10 Things to Know Before Moving to Switzerland

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hey guys my name is Luka crystal and if you're new here welcome welcome and if you're not new here then welcome back now before I start with this vlog I want to thank expats in Switzerland you guys help me put the whole idea of this video together so thank you guys for that now I'd like to make a quick disclaimer I understand that everyone has a different situation everyone's coming from different countries coming from different backgrounds so some of these things that I point out might not be that relatable to you but please don't hate me for it and now that I've shared my thoughts let's begin now here are the eleven things that you need to know before moving to Switzerland the first point that I'd like to make is winter specifically winter coats before moving here you need to know that Swiss clothes and specifically when their clothes are very expensive to buy inside Switzerland so if you're planning to move here I suggest you buy the clothes either online or in your home country before moving here because it's really really really expensive the second thing that you need to know before moving to Switzerland is that Switzerland is expensive I know a lot of people say this and if you're coming from a third-world country like me the prices can be overwhelming and if you're wondering what I mean by expensive I mean like the cost of living here is high but worry not once you start working here then you'll be fine the third point would be to bring your no criminal record from your home country this is a very specific detail but it is also very important at one point when you move here you will be asked to get it or show it to them somehow whether it's from work or apartment application or I think they asked for it from me when I applied for my residence card and yeah it was a really big hassle for me because I lived in America and in Philippines so I had to get both no criminal records from each country and it just took such a long time to do so before you move here better get that the fourth point is very similar to the third one and it is you need to have your important documents and you need to have all of it apostille or certified like the show that it's like an official document from for example Philippines and if possible bring copies of like each document for example I have three birth certificates right now and I actually used it for the permanent residence application and I also had to submit one again when I went to school so it's very useful to have multiple documents and multiple copies of it because they will ask for it from you at one point during your stay here so please before you move here get them the fifth point that you need to know is the sundays in switzerland sundays in switzerland is something that i'm still very much not used to every single sunday in switzerland is basically a ghost town everything is closed except for gas stations and the train station obviously and some stores inside the train station for me living in philippines in america we don't really have this so I had to really adjust my plans it's like for example you want to go groceries you can't do that on a Sunday because stuff is closed so it's a little inconvenient but if you imagine working in the grocery store you don't need to work on Sunday so that's like you know a trade-off and yeah that's just something that you need to know it's like a ghost down here on Sundays the sixth point is something that you need to do before you move here not something that you need to know before you move here but I hope you can do it it's to get a medical check-up before leaving your home country before entering States for good it is actually required to get a medical check-up like a full-body singing one but in here it's not really required I think you would save so much money if you do this in your home country first because if you get the medical check-up in your home country then you can get stuff fixed like for example your teeth mine was such a very you know expensive lesson I didn't get my teeth checked before I left Philippines or America so when I arrived here we had to pay a lot of stuff for my teeth because I started getting teeth pains so you can save so much money if you just get stuff done in your home country and I know insurance here is mandatory by the way but there are some things like basic things you can't really you know get insured for like for example the teeth that I mentioned earlier my seven point is restaurants here are very expensive I know it seems a bit redundant to the whole Switzerland being expensive cost of living and blah blah but I really wanted to mention this because I love good food you should learn how to cook it by yourself because the prices here are crazy it's like everytime you eat out here it's like you're eating at a good restaurant but the taste is average or something so if you want good food you should learn how to cook the eighth point is trains before you move here you need to be familiar with how Swiss people travel and we traveled by train train tram bus actually before you move here you need to know how commuting works I'm pretty sure at one point in your life when you live here you will need to go from point A to B and yeah you need to learn how to do that by using the s Fitbit app the app will show you where to go from your house to your work or wherever you want to go and it's actually more accurate than Google Maps because they have like the details on like train delays and stuff like that so you know like not to take the strain at certain time because it's late or something like that so be familiar with that and also with the estimate app you can buy your day ticket or your help ducks or your gaya' how tax is one firm I think I'm pronouncing that wrong it's one annual fee of 185 Swiss francs I think and you basically get all your train tickets half off for the days that you do use it or you could get a gaya which is also called a general abandonment bonus whatever it allows you to ride the train tram but there's no extra cost other than the monthly fee and it's basically like a train subscription or something the ninth point that you need to know is you need to decide whether you want to live in a place that has high taxes but low rental or low taxes but high rental so yeah those are your choices it's either you live in an expensive place or in an expensive place and also if you want to live near the city then that's even more expensive so people here are actually very much used to traveling 30 40 minutes to get to work or to school because living in the city is not very ideal if you're not earning that much or something the tenth point that you need to know before moving here is we need to take a class in whatever language your area will be if you live in the German area like me then before you move here so you should learn how to speak at least basic German because it's very helpful and the last point is the eleven point Switzerland is beautiful you probably already know this but I just wanted to remind you that Switzerland is very beautiful and before you move here like really moving I suggest you should be a tourist of the country before you really like move here move here you can use your gaya and travel around the whole country without any extra cost I've done this several times before and it was just really worth it and that is all you need to know before moving here to Switzerland if you're interested in more content like these just comment it below to let me know don't forget to Like and subscribe bye interested in watching more videos click one of these
Channel: Lyka Krystle
Views: 42,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lyka, krystle, Swiss, vlogger, Filipino, in, Switzerland, Filipina, travel, vlog, moving to switzerland, switzerland, filipino in switzerland, swiss vlogger, lyka krystle, swiss vlogs, filipina in switzerland, things to know, info about Switzerland, going to Switzerland, before going to Switzerland, Suisse vlog
Id: -DagnY0iEYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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