10 Tips to Get the BEST DEAL on a New RV

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hey guys I'm ray and I'm Jason and this is a fireside chat with getaway couple today we're gonna be going over some tips and tricks for you to get the best deal on your new RV so in this video we're gonna be giving you our tips and tricks to get you the best deal on a new RV I do think that some of these tricks and tips would apply if you're buying a used RV and I'm not so sure how these tips would work if you're buying from a private seller so just keep that in mind as we go through the list so with that said and done let's dive right in the first thing that you need to do is the proper research for your RV if you go into the first dealership you see that has it and go to buy it you're most likely not gonna get the best deal for us we used RV trader to look at our base model to get a good approximation across the u.s. of what they were selling for some of the dealers listed the MSRP that they got so it was kind of extremely high and on others they listed their actual selling price so it was able to get that range next we recommend joining Facebook groups for your RV and asking current owners what they paid just remember that there are different packages that could affect the price and purchasing in different locations could affect the price as well with us buying in California most likely we had to pay a higher dealer transport fee than someone buying in Indiana alright so now that you've looked through all of the Facebook groups and RV trader and you have a pretty good idea of what your make and model of the RV that you want has been selling for our next tip for you is to understand the term MSRP which stands for manufacturer's suggested retail price the MSRP just like what it stands for is what the manufacturer recommends to its dealers what price they sell that rig at and from our experience we've noticed that MSRP is with RVs are really different than our Peas with cars we've heard of people getting up to 30% off their MSRP but with a car you would never really hear of that happening it is important to note that different things affect the MSRP like the trim that might be included the different upgrades and packages that Jason mentioned before and the transportation fees so all of these different factors do factor into the MSRP so even though you might understand the number and you might see it coming from the dealership we do recommend to just take this number with a grain of salt as I said before some folks have gotten up to 30% off their MSRP so that's why it's very important to just understand what others have gotten that number down to and know that that is the price range that you have and stick to it that leads us to our next point which is to set a budget and stick to it if you've done your research and you know how much your RV is selling for then set your price and stick to it get out there and negotiate negotiate negotiate make sure that your offer isn't unrealistic which it shouldn't be if you followed step number one and step number two and make sure that those RVs that might be a little bit outside your budget don't try to lure you in of course banks who always try to give you a little bit more money than you probably have in your budget and you're comfortable with so don't fall into that trap either make sure to keep in mind that you will still be spending more money on this RV after you purchase it in accessories and maintenance insurance and all the other things that you need to buy so you don't want to spend more than you've set your budget for all right moving on to the next tip you've done your research you know the price you want to pay you know your finances and you know your budget so you're ready to start negotiations so this next tip is to go out and start your negotiation process at an RV show over a holiday weekend or during the offseason if you're flexible on your timeline of when you can actually make your RV purchase then it is important to try and hold out and tell any of these major types of events normally during the RV shows or holiday weekends RV salesman have a greater spread that they can lower their price range to or during the offseason a lot of folks just want to get these RVs off their lot so if you're buying the end-of-year model during the offseason is a great time to start negotiations for something like that because people kind of just want it off their lot and that's to your advantage we started our negotiations over a holiday weekend and we started to get down to a number that we were getting pretty happy with but we still wanted to negotiate more so even though it was a weekend sale price we asked them to honor that price for 48 hours and they agreed to do this and during those 48 hours we did a little more research to get the price further down which is our next two tips our next tip is to not give in to pressure and don't be afraid to walk away so many times when we are RV shopping we heard that that price was good for that day only if you leave the lot then you leave lose the price and all these other things but in our experience those are all just scare tactics if they're willing to part with an RV today at that price they will be willing to part with the RV tomorrow at that price because they're still making money most the time that's just the specific salesman who wants to make sure that he gets the sale and maybe he's not working tomorrow or something else that can lead to him not getting his commission so never believe that the excuse we always give to get out of these high-pressure sales moments is that we never make a purchase without sleeping on it which is true so if you're in one of those situations feel free to use that same excuse and walk away because nothing sucks more than a high-pressure sales situation all right moving on to our next tip you're now in negotiations you have the RV you want and our tip would be to work with multiple dealerships you don't have to do this in person at all like I said before we went on a holiday weekend to buy our rig we asked them to honor that sale price for 48 hours but then what we got up to in those 48 hours was actually going back on to RV trader finding our exact make and model with the packages that it came with and reaching out to dealerships within a 300-mile radius who had the exact same rig we told them that we were ready to buy we had a rig lined up can you match this price or beat it and we had quite a few people get back to us and get a thousand dollars lower or they said they could match it but we had one dealership get back to us and they offered us five thousand dollars less than what we had with our current dealership now this dealership was in Arizona and we bought our rig in Southern California so with this number we simply went back to our current dealership we said we have no problem driving out to Arizona to save $5,000 if you want the sale you got to match this price and they did all of this communication with the other dealers was through email we didn't even call anyone else so this process doesn't have to be time-consuming or in-person face-to-face negotiations you don't want to subject yourself to a ton of high pressure deals but this email aspect made it really simple for us and it saved us another $5,000 so don't be afraid to start negotiations with multiple dealerships if you're almost to your number but the dealer won't budge and go any lower that's okay because there's still some other stuff you can do you're not trying to rip off the dealership they are business and they still do need to make money because why would they sell it to you at a loss so as long as you understand that you can start working on other angles to get more value out of the purchase without costing them much money you can ask for other accessories that you're hoping to get or dealer ad like slide toppers or a generator or anything else that is in their accessory store or even a gift card to their accessories store because they have a markup on all of that so the dollar amount they give you they're still making a little bit of money off of each of those purchases that you make so while it definitely helps you out because you have to make those purchases it also gets you closer to that dollar amount that you had in mind for your budget our next tip is to pay attention to what's included in the RV or what services the dealership is willing to give you when you're comparing which dealership to buy from you might have found your cheapest priced rig at you know X Y Z dealership but over here at ABC dealership its 2k more but it also includes a generator and slide toppers and free winterization every year through their service center so keep those different things in mind because it might be better to go with one dealership that has a one or two grant price difference but you're getting more bang for your buck in the long run and our last tip is a shameless plug to check out our RV printables we created a time I'm talking over 70 pages of checklists and worksheets that should help you if you're already in the RV lifestyle or transitioning to RV life we do have an RV shopping comparison workbook that we've created that helps you remember where you saw the RV what you loved and hated about it what the price was what salesman you were working with and a little note section so you can write down anything else you want to about the RV if you're interested in checking out that worksheet or any of our other RV worksheets you can go to store getaway couple calm and we will have that link in the description below as well so those are all of our tips using those we were able to get about 28 percent off the MSRP of our rig which we were pretty happy with over the last year and a half on the road talking to others we found other tips like seven and eight that we didn't use that we're kind of bummed out like what I like the free generator thrown in so that's why we decided to make this video to help you new buyers out for those of you who have already purchased a rig please leave a comment down below of your tips so that we can all help each other out if you did find this video helpful please give it a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe to our channel because frankly we'd love to have you in our getaway gang we'll see you next time bye guys I guess we're not getting old we're just out of shape alright that leads us to our next tip which is to set your limit that leads us to our next tip which is to set your limit oh my gosh limit I don't want to spend more than you've set your budget for if you are flexible with time and when you can purchase the next step is you can now move on to the next tip which I forgot [Music] you
Channel: Getaway Couple
Views: 53,804
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Keywords: getaway couple rv, how to get the best deal on a new rv, best deal on an rv, how to negotiate an rv price, how to negotiate a car deal, how to negotiate a new car deal, getaway couple, fireside chat, rv living, full time rv living, rv newbie, rv show, rv youtube channels, how to rv, best rv youtube channels, rv youtubers, rv newbie tips, rv living tips, rv lifestyle videos youtube, rv lifestyle youtube, getaway couple youtube, rv shows 2019, rv tips and tricks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 22 2019
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