10 Things I Do to Setup My M1 MAX MacBook Pro - 2021

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i know this is the thing that people are just gonna freak out about last time i mentioned it on the channel people freaked out but you guys are you're wrong this is better all right in yesterday's video i asked you guys if you wanted to see a setup video for my new macbook pro and a bunch of you said yes so that's what we're doing today today was going to be a quick tip tuesday but on wednesday instead it's going to be many tips to set up your macbook pro the idea being that i'm gonna go through like all the preferences that i change all the things that i actually do to the computer and hopefully along the way you will pick something up ideally you'll pick many things up but but even if you just learn one new thing about maybe a setting or something on the computer how i use this computer maybe some of the programs that i use hopefully that's helpful for you and since there was no quick tip this week it was just this video which is many tips today's video is still sponsored by epidemic sound the leader in youtube music licensing and if you are making videos for the internet someone that you should know about you should be using epidemic sound if you're making content for the internet for multiple reasons but mainly because they have a huge library over 35 000 music tracks 90 000 sound effects but really the biggest thing is that it's a low monthly subscription 15 bucks and you get access to all of it totally unlimited download all you want make videos for your channel and it's all included back in the day when we used to make videos we would license individual tracks for like 75 or 100 per track and now now i could put 10 songs in one video and i'd pay the same amount they're amazing if you haven't heard about them already first thing in the description one month free trial go in there download a bunch of music make videos put it on your channel all free during that trial period and then after that it's super cheap yeah they're great if you don't know about them definitely check them out okay the the very first two things that i do to my computer are controversial but only because people are so precious about their computers and i am looking for form over function strike that reverse it this way please the very first thing i do is i put a piece of velcro on the back of my lap this this spot right here right up here i want this hard drive to be able to live there velcroed and then i can just plug this right into the side right there so oh geez so we grabbed a piece of velcro here i put the soft side of the velcro on my laptop i need about that much it's not an exact science just a little piece of velcro oh jeez come on line it up so you know it's semi-centered bingo bango i have a spot where my external hard drive we talked about this in the last video four terabyte external hard drive just goes shiggink right there got two terabytes internal i can plug it in on the side and now if i'm at like a coffee shop or i'm on an airplane my external hard drive is now connected to my laptop so when i pick this thing up i don't have to like grab an external hard drive and like try to carry them together or anything they're all just it's just together also a bunch of you asked about this external hard drive this four terabyte external hard drive i'm gonna i'm gonna link to a video up there i didn't think of this idea cody wanner wayneer cody shoot which one is it cody wayner wanner sounds right cody wanner he made a video all about it i just followed the steps in his video i bought the things off amazon you put it together it's actually like an internal ssd card that you put inside this housing and you build your own way cheaper super fast it's amazing so a massive thank you to cody and just check his channel out in general his channel is super dope okay second thing i do to my computers and same thing a lot of people give me crap about this but it makes it more useful in my everyday use and that's what matters uh grab yourself a sharpie and then we're gonna fill up all the ports so i'm gonna grab the hdmi cable on this side grab a usbc cable plug that in grab an sd card plug that in and then i'm actually gonna draw lines on top of my computer now the thing is this obviously isn't the most pretty looking thing because you know like right now it's so nice and beautiful but if i am looking at my laptop and i want to plug something into the side it's impossible to just hit it you've got to like look over plug it in and then and then you anyways i want to be able to just look down know where the ports are and plug it in so all i do is i plug everything in and then i just draw lines and this isn't super exact but now i know like the hdmi thing is there usb is right there and my sd card goes right there and then i flip to the other side and i do the same thing pink and same thing i'm gonna just draw lines on my laptop okay and that is it so right now i now have lines on top of my laptop when i look down i can just look down i know my magsafe goes there if i want to plug my headphones in i look down and i just go i can see the i've labeled the ports old windows computers always had labels on the top so you could just see from the top and mac wants it to look pretty i get that it does look really pretty without lines scribbled on it but it's way more useful with lines see that doesn't look so bad all right let's dive into the actual computer now and the first thing i do is i hop into system preferences because right away i click on trackpad because the trackpad is almost unusable with how slow it is i go to point and click and i move the track i think tracking speeds normally down here i move it up to here the third one from the fastest i like i like this cursor whipping around the screen and i also click on tap to click which means that instead of actually having to push the trackpad in i just kind of touch the trackpad and that acts as a click it's all in there back here i jump to general and in general the first thing i do is i switch the appearance to auto i i'm not a huge dark mode fan but i do at night time like the dark mode i don't like opening my laptop in the middle of the night and it's like wow and it's super super bright especially with these new displays and the other change i do in here is on show scroll bars i say always that just makes it so that anything that has a scroll bar on the side the scroll bar is always there i don't like having to do that like weird hover my mouse and hope that a scroll bar pops up thing i just i wanted to be there at all times then the next thing i do is go to dock and menu bar i bring my dock size down just a little bit i like a little bit smaller than the magnification i can bring up just a touch and i also click automatically hide and show doc that's an important one i don't know why that's not on by default but that makes it so that when my cursor goes down there the doc pops up but when it's not down there it goes away all right the next one is a big one and the last time i made this video i talked about this and it was exciting to hear how many people did not know about this it's called hot corners so you're gonna go into mission control and down here you're gonna click on hot corners here's how i have it set up the top left corner of my screen is desktop bottom left is put display to sleep top right is mission control and bottom right is quick note and basically what this allows me to do now is just kind of fling my cursor to any corner and it does something but once i click anything i don't have to use any shortcuts i just bring my cursor to the top left and it shows me my desktop so if i've got a bunch of windows open and i've got even if it's like three safari windows oh the whole screen is covered and i want to get to something that's on my desktop i just fling my mouse up there and there's my desktop i can get to it then if i flip my mouse to the right i get to see all my windows and mission control if i put my cursor to the bottom left the display goes to sleep and then if i put my cursor to the bottom right i get that little pop-up corner thing and if i click on it it pulls up a quick note in notes all super useful features and and rarely do people know about hot corners next thing i do is go down to bluetooth and say show bluetooth in menu bar that just makes it so i can click on this and i can see my bluetooth items right there after that go down to display and there's two options in here that i turn both of them off automatically adjust brightness for some people that's super useful for me editing photos editing videos i want to control my own brightness i've got that that physical keyboard back so i can just tap the buttons to do so i like that off and then true tone i don't want my color shifting during the day and then after that i like to go to the sharing tab and i like to rename my computer i like the name nacho mac macbook pro because who's macbook pro is it it's not your macbook pro it's mine i think it's so funny and that just changes the name like when you pop up like for airdrop or something like that that's the name that will now pop up and that is all in system preferences now next up is finder preferences first thing i do is i turn on hard disks that way i can see my hard drive on the desktop here i also go over to advanced and i click on keep folders on top in windows when sorting by name and on desktop so really what that does is that now when i open up finder if inside of a folder is more folders and files are kind of all jumbled together it doesn't just list them alphabetically it puts the folders on top and then the files below it and those are sorted alphabetically and the files are sorted alphabetically organization is helpful uh next over to sidebar i like to make sure that nacho macbook pro is on hard disks are on i want to see all that on the sidebar in my finder and the next thing i do is i click on view in finder and i say show path bar and then view again and show status bar and the last thing i do right away is i go into safari that's the main web browser that i use on here i go to safari safari preferences we're gonna go into general here and right here open safe files after downloading this is where you know when you download a file from epidemic sound or any other file that's out there i download a music file and all of a sudden apple music opens up and it starts playing it right away or i download a photo and that photo just opens in preview right away this is this is where you turn that off so just unclick that little box right there and now when you download it it'll just go to the download folder and it nothing will happen beyond that that's one of the ones that i didn't know for years and i was always so frustrated by that and i hated it so frustrating all right let's get to the apps that i download on here i've actually made a pretty big shift i used to use google drive for almost everything now i switched over to dropbox so the very first thing i do when i get a new computer is i download dropbox now the thing i really like about dropbox is that i can go in here and everything lives in the dropbox folder on my computer so everything on this computer totally backed up at all times i could throw this computer in a lake go buy another one i would download dropbox i would download icloud and everything would pretty much be back to where it was bio-wise those two things back up everything on this computer at all times so all of my main folders that i'm using my my youtube channel my photography business all those folders live within that dropbox folder and the really clever thing within dropbox is that they have something called smartsync so any folder or file that's in my dropbox i can view it from here i can see it within finder but they don't have to live on my computer so i don't have to have all the terabytes that i have in dropbox on my computer they live in dropbox and when i want to access them i downloaded my computer and then again after that everything else is backed up via icloud pretty much so all my photos all my videos my contacts my calendar all that stuff backed up via icloud because i also made a pretty big shift in i stopped using evernote and i switched just to apple notes the eco system of apple kind of kind of reeled me back in from evernote i moved back to apple notes and then also i left the to-do list app that i was using and i just went back to reminders because i really like being able to just pull up siri on my phone and tell her to remind me of something later it dumps to that list it's kind of like my brain dump list then i can go in there and i can organize all of the reminder anyways it's so much better just being in the ecosystem definitely one of those things where ecosystem wins out over potentially a better product like i think evernote's probably a better product than apple notes but apple notes is so integrated into all my devices that it makes more sense for me to use okay next up is adobe creative suite i download the creative cloud suite and then from here i can download all of my apps really easily in there this is something where i am talking about moving to final cut pro i bought final cut pro because i'm for sure going to move to final cut pro for at least a little while and like try it out but one thing that is so nice about the whole creative cloud membership is just being able to have your apps right here i can download them all i can make sure they're always up to date it it is pretty nice then after that the next app that i download is photo mechanic this is where i do all of my file ingest and all my culling when i come home from a wedding i've got i've got four to five thousand images from me and my second shooter i am going to bring them in to my computer through photo mechanic but then i'm also going to call them through photo mechanic because it's super super quick to just go through that one the next app that i download is well it's being used right now it's called screen flick and it's what i use to record my screen for all these videos anytime i'm making a video for you guys and you see my screen is being recorded it's with an app called screenflick uh then after that i just downloaded some like basic stuff like i download spotify because there's some podcasts i like to listen to i download the insta360 studio app because i really like using that app to edit and export large files like on the go to i like to just plug the go to in here dump them on here and then be able to just batch export them in 9x16 or batch export in 16x9 super super useful i like that app i also grab the rode central app because i use the rode wireless gos for a ton of these videos and i go in there and that's how i adjust settings on those wireless goes and then the last app that i download is chrome and the reason i download chrome is almost exclusively for youtube i like to use the tubebuddy extension if you guys aren't using this if you have a youtube channel and you're not using tubebuddy you should be but when you have tubebuddy open you get all this data on the side of your screen and it's only available in chrome it's not available for safari which bums me out so i download chrome only for youtube and i barely even watch youtube with incred i almost always watch youtube videos on safari because it runs faster it uses less memory use less power but then when i want to see analytics i click over to chrome just for that reason and then after i have all of these apps on my computer the next thing i do is i bring all the apps that i just downloaded into my doc those are all the apps that i use most and then i get rid of all the apps that that i don't really use very often but they kind of come standard in the dock all right got that done and now these are the apps that that kind of made the cut these are the apps that stay on the dock safari messages photos calendar reminders notes music bridge photo mechanic lightroom cc which is the the cloud version of lightroom and then the one that i use most which is lightroom classic photoshop premiere pro after effects now now final cut pro because i'm again i'm gonna i'm gonna do it i'm i might make this video in final cut i don't think i'm ready for that but i'll make a video very soon in final cut pro and then system preferences all these things stay on my dock a little more tidy but i got rid of all those other default ones that's it that's all that i do to my computer now it's it's ready for me to do work it's ready for me to edit photos to edit videos and just do life in general if you have anything that i'm not doing though put in the comments below i want to hear about things that you guys do that i don't do because i love learning new things especially about computers that i've used for years and i learned new things all the time i remember i remember back in the day like this is a long time ago but i've been using macs for like two years at the time and then i learned that apple tab would cycle through the apps that you had open on your screen and it broke my brain at the time that i'd been using this computer for two years without knowing that so if you have one of those things for sure put it down below and uh yeah thanks for hanging out with me i appreciate it appreciate you guys watching and i will see you soon [Music]
Channel: David Manning
Views: 20,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: David Manning, m1 max, m1 pro, new macbook pro, m1 pro vs m1 max, macbook pro 2021, 2021 macbook pro, macbook pro m1 pro, macbook pro m1 max, macbook pro, m1 max macbook pro, macbook pro 16, m1 pro macbook, macbook pro 14, apple m1 max, m1 pro macbook pro, m1x macbook pro, m1 pro max, macbook pro m1, m1 max macbook, macbook pro 2021 review, which macbook pro to buy
Id: wKsVSxpUae4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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