10 Secrets White Castle Doesn't Want You To Know

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no matter what we are not ending this night  without White Castle and our stomachs agree   agree White Castle may be famous for their classic  sliders but what aren't they telling you let's   find out with 10 Secrets White Castle doesn't want  you to know Secrets I am no secrets the burgers   have holes in them my thoughts are its thoughts  it's holes or my holes in 1954 a burger flipper at   White Castle in Cincinnati wrote a message in the  store's feedback box Earl Howell's notion was that   poking holes in the White Castle patties would let  them cook faster and allow the kitchen to keep up   with the increased demand Earl was attempting to  find out how he could get the burgers out faster   because the business was overwhelmed his theory  was put to the test by the chain and it proved to   be true by the end of the year every White Castle  burger in America had five holes and Earl Howell   was admitted into the White Castle employee Hall  of Fame yes there is indeed a White Castle Hall   of Fame really really and Earl is one of its most  illustrious members just in case anyone thought   it was a joke this isn't a joke to grasp why this  unconventional method is effective on White Castle   burgers you must first realize how they make them  instead of being grilled White Castle burgers   are steamed on the grill they lay 30 patties  exactly the same amount as in a crave box on top   of a mound of onions this guarantees a consistent  cooking surface all across the patties and removes   the need to turn them because they're being  steamed it also means they'll spend less time on   the grills and be ready to serve their food sooner  there are no sites in their native state please   tell me there's another White Castle in town nope  the utter lack of a White Castle restaurant in   one's home state may look strange and even cruel  to a die-hard White Castle fan despite the fact   that the firm was started in Wichita Kansas  there isn't a single White Castle in the city   the corporation packed up and relocated primary  offices to Columbus Ohio in 1933 where it has   remained since Kansas hasn't had a White Castle  in more than 80 years that's too long the last one   closed in 1938. in 2011 the chain set up a pop-up  shop in Wichita for a single day to commemorate   their 90th anniversary or maybe to annoy Kansas  supporters knowing they originated in Wichita   the chain thought it would be a great occasion  to bring together some of the founders family   members before the business packed up and headed  for the Buckeye state hungry fans could get two   sliders for 99 cents today if a Kansan has a taste  for a fresh White Castle slider they must travel   out of state to Columbia Missouri what a cruel  joke for the poor burger-loving folks of Wichita   Harold and Kumar were close to not choosing White  Castle I'm sorry I had White Castle some little   um dizzy a while back the business welcomed a  set of hungry clients that have since become   cult favorites in certain circles we're speaking  of course about marijuana enthusiasts and White   Castle's appearance in the 2004 film Harold and  Kumar Go to White Castle to throw some movie   trivia at you White Castle's major part almost  didn't materialize since the screenwriters had   the two buddies hunting for Krispy Kreme Donuts  instead after Krispy Kreme dropped out a fake   hot dog vendor was substituted eventually the  filmmakers contacted White Castle Management   who were more enthusiastic about the concept  let's do it let's do it White Castle's director   of marketing at the time characterized it as  a love letter to the company according to many   White Castle employees the way the screenplay  conveyed how people felt about the sliders   and the extent they'll go to eat them was quite  realistic late night slider Cravings aren't the   stuff of Hollywood fantasy when compared to eight  other fast food businesses White Castle came out   on top in a study that looked at eating patterns  between the hours of 10 pm and 4 AM according to   the study that late night six hour period accounts  for a whopping 21 of the Chain's Revenue there's   nothing like pounding down some sliders to cure  your midnight munchies and White Castle is the   mecca of Sliders they got in some trouble over the  size of their booths hey I didn't go looking for   trouble trouble came and knocking and so here's  the problem with being a little too fond of   White Castle or any other fast food joint for that  matter if you eat there often without any physical   exercise you might gain enough weight that you  can no longer dine inside the restaurant you enjoy   it's a catch-22 that White Castle Aficionado  Martin kessman is all too familiar with for   the past 50 years kessman has been a loyal White  Castle client but his diet of Sliders caused him   to gain so much weight that he can no longer fit  into his low local White Castle booth in Nanuet   New York I'm fat because White Castle did not  provide him with six extra inches of gut room   kessman filed a lawsuit under the Americans with  Disabilities Act instead of waiting for his local   White Castle to create larger booths or take an  even more extreme step and shed a few pounds he   opted to sue the brand when kessman tried to fit  in one of the tables and damaged his knee in the   process the lack of gut room became a serious  issue rather than completely Avoid White Castle   burgers kessman had his spouse pick up his slider  stockpile while he rested at home the complaint   was subsequently abandoned once White Castle  offered adequate gut space and additional seats   only in America could something like this actually  happen and be taken seriously one of the original   locations sold for only one dollar one dollar  thank you Lewis while the majority of today's   White Castle restaurants have drive-throughs and  are much larger than their predecessors several of   the original White Castle structures remain in  1927 the third White Castle restaurant debuted   in Indianapolis Indiana and stayed open until  1979 making it the country's longest running   White Castle at the time in 2011 the National  Park Service designated the modest white brick   structure as a historic Monument how many burger  places can boast such a claim despite its pass the   building hasn't always been a promising real  estate item it set vacant for 15 years after   acting as a real estate office and then a National  Guard recruitment office it was purchased from the   National Guard for one dollar in 2017 by Indiana  landmarks VIP prices after that Indiana landmarks   put it up for sale for seventy thousand dollars  where it remained for two years before being   acquired with a few caveats of course according  to the building's current owner part of the deal   from acquiring it from Indiana landmarks is that  the buyer must restore the outside brick back to   its original look the renovation will be handled  by a professional Brick Mason from Texas while   it's unlikely to become a White Castle restaurant  once more the owner is optimistic that he can find   a long-term tenant who recognizes the importance  of the building's history which formerly only had   room for five seats they've had more than a few  imitators everything's a copy of a copy of a copy   when it comes to a multi-million dollar company  with a lengthy history the adage imitation is the   sincerest form of flattering is especially true  over the years White Castle has had a slew of   imitators with the most of them becoming a blip  in fast food history early on White Castle was   viewed as as just another cheap food Trend but  it's little square burgers were so popular that   the business was emulated by competitors large  and small Burger King had their own variation   of the sandwich called The Burger bundle in the  1980s while KFC had its Chicken Little sliders   wild chicken littles and burger bundles are no  longer available White Castle saw the emergence   of smaller burger places with the audacity  to copy the White Castle brand and building   style you sit on a throne of Lies California now  has its own copy of White Castle in the form of   coastal Castle a slider Restaurant White Castle  didn't make that burger popular that burger made   White Castle popular according to the president of  coastal Castle in 1985 understandably White Castle   did not agree with this comment they've spent 65  years developing a reputation and they don't plan   to let anyone profit from it Coastal Castle to cut  a long tail short is no longer in existence White   Tower royal castle and White Palace are examples  of imitators that have come and gone as well   meanwhile White Castles Craver Nation continues to  grow they did a study to prove that their food was   healthy until you start serving healthy food the  midday mommies are pulling you from snack rotation   in the 1930s hamburgers were considered an awful  mixture of mysterious Meats that's still true now   but it was worse back then nutritional manuals  warned that eating hamburgers was like eating   arsenic White Castle did the only logical thing  at the time and set out to scientifically prove   that hamburgers could and should be eaten a White  Castle co-founder asked a university Professor to   demonstrate that individuals could consume the  White Castle burgers and remain healthy the test   subject was Bernard flesh a medical student at the  institution yes hi my last name is Bernard he only   ate White Castle burgers and drank water for a  whole 13-week period at first the thought of free   food looked appealing but but after a few weeks he  was sick of Sliders but he somehow persevered and   finished the 13-week regimen consuming up to 20  sliders every day according to the findings humans   could consume nothing but the sandwiches and water  and remain in perfect health the findings were   then turned into an ad campaign and did great  for sales which increased by more than three   times during that decade flesh went on to become  a doctor before passing away at the age of 54 due   to Heart difficulties his daughter notably said  that her dad never ate Burgers again out of choice   there's a rumor that the onions aren't actually  real onions layers onions have layers according   to internet rumors the onions and White Castle  burgers aren't actually onions they're actually   little cabbage segments that have been soaked in  onion juice is there a chance this allegation is   true onions are an important ingredient of the  White Castle burger recipe a White Castle slider   wouldn't be a slider without onions the burgers  are cooked atop a bed of sizzling onions which   assist the burger patties and buns to steam during  the cooking process that would be a bizarre twist   if the onions weren't real and it's a foolish one  at that cabbage cooked on a flat top grill lacks   the texture of onions and has a harsh flavor  furthermore immersing cabbage pieces in onion   juice would not make them taste like onions they  taste like onion like cabbage chunks I'm telling   you something's wrong another thing to examine  is why the corporation would want to do this in   the first place they wouldn't save money by using  onion juice it is completely illogical anyone who   believes the onions on a White Castle burger  aren't onions has clearly never visited White   Castle or even eaten onions it is a ludicrous  urban legend the chain professes they use dried   onions in their burgers as they've done since  World War II back when onions were rationed   and scarce look for dried onion chunks in the  spice section the next time you're at a grocery   store and you'll notice the exact sort of onions  White Castle uses of course they rehydrate them   first they once outsold McDonald's but dropped  the ball the Press were just wondering what it   feels like to be outsold outclassed out quaffed  and McDonald's used to display banners boasting   how many hamburgers it had sold over the years  but they stopped tracking in 1994. by 1958 it   had sold just 100 million Burgers whereas White  Castle boasted three years later that it had sold   one billion Burgers becoming the first chain to  achieve this feat the Creator did drop the ball   though by refusing to franchise White Castle  and insisted on having complete control over   all the locations I tend to play by my own rules  as competitors such as McDonald's gained footing   he dragged his heels on television ads and even  refused selling french fries he also hesitated   to recruit women or persons of color but finally  gave in meanwhile McDonald's was launching its   march to Global dominance they got involved with  some political bickering with Whataburger we got a   code green they're running low on propane at the  Whataburger in one of the stranger episodes in   the company's history White Castle joined in some  political bickering between Texas Senator Ted Cruz   2020 presidential hopeful Beto O'Rourke and Texas  Burger staple Whataburger in August 2018 Cruz's   spokeswoman referred to O'Rourke as a triple meat  Whataburger leftist who is out of touch with Texas   values at the time the politicians were both  campaigning for a U.S Senate seat this brought   up some unusual trash talk as many Texans were  quick to exclaim on social media how much they   loved triple meat Whataburgers can't imagine my  life with Adam Cruz then retorted that he was a   huge lover of White Castle burgers only adding  to the general confusion if it weren't for the   fact that White Castle doesn't even have a single  location in Texas the remark wouldn't have seemed   so strange many people poked fun at the bizarre  political situation and one filmmaker even   created a short commercial featuring a character  from his film Bernie who was as perplexed by the   remark as the rest of the state maybe one  day White Castle will open a location in   Texas where Cruz and O'Rourke can settle their  differences over a case of Sliders thanks for   watching right to the end you're the best and the  best deserves more so check out more great videos
Channel: BabbleTop
Views: 112,669
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Keywords: 10 secrets white castle doesn't want you to know, white castle secrets, things you didnt know about white castle, untold truths of white castle, white castle fast food, white castle, fast food, white castle sliders, white castle burgers, white castle truth, white castle facts, white castle history, white castle origin, white castle slider, white castle secret methods, white castle first hamburger, white castle fact, white castle hidden facts, babbletop, babble top, top 10
Id: k2mSJbEiaX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 17 2022
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