10 Things Mormons WON'T Tell You

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hey everyone did you know that there's no difference, very little difference between what Catholics believe and what Mormons believe. Some of you might be saying, I know some of you might be saying, what?? That doesn't sound right you know. That... that's not right! No it's not right but that's what Mormons will tell you Mormons will actually tell you to your face that there's no difference between Mormon religion and your religion except for one extra book The Book of Mormon so dude Mormons came to my house once they found out I was Catholic a knight basically told me that there was no difference between my Catholic religion and their Mormon religion except for one book the Book of Mormon and that didn't sound right to me because I thought Mormons were really different so I researched it and I found out that the Mormons have a whole array of different beliefs even some quite wacky and not eccentric police they won't tell you those though and I actually found out after talking to them for a year and a half I asked them about all these odd beliefs that I'd studied and the first time they found out about it they had a deer-in-the-headlight look like how did you find out about all of this and they talked to me about it so I'm giving you in this video what you need to know and what Mormons will not tell you and in fact they told me that they don't tell people what they really believe until they become a Mormon because they don't have the Holy Spirit and can't understand it let's see what we can't understand number one they'll say oh you believe in the Trinity we believe in eternity too but what they won't tell you is that they believe that the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit are three separate gods they're different gods and in fact another thing they won't tell you is that Mormons believe in millions of gods they believe there's millions of God's out there but they only worship one and they'll tell you in their articles of faith that the Father Son and Holy Spirit are different gods but are one in purpose so they do believe in multiple gods which is condemned in the Bible the Bible says there is only one God number two they actually believe that God who they worship who we worship was once a man like us see God didn't create the universe he actually worshipped another God on another planet who in turn used to worship another god on another planet until they became gods and ruled their own planet and now this is what our God is doing now why what does that even mean well they believe that God who we worship was once a man like us they believe is a man and that man by following all the laws of Mormon actually achieved Godhead he became his own God and achieved gaining his own planet he used to live out by a star on and some other galaxies but now he rules over us here and they believe it like John 4:24 actually says that God is spirit that's what the Bible says God is spirit but Mormons teach that God the Father has a body of flesh and bones because he was a man like us moreover Mormons believe that if they follow the Book of Mormon in all the laws of Mormon that they too will become God's they're going to become God someday and on their own planet only if you're a guide oh sorry ladies you don't get to own your own planet if you're a guy you can become a god and on your own planet women you basically have to become a spirit wife and you help populate the planet for the rest of eternity does that sound awesome sounds like a fantastic eternity you basically just are a sexual spiritual I don't know concubine or something it's quite bizarre but basically Mormons believe that if they've chief to the highest heaven because they believe in three levels of heaven the highest one the celestial kingdom they're going to own their own planet just like God owns his own planet now next Mormons actually believe in a pre-existence meaning that when God and his spirit wife have relations I guess however it works they have many many many kids but these kids live in a realm not earth in a spiritual realm they're all spirits and they're all roaming around and then eventually they're given bodies and they come to earth so when they're given bodies then they come to earth kind of like us but before that time they all see their eternal they're up there forever and ever and ever for a really really really long time now Jesus and saying we're both brothers in the pre-existence that's what Mormons teach and Satan actually rebelled against God this God in the pre-existence and so when he came down he was cursed as Satan but Jesus and Satan were brothers but he was cursed now King when he killed Abel Mormons actually teach that Cain participated in the rebellion of the devil and so God cursed him and he gave him a curse so the rest of the world could see that Cain was cursed and what was that curse you asked it was black skin dark skin so that anyone who has dark skin could know that they participated with the devil in the pre-existence in the rebellion the devil wasn't the only one to rebell up you know there were other spirits who were built up there too and they were sent down to earth with dark skin with black skin so everyone can know that they were cursed and in fact Mormons have taught for their whole history that blacks were cursed and if you don't believe me look up and in their own writings you can look it up in the Book of Mormon it's still there in 2 Nephi 5 chapter 5:17 and 21 it actually talks about the black people who are cursed and it says if you convert they will become white and blonde sounds pretty third right to me but that's what they believe and they that also goes for Hispanics that also goes for Indians and that up goes for other dark races they're all cursed and they need to convert to become white and blonde in the Book of Mormon kind of talks all about that and those who are fair-skinned in fact it wasn't until 1978 when the Mormon Church received new revelation that blacks were allowed into their priesthood so that's just one thing kind of similar to that is their doctrine of polygamy because that eventually changed with a new revelation to because it was actually an eternal doctrine that's what Moore has taught polygamy with an eternal doctrine that you had to practice in order to get to heaven that's what was taught by their earliest prophets Orson Hine and Orson Pratt even taught that Jesus was a polygamist and they were the Mormon prophets in the early days they thought Jesus was a polygamist I mean what do you think the wedding of Cana was for it was his wedding I know I know I didn't say it that's just what they believe but they did believe that polygamy was an eternal doctrine now that was until the United States actually came because they moved out west and they started seizing all of the Mormon assets and taking their money in that sort of thing because Mormons weren't living according to the laws of the land and since they were losing so much they suddenly got a new revelation stating that polygamy was no longer acceptable and you have to just get married to one wife now a lot of Mormons there's over 40 sects of Mormonism and many all claim to be the right sect but over 40 sects and some of them actually still practice pardon me because they say that the teachings of polygamy were an eternal document that can never be changed even if the government comes in and threatens you so they actually still practice polygamy today and they believe that they are the true Mormons and the majority of Mormons that you see around you today are the fakes because they got rid of God's law so there's some turmoil and in Mormonism but that's the belief the majority of the worm is you see today don't practice polygamy and haven't for quite some time as I hinted at before Mormons believe in three different heavens the Telestial the terrestrial and the celestial heaven celestial advise and that's where all good Mormons hope to go next Mormons don't believe in drinking coffee they don't believe in drinking Coke or anything with caffeine in it at all and in fact the Mormons were so proud of themselves when they came to my house once because they were had this guy almost converted to Mormonism it was just he was Hispanic though and he couldn't he just he drinks coffee every day he couldn't get this out of his life and he didn't really want to give it up so the Mormons said they snuck into his house when he wasn't home they stole his coffeemaker and they basically threw it away for him and he's like great thank you now I'm going to become Mormon and he did the Mormons were like so proud of themselves for stealing if it's coffee maker but that's what they believe they believe believe caffeine is evil and you can't trade caffeine so if you love coke you love coffee may want to stay away from Mormonism also last but not least second last but not least is baptism for the dead they actually baptize people who are already dead why do you think all these ancestry things that are so popular today they're all run by Mormons or almost all of them because the Mormons are obsessed with ancestry they want to find every single person who ever lived as many as possible because they believe in baptizing you when you're dead so if you were an atheist and you didn't believe that's all right don't baptize you when you're dead you're okay you'll make it to one of the heaven so you're good the last beliefs and again there's many more but the last beliefs and one of my personal favorites is that John the Apostle you remember the John who wrote the Gospel of John he was Jesus's apostle yeah him he actually they actually believe that John is still walking the earth today Mormons believe that st. John 2,000 plus years later is still walking the earth today he's still around he's still performing miracles he's still wandering and you know converting people to the kingdom now I'm going to my whole next video is going to be on this I'm not going to spend too much time on it but I asked the Mormons I was like don't you think it's kind of weird that in 2,000 years there haven't been a single solitary st. John sighting no newspaper anywhere no TV no radio no reporter no person has ever seen the apostle st. John is dead a little weird to you you know where is he right now they said well he's probably somewhere in Africa you know converting people might please I think we have news everywhere no one in two thousand years as head of st. John sighting in fact Saint John is not the only person who has been around for 2,000 years and Mormons actually believe that other people will be on earth until the end of time meaning they're already eternal they're living forever on earth like Saint John the Apostle now these are only some of the beliefs of Mormon there's a lot of beliefs that Mormons believe that are really out there and they came upon them if you read The Book of Mormon it's pretty monotheistic it's pretty close to the Catholic religion and it wasn't until the later revelations that Joseph Smith had like there's many gods and polygamy and all of these other things that moments really began to devolve into something very much closer to Scientology or one of those weird cults out there but I can tell you that Mormons and Catholics are very different and these are just some of the things that Mormons will not tell you
Channel: Catholic Truth
Views: 272,861
Rating: 3.3727996 out of 5
Keywords: What Mormons believe, Mormon beliefs, mormon teachings, catholics and mormons, what do mormons believe?, what do mormons teach?, what catholics believe, are mormons christian, mormons and catholics, mormons polygamy, What mormons really believe, mormonism, mormons, mormons secrets, crazy mormon beliefs, mormons are crazy, catholic mormons, catholic and mormon, mormon catholic, weird mormon beliefs, what mormons wont tell you, things mormons won't tell you, catholic to mormon
Id: fR4kEsiGDwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2017
Reddit Comments

I have a hard time listening to Christians--Catholics especially--dismissing Mormon beliefs without any discussion of how or why those beliefs ought to be dismissed. Because once you start discussing why those beliefs ought to be dismissed (or at least doubted), then you begin to realize that the same kinds of arguments tend to apply to the Catholic Church (or Christianity), too.

For instance, both Catholicism and Mormonism believe in multiple gods (How many entities do I enumerate when I say Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit?). But the OT is very monotheistic (in places), with verses like Isaiah 45:5 "I am the LORD, and there is no other; apart from me there is no God." They simply resolve the problems in different ways: Catholicism=they are the same "substance"; Mormonism=they are the same in "purpose". The key point is that Isaiah (well, all 2 or 3 of them anyway) would not have accepted the Catholic or Mormon reconciliation! Both are blasphemous and ridiculous to orthodox Jews!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/bwv549 📅︎︎ Mar 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

Laws of Mormon

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Hookerlips 📅︎︎ Mar 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

So he makes some good points, but is a bit fond of hyperbole for my tastes.

The plains fact are damning enough without taking crazy crap Brigham Young taught and saying all members today believe it. Things like the curse of Cain might be baked into the doctrine but I think you'd have a hard time finding members now who actually believe that everyone will be changed to be white people if they are righteous. (Although I do observe a trend among some members who still believe they are more blessed to be born white in a western country).

The interesting thing about the curse of Cain is that it was a common belief in the 1800s. Mormons are just unfortunate enough to be the ones that had new scripture written through that period that latched onto it and immortalised it as doctrine that had to be later repudiated.

Pretty sure the Catholics have taught crazy stuff over the centuries that they distance themselves from too. We all need to own up to our own history and stop acting like everyone else is deluded while we have all the answers.

My last question - is he the pot or the kettle?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/weaver_of_bits 📅︎︎ Mar 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

New rule! (I wished) No one can bash mormonism except a mormon or an exmo. It just doesn't work.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BlindSidedatNoon 📅︎︎ Mar 25 2019 🗫︎ replies
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