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all people are created equal well except for doing the things that we're about to discuss today we're going to be talking about 10 things most humans can't do number one is something that is literally eye-popping so stay tuned for that with all that said and done let's begin shall we number ten raising one eyebrow if Dwayne the rock can do it why can't you yes one of life's greatest mysteries probably is why the most electrifying man in all of entertainment is able to attain fame and fortune just by doing something that most people can't that being raising one eyebrow also being just a generally good actor and good person in general yes there are other factors that surely are more responsible for the rock being one of the highest paid actors in the world but if memory serves me right he was the very first one in Pro Wrestling to put over raising an eyebrow funny thing is people who can raise a single eyebrow technically can't I'm also responsible for being able to raise both eyebrows is one of the same you cannot raise one eyebrow because the whole muscle is connected to both eyes it is possible that one side is not connected or even less connected but that's usually not the case and such a person would not be able to raise both eyebrows at will what happens in almost all people is that they are not raising one eyebrow but instead keeping one eyebrow down and raising but at the same time let's give him the impression of only raising one there are various muscles that are able to lower the eyebrows so if one person is not able to raise one eyebrow it actually means they are not able to keep the other side down before we move on I've got a little challenge for you that I'll take five seconds to complete so here's the deal he does leave a like on this video smash that subscribe button hit the notification bell and you will get 25 years of amazing life try it really works number nine wiggle your ears most people can't wiggle their ears because well genetics before we get into that let's get one thing straight here ear wiggling is not evolutions way to give you an e party trick animals have the ability to spool their ears independently to point at a sound source because they need to knowing where the sound of a potential predator or prey is coming from as often a matter of life and death humans however have no need to do that so the muscles responsible for ear movement is generally weak but in a recent study ear wiggling is somehow linked to genetics it was observed and in the case of most ear wigglers one or both of the parents are also ear wrigglers most of them will have siblings and/or children that are ear wigglers as well and again these people also say that ear wiggling like any skill infinitely more useful to humans can be achieved by concentration and constant practice number eight tickling yourself you would have to be pretty lonely to even think about telling yourself then again even if you did try to you wouldn't be able to and here's why our brains aren't wired to to understand the concept let's first find out why people laugh anyway today we laugh when we are happy or when we see something funny or when we're tickled it seems that according to scientists our ancient ancestors use laughing very totally different purpose to signal a much stronger person that they don't want to fight so when one agent human gets physical with another the weaker one just laughs it off as a signal to the other that they concede and will not fight back in a nutshell laughing was evolved as a way of self-preservation a way to nullify a threat without resorting to fighting or any other form of aggression so the simple explanation is you don't laugh when you tickle yourself is because your brain is wired to never think of yourself as a threat of course this is an overly simplistic explanation for the sake of brevity so I encourage you to do the research yourself number seven licking your own elbow I'm 100% sure that at least 75% of you tried to lick your elbow as soon as this segment started try as you might you're not gonna be able to do so except for maybe a lucky few why is that though because it is a physical impossibility to lick your own elbow so for the few that are able to well get some mutant trades in you there now before you fill up the comments saying you know a friend of a friend of a friend's uncle that can lick his own elbow let me clarify my statement it is physically impossible for a normal human to lick his own elbow emphasis on normal of course there are a few exceptions like people born with incredibly long tongues kind of like that one guy from kiss who really disturbs me if you're like Adrian Lewis though who was born with a tongue 3.5 inches long then licking your own elbow will be a breeze Adrian was featured in the Ripley's Believe it or not book back in 2012 in it she showed her elbow looking prowess her tongue is so long that she can even lick her own eyes Oh tractive number six the Hitchhiker's thumb thumbs were never meant to bend backwards because one it looks really painful if you force it and - it looks really disgusting when you see it then again there are people born with this amazing ability Hitchhiker's thumb is a thumb that is hyper mobile or very flexible I'm able to bend backward beyond the normal range of motion known formally is distal hyper extensibility this condition isn't painful and doesn't inhibit the thumbs function in any way your thumbs Bend ability is controlled by its distal interphalangeal joint the bending point in which the bones of your thumb are connected people with Hitchhiker's thumb have distal joints that can bend back as far as 90 degrees this looks similar to the classic roadside hitchhikers pose thumb out in hopes of hitching a ride some people can bend only one of their thumbs backwards but a fortunate few will be able to do this with both thumbs number 5 leaking you know how sometimes especially when you get a yawn attacking you bust out and a big old gaper that just takes over your face sometimes I'll have a spurts out of your mouth like a snake's venom I've experienced it too much much to my dismay either way that's bleeding your jaw and mouth have dozens of muscles and sometimes you'll be doing some mouth thing in it just the right combination and you'll squeeze the ducts that run out of your sublingual salivary glands ordinarily the ducts just sit there passively like water pipes while the glands ooze out saliva to keep our mouths juicy ignoring these mental images squeezing them forces the saliva out in a spray we can't click again until they refill this sac seems to serve no other purpose but as a party trick to both amaze and disgust your friends at the same time some people can do it naturally but if you find yourself envious and want to gain this I guess amazing skill don't worry you can teach yourself how to click on purpose by gathering enough saliva flicking your tongue along the roof of your mouth and jutting your jaw out in fact there are people out there that are ready and willing to teach you how to do it there is even an article on wikiHow teaching you how to Gleek complete with pictures number 4 twitching your nose it seems like no switching is an actual medical condition seriously I'm not kidding Dodgers have said that involuntary nose twitching can be the result of muscle cramps dehydration or stress it may even be an early sign of a medical condition so if you find your nose twitching on its own accord to better see a doctor nose twitching can also be a sign of vitamin deficiency to maintain optimum health and proper muscle function your body needs key nutrients and vitamins vitamins and minerals ensure proper blood circulation nerve function and muscle tone taking certain kinds of medication may also cause your nose at which on its own also nerve damage to the face more worryingly it could also be an early sign of Tourette's syndrome which is a neurological disorder that causes you to experience involuntary movements and vocalize 6 if you watch YouTube in the early days of its you probably know what Tourette's looks like of course there are some people who can voluntarily twitch their noses funnily enough the writer who wrote this script is one of them but then again he's the only one he knows it can do so even actress Elizabeth Montgomery at the classic show pit which just moved her live to give the illusion of twitching her but like Glee King knows twitching can be achieved by constant practice number three putting your fist in your mouth if you're an average human unfortunately you won't be able to put your fists in your mouth but the real question is why don't you even want to but for the sake of people willing to understand why this is impossible for most people let me explain why in order for this to be possible for you you need to possess two things small hands and updating mouth if you're an average Joe your bone fits as around six inches across if you're like me though you got monster hands and your mouth fully open would be around 2.75 inches have you ever tried to insert a 6nu peg into a three-inch hole and successful in doing so without hammering it if you are Francisco Domingo Hakeem however putting the fishing your mouth isn't really an issue at an eye-watering six point sixty nine inches Francisco has the biggest mouth in the world according to the Guinness Book of World Records in fact his Gambas so big that he can fit an entire sauntering inside of it and this was horizontally mind you this is led to him being nicknamed the Angolan Java in his home country of Angola now it's time for the day's best big and today's best pic is like all the entries on this list is something only a few of us can actually do but it's also definitely pointless aside from giving a few minutes of entertainment are you one of the people who can do this number two throwing your tongue there is a belief that the ability to do different tongue tricks is the result of genetic inheritance rolling the tongue into a tube shape is often described as a dominant trait and there are not very many people who can do it although one of them is your beloved handsome narrator so that's got to say something interestingly tongue curling ability is not solely genetic and the genetic component may be very small there are even identical twins that don't share the ability to curl their tongues rather tongue girl and get me done by anyone with sufficient practice and it seems all humans are already equipped with the necessary tools to achieve tongue curling for example we already constantly move our tongue so that we don't bite them and we eat and for swirling food around for unknown reasons some individuals are better than others at a controlling tongue movement and since the ability can be acquired by practice though not everybody apparently succeeds it does seem like that it's indeed a question of motor control number one sneezing with your eyes open this is probably the most impossible thing to do in this list sneezing while keeping your eyes open is definitely impossible it's an autonomous reflex meaning that your body doesn't involuntarily in response to stimulus ie sneezing in this case there's also admit that when you sneeze with your eyes open your eyeballs are gonna pop out tails swirled for decades speculating that subluxation or dislocation of the eyeball could occur of people sneeze with their eyes open many point to a story published on April 30th 1882 in the New York Times a reported an incident of a woman whose eyeball became unhinged from aggressively sneezing of course this has already been proven false on national TV by mythbuster Adam Savage who risk life and limb or in this case his eyesight to show people that the force of a sneeze is not enough to pop your eyes out of their sockets he did this by inducing a sneeze while holding his eyes open with his hands whose eyes were fine after the experiment definitely buzzing the age-old myth and also proving that Mythbusters is still awesome can you do any of the things in our list let us know in the comment section down below want to watch more videos about amazing things people can do click on any of the videos you see on your screen as always thank you all for watching and I'll see you all next time later everybody
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Views: 98,611
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Keywords: Top, Best, education, story, animation, stories, true stories, pictures, child, life stories, tv, girl, love, entertainment, talk show, reality tv, funny, hire, react, talk, show, money, invest, business, ecommerce, shopify, sales, investing 101, gold, leads, investing, marketing, stock, trading, rich, cash, facebook ads, ecom, dropshipping, full episodes, tv show, new, woman, for kids, pg, kid friendly, kids, motivation, success, challenge, family, lifestyle, top 5, humans cant do, people cant do, you cant do
Id: BxfaPmjgPzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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