10 Things That Changed Since The Old Man Passed Away (Pawn Stars)

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[Music] hey drop a like on this video fair fan of Pawn Stars join the notification squad by subscribing and hitting that Bethel notification on but also don't forget to comment down below saying I subscribed to enter our monthly shoutouts and we'll make sure to reply him thank as many of you as we possibly can hope you enjoyed the video when Richard Harrison better known as old man passed away after a battle against Parkinson's disease back in June the Pawn Stars lost an irreplaceable member always ready to strike a good deal and put in his two cents known for his no-nonsense attitude and cutting wit the beloved and self-assured old man was always there to lend a hand and deliver a fast response but was also able to lay back and laugh at himself depending on the situation needless to say the show will not be the same without him as things have drastically changed since he passed away so stay tuned while we go through some of them admittedly the appeal and the success of the show lies in the fact that Pawn Stars revolves around a family business that said it is still reality television where all the characters have roles to play everybody loves Chumlee for being the village idiot on the show Cory for being laid back in pretty much casual and Ric for being a bookworm and know-it-all still the old man's role in the pawn shop was more than just a supervise and advised his family and running the business when a client entered to sell what he believed as a book dating from the 15th century rip was enthusiastic about the item but the old man had his concerns sarcastically saying that it's just what they need another old book Rick explained that they sell those books as it's a part of their job in business and then took a jab at his dad by adding that part of his job is just to be a grumpy old man the roles each of the cast members played are important to the dynamic of the show and with losing an irreplaceable member the dynamic between the characters that we became nice to has changed just what we need Rick another old book for fifteen seasons the vast array of the old man sayings and phrases has entertained the guys in the shop and the viewers at home alike it looked like the old man had a comeback in a special term for pretty much everything the phrases he was so fond of were so obscured that Cory wasn't even sure if he made them up on the go or pulled them from a book that he kept at his house practically nobody from the cast's of All Stars had any idea where he got them from and they would easily look them up on the internet to check whether or not they're real some of the most notable and baffling phrases include Jesus Christ in a month old baby skylarking and you better mind your P's and Q's many viewers regularly tuned in just to hear what new old term the old man is going to use but now that he's gone the situation is a bit different in his own unique way the old man was the embodiment of a bygone era and a relic of the Age past for example when the pawnshop staff organized a Halloween costume contest a cowboy costume the old man wore displayed as affection for the All American culture and media of his time and the fact that he doesn't really keep up with things going on in the present as others haven't really put any effort in their costumes nobody really knew who the old man was supposed to be the old man and Chumlee engaged in a discussion where Chumlee tried to explain who Justin Bieber is but the old man simply couldn't wrap his head around the fact that girls go crazy about a beaver when Rick asked his father to explain his costume the old man said that he's a u.s. marshal Rooster Cogburn from True Grit funnily enough after a question is it from the original or the remake it was clear that the old man referred to the original from 1969 as he wasn't really aware that there was a remake made in 2010 and now that he's gone there is no one left to keep the old-fashioned values and tradition going naturally and his Testament the old man plays Rick in charge of his estate however what does come across as surprising is that the old man decided to leave out Christopher one of his other sons from the well for whatever the reason the old man has expressly updated his will last year and cut Christopher out of any inheritance I would like to express my love and affection for Christopher Harrison how for the purposes of this will I have intentionally and with full knowledge failed to provide for him and his issue state the documents Rick stated that the family had previously discussed this information and it is a private matter Cory also said that he wasn't sure about the details of the old man's will but added that he hadn't seen his uncle in 20 years no matter how bad it may sound Christopher may return to Rick's and Cory's lives be disgruntled and caused some problems down the line which would definitely reflect him the shop and the show itself whenever anyone from the cast of Pawn Stars wasn't sure about the purchase they could count on the old man's gut feeling as he wasn't the one to take unnecessary risks still this doesn't mean that they never went behind his back in the episode titled helmet head from the second season a customer brought a 1964 austin-healey sprite saying that he paid about $1,800 for it Rick was really interested in the car as it was generally in a good condition leading just some minor tubing up however when Rick decided to take it for a spin and test it the car just wouldn't start in the end he decided to bite nonetheless just because Austin Healey's are popular collectors items in the US and we all know that brick is a car buff through and through however when he took the car to his body for a simple fix it turned out that it would cost him about six thousand dollars to fix it instead of planned three to four hundred bucks aware that he had made a huge mistake Rick obviously wasn't looking forward to telling the old man and for a good reason the old man was far from happy about his son being ripped off and without him there's no one to stop brick from making rash decisions needless to say the old man had an imposing presence and was feared by the customers as well the situation that illustrates this the best is when a young man came to the shop trying to sell a Hudson Bay gorget that supposedly dated from 1700s the man asked for $100,000 but Rick offered him $1 because the item was fake as usual Rick went to explain why the item is fake and the old man just stood by him not saying a word but it felt like he was telepathically conveying his thoughts to Rick while he was known for his hands-off approach at times here he interfered only when the disgruntled customer got rude the old man showed his intimidating no-nonsense side selling the young man that he's way out of line which Elsa madly ended negotiations with such an intimidating figure out of the way there's no doubt that many more scam artists will be making their way to the posh shop in droves over the years we got used to the old mass specific type of humour as he would crack joke at the expense of others but also at his own in one of the Christmas episodes Chumley showed up in the shop full of holiday spirit in wearing a full Santa costume Rick and Corey laughed in disbelief telling Chumlee that the old man beat him to it while the old man who was sitting at his desk and complete Santa gear like everything is normal raised his glass and wish Chumlee a Merry Christmas still Chumlee didn't give up and returned to the shop wearing a ridiculous Santa's elf costume the staff rolled with laughter and the old man said that it's probably the worst outfit he has ever seen checking Chumley's outfit from head to toe he said I look stupid but that's ridiculous before returning to business mode and getting down to opening presents obviously the flavor of the humor is gone with heeled mass passing and we can expect the quality of humor to drastically decrease it's been nearly a decade since Potter's premiered in History Channel and nearly 20 years since the old man opened the world famous Gold & Silver Pawn Shop the show quickly became one of America's favorite reality shows and the surly old man found himself in the center of it still even though the show took a more romantic takin the palm business it kept the core value of the world-famous Gullah Silver Pawn Shop and that's family throughout all 15 seasons the old man was there for members of his family teaching them important lessons in his own way being the one who started it all he was also the connective tissue that held it all together and now that he had passed away there is a good chance that everything will fall apart especially considering that many viewers expressed their belief that the show already started going downhill one thing that may change due to old man's passing is the classic father and son dynamic we've grown accustomed to on the show for example when the old man talked about the lunar landing Rick asked him where he was when they the old man answered that he was at work and they were all watching it - which Rick shot back askin if they even had TVs back then while the old man and Rick had great dynamic that was the source of many jokes because the old man was a man of another era the same cannot be said for Rick and Corey because Rick is much more modern than the old man was in his and Cory's world feasor not that different all things considered it remains to be seen if the show will survive without the old man it has been obvious for a while now that the guys from the Fosters cast don't consider the pawn shop their main and only business Rick opened a shopping center called palm Plaza in downtown Las Vegas near the famous Gold & Silver Pawn Shop while Corey followed in his father's footsteps and opened something quite unexpected a beauty bar that functions as a nail salon during the day but turns into a cocktail lounge and music venue at night Chumlee also wasn't happy with pawn shop being his only gig so last year he opened a candy shop along with his brother sage saying that it's time to acknowledge that he might be able to open up his own business he and his brother thought long and hard about what kind of business they will start until they decided to go with candy while some would say that the guys from Pawn Stars are just looking to capitalize on their success the fact that they are turning to other business venues speaks volumes about the future of the pawn shop without the old man as the strongest link Rick Corey and Chumlee may very well call it quits and go their own separate ways thank you for checking this video out and don't forget to smash that like button and also subscribe for new videos every day turn that Bell notification on and comment down below that you subscribed and we'll make sure to reply and thank as many of you as we possibly can once again thank you for watching and see you next time [Music]
Channel: The Filmy
Views: 52,593
Rating: 4.3829789 out of 5
Keywords: entertainment, movie, tv show, pawn stars, pawn shop, business, investing, rick harrison, chumlee, corey harrison, old man, pawn stars episodes, richard harrison
Id: GHw_lqdtMig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 17 2018
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