10 Things OUT OF STYLE You NEED To TRASH! (or donate)

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hi guys welcome back to my channel today I'm gonna be talking about 10 out of style things in your closet that you should a trash or donate I mean hey I don't know if you saw my last video but I did a goodwill outfit challenge and this is one of the shirts that I picked up and I really liked it but with that said if you're anything like me you have a lot of stuff in your closet that's been there too long that is probably way out of style so in today's video I'm gonna break it down for you guys I'm going to show you 10 things 10 real things that in my opinion at least are a little bit out of style and we should move on we should part ways with I'm not gonna be talking about things that have holes in them things with stains on them to me those are kind of no-brainer things so I wanted to show you real things to consider purging from your closet please take this with a grain of salt if you really love something or you have something and you're kind of offended by what I say everybody has different styles I mean hey someone obviously hated this shirt but I really like it and that's all that matters before we get into the video though I do want to say a big thank you to audible for sponsoring this video I love the audible app and I'm always listening to books on the way to work actually and the book that I'm listening to right now is so perfect for this video because it's called decluttering at the speed of life it is by Dana KY and I'm telling you guys this book is life-changing I swear to you I promise you it is so like my style of book as far as giving real steps real things real tangible ways to do something and this is such a perfect time for me right now because we are moving we are going to be packing up our house so it's like the perfect time to declutter this house get rid of things I don't need and then we move into the new house I can really arrange things and just not have stuff and things and clothes that I don't need so I am about three quarters of the way through this book I have a whole library of books I like to listen to sometimes they're like self-help books sometimes they're more like fiction stories I really like romance and love stories that's kind of my thing but if you are looking to get your house under control your closet under control all of your living space is under control I really recommend that book and you can actually start a 30-day free trial with audible and get your first book free all you have to do is go to audible.com slash Shay Whitney and if you are in the US and you can also text Shay Whitney to 500 five hundred I typically listen to them on the way to work if I'm like sunbathing at the beach even just being outside with the kids sometimes I'll just have it playing on in the background if they're like on the swing set but like I said if you do want to start a thirty day at trial and get your first book free just go to audible.com slash a Whitney or you can text Shae Whitney to 500 at 500 so let's get into the very first thing you should trash and buy trash I do mean donate for if it's actually trashed as in stains holes weird discoloration smells maybe just trash it but the first thing is free t-shirts now come on people I know you've gone to those marathons those fundraisers college all kinds of places where they just hand you free t-shirts I have so many of them literally so many and you want to know why they're free it's because all these businesses and companies put their logo on the back and you're a walking advertisement that's not necessarily a bad thing I just have too many and you do too I think so go through your closet I know we all really like free things but just pick some that you don't really wear maybe pick some just for like yard work whatever clothes but toss the rest the next thing that just seems to accumulate in our wardrobe or our closet and we don't ever really think to get rid of at least me again I am speaking for myself our bathing suits I have so many each season I buy more but do I ever get rid of the old ones no I don't I am pretty sure this Hawaiian looking bikini has been in my drawer for probably upwards of eight years this colorful string bikini might have been there longer so light clothes bathing suit styles also change so do our taste so just remember to go through your bathing suit drawer find any that are faded because bathing suits from the Sun they often get really faded just try to find ones that you don't really wear that often because we all know they're in there and just move them along with them in the donation pile put them in the trash can and speaking of things that just pile up and never go away scarves what the heck I don't know why I have so many scarves I mean really it's kind of ridiculous these aren't even nice scarves I don't even really like these scarves yet I still have them and you guys like me wear you you think of like a scarf and you're like oh I could totally make this outfit look so nice with this scarf do you actually wear them cuz I don't I don't know maybe it's just me but like I really rarely grab a scarf to enhance my outfit and what is this seriously no no no no no this is going away this one still has the tags on it so clearly I wasn't successful there but it's also an infinity scarf and while those sound great you can only wear them one way you can't let really like manipulate them to fit your outfit so I guess I also wanted to say maybe steer clear of the infinity scarves I just personally think if you are gonna go for a scarf get one that you can wear multiple ways and really cater it to your outfit the next item that is out of style in your closet are extremely low-rise denim look at this tiny little zipper it's just a little zipper what's the point of it it doesn't even do anything it's like so little don't get me wrong I know everybody has their own taste and their preferences for jeans especially when it comes to body types sometimes low-rise just looks better on certain bodies whereas high-rise or mom jeans as they say look better on other figures but right now at least in 2018 I do think low-rise are kind of on the outs I'm sure in ten years I'll be saying something totally different but right now I do think high-waisted jeans are all the rage and in my opinion I really do think they show off and flatter your body so much better they really hug your hips they really show off your backside they suck in your stomach they just do so many nice things and that's what I'm always reaching for so there's no reason I should have these in my closet so if you guys are watching this video then I do think that you are a stylish person you want to be stylish otherwise you wouldn't have clicked on this video and so with that said I really do think you probably have the good old bubble necklace maybe you have multiple bubble necklaces these used to be so so popular every girl that knew what she was talking about when it came to style she had these in many many colors I maybe I wasn't very stylish because I only have one but nonetheless they are out they are no bueno at least in my opinion again this is all my opinion so I am going to be donating this to the Salvation Army or the goodwill I don't really know yet it's just hanging up space it's just cluttering up my area I'm always reaching for my dainty pretty gold necklaces you've probably been seeing this charm at non-stop it's the Miranda FRA radiance charm with the Aleks chain and oh my gosh I just pretty much leave it on non-stop I'm obsessed with it but this not so obsessed and it's so loud okay so this next one maybe you guys are gonna disagree with me on this one I kind of feel like I'm gonna get a mixed response but I'm gonna do it anyway so this is one of those things where like I think it's on its way out but it's not like fully gone yet so we're just in like the transitional period so what they are are the riding boots yes people I know we're approaching the pumpkin spice latte season the pumpkin patch picking the nice warm cozy plaid scarves but I kind of think the riding boots are making their way out and that saddens me to say because I do really like them and I am gonna keep these these are not ones that I'm actually getting rid of these are Tory Burch these were kind of pricey but the reason I am mentioning this is because I did a purge already I wish I would have waited to show them in this video I did have three other colors of riding boots I had black I had ones that were black and brown and I had a good old wedge riding boot that one I definitely didn't like but anyways I purged those already I already donated them that was probably a couple months ago and I am left with only these Tory Burch riding boots which I do really like and honestly I probably will wear them this fall but the only reason I am mentioning this is because I do think the ankle boots sock boots just lower height boots in general are much more in style and on trend right now than the high riding boots the next item that I personally think is kind of out of style that you should potentially trash or donate are the printed or graphic leggings a few years back leggings became very popular and many brands started releasing them with very intense designs very intense graphics there was like galaxies there were kitten leggings jungle leggings and at the time I thought it was pretty cute it was different you could wear it with a nice long shirt and you could really make a personality statement whatever really interested you you could kind of wear it on your legs when I say that out loud it sounds really weird so I am a willing to bet that some of you not all of you but some of you out there maybe don't wear them anymore and you still have them accumulated in at your closet and it's time to pass them along and one thing that I do want to mention as I go through each category of items if you don't want to get rid of the entire thing that is fine but everything that I'm talking about usually people had multiples of so just keep maybe one or two you don't need six seven eight pairs of whatever already so I have three things left to talk about and unfortunately these last three things I don't even have them anymore I realized that I'm further along than I thought because I already donated them so I wanted to mention big waisted belts belts are still in don't get me wrong I love belts I love the Gucci bells I love simple plain belts I genuinely really like belts but on occasion I do still see people wearing huge huge huge belts around their waist to kind of show off their waist maybe if they're wearing an oversized dress that was definitely in style probably I don't know maybe like ten years ago that sounded harsh so if you do have any of those really big statement belts in your closet in a drawer in a cabinet whatever maybe consider making space for something else the next thing that is out of style that might still be in your closet are cowl neck sweaters so convex sweaters aren't terrible it's just if you are already limited in space like maybe you don't have a really big closet where you can fit tons of things I do think that there are many sweaters out there that look a lot better than a cowl-neck sweater it just hangs really weird I feel like I'm constantly fixing it to look right I feel like they were really popular years back it's just if you are looking for things to donate or things to make room so that you have more room in your closet then that would be something i really suggest since it does take up so much space we are onto the tenth and final thing that is out of style in your closet and that would be drumroll please capris yes capris and this one surprises me too and it could be very controversial so don't hate me because I said that however the typical capris that people would wear when it was like too cold for shorts but way too hot for pants capris were the answer so again they are not terrible but I wouldn't say they're great either I do have a pair of lit cropped capri pants that I always pair with my sock boots and I love that look together but if you're just wearing a pair of capris with like a pair of tennis shoes or flats and I'm not even sure you can really buy capris anymore I mean I'm sure they're still out there somewhere but I really don't see them for sale when I go show anymore so I do kind of think that trend from a few years back has now passed but Who am I kidding I'm sure in five years I'll be buying a good pair of capris already guys that does it for this video I really hope you enjoyed this video and got some good ideas of things that you can actually get rid of from your closet I really enjoy offering real tips and tricks for you guys please don't be offended by this video like I said everybody's style is totally different and that's what makes style everybody shouldn't have the same style I'm sure some of you hate this shirt and that's fine so a big thank you again to audible for sponsoring this video don't forget to check the description box down below on how to start your free trial and get your first free audio book and for real I'm telling you that decluttering audiobook is seriously life-changing I'm not joking thank you guys so much for watching this video please give it a thumbs up if you liked it and be sure to subscribe if you haven't already I would seriously love to have you back thank you again for watching and I will see you very soon in my next video bye [Music]
Channel: Shea Whitney
Views: 1,517,475
Rating: 4.039484 out of 5
Keywords: things out of style you need to trash, things out of style in your closet, things you dont need in your closet, closet makeover, closet organization, things to get rid of, things to trash, how to organize your closet, things out of style, things you own out of style, style mistakes, fashion mistakes, closet essentials, wardrobe essentials, closet basics, ways to look expensive, style secrets, how to look better, how to look more attractive, how to look prettier
Id: gNCeFJYl1Tk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 21 2018
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