figure out who the murder is okay tip number four even though you think you know who the murderer is you never shoot until you see a knife because it's a big chance it can be the wrong person and you know it's not very fun to be shot and it's not fun for you to shoot the wrong person either so even though you suspect someone because they might be running after you or somebody just might be super suspicious do not shoot them until you see the knife okay okay do not shoot until you are super sure that the person you think is the murderer is the murder so don't shoot until you are 100 sure don't shoot until you see the night it's kind of funny how I am talking like an idiot and at the same time playing this game uh and I actually got a heroine every round so far which is crazy number five when you are aiming do not stress stress will probably lead you to shooting random shots and just hoping that you with some luck would hit the murder but it doesn't work that way you need to be stay calm and aim and when you are aiming it's very important that you predict where the murder will be for example if the murder runs side to side in front of you you need to aim where you think the murder will be the next second if I run like this the murder should aim right here to be able to hit me if I run here you should aim in front of me to hit me if I'm jumping you should like try to predict where the murderer is going to jump where it's going to run an aim where you think it's going to be the next second it's very hard to think but you will learn and it's gonna come naturally when you play the game you're just gonna try to predict what you think the murder will be to be able to hit them ew whoa oh tip number six when you are the sheriff and trying to aim for the murder never stand still I know it's very hard to do multiple things at the same time like shooting moving thinking predicting all that it's it's very hard I get it but if you stand still it will be so easy for the murder to either catch up with you and stab you or just throw the knife at you so never stand still if you want to survive okay it doesn't really matter how you move as long as you don't move towards the murder obviously but if you just make any confusing movements it will make the murderer more scared of you or more nervous and harder to hit you so any movement will really help you so you don't have to overthink it just just move just run in a circle just like jump everywhere you know as long as you don't spam jump of course just do any movement and it will help you survive I promise tip number seven at the same time as you're thinking about how you should aim and how you are going to predict the murder and all that you also have to think about the murders predictions about you how they are predicting your movements because they are thinking a similar way as you are so you're going to want to try to make very weird movements and like try to make not very predictable moves so the murderer will not be able to kill you for example when you're running in a corridor like this you don't want to run like this it's super predictable they will get you you want to run into the wall it sounds so stupid but to avoid the knife I just died just like run into the wall jump up to the roof like do stuff they would not think you would do be unpredictable to avoid a throwing knife that was a quick murder round wow oh well we are Sheriff we are sheriff in my Sheriff video oh my God okay we got her that's a perfect timing for tip number eight do not panic shoots do not shoot as many shots as you can I know many people do this when they are chased by the murder and they are super nervous they just don't die so they just shoot so many randomly shots to not die not shooting for a while is actually a really good tactic because it will give you time to think calm down and predict the murderous moves at the same time as the Silence of no bullets will make the murderer super nervous and it's going to be easier for you to hit them it's getting to an end you guys we are now at tip number nine if you die as sheriff or die at all do not be mad or sad you learn from your mistakes so just because you didn't win it doesn't mean it's bad you learn more from your mistakes than you learn from your victories so you should see your defeats as your prize because you are getting better and being mad or sad about something in a game might make you like the game less you can only have passion for something you love doing if you don't love it you're not gonna have any passion it's not gonna it's not gonna help you because passion for something really makes you better as well it makes you want to be better which makes you better so you're going to want to love the game do not let yourself be mad or sad about a defeat okay tip number 10 if you win or lose don't be enough okay don't say easy don't say they were bad or whatever don't say anything like that just say Gigi just say good game or just say nothing I don't know just don't be an don't sit on the body don't dance on the body because that can seem as super rude so don't do that it's just really not necessary and just kind of stupid so please try to avoid being like that that is actually all the tips I had for Sheriff for today and that's all I had for today's video I really hope these tips and tricks will work for you because I really took my time to write these down for you because these are things that really helps me myself so I hope they can help other people too I will probably in the future make more videos like this one like tips for murder and innocent as well so please stay tuned for those because I will definitely be doing that but otherwise thank you for watching I hope you have a good day or night and I will see you in my next video bye bye
Channel: Auiciq
Views: 926,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zoX53eWHedQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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