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[Tzuyang's Fishing Village Life Day 2] Oh no This can't be happening Ouch! [A weird creation of Fried Pork] The smoke is so spicy What is that~!! Cooking show is so difficult Will I be a master chef in 1 month? [Eating is the easiest] Hello everyone~ It's a tradition to eat black bean noodles after you move to a new place How thick do I need to cut the meat for the fried pork? 4cm? But I like eating big pieces I'll make a couple giant pieces How's this? Pinky-size? It's a little bigger [Perfect] 3 eggs I don't have a stir I'll use my hands I guess Why is this so stiff? It's too watery! Oh no This can't be happening [Emergency treatment] [Village Announcement] [Finished making the dough] [Adjusting the camera] [1 is not showing anything, 1 is out of focus] It came up within 3 seconds It's ready How many minutes do I cook it for? [Slow..] [Viewers: Just put everything in the batter] Oh I can just put everything inside I'm dumb Why did I do that? Ouch Should I take them out and fry them again? Should I cut it in half to check? It looks almost ready [Viewers: No, it's not ready. Cook more. Get it more crispy] Okay fine, I will Can I put a bunch at once? I have a lot so I need to move quickly Now I see why these get stuck together at restaurants Because they are in a rush They are always stuck together when you order them The fire went out [Taking care of the fire & frying the pork] These are all stuck together What is this? It looks weird now Cooking show is so difficult Will I be a master chef in 1 month? It's going to be hard, right? This is that fried thingie Fried Snowflake I don't have any sauce I'm just going to eat it as it is The smoke is so spicy What is this [Gas Gas] This is a lot bigger than the Large size A lot more I'll fry them again I have to fry from bottom to top [Whatever] Hot! I dipped my finger in there [Viewers: Finger flavor. Fried finger] It doesn't hurt as much as the splashes I accidentally dipped like this much [Viewers: Look at her face. She's so focused] What about my expression? I was wondering why it wasn't too hot You know how you can get burned from splashes But I dipped my finger and I'm not hurt [Viewer: The gloves protected you] I guess so Is this good enough? [Viewer: You found a new talent] Like those people that don't get burned or feel any pain? Hot! The splashes are hot Should I try one? [I must show this] It looks pretty appetizing, right? It tastes just like the ones from the restaurants Check out the smoke I'm cut off Guys, the water is not boiling [Then let's eat fried pork] The smoke! I don't feel good today, So I will just eat 6 packs of noodles It's starting to boil Today is pretty foggy This is like hot springs It's ready now This cauldron lid is pretty big 1 more pack please [7 packs of noodles] It's going to tasty good This is a lot of water All of it is going to get dumped out I'll take the noodles out now I'm going to cook it some more in a bit Your stream got disconnected I am in the freezer right now My phone overheated And turned off, so the stream got disconnected [Viewers: I'm cold! I can't breathe! Get me out of here] I took the water out Let's make some green onion oil I separated the sauce a while ago Is the fire still going? They are doing a traditional parade [Viewers: I love the background music. Turn up] I have to eat though [Unintentional Background Music] They're even closer now No! I can't put everything here That's way too much Bon appetit Finally This looks so small even if it's 7 packs It's because this grill is so big With Green Onion Kimchi That looks scrumptious So tasty Kimchi is tasty too Fried pork It's still crispy I think this lid makes everything better Let's get the fried pork and wrap it with the noodles That's so good That's insane 7 packs look so small though Who ate my noodles? That's strange Green onion kimchi is delicious It's so fresh [Viewers: Is that a green screen? That's a fake background?] No, it's real Insects! Go away! Stop it! They really stopped I didn't even say it that loud I want to eat more I should've cooked 10 packs [Viewer: Please explain the green screen and the background music] It's not a green screen [Viewer: Then go touch the tree] That's too far, I can't Someone from yesterday's chat requested The Great Wall of China Don't be ridiculous, it's not a green screen I'm going to torture you guys It's all for me [Mosquito mukbang on Tzuyang] My feet are itchy The ratio between the fried pork and the noodles are not right I needed to cook more noodles [Focus attack on the fried pork] [Just enjoy it] Is someone making that sound? What kind of sound is that? [Tzu-rassic Park] Be quiet! I can't touch the leaves It's too far [Viewer: Hit it with the empty bottle] What if I miss and hit something else with it? Should I spray water? They'll spray water Did you see that? It's not a new technology It's a seasoned fried pork now There are so many bugs out now I got bit so many times All over my ankle Why do they only bite my feet? [Viewer: Where do you buy your groceries?] There's a terminal market in the city I have to take my car My own convertible My gator [Viewer: Do you have a tractor?] That's too slow! Who? Bought me what? A fan [A fan brought gifts for Tzuyang] Thank you [Hands gifts and runs away] They disappeared so quickly Thanks everyone~ [The next morning] Hello I moved here recently I'm here to share rice cake (Korean tradition) I want to give you this I just moved here You're going around the village with that box? Yes Thank you I will enjoy it You want some coffee? No no, it's okay thank you though Go up this way and you will see the Fishing Village Chief Live well It all depends on the personality [Fishing Village Chief's house] Hello, I moved here I am here to share some rice cake You didn't need to My wife was in the hospital for 17 years And she passed away last year October So I'm alone [Then we want to give you more] No no, it's okay Thank you [Village Forewoman's House] Hello, nice to meet you I am here to share rice cake Is there a moth this big? No, not really Then how about this big? They're tiny I don't know if I can be much of a help, but please let me know if you need anything Since we're neighbors I am sharing rice cakes because I just moved here Did you want some? Thank you Thank you [Same day in the afternoon] [I got invited to a party] The villagers invited me to a Korean BBQ party So I'm on my way there Check out the scenery I have something for you What is that? Do you know what a goose barnacle is? Yes, I had it before That looks good Wow that's a lot Thank you Thank you very much 2 stray cats Hello~ Hi kitties Meow meow~ It's really peaceful here Hello All the freshly caught seafood from today From sea squirt to octopus and stuff We're going to prepare it Amazing [They're getting ready for Tzuyang's welcome party] This was all caught today? Sea cucumber Whelk What is that? Striped beakfish sashimi This one is bass You gotta explain that one That's the leather fish (filefish) The white one is the black scraper (also in the filefish family) That looks good Nice to meet you all The webfoot octopus is so delicious I have a question! So your 'input' and 'output' are what's outstanding, right? That's a very PG way to put it There's no other secret She even went to that MLB event recently Really? See? You don't even know it! She went to New York I'm a true fan! Thank you No really, thank you for coming You have to come often [Photo time] My face looks bigger because of her, right? No, no~ Honey, it's always been big [See you in Episode 3] Subtitles by Hyun Choi antharoni@gmail.com
Channel: tzuyang쯔양
Views: 2,467,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 大食い, real sound, 리얼사운드, social eating, 吃播, big eater, challenge
Id: _-vCsD7jHh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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