10 Things Non-Gamers Should NEVER Say To A Gamer

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inexperience can lead you to say things that make people dislike you hi folks its Falcon and today on game ranks 10 things non-gamers should never say to a gamer number 10 you've been playing for hours let me play which I just have to go ahead and say it's almost never preceded by you playing a game for hours it's always like a few minutes into your play session 5 10 maybe 20 maybe even a half hour for that matter and a sibling strolls into the room assuming that that's been your entire day and they whip out the eben planck grammar and let me play and of course you say no and then they go tell i mean this is what it was like when I was growing up anyway I'm sure it's still going on it seems like a conflict as old as time itself but since becoming an adult it has become markedly better I'd like to add and I'll say this this is something where parents could probably pay a little bit more attention to their kids but you know whatever number nine when the inexperienced non-gamer is like let me try especially if you've just taken like a bunch of time to unsuccessfully get through an area of a video game and they're like you know what i doesn't seem that hard to me let me try okay sure you can try let's see if you can beat this incredibly hard section that I a person who's been playing video games and understands this game has been through the tutorial played all of the previous level and so on and so forth no you can probably do better here you go give it give it a shot Oh what what does this button do that's the give it back to me button you're wasting your time playing video games no seriously like a lot of the time adults will literally say this to other adults adults that spend their weekends on the couch watching the television as other people play sports you know not something I would judge it's fine I don't care what people do with their time but I do care when people who do something that is if we're gonna split hairs not interactive at all tell me that it is a waste of my time to do something that I enjoy you can sit there and yell at the ref all day and he's not gonna do anything but if I fire up my old copy of NFL Blitz I can you know let clothes line him also there's a bunch of games that aren't the old game NFL Blitz that I could be playing almost like an entire library of games that I can swap out depending on my mood and play something narrative or mechanic or something that strikes a balance or sports game or you know just like an endless amount of you know you can watch the sports game who do you thinks gonna win again I don't have any troubles with people who like sports I have troubles with people who like sports and then try to step to videogames you know number 7 when they imply that non gamers are somehow better than gamers I don't know what gets in their heads but for whatever reason gamers apparently have nothing else we don't have friends we don't have families we don't have jobs we don't have lives yes I play video games so that means I have nothing else going at all period like I understand very much that there are people who play video games in that capacity but they are not the majority of like we all have stuff to do you can't look at us like we're some foreign species from an alien world where people or at least you know Birds Falcon you know that thing number six when a sibling is like why do you care so much about your discs after they just got done chewing on it or whatever they do I realize that this problem is gradually going away as digital downloads take up more and more of the real estate of gaming but the physical real estate of a disc is one to respect if you remember back in the day unlike the PlayStation and the older discs minut little things would cause those discs to work way less good it's gotten a little bit better over time you can put in discs that aren't completely immaculate and it will still play the game now but that's not excuse to test out all those sandpaper life hacks on it it almost seems like people are constantly looking for ways to scratch up discs I don't know it's not that hard not to scratch them up I just wonder why everybody thinks that they're worth eating it seems like they're not tasty so I tried it that they're not tasty it's just like a plastic taste so like no taste number five and this is one that as DLC has become more of like a standard part of gaming I really don't understand how it's stuck around but when you want to buy a DLC for a game and you're parents or friends or siblings or something who doesn't really know what's going on is like don't you already have that game why are you buying it again and this can be as your like hey I'd like to buy this DLC or it can be later as a bill is checked out what are you buying all these purchases from this team or the PSN for is like five dollars here - six dollars here what is this it's a DLC what's a DLC it's downloadable content I don't understand things are changing too fast for my brain even though it's really it's been like a decade now it's normal it's normal to spend like five bucks on more for the game you already own we're gonna have a debate on what's worth being a DLC there's some pretty sketchy stuff that is masquerading as downloadable content but when I get another like level or campaign or something like that I really I think that it's worth the 5 10 bucks sometimes more but I'm not buying the game again number 4 why are you still playing games you're an adult the minute you turn 18 I swear there's so many people who will say this in your life whether they be your parents whether they be friends who want you to you know shut up and watch the game with them or whatever cuz that's not a version of the same thing they're criticizing no apparently you're not allowed to do anything that is fun that you did when you're a kid when you're an adult that's just how that works yeah number 3 when people say it's weird to watch videos of people playing video games as if that's you know different from people playing physical games which people watch videos of all the time like since the invention of television we've been watching videos of people playing physical games and before that we were listening to people describe people playing physical games over the airwaves received by your radio unit which by the way doesn't sound fun to me but you know trying to find somebody who's interesting or skilled when they're playing a video game and paying attention to it no that's weird that's just it's so weird number two you can't learn anything from a game I almost just want to be like and it sounds dopey but there's a study that came out saying Assassin's Creed does a decent job and involves kids in learning about history in fact it does a comparable job to an actual history class imagine the idea of having both history class and also playing Assassin's Creed it's almost like these things could augment each other and enhance your learning as well as keep you interested in a historical period that you might not have been otherwise that's not to say Assassin's Creed is a hundred percent a learning experience nor is it a perfect thing that's why like I said augmenting a real class Wow might actually be a good idea but it's not just Assassin's Creed it's most games like how many games have said to you strangers might not be that trustworthy how many game over screens have you seen before you've beaten something realizing that this whole time you have been learning to overcome failure how many games have you competitively played and never won a single match and just realize playing it is what you care about ie it's not always about winning this is my experience with Fortnight by the way these are all valuable life lessons and they are present in video games at pretty much all times you can learn plenty from video games and finally number one why are you getting so worked up it's just a game at this point all of the frustration you are feeling towards the game itself shifts towards that person what did you just say did you just say this is just a game we and all that art you're doing all the time and your little studio that you set up in your house there's just some paintings they don't mean anything to me personally so I hate them you know that expensive thing that you had to save up money to get you worked hard long hours to get it and then you finally did and you loved it it's just a thing all that blood sweat tears and hours of your life that you'll never get back yeah I didn't have to do that so it doesn't matter to me things that you like to do for you aren't about me so I don't like them yeah it's not just a game it's the thing that I like to do with my time it's for me you don't have to understand why I'm getting so worked up you don't have to understand why I'm emotionally invested in this thing it's just a thing that I do for me just like everything that you do you so don't tell me it's just a game and ever bring up any of the [ __ ] you do ever again and then you just drop them like that you were apparently holding and like some loud victory music begins to play not for real of course but what absurd nonsense have non-gamers said to you a gamer we'd love to hear it and mock them alongside you if you liked this video please click like and if you're not subscribed now's a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week and the best way to see the first is of course a subscription as always thank you very much for watching this video i'm falcon you can follow me on twitter at falcon the hero we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 5,109,675
Rating: 4.8291836 out of 5
Keywords: non-gamers, angry gamers, video games, gamer parents, nagging video games, playing games late night, funny gaming videos, annoying gamers, game discs, game disc scratches, gamers, gaming, gameranx, falcon
Id: IfNQblPxuQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 15 2018
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