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what's up everyone welcome back to another 10 essentials video now today I've got my bro the one and only Simon a.k.a Minnie Minter and we're gonna be going through his ten essentials now as always if you do enjoy this video give it a thumbs up also comment down below anyone else you'd like to see in this series but I'm excited for this one I want to know what 10 items you find essential to your life are you ready for this I'm really summer a little bit obscure okay summer very that's good though because I feel like you don't be plain Jane boring yeah I'm not gonna go like water okay so what you've got first so we're going for my first one is it's pretty obvious I'm pretty certain everyone have it is my iPhone okay yeah iPhone is this is one of the best inventions in the world see we had this convo well I had this combo with money but one thing I didn't say to him is like iPhone is definitely mine as well but I don't like phoning people is the least thing I doing it yeah I don't find me that's like but this as a whole this is this is the greatest invention ever it's the Oracle yeah like fire no we're gonna go iPhone yes calculator yeah exactly okay it could make a file I've got three I've got a question for you okay what are your three most used apps have you got any cats in there I'm not saying but motives out my three most means used at a probably Twitter Instagram and sadly delivery delivery yeah I would I'm glad that I don't have the liver in my area because I feel like I'm broke I'm about to show you literally nah you actually have options on options you can you get anything you know you can have that's why I'm like that's that is a godsend right there that's amazing okay so phone is I definitely would accept that yeah I feel like everyone's is actually okay so you've given pretty casual apps which are essential but is there any games that you play or anything so the game I play the most is either word escapes words game yeah it's like you get given like six random letters and a cross what is that the wheel thing we have to link them up kinda yeah you get like a we love letters and yesterday yeah yeah okay I played that but I might try it out and then the other one is the other ones so lame it's good matching to mention I know I never want to say the name of it I'll happily be seen playing the game but the actual name of the I'm like because the point of it is it's one of those ones this I I have to match three things in a row all that four things yeah stuff like that but the point is you do that and you get like a gem to make a better house but I don't care about that part right I'm just trying to get as many levels I care about the house so you're fully addicted yeah how did you get onto that somehow I use an Instagram about 50% of the games I have oh really yeah let's move on okay see look look what's next shows how important this is all right number two I'm gonna go with sideman clothing slash Seidman I mean right now I mean this is some mad promo it just sounded so promo mean this is 90% of my wardrobe right side McClendon I mean you brought up some new stuff recently as well and it looks quite quite dripping anyway no to be fair I include side vent in that as well okay not just I've been clipping side men as well yeah cuz that's six of my best mates I was gonna say five just Patrol who's the mate you're gonna miss out though I don't know I was gonna let everyone know you'll decide all right case we've got phone sidemen and so I've been clothed in yeah where we going next the next one is oh heas go go get it it's go go get it I wonder what's going to be please don't be something massive because I got asked to have like visual representations of things okay so the next one is going to be money oh yeah absolutely okay right that would be an essential thing for me as well I want to ask how much is there but I mean that is a that is literally a brick are you are you sure you're just a youtuber he's just come out some dodgy room I'm a youtuber today why though I don't know it's it's worth Ceaser it's like I don't feel like money's it's weird I don't feel like money's that important but because I'm in a position where I like I'm doing well it means I don't have to worry about it yeah no it isn't essential but I feel like for me and you you might think the same as the others down party actually we just go yeah that's heavy that's that's a lot of cash but anyway um for me money like you said you like you don't depend on money or I think just about money but when you have a lot of money I've done how many times I've just said that word but it gives you a lot more freedom yeah so you can do a lot more things in life and I guess they say money doesn't buy you happiness but I mean it can give you a lot of stuff yeah I don't think it buys you happiness but I think it can open a lot of doors to accentuate yeah happiness yeah make your happiness go further yeah I agree so we've got stunts in Simon on the phone side web and just bricks that he's just pulled out in some random room okay what's the next one but that's my money room the next one I've said money so I have to kind of say this one family friends okay know is you know family friends girlfriend etc yeah yeah I mean that's kind of under the same umbrella like the side men are in that umbrella as well family not included in Simon plus Thalia so why they an essential to you I mean what's the point of everything what's the point of anything if you have anyone to share with yeah no I feel that and I mean if you're literally gonna if I don't have them I would literally sit inside I mean I sit inside all the time anyway in too many videos but if I don't have them then that is all I did wouldn't like I wouldn't have any reason to go outside do anything I'd probably get very depressed yeah and you want to share new experiences with girlfriends and whatever okay that's cool so we've got friends and family just because you just flex with the money no what's up things next up at number five yeah is okay this is very terrible football it's very light I mean and with the items in this room I think it's yeah I kind of just you know I thought I gotta have some visual representations yeah yeah so why football in central team I always played football my whole life I'm playing eleven aside like Sunday League and stuff like that since it's like my favorite sport favorite hobby was ship everything Leeds United so why my mom's side of the family is all from Leeds okay so pressured into that was why I was raised as a Man United fan all my brothers they're both men you know fans and then I got to about I think I was about nine or ten eleven and I kind of said why my money night fan Oh cuz they're the best leads so when we went for leads and as soon as I started supporting them they went massively next up I will go with this is a bit of an obscure one okay go with hair products right why why because I feel like because I live on the internet I'm putting myself out there everyday posting video or whatever you get judged a lot like you know judged a lot anything like you can have like a slight bit of tuft of hair and all your comments would just be about that I actually wanna make a comment real quick drone when we recorded that football video like two years ago I had the dreads yeah bright someone in the comment section called me I look like ah BTech weekend bank holiday the moment I was like yeah these are go you know like you're right though people literally pick out anything yeah people are like comments horrible yeah mystically so something like this I'm like realistically I've got to try and look at least presentable in videos and I mean my hair is quite a big factor in my videos because I've dyed it like 35 times yeah it's not it's like hairspray hair wax the hair dye whatever yeah so now I feel like like you said your hair style is quite a big part of you in terms of YouTube yeah so having a hair products and make sure to kind of keep keep on top of oh yeah I mean got to be if you want to sponsor me I'm literally that's that's all I use it just said I might be switching soon yeah okay so you got what question is I got question for you what's the next hair colour gonna be you've gone purple you kind of rockin it was like great all that gray it was like a little bit purple the first day yeah and then it's kind of one just great so wait that did that without right great no I was like like a silvery gray with a bit of mode okay so I did that about a week ago or so yeah no next up I've been tempted to what I mean I've been saying hair products I've been tempted to shave it off do a cow breezy yeah literally since heated outside my fur give it away yeah but head hair dye I can see it's all for I could dye it back I just grow my hair back if I realize I haven't MacDonald em for a hairline where it'd be right I didn't I found one right that is it's like like red kind of thing but in the heat it changes what yeah so I'd be down to do that but I'm kind of worried about if I play football and I kind of you know get a bit hot and it'll stop when you're patchy would you ever like to sweat it fully out like imagine you doing it you got so hot like the dye was like now out but this is where doesn't disappear it just changes with the heat and then as soon as you call it down it goes back also it's like they're months when you begin I like there's a video I've seen of this girl who has it and she'll literally hold it like this she was a hair straightener she goes like that it changes color and then she gets a bottle or like coke or whatever just goes they change the back that's quite sick so I was thinking that be quite cool but imagine if you love their hair color when you're hot so you'd have to constantly look like B swag you feel like they'd be so sick like you playing pup with someone and then five minutes late for a different hair color well I'll be waiting to see that I don't want to see it will you go next next up I have got oh he's going again I don't know what the other watch it'd be another wad of cash this time he brings out a suitcase it's like what is next up we have my dog okay this is some real like not Memorial what's the world like when you have a shrine so that is low-key freaky oh it's fine it's kind of disgusting so basically my parents and my brothers always alike Oh what ya'll Foubert they would you all for Christmas and I'm always kind of they're like oh don't worry No so I had a cardboard cow JJ for a while that was my brother's my brothers gave me that okay for my birthday as a joke I know ended up being very useful not in a weird way so then that kind of broke a lot because I used it a lot in the Seidman house so then they ended up getting me one of my dog they stunned so well that's the thing that kind of like yeah it's quite impressive why doesn't have the thing on right now so it doesn't stand but then they also got me this at one point which is just how are you showing your dog face no I think I think like is it a boy or a girl it's a boy I think he might run away if he saw this I generally would this is her yeah so when you're away from home you still go a little bit heavy with you yeah exactly next up we're getting a bit full one here we got is it hobby yeah hobby with us twice okay next up this is number eight right my passport okay because I always think I don't travel that much I'm always kind of like oh I haven't got anything coming up and then I end up going away a lot you know I remember us having a conversation like a year ago and you mean like I don't really like traveling yeah but I feel like since that conversation you've been away like loads yeah I don't know I don't really know how or why I just kind of end up traveling where's the best place you've been this year best place I've been I mean I genuinely just enjoy going LA mm-hmm cuz I find if I go on holiday I find it really hard to shut off from work yeah so la is like the perfect place because you can work and have a good time yeah yeah la is my favorite place like I would definitely move out there for good so don't even live there though really yeah I think for me it's the people there are too focused on like clout yeah so I can feel a bit flat I don't want to move there but I'd love to go there because I know so many people there that I can be like oh okay I'll go there for a week and I'll meet lots with them yeah I'll see them for a while and then I'll go back because it's not those people that I'm saying a focus on cloud just general area I know you mean like it's very business business yeah well there's a there's a reason behind everything yeah but I mean yeah it's a toss-up yeah one place I want to go is Tokyo try it was Tokyo I really want to go next year I am a hundred percent oh let me come with you because I said limpet Oh Olympics Tokyo 2020 that will be men's am 100 percent going nah the reason I want to go is like I feel like it'll be so surreal in the sense of it just will be a complete different like way of life are there compared to the way we live yeah and also big fan of our street where and stuff like that so I feel like they I think I'd bus that's the thing man I think I'm like the taillight wad of cash but yeah Tokyo if you guys want to go let us know the comments but definitely a place the light on my bucket list stays it's the only place right now that I'm like dying to go everywhere else I'm like nice but Tokyo is like I'd have to book my trip tomorrow yeah all right - I left two hours left I will go with this is kind of like YouTube in general but I picked out a specific thing to do with it and I went with my diss track right yes so again my brother's for Christmas or my birthday comment which one you've got some creative promise well you they have to like really try hit hit something they go okay he doesn't really want anything so what we get yeah so they got me my diss track on vinyl that's ridiculous yes that's sick I haven't opened EXO that have a record player yeah so 50 million views currently just hit 50 million views last week that's mental yeah think that was gonna happen definitely not you know I'm fuming about was I didn't put it on Spotify straight away it's lychee I think it's on like 5 mil now on Spotify for a room and I'm literally like that a hundred percent would be on like 40 mil yeah man I didn't put it on for a year a year and a half which is obviously when it was popping yeah when I was doing better so it's annoying but so what made you want to do a diss track distract distracting what do a diss track yeah honestly at that time it was just a case of everyone was doing them at that point I mean it it's I've always done YouTube to try and do more creative stuff yeah I know I'm gonna get sued for that because I can buy your latest video something creative but a diss track I'm a big fan of music I should have really put music in this list you know things I can't live it out but that's on my iPhone so that's the collective exactly so yeah this is just a way to be great creative while making a fun youtube video yeah fair enough I mean and it did really well and 50 million views I'd like you all be proud with that you do say you would not imagine there would have 50 million views I mean I wish something else 250 I wish something else that didn't involve like hatred so the final one it's kind of been covered a little bit but I wanted to put it as a specific one because YouTube is my entire life right now my friend my family everything I've kind of been sucked into YouTube yeah because everyone I hang out with now is a part of it yeah so the main one I wanted to go with last and my visual representations a bit of a big one here KS ah yeah the paintings amazing all right it's okay aside why is he essential to you I mean so I'm paying them it's an essential because I mean I've lived with him for now seven years mm-hmm I've known him since year seven he's visually like the reason I've started YouTube done YouTube he kind of helped me through YouTube during the time of University and stuff I was like really unhappy yeah I was only there for like three months but the time before that and the time after it and then I cited his clothes his clothing line and staff and that kind of helped give you a direction yes I started that and then it was kind of like because of that I had a little bit of free time in the evenings and I was working I was doing all that from home and obviously I was helping him film a little bit by just holding a camera and then I was gonna oh you know what just for fun yeah started that we moved in to that house I've stood his clothing line was still like my main income mm-hmm like youtubers you know $200 a month some like that and then it happened yeah so that's kind of like my whole life now is obviously YouTube yeah and it all started because of JJ really and how good has it been to kind of be on your YouTube journey with your best friend so I say best friend you've got yeah beside man I mean it's like yes I you you're doing what you love with the people you love it's crazy so I mean awesome speaking about you guys that's gonna wrap up this video way to end it as we said actually no we got three questions yeah so we'll do that real quick but right this are these questions okay guys and always end in this video off with a quick Q and a we've got three questions that we've chosen the first question is whose body would you switch with if you had the chance to are we talking 24 hours or forever let's go 24 hours 24 hours so it because if it was forever it would be one that I want to like that's a body I want okay it's 24 hours I'm like okay who would I want to just see materialistically yeah I think I'd go with someone like I mean I'd either choose someone like Ronaldo yeah to see what it's like oh she's a female go just to see what his life really I was no expecting you I'm glad she's Ranaut good to see you know like how cuz that would see what it's like to be yeah oh yes I just want to go Starbucks right for me see I'm kind of like two people I'd like to be Will Smith for a day or Jaden Smith one of those two just because I feel like Will Smith gets up to the most ridiculous stuff yeah and then if it was for a different reason it'd be dan Bilzerian just to see what his life is like for a day I feel like he has the craziest lifestyle and they'll just be even if I was just a fly on the wall I'd love to just see how that would be it would be actually dan Bilzerian - good all right let's move on to the next question okay we've got a question here from Joe Kingsbury it says the biggest regret you've ever had was kind of like I've got a lot of regrets but my main one is probably caring so much in school okay I was like a proper like goody two-shoes in school we are prefect do you have that you know I wish I was always and I was really upset when I wasn't oh really so did you have what did you have is like a punishment like do you have like blanks or automark so even though we had detention and we got some things before that yeah it was like a report card thing I don't know boys called this so we had like order marks with up till year six we have blanks blanks and merits right and then in senior school you had autumn arts and merits right so if you got an autumn arc if you've got like three of them in a term you get detention are you just giving attention yeah yeah I never got a blank or an autumn arc throughout your whole schools are out the entire school career and like some of them were given like just because you didn't have you snitch no I was like those ones be getting too big but I think I was so focused on like I wasn't even that I wasn't intelligent yes six I was like one of the top students it slowly went downhill by you know GCSEs awesome very operated very office you knew that being like goody two-shoes wasn't paying yeah well I still it was kind of like oh I need to you know I need to not get in trouble because that's what your toy isn't it you don't don't get in trouble yeah now I've realized an order mark here or there like yeah and they're just like one detention yeah so yeah that's kind of interesting I didn't think you'd be that hard I wasn't properly like that like it to the point of I almost got one one walk through the gym and my school shoes but you weren't allowed because they leave like I literally had to like come up with this I had to get really like a motion this side you're like right okay I was I was almost crying really because he was about to give me a blank and I was literally there saying like oh my mom she just had to come pick me up she's in a rush because my brother's I fully know me I did drama and I was I played a wall for me my biggest regret I think would be expecting things to come to me when I was excited younger I thought that it's alright it's gonna work out if even if I don't kind of work hard enough which if my advice you guys is nobody is just make sure you work force it like towards your goals well because I thought like no matter what's gonna happen it's gonna come to me and if I could change anything is I would wish I could start what I wanted to do a couple years before yeah so yeah that was my biggest regret little bit deep but just some advice for you guys and then the final question which is an interesting one is from Alan unscored b201 which fictional character would you choose to be in a fight see I know you're going alright first I've kind of changed up you know I'm gonna be team Gohan from Dragon Ball Z that cell saga when he fights l honestly that is the most hurt like history history defining moment in my life why would you be like beerus now because i care like team go home anytime soon same - I just I remember watch that as mighty as a kid on the TV and literally being on my knees right in front of it but tendon mm if I give you any of those kids that looks cool going I did it last that watch like what the veins are gonna pop out and everything you can see the aura but no if I could be anyone it'd definitely be him how about you I think if it's literally just for a fight and then I change back yeah I mean I would say like okay I'm thinking Dragon Ball Z is like the most obvious one yeah I'm gonna exclude Superman because thank you oh he's the most cheated superhero in the world I swear people just make up pals for him they didn't fly around the world backwards and turn back time yeah I'm gonna get rid of like the obvious Superman kind of thing you said dragon wasn't see I'm actually gonna go with muted okay I think that would be imagine like you're about to fight someone intense music that would be mental he's psychic done he'd you know what's weird though he reminds me of like Frieza like he kind of I feel like Pokemon kind of made him around him I'm not realized same colors and then he does like which one was first dragon was II I'm pretty sure I'm fat check me but I'm pretty sure as Dragon Ball Z's okay I mean you have you yet the colors are literally that purple and white exactly and it does kind of like a ball thing gonna shadow Mewtwo that's kind of cool like I thought you would have gone Charizard if any Pokemon John let's go he is but me - you are the noise like the undefeatable yeah yeah okay well that's gonna wrap up the Q&A guys hope you did enjoy this video shout out to Simon for being on this really appreciate it make sure you check out his stuff you'll be in the link in the description if you did enjoy this video give it a thumbs up subscribe if you are new as always comment down below who you think or who you want to be in the next video and also one thing from your essential or ten essentials and until then he's popping out the whoa - there we will see in the next video deuces
Channel: Dean Leander
Views: 392,640
Rating: 4.9338994 out of 5
Keywords: Miniminter, Simon minter, sidemen, ksi, new sidemen house, boxing, Dean, Leander, Dean Leander, Manny, Fifa Manny, Fifamanny, 10 essentials, 10 things I cant live without, GQ, funny, Q&A, Q and A, favorite stuff, want list, menswear, gadgets, ten essentials, luxury, 10 things, gq magazine, simon, ksi interview, miniminter interview, instagram, questions
Id: b07MhO9Fnso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 54sec (1674 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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