10 Things You Didn't know About MadMax2

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Max Rockatansky is back in Mad Max - otherwise known as the road warrior released in 1981 Mel Gibson returns to the iconic role where max is now a drifter in the wasteland where he drives around in his v8 interceptor with his dog dodging all kinds of violent savages max teams up with a conniving but likable guy rogue captain when he discovers a small community in the middle of no man's land whom have an oil refinery and can produce gasoline an evil wasteland gang led by the dangerous humongus threatens to destroy the community if they don't hand over the gasoline max offers the community help to safely get away from the evil gang and lead them into salvation in this action-packed car chase spectacle which is probably just as good if not better that its original [Music] so today we are going to explore Mad Max 2 or as it's known in the States the Rogue Warrior the movie that made Mad Max a hugely popular franchise so let's check it out [Music] you you want to get out of here number 10 the sequel came because of a failed musical Mad Max - pretty much came to be because director George Miller was working on a rock and roll movie which he eventually grew tired of after Mad Max came out and was the popular hit it was suddenly Hollywood had its eye on the Australian director as he was offered many directing opportunities one of them being the Rambo action movie first blood Miller turned these jobs down to work on the rock and roll movie called Roxanne however after a while Miller abandoned the script that he had been working on in favor - returning to the world of Mad Max Miller really wanted to return to the story of Max because he was so disappointed with the outcome of the first movie mainly due to restrictions on its low budget he wanted to get back so to speak and this time to make an epic car chase movie with a bigger budget in order to create what he had originally envisioned for the first movie to be like so yeah in a way Mad Max 2 was sort of righting a wrong that wrong being the original Mad Max movie which has killed pretty awesome despite Miller's disappointments number 9 highest Australian movie budget of its time [Music] the original Mad Max budgets at somewhere between 350 to $400,000 has the limitations that Miller felt the movie suffered due to its budget so to make sure Mad Max 2 could be higher in quality it had a budget of 4.5 million Australian dollars which is about just over two million dollars u.s. making it the most expensive Australian movie of its time the film took a total of 12 weeks to film and was shot on location in a remote mining town called Broken Hill in outback New South Wales in Australia unlike the first movie which was filmed in the state of Victoria despite the location looking dry and hot filming at the location could often get quite cold particularly in the evening and often in between takes Mel Gibson would have to rock up and cover himself in blankets number 8 damaged Macs and Mad Max - max had a much more rundown deteriorated look than he did in the first one like as if between the first and second movie Max had increasingly lost his humanity and had a descent into madness it was actually milk Gibson's idea for max to look torn up and uncapped including his more rugged unshaven appearance and missing arm sleeve on his jacket Max is now so rundown and lost his humanity we even see him eating dog food of which Mel Gibson said that when filming that scene he doesn't think it was dog food but at the same time not so sure most of the leather costumes used in the movie were purchased by the crew from secondhand goods stores and even S&M shops Max's sidekick dog was a rescued dog from a shelter whom the crew had saved from being euthanized just mere days before filming of which after filming the dog happily got adopt deader [Music] so obviously the film takes place some considerable time after the original Mad Max despite only being made two years apart but the question is when is this movie actually set well in a 1984 interview Miller said somewhere in the mid to late 90s number seven mythological inspiration [Music] if the first Mad Max movie was based on Miller's experience as an ambulance driver and the real-life gas crisis of that time then with Mad Max 2 Miller went down a more spiritual path as for this story Miller took inspiration from the 1949 Joseph Campbell book the hero with a thousand faces which explores the structure of a hero's journey and how it translates into myths and folklore hence the movie is narrated in hindsight by the feral kid character at an elderly age making the movie a folklore story as opposed to a straightforward film like the first movie was Miller was also influenced by Akira Kurosawa who directed classic movies like Seven Samurai and Yojimbo and just as with the first movie there is hardly any lines of dialogue as Milla wanted the max stories to be told more visually in which this time Gibson only had a mere 16 lines of dialogue yeah just 16 which included him saying I only came for the gasoline twice yes those words were used sparingly it is also claimed that fewer lines are spoken in Mad Max 2 to show that humanity has devolved so much that people are starting to lose the ability to talk hence feral boy who was born into this world and doesn't talk and basically communicates by growling like a dog that is until thanks to max he finds his humanity hence his narrating at the beginning and at the end of the movie in fact if we look at Mad Max too closely there are a lot of hints of humans taking on dog traits and vice-versa number 6 onset accident giving all the stunts required for filming Mad Max 2 was naturally quite a dangerous shoot so much so the stunt driver who robbed the tanker at the end of the movie couldn't eat for 12 hours beforehand in case he needed to be rushed to the hospital some of the explosions scene in the movie was so big local jet liners flying above the area had to be informed stuntman guy Norris did a stunt in which he was thrown off his bike but when he landed he crashed into a dune buggy in which he broke his femur the shot was actually used for the film but it's okay he returned to the set in due time and would even return to his stunt work on Mad Max fury road Mad Max 2 was actually filmed in chronological sequences in order of sequences as they appear in the film which is quite rare for a movie this was probably done because the vehicles were to be destroyed in the movies and sequence but other factors as well as accidents got in the way of filming namely the natural elements as the location of Broken Hill was chosen for its reputation of never raining however during filming it did actually rain so much so the production was shut down for a week speaking of the vehicles from the Mad Max universe or as I like to call it the Maximus recently I attended supernova in Melbourne which is like a pop culture convention where lo and behold I got to see several of the vehicles from Mad Max including the police cars from the first movie and of course it wouldn't be a proper Mad Max car display without the last of the v8 interceptors in all its glory so yeah this is me hanging out with the awesome vehicles from Mad Max and finally they would let you drive them - now that would have been awesome number five Mad Max had a hockey mask villain before Friday the 13th yes long before Jason Voorhees was terrifying movie audiences with his hockey mask and machete humongous from Mad Max 2 was already rocking the mask sport well at least I think that's a hockey mask it is right yeah humungous was the bulking leader of the brutal gang of savages trying to take the small communities gasoline and oil there are fan theories that this is the goose character from the first movie who got seriously burnt and hence now has to wear a hockey mask to hide his disfigurement but I'm not sure after all wouldn't his entire body have burn scars and not just his face maybe he is more of a spiritual representation of what goose became rather than goose himself incidentally apparently in the original script he was actually going to be goose but the idea was scrapped so yeah I'm going with more of a spiritual version of the character the part was played by Chell Nilsson who was a Swedish heavyweight and former mr. Sweden bruce spence played the guy row captain who starts off as a crook but becomes max's sidekick he played a similar role in Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome but apparently he's a different character yeah it's confusing Spence would go on to star another franchises such as Star Wars and The Matrix Vernon Wells plays the mohawk villain where's after Mad Max 2 wells became a big star in his own right starring in movies like commando and in a space and would even reprise his role of where's and the team comedy weird science Virginia Hayes played the warrior woman she were going to have a small role in the James Bond movie The Living Daylights and would also star in Farscape and feral kid was played by then eight-year-old ml/min Tia who would call themselves binky after Mad Max too minty had a few minor starring roles but as he grew up he left acting and got into the jewelry business and is now a happy father of two I promise he did not grow up to become mayor number four Mad Max to the television version interestingly and I do mean interestingly in the mid-80s a rack cut of Mad Max 2 was put together for televised broadcasting now this wasn't a rare phenomenon as TV versions of movies would often be different to their theatrical cuts for example the Christopher Reeve Superman movies which would often feature cutscenes on their TV versions that weren't in their fee at Racal versions but what's interesting with Mad Max 2 is not only did the TV versions feature deleted scenes as well as cutting some of the more violent moments out but also alternative takes and scenes that was shot from different angles which for the life of me I can't understand why I mean don't get me wrong I'm glad the TV version exists as it's interesting to see the movie from alternative lenses but still weird it's kind of like a parallel universe of Mad Max 2 the most strangest part of the televised version of Mad Max 2 which sticks out to me is changing the voice-over narration at the start of the movie where they use an American voiceover which just sounds strange I remember the road warrior the Maine we called Max I remember the man we called max the preneur Warrior number three Mad Max 2 was supposed to be the end of the series director George Miller had no intention of making another Mad Max movie Mad Max 2 was to be the second part of a two-part story which to me makes sense as Mad Max 2 is an antidote sequel to the original Mad Max in that the original Mad Max was about Max losing his humanity and Mad Max 2 is about Max regaining his humanity by breaking away from being the cold-blooded killer we see at the end of the first movie and saving a small community I feel like the two Mad Max sequels that followed which although are pretty good also pretty much follow the same template as Mad Max to you and that Max is a soulless wanderer who comes across a small society and helps them to break free from an evil threat and liberate them into a better life it's kind of like the same story being told all over again maybe somewhere along the way Miller decided to make max a savior or a fallen or broken societies but it wasn't originally like that if we look at max from the perspective of Mad Max being a two-part story aka part 1 & 2 it's about Max losing everything and then finding his humanity again by helping the isolated community scene in Mad Max 2 but from there each story became about a solace max helping a struggling society now there's nothing wrong with that both the third and fourth Mad Max movies are great films but its kind of the same thing done all over again that we saw with Mad Max 2 which I think goes back to the original idea of Mad Max simply being a two-part story there's nothing left to be told so we're just retelling the same thing Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome came to me because George Villa was working on a movie which was to be a Lord of the Flies style film which ended up evolving into a Mad Max caper number two massive success [Music] Mad Max 2 had a curious release as originally when it was released in the US it wasn't considered a proper release on the account that the movies u.s. distributor American International pictures were in the process of changing ownership originally it was released in 1980 there was a lack of focus being put on the release of Mad Max 2 on the account of American International pictures changing of ownership woes and so the box office figures were low so Warner Brothers saved the day by agreeing to distribute the movie giving Mad Max 2 a proper release in 1981 releasing the movie internationally to which Mad Max 2 became a massive success making twenty three point seven million dollars in the box office as well as 10 million dollars in Australia Mad Max 2 has gone on to become one of the most celebrated car-chase movies ever made along with often making it to lists of greatest action movies of all time finally George Miller's vision could be fully realized and celebrated however Mad Max 2 wasn't quite Mad Max 2 in the States number one title change [Music] one of the strangest aspects of Mad Max 2 is its two titles here in Australia it's simply called Mad Max 2 whereas in America it had its title changed to the road warrior this was done because Warner Brothers felt that widespread audiences may not know who or what mad Max's thanks to the first movies limited us release and thus audiences may not go to see a sequel to a movie they know nothing about so the road warrior it was this is why a recap of the first movie was put together showing brief clips of the first movie which was shown at the start of the road warrior to keep audiences up to speed that recap wasn't in the original cut of the movie some viewers didn't even know that the road warrior was a sequel and thought that it was an original film and what I find equally interesting is some American fans still refer to the character as the road warrior show this picture to an Australian and it's Mad Max show it to an American and they may say it's the road warrior so the title of road warrior has become just as iconic as the title of Mad Max and to add to the confusion some of the cuts of the movie would even be called the road warrior Mad Max 2 or even Mad Max 2 the road warrior either way it's a bloody good movie and a vastly celebrated movie in the history of Australian cinema [Music] like Terminator 2 and The Dark Knight Mad Max 2 is one of those rare occasions where a movie sequel is probably better than its original at least technically it's better made Mad Max 2 gave us a vision of an apocalyptic wasteland desert of the future where as inhabitants stress and strange lever and punk attire an image that has been ingrained and not only pop culture but also modern culture as this imagery has been copied many times but never quite as magical as Mad Max 2 Mad Max 2 game as many contributions not only to Australian cinema but also action movies and for that alone it's a masterpiece anyway I'm in T and once again no relation to the guy who played feral boy see ya [Music] [Music]
Channel: Minty Comedic Arts
Views: 403,346
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Id: VqTyhmiK_DU
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Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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