10 Things You Didn't Know About Japanese Schools

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facts verse presents 10 things you didn't know about Japanese schools number 1 hairstyle requirements in most countries you can wear your hair in any style that you want girls can wear their hair up or down and boys can let their hair grow as long as they like this is not the case in Japan boys are required to keep their hair cut close to their ears they cannot have any layers in their hair and you're not allowed to style your hair or use any styling products the rules for girls are more relaxed and they can wear their hair however they want they cannot however shave their legs wear a makeup or wear nail polish these rules are in place because educators believe that these students should focus on school and not their appearance number 2 romantic relationships this is one of the most peculiar of all things you didn't know about Japanese schools most people meet their first boyfriend or girlfriend while they're in school these relationships often lead to messy drama-filled breakups but you do get some dating experience under your belt if you're going to school in Japan you don't have the option to date relationships are banned in Japanese schools because they are considered to be a distraction number 3 school lunch in most schools you have the option when it comes to school lunch many schools serve hot and cold lunches so that students can choose what they like best students are also allowed to bring lunch from home so they can be sure that they will like what they eat in some schools you could leave the school grounds to go to a local restaurant if you go to school in Japan you don't have any options at all all of the students eat the exact same meal they don't eat in the cafeteria rather they sit at their classroom desk the regular school lunch consists of either rice fish or soup if Japanese students don't finish all of their lunch they are punished number 4 janitorial duties most schools have janitors who work during the day to clean up messes they stay late each day to clean the whole school after the students have left this is not the case in Japanese schools students and teachers take turns sweeping washing floors cleaning the bathrooms and taking out the trash because students know that they will be the ones cleaning the school they are careful not to make a mess number five substitute teachers in most schools if a teacher is sick a substitute teacher is called in to take over the class in Japan they don't have substitute teachers if the teacher is sick the students are expected to sit quietly in their classroom and teach themselves this is not a possibility in u.s. schools is leaving 30 teenagers to take care of themselves could lead to a disaster number 6 self-defense in Japanese schools the students are taught to defend themselves against intruders they use a special weapon called the sassy murder it is adapted from an ancient samurai weapon and is a pole with two prongs on the end it's designed to immobilize the intruder and is found hanging on the walls in all schools in Japan number seven greetings part of the Japanese core culture our greetings the same is true in schools at the beginning and the end of each school day students are required to stand up and bow to their teacher in unison some Japanese schools start the day with meditation to get the students ready to concentrate number 8 absenteeism and punctuality in Japan students are not allowed to be late or miss a class unless they have an excellent reason while these things are very important it doesn't end there you won't see students staring at the clock waiting for the class to end most will stay late for extra help extra classes or after-school workshops number 9 uniforms every student in Japan is required to wear a uniform to school the boys wear a high colored black suit and the girls were a pleated skirt and a sailor blouse students who attempt to attend school out of uniform are sent home and punished when they return to school also their uniforms must always be clean and number ten breaks in Japan students get five weeks for their summer break unlike schools in the u.s. the summer break is during the middle of the school year rather than at the end during their summer breaks they don't take family vacations or spend their time playing video games they attend various classes and workshops during their breaks this is likely the reason that Japan is ranked fourth on the list of the best math and science students in the world [Music] subscribe for more me oh well I took seven years to get through two years of junior college so yeah I'm not Japanese
Channel: Facts Verse
Views: 2,958,203
Rating: 4.6402388 out of 5
Id: N5gFpYUuaKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 5sec (305 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 08 2016
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