10 Skaters you WILL Meet

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hey yo we are back that's right guys with the first video of 2021 and as most of you probably know with 2020 finally coming to an end i say take a break to step away from the youtube grind and give myself a bit of time to chill bankrupt a few hedge funds and think up some new ideas for this channel and where i want to take it in 2021 but anyway i know most of you are probably thinking another 10 skaters you won't meet video hasn't this guy like made four of those already like how many skaters can he really think up he's gotta be running out of ideas well you know what it's been almost a year since i made the last 10 skaters you will meet video and if you think i'm out of ideas for different skaters i almost was and then i went to check the comments of those 10 skaters you will meet videos i made before and now i got ideas for at least like five more years so honestly i just might make these videos a tradition on my channel so that every year you guys know the 10 skaters that you'll most likely meet that year you know just so you guys know what to look out for and anyway this intro has been way too long you probably already skipped through it so let's just get right into the video if i take it up any more time up first we got number one the skater dye fan now the skater diaphane is honestly just the ultimate skater not only do they typically progress really fast because they know all the things that you should avoid so just some of the bad habits you can form are some of the false myths about skateboarding but they also know about some of the best life hacks in skateboarding ways to avoid injuries how to maintain your skateboards possibly most importantly how to get a skater bf or gf and not to mention they are educated under skateboarding history and know the stories of the best skaters the world knows today overall the scare dai fan is a pretty chill dude i mean if anyone would know it would be me i've met a handful you guys at skateparks and i've never had a bad experience you guys have always been really nice told me you like my videos and then we just keep skating having a fun session as if we just you know our homies or something and if you ever see me at a skate park or out in public please don't be scared to come up and say hi i would much much much much much much much rather exchange an awkward handshake than have someone staring at me the whole time i skate because you might think i don't see you but trust me bro i see you so please just come say hi to me i'm literally just a regular dude number two the down bad skater alright now let's be real 2020 has been a bad year for dating resulting in many guys being down bad now sure you can be down bad and you can also be a skater those are two totally different things the down bad skater just always seems to have the worst luck in skateboarding now it's definitely not an uncommon thing to get hurt because of skateboarding it happens to beginners it happens to pros it happens to everybody but the down bad skater always just seems to get hurt in the most unexpected ways like they could be just skating doing their thing and all of a sudden bam they fall into a hole in the ground like how do you even predict that and you know there are a lot of people that get hurt because they practically are asking for it but the down bad skater just cannot catch a break they're just down bad on their luck and sometimes you just gotta take a step back and think like why does this have to happen to me you know i guess life just sometimes isn't fair number three the broke skater this is the guy that will skate the same skateboard until you literally can't no more it might have razor tail sharp enough to be a flight risk have pressure cracks and chips on every visible surface rusted out bearings trucks with no bushings and grip tip is more equivalent to the wrinkly skin on 90 year old man's ballsack but despite all this they still manage to escape better than you maybe it's because they've been skating the same board for so long that their board has started to become a part of them or they have started to become a part of their board so now they're just so used to skating it that all those things that you typically see as drawbacks actually just factor into their style of skateboarding if you happen to see a broke skater make sure to try to help them out maybe give them your old deck or maybe a new set of bushings because they probably have to pay for skateboarding on their own and you don't get any help from anybody else so a little does go a long way also for all you broke skaters out there or skaters on a budget trying to find you stuff is a really good alternative to buying brand new as most of you probably know you can check craigslist offer up in facebook marketplace every now and then and in between all the junk you'll actually find good deals on skateboarding stuff sometimes just make sure to bring a friend or a parent with you when you pick it up because i don't want to see any of you getting kidnapped alright number four the gamer skater the gamer skater most likely began skateboarding because of a video game maybe it was from tony hawk pro skater or maybe it was from skate 3 but there's definitely no denying that video games can play a big role in inspiring people to try new things and skateboarding is no exception this is also the same kid that got locked in a house during code with a broken board so their only option was to perfect their skater xl skills and watch your favorite youtubers and streamers but now if everything opening back up again transition to regular life is difficult for them they scream poggers whenever they land something and they shrink uncontrollably when they can't land a trick they talk about the gtx 3080 as if it's an exclusive drug of the elite and most importantly they practically jerk off to the thought of skate for releasing but let's keep it real most of us are there with them too number five the teacher the teacher is possibly one of the friendliest skaters you could ever meet they're the first ones to help a new beginner and give him some pointers when they see him doing something wrong and this small act of kindness can really go a long way when it comes to improving a beginner's confidence at skatepark i'm sure all of you remember how nervous you were the first time you stepped foot into a skate park and everyone was literally better than you you probably weren't sure if someone would make fun of you or if someone would call you a poser and sometimes all that somebody needs to feel comfortable being in a skatepark where everyone's better than them is a friend or even just somebody that they know so thank you to all teachers out there you are probably the sole reason that skateboarding is growing as much as it is number six the undiscovered pro this is the guy at the skateboard that's insanely good like so good someone should sponsor them it seems like they know every trick in the book and not only that but they have amazing style and their consistency to land tricks should really have them competing at sls like they could probably give naija a good run for his money but despite this outside of their local they are mostly unknown they only have a few hundred followers on their instagram or they don't even post themselves skateboarding at all and it's either because they simply don't care about that stuff or they're just very unlucky with the algorithm on instagram or youtube or wherever they post their content but every now and then an undiscovered pro becomes discovered it could start with something like a barracks repost or just a youtube algorithm gods being in their favor but typically as soon as it starts there's no slowing them down next thing you know they have their own skateboard parts coming out left and right they have tons of sponsors and they have their own skatepark deck with their name on it but until then they're just some guiding tacos on tuesday and absolutely killing it at the skate park number seven the shy skater the shy skater can be seen at almost every skate park but they typically don't know a lot of people even at their local because they just like keeping to themselves they're like riding around with their earphones and listening to music and hoping nobody's watching them this type of skater prefers at the skatepark entirely to themselves they typically go only during non-peak hours at a skate park in hopes that no one will knows their existence and you know what as the kids say i low-key vibe with this for me my favorite time to go skateboarding is actually early in the mornings when the skatepark is empty i like having the entire park to myself mostly because i feel like i can do anything i want i'm not going to interrupt anybody else's session or get in anyone's way but i also feel that skating in an empty skate park right as the sun is rising is one of the most relaxing things that you can do at least during summer when it's not freezing cold outside and it's definitely one of my favorite ways to start off the day or end them if you have a sleep schedule like mine so if any of you can handle getting up at six in the morning or having a non-existent sleep schedule i recommend you try it number eight the guy that knows everyone just the name of this implies that this guy knows everyone but it's not the way you think it doesn't mean they somehow know everybody at their local skate park but instead they somehow manage to meet every single legendary skater that has graced the earth if they hear you talking about some skater they'll make sure to interrupt you and let you know that they know them a good example is you're talking about sls naija you know how he's killing it and this guy just comes up oh yeah niger yeah bro i've met him pretty chill guy you know what i don't know what's up with the short shorts though i think they're getting shorter every year and then i'll just segue to a different skater like oh yeah also uh jamie foy dude that's my homie just last week we were hanging out and we threw caterer into a recycling bin and then after that i smoked some coach of tony hawk and shared an eight ball of stevo and you'll be like wait hasn't steve been sober for like 10 years uh uh yeah but he cuts an exceptional needs of me and this goes on and on and you really gotta give it to them they're pretty good at making stories maybe they should write a book about it or something number nine the filmer the filmer is a unique type of skater yet also possibly the most valuable to the entire skateboarding community they're most easily identified by their cruiser wheels and camera of choice be it something old-school like a vx-1000 a fisheye lens or something as new as an iphone they always come in and clutch when you need somebody to film and they have a massive amount of skateboarding footage always flooding their computer they typically aren't as technically good as some of the other skaters but they sure can film better than anybody else so they are absolutely essential not just to a local group of park rats but also to skateboarding as a whole i mean if it wasn't for the filmers street skateboarding would have most likely never even had close to the impact that it did during the 90s and thanks to skateboarding filmers we can look back throughout the history of skateboarding today and see some of the most iconic moments and biggest milestones that skateboarding has ever achieved 10. the always a beginner skater it's just gear that's been skating for years but still only knows the most basic tricks where some skaters like to progress and learn new things fast this skater is completely content with taking their time and learning slowly or they just suck and are too clumsy to progress as fast everybody else just like me at the end of the day everybody has their own reason that they like skateboarding so just do what you actually enjoy and don't worry about what other people say about you but ultimately if you do want to progress in skateboarding and actually get good the main thing you need to do is stay consistent and skate as much as you can and i'll admit that consistency is the main reason that i haven't gotten as good as i'd like to throughout the past two years but i'm looking to change that this year for myself so anyway that's all i have for today thank you guys for watching and i'll see you soon
Channel: Skate Or Die
Views: 1,383,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 10 skaters you will meet 2021, 10 skaters you will meet, skaters you will meet at the skate park, skateboarders, The 10 Skateboarders you will meet, skateboarding, skate, skateboard, top 10 skaters, skaters you will meet, skate or die, lamont holt, the berrics, braille skate, john hill, skaters vs, skaters vs scooters, skaters, skate support, tricktips, skateboarder, funny, 2020, 2019, satire, skate 3, top 10, skateboarding fails, tik tok, skateboarding tricks, tiktok, eboy
Id: HB_hq73wWd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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