10 Things We Hate About The 2022 Toyota Tundra

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what's up guys Dre with Overland Tundras and we are back at it again with another video so you can see over here we have our 2022 Toyota Tundra you can see it's nice and dirty it's worn it's used we have about 26,000 mil on it now and you remember we talked about the top 10 things we loved about this thing well now that we've had it for over a year and a half now we're going to talk about the top 10 things that we hate about it Hate's a strong word but there is some things we don't like about it so let's get into those all right guys well let's get started top 10 things going down a number one hated thing and again some of these might be first world problems like number 10 the controls on my 2015 Toyota Tundra audio and skipping tracks and up and down volume is on one side so if I'm driving with one hand just like this I can make all the adjustments with one hand however on this one volume's on the left if I want to change a track it's on the right side again first world problems but that is something that I kind of dislike about this truck I wish everything was just on one platform and then or um on one side that way if I'm driving like this I can just do it all on one hand um all right let's move on to number nine number nine is actually going to be the cameras when backing up going into a parking spot if I use the cameras and this actually is everyone that's driven this truck I don't know if it's just the specific one the cameras need to get calibrated or something but if you just use the cameras and align the lines all the recommendations and everything I am always off I'm always too much to the right too much to the left it is just a mess so we'll go into a parking spot and I'll show you exactly what I'm talking about cuz I thought I was going crazy I'm like I never had an issue back and up until I started driving this truck so I don't use it at all when I'm backing up I just use the mirrors and back up and good to go all right so let's practice backing up with the camera with the line assist and see how we do cuz I can never get it everyone I have struggles with it so blue lines are our perimeter so pulling in same example if there is a car next to us all right so that was actually not bad but it put us way to the left if you can see that put his way to the left over here we're looking a lot we're looking centered but on the parking spot were really to the left so number seven it is going to be the dome lights the interior lights we have really nice soft white LEDs in the front and in the back but there's nothing in the center I know some of the the higher grade ones this is an SR5 TRD package uh truck but I know the bigger ones have or the better packages have the sliding glass sunroof moon roof and you can't have anything there but on this one I would have loved that for them to have put a light there because again we're usually in Pitch Black if we're camping or even at night if you have dark tent you can't see nothing in here and these little lights don't do much they're nice and soft but they really don't do much so that's kind of a little bit uh frustrating if you're like looking for something you're using you're usually having to pull out your your iPhone and use that because these lights do relatively nothing so that eh kind of bothers me a little bit and uh number seven I think should be actually a little bit lower on the list is the toe points especially because we like off-roading we don't take this truck off-roading heavily this is mostly my wife drives this most of the time and this is kind of a daily or we take this one on trips or to the beach or light camping trips nothing crazy but these trucks come with no toe toe points in the front which is kind of silly because you know they come with TRD packages lockers and you guys saw um the video of Robert with his 2023 Toyota Tundra and we're off-roading and we're thinking if he got stuck how do we get him from the front so that is one thing that I think Toyota kind of failed on I don't think that would reduce miles per gallon significantly and definitely on a off-road truck should be something that should be there all right while we're at the lights number six oh my God this one is annoying seat Bel sensors if if there's anything on any seats front rear the the chime will just go off it just beat beat beep and you have to put the seat Bel on on all three seats in the back even if you have a purse or something on there I was reading on the forums and they said that you could take it to the dealership and they could have it removed I don't know that doesn't sound right because that would be kind of like a liability or something some kind of lawsuit but that's what they're saying on there I haven't done it personally but that is super annoying that you anything that touches that seat it starts beeping so that's a little annoying so that's definitely uh something we dislike about this truck number five when there's a lot of safety features on this truck a lot of good and bad and of course we'll talk about the bad today is if you have the truck and drive and one of the doors is open you're not the truck's not going to going to move so I'm always thinking worst case scenarios let's say you're trying someone's trying to car jack you or something that door is open you hit the gas and you ain't going nowhere that's kind of alarming to me if the wife's driving anyone's driving someone comes Yanks the door open or something um and then you put you know you're trying to go and you can't yeah that's kind of kind of concerning I don't know if again that's something that you can disable there's so many features on this thing that I personally haven't gone through it but I don't think that's one that you can just easily disable but I may be wrong correct me if I'm wrong in the comments so hypothetically something happens you need to check the door and then somebody comes and tries to carjack you and you try to take off emergency brake comes on and you're just like oh I can't go I can't go so you manag to close the door and let's go let's go I still can't go I have to put it into park for it to release the emergency brake and then finally I can take off that's something I really dislike cuz again if anything happens um obviously when you put it in Drive door locks but if you happen to have I don't know the window down and somebody comes hits you opens the door because Toyota once you hit the lever it unlocks it then you're kind of stuck in in a situation where you just can't do anything you're going to be flustered and always kind of thinking that worst case scenario so I dislike that very much so in between all this dislike and hate because I'm a very positive person let's throw a little bit of positivity in there so as you can see we've been lugging this thing around the set Power uh fridge because we're continuing to test this thing out for reliability durability and everything and we continue to throw camping trips Beach outings grocery runs and it's holding up very well it's not beat up or anything we take it out we put it in the truck we put it in my truck we take it to the beach we take it to the park and it's still solid no issue so we're super excited to share this one with you guys I'll put in the description the link where you can get use our discount code to purchase it and take it on your adventures so let's get back to the the dislikes about this truck all right moving on to number four again a lot of people have experienced completely different things with their their 2022 Tundras again this is a first generation or first year um New Generation they did a lot of different things and on the highway and it is a 10-speed transmission if you're on the highway and let's say you're going 80 85 and you want to go past someone even faster it I get a nasty hard shift I haven't talked to the dealership about that um but I need to talk to them about that and it's not every time but it it is an Abrupt shift that kind of shakes the whole truck and doesn't sound like it's good for the truck but that is kind of concerning and kind of I've never felt that in a in a car especially a newer car but I'm thinking maybe because it's going from a high gear dropping significantly maybe not missing a here but something there potentially electronically or whatnot but yeah that one is kind of concerning but no no issues on Lower gears low speed it's always on the high speed if you're on the highway going like 80 85 and then you want to jump up to like 9095 yeah it's a higher speed and throwing a device doing that but that that shift just kind of scares me all right number three the lane assist the lane assist is all over the place with this truck now if you guys saw the last video I believe I spoke about um this gentleman that actually looked at the truck and he was studying the truck because his business what they do is they calibrate all the sensors on the truck after it's been in an accident or anything like that because this truck I believe if I recall correctly has something like I forgot how many computers but it has like 60 computers because of so many sensors so anytime there's any accident or anything like that you have to get certain computers certain sensors calibrated for example windshield if something happens with a windshield he told me it has to be calibrated so when he did his test he said that uh he had to calibrate a lot of the sensors because it was from Factory wasn't centered or wasn't dialed in so I think I'm going to have to reach out to them or go to the dealership and have them look at everything just to have everything recalibrated because when I put on cruise control radar and everything the steering wheel is just it's all over the place it's reading everything kind of incorrectly sometimes it'll just randomly stop and just the lane assist CER centering you in the lane is just fighting and in the previous I previously had a Tesla which was completely different technology of course I think it's significantly more advanced but it would just keep you centered that steering wheel is Dead locked and not trying to compare it to that but yeah this one's just a little bit all over the place so that lane assist kind of also slash technology there I think it might be lacking a little bit number two is going to be the finishes the finishing touches and weather strips um the weather strips everyone has this complaint luckily I don't have a lot of noise with the weather strips a lot of air coming in if you're going really fast you of course you're going to going to hear something but they just there's no fix for them Toyota they just said it is what it is but they come undone they um they kind of flap around sometimes but yeah it's just kind of annoying that you can't you know you spend all this money on a car and then just a silly weather strip just they can't they can't get that right but it is what it is not too worried about that one but it's just kind of frustrating it's something so small that they can't just say hey we made an new weather strip that's not going to fly off or make noise or let a lot of noise into the into the cabin there's also um different pieces of trim that I've noticed on mine personally and a lot of other trucks at the tailgate the the corners lift up it's a I believe it's like a three-piece tailgate now so a lot of more pieces there and and it just it just doesn't sit right on a lot of the trucks and I'm sure a lot of you guys that do have uh the newer Tundra have different pieces of trims that are coming off or shaking or not don't fit in place very well but again those are for me those are uh things that really don't bother me but just kind of annoying you know you're paying all this money for a truck all right we made it turn number one and it is super annoying frustrating for me I don't know if the wife feels it but a couple other friends that have driven the truck have felt it haven't talked to the dealership cuz some s they're just annoying to talk to coming from a stop and accelerating again there is sometimes this nasty lag where you press the pedal down and you're like wait we're not moving and then all of a sudden the computer reads it and you just kind of get kicked back doesn't happen all the time but it's usually when you're coming to a stop sign or a red light and then immediately turns green you go ahead and hit the gas pedal again and it's just kind of sends you back you're like hey hey we need to go and it like it's like it's lagging it's it's buffering it's it's trying to figure out what's going on here so that is really annoying because there's been instances where I'm just trying to make a uh a quick acceleration and traffic or something to get out out of an intersection or something and it's kind of lagged and it's just kind of like oh oh we're not going we're not going and then it's like boom okay we're going so it doesn't happen all the time and I guess it doesn't happen enough where I'm just like all right this is a safety thing but it's just really annoying when it does happen I did get if you look over here uh this is the shift power which is uh kind of like a pedal Commander it's a ECU throttle um adapter throttle response um whatever you want to call it but you can adjust it where uh your acceleration is a little bit touchier your throttle response is a little touchier it's supposed to add a little bit more horsepower and that kind of helps it out a little bit but sometimes it just it doesn't help it either so it's just one of those things that that is my biggest pet pee about this truck that when I drive it and it does that I want to go and trade it in so hope you guys um got some value out of these things that I hate again I love the truck um wanted to do the the top 10 things I hated about the truck because there's a lot of good and bad information out there um I have the truck all dirty because I've seen a lot of videos of people that just get a brand new truck and start back passionate and it just I think they're just kind of making videos um just to make videos but we got 26,000 Mi on the truck uh we've had it for over a year and a half now it's dirty it's used used a four-wheel drive used a locker we have new tires on it new Wheels suspension um I didn't talk about the suspension because that's something that we added to it so it's not a factory thing but the westcot collar lift do not do that um especially if you're off-roading you're just being tossed all over the place it's you hit a speed bump you break your teeth nothing against the company but it is again it's one of those things that it's more for an aesthetic look to get those bigger tires to get that that look but it's not a pleasing a pleasing ride and again not to bash the company or anything like that for me and for what we do and the quality of ride we still have it on here but most likely we're we're going to upgrade soon to something uh a a lot more smoother cuz it's not a fun ride especially Offroad so again hope you guys got some value out of this comment and let me know what the top 10 things you hate about your tundra or what you've heard about cuz I love to hear about other things that maybe I missed all right guys I'll catch you guys on the next one
Channel: Overland Tundras
Views: 8,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: overland tundras, overland tundra, 2022 tundra, 2023 tundra, 2022 toyota tundra, 2023 Toyota Tundra, things I hate about my tundra, reviews about 2022 tundra, bad things about the 2022 Toyota tundra
Id: U8YG54xdk5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2023
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