10 Things Joji Can't Live Without | GQ

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where does sushi trash come from I don't know I think I was just looking for a for a username and that was like a username that wasn't taken I was like sushi trash that was pretty crazy so I went with that sub G Q I'm Josie and these are my essentials it's just a general like mood lifter sort of thing I'm a cranky guy so it's probably placebo but like at the same time like it works so I'll take it you know sometimes you wake up and you just know it's gonna be a shitty day and then if you know I'll grab for the wart pack I should probably take one right now actually now I'm gonna go move don't worry I'm not good at swimming but I hate running so like that's always better at least you're like engulfed in like a liquid I think I got them at Zara or Bershka Berkshire or or one of those places we keep my junk and everything like properly like compacted during a swim and they're like to carry around oh no I think that's the best part that's what I like about this there is no net this might be TMI but the net can can graze against things it hurts so fellas don't get bored towards with netting because that'll that'll make a lot of parts ready I always have one of these ready to go it's the loud pack it's the honey version though so I'm not a psychopath it's got the honey on it like fruit loops but like you're lying yourself a little bit they're not horrible for you so they just keep you going and it makes me feel like a child again I think we all had zip locks full of something there's a little frame that I do carry around with me all the time I put different people in the frames we have like this big inspiration to me I don't know if you guys have heard of him his name is blue face he's a very lyrical robbery's he's very OnPoint we've had we've had pump in the frame Tom York believer you know all all varieties this is just the juice box hopefully I nail it there's this does the Apple and there's the grape the grape just feels like I'm ingesting way more sugar same with strawberry I went to the deli and I got a strawberry Fanta and they're very syrupy like there's a big difference between just the berry Fantas and the more tropical ones it's it's strange I know I'm boring you guys I'm sorry these little Thomas the Tank Engine candies is Japanese candy I like it a lot I bring it around it's like little little Thomas's that come out at the Thomas you want to try some of these no they're they're bad they're like it's like if breath mints and chalk like I had a baby but it was mostly chalk a pads Pez yeah that's where is yeah now it's starting to look like I'm just put it on like a healthy healthy look I swear it no I'm just trying to I'm just trying to turn my life around green superfoods it's like one full serving of greens and veggies you put in the in the water it fizzes up and you just you don't have to eat vegetables ever again I think that's better than walking down broccoli I actually wrap it in a shirt all the time because I don't have a case for it but this is actually the first real mic that I ever bought when I was 16 and it's just a USB mic so it kind of plugs right into the computer I take it around everywhere to to record and it's still alive look at that on that lot of spit a lot of disease on the blog tetanus and sock on the mic works yeah I've done sock on the mic but most of the time I won't play anything on it like I'll just like there's a lot of pop there's a nose hair trimmer I actually grew out my nose hairs like hoping that like I can I can show you guys so the inside spins right and then you just you hear it you hear that being cut oh I can smell the universe I see a lot of nose hairs out there like let's be pretty again that's essential I take around everywhere because I've had fast growing nose hair yeah yeah yeah me be careful with that I just put on my nose when I was younger I needed to grip something I blow my nose in the morning or get a receipt and then I go to school and then after school I'd realized that I had whatever tissue paper or receipt that I started on would be compressed and crunched up in my hand so I realized I needed to always like hold something in my hand like so like this just looks a little more socially acceptable this is just a cool little thing I found online I think it was like residue of the fidget spinner movement and like someone like was like trying to like really milk it I appreciate it though it's like you can just you know go on for hours I can be quite a messy eater so I have I always have a Hanes singlet from Walgreens if it was like a like a month-long tour probably go through a healthy you know 20 20 to 30 maybe now if not nothing food like I'm not I'm not eating that messy it's just you know they get dirty you know they get they get bloody you know tough-guy these are my headphones that I bring in everywhere with me a little tangled I don't like these because they kind of like they don't fit my ear shape so they like they'll fall out like immediately if I had ear pods that would like fall out like if someone called my name they'd all they just come knockin out but these ones I can push them hard enough into your ear you can be hear them at good quality you know if they're hitting a certain wall the only thing people are gathering from this is that like I'm just broke like thank you for watching GQ these were my essentials the things that I carry around I hope you enjoyed I love you
Channel: GQ
Views: 9,315,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 10 essentials, buyers guide, favorite stuff, gadgets, luxury, menswear, must have, want list, ten essentials, joji favorite, joji favorites, favorite joji, joji 10 things, 10 things, joji explains, joji breaks down, 10 things joji, joji top 10, joji interview, joji gq, joji 2019, joji favorite things, joji youtube, joji channel, gq, gq magazine
Id: RxfWLsrsgew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 12 2019
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