10 Things James Charles Can't Live Without

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hi sisters james charles here and welcome back to my youtube channel as you guys can see right now i have no makeup on and that is because today's video is actually going to be quite a little bit different but i'm honestly excited to try something new out with you guys and i really hope that you enjoy it i don't know if any of you have seen it but gq does a really cool series on their youtube channel with different celebrities called 10 things that blank cannot live without and so many my favorite people have done it such as magnum stallion and nick jonas phineas shawn mendes has done it pretty much like literally everybody and basically the series name could honestly not be any more self-explanatory guests just go on and literally showcase 10 different items that they cannot live without but a lot of people that have done the show's list have contained like kind of more obvious things like their phone family members their dog or their favorite snacks and obviously those are all items that i could not live without either i wanted to make it a little bit more fun and i wanted to show you guys 10 different things that i have found while online shopping that i didn't know that i needed that now i cannot live without hope so without further ado let's get started okay you guys so i have so many products i found me today that i'm so excited to show you some of them are really weird some of them are really really cool and because i'm a beauty guru i really wanted to focus on non-makeup related items for today's video to keep it interesting but i did want to start off this list with only one thing that i really recommend you guys try and that is the mario badescu drawing lotion now this isn't a makeup product it's more of a skincare type of situation if any of you guys suffer with acne out there this has literally become like my favorite product in the entire world obviously i'm not a skincare expert i am not haram you definitely should check him out if you guys need any skincare advice and just because this works for me does not mean that it'll work for you but i just wanted to show it anyway for anybody out there who may suffer with acne just like i do as you guys can see i have quite a large breakout going on right now on my chin and on my forehead as well this stuff works really really well to dry out and minimize the appearance of pimples overnight so basically all i do is just grab a little q-tip like this dip it into the bottle and then i'll just put a dollop of the product right over top of any breakouts usually i put on however many dots i need let them dry down then go to sleep and wipe them off in the morning when i wake up and it definitely does help reduce the redness and the size of the pimples it usually does not get rid of them from me i should clarify that as well but this really really does help and i would definitely recommend any of you guys out there oh this is also probably a good time to mention too none of the items in this video today are sponsored i'm not being paid to promote any of this stuff in any way shape or form and i truly do love them and just wanted to share this for a fun little video today however there are links in the description box down below if you guys want to get any of these things and they are affiliate links so i just wanted to be transparent with you guys the next item that i want to show you guys also relates to a drawing and it is this right here which is a portable battery operated fan you literally just click the button and then it has three different speeds and like uh speeds and strengths would you call it intensity sure it has three different speeds and intensities if you will and this third speed let me tell you is actually producing quite a lot of air this is actually one of my newer additions to my things that i cannot live without list but oh my god i cannot believe that i didn't actually buy this sooner this is literally everything i always have it next to me on my filming desk one because it gets very hot in here but also it helps so much when it comes to drying setting spray or if you have lashes then you need to dry your lash glue just pop your fan on literally this has come in so so so handy also you can travel with it too so when it's a million degrees here in california because it has been a heat wave recently you know that this is in my purse okay so speaking of things that i'm carrying inside of my purse the next item that i want to show you guys is arguably the thing that i use most on this entire list and that is this baby right here which literally looks like a brick but it is my anchor power or anchor portable charger it comes in a box just like this and i think that this one is the 26 800 milli amps megawatts some sort of electricity power measurement i have literally no idea what it is i will clarify for you guys these are very very expensive but you don't necessarily have to get one this strong they do have several other versions as well that are much more affordable this has literally been like one of the best investments that i have ever made i carry this with me literally every single place that i go because this keeps my phone alive like literally forever this holds like 70 million charges in this and is actually insane 70 million charges yeah sure basically you just leave this plugged in overnight so it can get fully charged up and then there are three usb slots right here that you can plug your phone charger into so you can charge your own phone and two other devices at the same time which is so lit these have saved my life so so many times now to go along with your portable charger the next that i want to show you guys is one that most of us probably already have but not this version and that is a 10 foot power cable now you probably already know this and a lot smarter than me but there was a point in time where i unfortunately was convinced that the only place you could actually get iphone chargers was from apple which is so stupid i know but just in case you didn't know that it is in fact incorrect and you can get really really cheap chargers that are so good on like amazon for like six dollars and not only is this one cheap it's also 10 feet long which is literally the most convenient thing in the entire world so you can have your phone plugged in literally anywhere and be able to walk around with it plug it into an outlet that might be in an inconvenient location and still be able to charge your phone or you can plug it into your portable charger in your purse and walk around with it you can put it in your backpack at school and be able to loop it around and hold in your hands i don't even know literally nobody in this house anymore is wasting thirty dollars on three foot apple cables that are definitely going to break or get lost i do not regret this in any way shape or form okay so the next thing that i want to show you guys is another one of those items that is in my purse literally at all times some people actually might already know about this but i've also met a lot of my friends who had no idea so i definitely want to show all of you today and that is this right here which is called a tile now if you open a box basically it is like these little plastic cubes and this right here is a tracking device you can buy them individually but you can also buy them in sets of i think two four six and eight obviously right here i have my set of four and two of them are missing but i have like ten more of these boxes upstairs because i have so many of these tiles because they have literally saved my life they look just like this they're very small square and thin and i think they also come in black or white they have a little hole in it so you can put it on a keychain but they're also thin enough to where you can literally put it anywhere so i have one in my wallet i also have one in my backpack in my suitcase and also literally every single purse that i own and then you sync them up to your phone on an app just like this basically all you have to do is register your different items so right here like i have my louis vuitton wallet oh speaking of this charger i need to use it because my phone is dying period and then it'll tell you the tiles location so obviously right now it says nearby because my wallet is right here in my very hand and if you click find on the app the tile will start ringing which is so beyond helpful if you lose your wallet within your own house or if it falls between your couch cushions or under your car seat all you do is click find and it'll ring right away but if your item with your tie liner is not nearby if you happen to lose it it will tell you the exact location was last seen which is so incredibly helpful i have lost this way more times that i would like to admit in fact i literally lost my wallet two days ago my tesla was in the shop so i had to get a rental car and i accidentally left this in there when we gave it back which was a really really stupid mistake and i couldn't find it i was looking everywhere throughout the house then i was thinking oh my god let me check my tile and low behold it was at the tesla service center and they drove it back to me right away which was super super nice but literally without this i would have never probably seen this again like i said i have this in literally every single bag purse suitcase that i own and it has made things so much easier to keep track of although i've lost my wallet a bunch of times like an absolute idiot the one item that i never lose or misplace has got to be my iphone actually fun fact for you though if i did happen to lose it you can also tap on your tile and it'll start ringing oh hello there you go oh my god it'll start ringing your phone just like this which has also come in very very handy shut up stop again stop i know it's right here stop ringing i know i have you in my hand but as i was saying okay i never lose my iphone and that has got to be because it is literally locked my hand at all times using a pop socket now i feel like everyone in the entire world knows about a popsocket and also has this on their phone so i'm not going to be including that in today's video but the one item that i do want to include that goes along with these pop sockets is this right here it is a pop socket holder now this probably looks really stupid to you guys but these are so incredibly useful it is not even funny and i have so many of these lying around my house and i wanted to take one out and show you guys just how they work today because i accidentally happened to break mine a few days ago so i ordered a bunch of new ones this is nothing revolutionary or groundbreaking in any way shape or form it is literally just like a round piece of plastic with a little bit of sticky tape on the back but these come in so handy because all you do is just place this somewhere where you want to have your phone so you can get work done hands-free so the one that broke i always have stuff to my mirror where i do my makeup so i literally put it on here just like this and it'll literally stick anywhere oh so while i'm sitting here at the studio i can put my phone right here on my makeup mirror so i can keep focusing on getting glam but at the same time i can make a facetime call if i need to this is literally so helpful i also have one of these on the dashboard of my car i 1 000 would never ever ever condone texting while driving but it's super helpful to have your phone right there if you need to make any phone calls hands-free or for gps directions as well okay so while we're on the subject of things that can hold your phone the next item that i want to show you guys is honestly something that i use every single day and has changed my life for the better and that has got to be this little iphone tripod ring light thing right here that i got from amazon now i think this one was like 60 which is definitely on the pricier side but there are so many of them online that i would definitely recommend checking out and these are so so helpful it is not even funny basically they come just like this it is a ring light a thing that can expand to hold your phone no matter what size it is and then a expandable and collapsible tripod this is like literally the perfect all-in-one item for any form of content creation personally i like to use these whenever i'm filming my tick tock videos but this could be good if you want to film different youtube videos if you want to rotate it horizontally for instagram videos for taking selfies of yourself because it comes with a remote as well i think at this point i have like two or three of these sitting around the house for different tick tocks or videos and stuff but at the hype house they literally have like 97 okay not 97 books like they literally have one of these in every single room because they are so so helpful and i would definitely recommend checking these out if you were any sort of content creator the next item that i want to show you guys is not a phone holder in any way shape or form but it is what we use it for just bear with me for a quick second okay you guys obviously saw the house for a video and you saw the massive pool in the back it has been very very hot this entire summer of california and we have been in it literally non-stop swimming and just chilling in the water which has been absolutely incredible and one thing that we have gotten from amazon that has changed our lives for the better is this right here which is a float a floaty a floaty yeah a floaty tray we're gonna change the lighting for one quick second so you guys can actually see this but it is literally just a white floating trap but it has raised a border so it's really really hard to sink or get water inside it comes in a pack of three and technically these are supposed to be used for serving food but we use these smaller ones to put our phones in so therefore we can enjoy our time in the water but if we get a ding a notification or a phone call and we have to answer it we can easily grab it without having to worry about getting our phones wet or reaching over the sides i know this is like very very like first world type of problem but these are coming very very handy and anybody out there who has a pool might love this as well so i just wanted to share in this video this next item that i want to show you guys is 150 of purchase that i made because of tick tock but it has been so so much fun to have and i do not regret buying it and that is this baby right here which is a uh like star it is like a star light projector basically you plug it in you put it in the center of your room and you turn your lights off and it creates the most beautiful gorgeous like blue galaxy lighting all over your ceiling in your room and it is such a cool vibe whether it be late at night and you're chilling in your room or for even a party as well obviously not during the pandemic this would be so so helpful and also this is what i used to film my euphoria transformation tik tok a few weeks ago as well and if you guys saw that it really looked super super cool so i would definitely recommend checking these out they are such a vibe there's quite a lot of brands that are like capitalizing on this right now and selling these for like 120 which is absolutely ridiculous you can get this on amazon for like 20 bucks so if you want to get it get it for cheap there's literally no difference in the quality at all and this works really great okay you guys so the next and final two items on the list are definitely two that are like 18 not 18 up but definitely two that you need to be careful with i'll say that for sure and the first one that i want to show you guys is this right here which is an electric lighter this might seem like it's something that is so ridiculous to you but i really like these one because plastic lighters are just like a waste of materials that are gross and you have to throw them out because they don't get many uses whereas this can recharge so you can keep using it literally forever and it's honestly just like kind of fun to play with it's a little electric oh my god that's crazy looking oh it literally creates an electrical current so let's raise that back up that's scary-looking so if i open up my crisp morning air candle just like this power it on and then if i hit my little button i can light it super super easily just like that so once it runs out you just plug it in and then it'll be ready to go lighting things up again please be careful and smart whatever you're deciding to light on fire it'll never run out of lighter fluids and it's also not a waste of plastic and materials so definitely recommend checking these out if you want to okay you guys i've showed you a ton of my favorite things throughout this video so far but the number 10 last item on my list is not only thing that i use every day but something that i use probably 50 times a day and that is this baby right here which is an electric fly swatter now when i tell you that this thing has changed my life and the lives of everybody around me oh my god i have made so many people order this and not a single person including myself has regretted this because these are so much fun it's not even funny basically it looks like a tennis racket just like this but it has a button on the side and if you press on it it looks like nothing's happening but oh let me tell you something is happening in here and i will tell you what it is it's electrical okay i don't have any flies here in the studio right now but if i take like a makeup brush oh they're up there oh hey oh there's a fly that's a birthday oh my god oh wait here oh oh it's up there it's on the it's on the microphone oh it's right there right there right there i just flew around um um i can't i can't find it oh oh oh there's a flight why don't we just continue the video and then if it comes back he's getting this out yeah they end up in literally everybody's houses and this is a really fun way to just zap them and get rid of them and also scare off their little friends so they do not come back obviously you guys well yes they need to flies are demonic they do not they they need to go literally louis are you is this the fly committee are you peta i also need to clarify as well i can't believe i almost forgot this as fun as these are these are so dangerous so if you do get one of these please please be careful do not get this anywhere near your fingers babies pets children with flies those can go alright you guys and i think that officially completes my list of the 10 different random gadgets and gizmos and objects and fun things that i could not live without i honestly had so much fun filming this video today and i really hope that you guys enjoyed it as well this is obviously very very different for me i don't know how you're going to like this but i hope that you do and if you did please show it to me by giving it a big thumbs up down below let me know if you want to see more videos like this in the future as well also click the big subscribe button down below and finally click that bell icon so you get notified every time i upload a brand new video if you want to follow me on my makeup journey all my social media accounts are gonna be linked right here around the screen and also if you want to text me on my personal phone number for updates on videos photos merch and so much more my number is 310-905-8746 this video's sister shout out goes to sister ali thank you so much love for always following and supporting i love you so so so much and if you would like to be the next video sister shout out don't forget to always retweet my video links when they go live on twitter all right you guys thank you so much for watching today's video i love you and i will see you in the next one bye
Channel: James Charles
Views: 5,035,018
Rating: 4.9527578 out of 5
Keywords: james, james charles, makeup artist, mua, covergirl, coverboy, cute, easy makeup, how-to, reviews, tutorials, funny videos, beauty tips, hacks, beauty, sister, sisters apparel, morphe, james charles x morphe, guru, lips, beauty hacks, makeup routines, e girl makeup, e boy makeup, makeup 2020, how to apply makeup for beginners, tik tok makeup, tik tok hacks, tik tok beauty hacks, amazon, amazon products, tik tok star light, electric lighter, cool amazon gadgets, amazon tech, amazon haul
Id: CxxcByjEZWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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