10 Star Trek Episodes That The Actors Regret Filming

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every episode of star trek is great and everyone loves them right so i'm sean for trek culture and here are 10 star trek episodes that the actors regret 10. profit and lace arm and zimmerman provident lace is the sixth season episode of star trek deep space nine that sees quark undergo gender reassignment surgery directed by alexander sedig the story began life as a serious exploration of the sun coming to understand the mother however during production on the episode the producers pushed for a funnier tone the result is a badly presented parody of cross-dressing and gender dysphoria which was antithetical to the initial pitch armagerman expressed regret at the way the episode ended up citing the heart attack scene in particular when they first filmed it he and cecily adams who played ishko did it straight they fight they cut each other out and then ishka collapses because of her heart quark then goes into panic mode as presented in the episode it's a sillier escalation that robs the scene of any tension this scene is analogous to the episode as a whole zimmerman regretted it alexander sedig regretted it and ira stephen bear would come to regard it as the episode that killed the chance for any future ferengi-centric stories going forward 9. extinction levar bert this is technically a cheat as levar burton didn't appear in front of the camera in this episode rather he appeared behind it directing it in the years that have passed he has openly stated that he was ashamed of being associated with this chapter of enterprise the plot follows a vaguely similar structure to burton's own episode of star trek the next generation identity crisis in both installments members of the crew are infected with a virus that regresses them to become something other than human the thing about extinction however is just how ridiculous everything comes across us the episode arrived in enterprises third season when the show was generally beginning to pick up speed thanks to the zindyarc there is a message in the episode about ethnic cleansing and genocide yet this is lost in the bafflingly awful execution of the storyline to be very fair scott bakula and linda park give it their all as they act the part of the infected yet that really is the nicest thing that could be said about it eight these are the voyages most of the main cast the final episode of star trek enterprise depicted the crew that audiences had been following for four years as holograms with riker interacting with them throughout the episode it was designed by brannon braga as a valentine to star trek in general and was panned by critics and cast alike in the years that passed braga began to apologize profusely for it he believed that the episode was a narcissistic attempt to make a tribute to all of trek but failed he said that in all of the time and enterprise this episode was the only one that caused scott bakula to get pissed off at him jolene blaylock described it as simply awful while guest star jonathan frakes bluntly said that it stinks although some of the featured actors such as dominick keating john billingsley and marina certais took a softer approach it's fair to say that as the last episode of the show overall it was a misjudged endeavor many of the crew consider the preceding episodes terra firma and demons to be the actual finale to enterprise oh and that entire sema trip dream sequence prove us wrong seven spock's brain leonard nimoy while the episode is a milestone of the franchise's history for just how bad it is spock's brain is also firmly in the so bad it's good camp the episode was made with the slashed production budgets of the third season serving almost as an insult to the fans who campaigned to keep the show on the air leonard demoy is of course front and center in this installment and related in his autobiography that he felt embarrassed for almost the entire shoot though it was a feeling that would come back several times in the third season spock's brain bore the brunt of the criticism here it's not simply that it's a bad episode though that's without question the episode seems dumb vulcan physiology allows them to exist without a brain for 24 hours which is a pretty marvelous attribute for any species really yet it had never been mentioned before and would never be mentioned again so clearly it was made up on the fly the story does give mccoy a few chances to have a bit of fun that is really stretching things nemo's review may have just been the kindest thing to be written about spock's brain in its entire history six the last outpost arm and zimmerman the ferengi were supposed to be the big villains of star trek the next generation in its first season eventually rising to the same infamy as the romulans and the klingons while they certainly became infamous it wasn't for the reasons the writers intended and for that barman zimmerman again makes an appearance on this list he was one of the very first members of this race to appear on screen and considering he would go on to define what it meant to be a ferengi he feels responsible for the early failures with them the last outpost depicts them as something akin to jackals on speed barking and hissing generally being a nuisance zimmerman had an impossible task make this character description intimidating even the blue energy pulsating whips that they used weren't enough to make the audience take them seriously taking on the role of quark in deep space nine was zimmerman's attempt to course correct the damage that had been done to the ferengi overall giving the character everything he had to make sure no one would ever think of those hyped-up idiots from the last outpost again five assignment earth terry garr terry garr appeared in the final episode of star trek's second season assignment earth the story had been created to serve as a backdoor pilot to a spin-off series this proposed series would follow gary seven and his exploits yet it never took off this episode credits gene roddenberry as a producer rather than an executive producer and he was incredibly hands-on in this installment though this was ostensibly to ensure that it was the best that it could be to ensure it got a series order it did involve him getting in everyone's way gar was particularly annoyed with him as he continually insisted that her skirt be shortened to make it more revealing not only did this upset the actress but the costume designer william warethice quickly lost patience with ronbery as well it all combined to make the set a dismal place to be in the years since the episode's release terry garr refuses to talk about star trek at all she's incredibly derisive of her experiences balancing never talking about it with making sure any interviewer knows how little her opinion office is four move along home avery brooks move along home has become a running joke in the star trek fan community for its silly themes and that song once those lyrics get into your head there's usually no chance at salvation however that's not the part that makes avery brooks cringe in this episode he said before that despite the silly tone he could excuse the song and the basic plot for him the deal breaker was making the main cast play a game of hopscotch through a corridor on their way to escape deep space 9 was still in its first season with this episode being in the first half of the episodes similar to the issues that faced the naked now in the next generation the audience hadn't had the time to get to know the crew before they were being asked to see them in this ridiculous situation to be fair while the episode still contains moments that are akin to having one's teeth drilled it has aged with the aid of nostalgia a little better than many of the other entries on this list just don't ask brooks to sing the tune of adam moraine anytime soon three the killing game robert beltran the killing game was the two-part episode from star trek voyager's fourth season that saw the ship overrun by the heroine the crew were forced to enact holographic simulations of brutal conflicts from history again and again all for the enjoyment of the hunters naturally world war ii quickly caught the heroine's eyes and a recreation of a french town of the grips of nazi oppression followed robert beltran hated the episodes believing first that they were offensive to german fans of the show the nazis were an easy villain to portray yet every single german character was portrayed as evil with no attempt to show any double agents or spies for example leading on from this he felt that the episodes were not well written writer and producer joe manoski acknowledged that it had been a long gestating idea that changed form several times though the idea of putting the crew in a world war ii scenario was one of his first pitches to the series despite beltran's feelings on the episodes its success in being aired on a single night led to the creation of dark frontier which was always intended to be a tv movie two up the long letter colum mini and sean ferrick filming this episode was not an easy task for columbini up the long ladder was a second season entry in star trek the next generation and to say that it misfires on almost every front doesn't do it justice the depiction of irish characters goes way beyond stereotype here instead opting for an openly racist and degrading option meanie was far from the stirring role that he would receive on star trek deep space nine serving instead as a day player still that meant that speaking up and opining on the direction the episode was taking really wasn't much of an option at the time he was none too pleased on set something he has not elaborated on in the years since was however in a better position when if wishes were horses came along which originally featured a storyline focused on his irishness in a condescending manner this was swiftly changed up the long letter was panned it's no code of honor yet arguably shades of grey is a stronger entry it also received hatemail though it had nothing to do with the racism instead the line in which riker states he has the right to control his own body became a target for the right to life movement in the u.s resulting in screenwriter melinda m snodgrass getting a lot of hate mail one code of honor everyone i mean really was there ever a question of what number one on this list was going to be code of honor is the infamous early episode of star trek the next generation that has frequently voted one of the worst episodes of the entire franchise jonathan frakes and brent spiner have both gone on the record with how much they hated the episode citing it as a racist piece of rod roddenberry feels that the episode isn't quite as bad as the reception would have people believe yet it's the depiction of every member of the ligonians that crushes any argument against the inherent racism on show although they are on the one hand technologically advanced enough to have contact with the federation they are backward enough as a society that a rigid gender stereotype exists catherine powers wrote the script and would later write the script for emancipation an episode of stargate sg-1 that follows almost exactly the same plot both episodes were widely panned by the cast and crews as well actor garrett wang although he didn't appear in the episode cites watching this as the reason he got the role of harry kim on star trek voyager after watching code of honor he was no longer too nervous to audition that's it for our list today now i'm sure there's probably more episodes out there that the actors regret filming and if you can think of any please drop it into the comments below please don't forget to like share and subscribe now don't forget that you can catch us over on twitter at trek culture and you can catch myself at sean ferrick as well remember whatever you do try not to regret your actions but uh try not to make regrettable actions either look after yourselves live long and prosper and you guys are awesome thanks
Channel: TrekCulture
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Id: KNdvew1ZEDE
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Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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