10 Secrets for Perfect O2 Bung Welds

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TIG welding Oh to censor bungs is actually relatively tricky if you don't have everything just right you're effectively welding a thick piece of metal - a thin piece of metal and that thick piece of metal isn't very big so it gets heated up relatively quickly not to mention both of these are cylindrical in shape which means your tortes position is changing as you go along it's pretty tricky but I've got a list of 10 secrets that we've been keeping for a long time that will help you make much much better Oh to censor bungs welds starting with number one and that is using the right bung now if you look carefully you'll notice that there's a bunch of different bugs that are available for you to purchase or to install the first kind you're going to see is the stepped bung now this is actually relatively common but I try to avoid it at all costs there's a couple of reasons why if you get the whole diameter just right and it slips in and it fits right where it needs to you're still going to be left with a gap now that all depends on the diameter of the tubing that you're using so if you're using a large diameter like 3-inch for example here yeah you're not going to see much of a gap there but that gap will slow you down when you're welding because you're gonna have to either fill it in or work around that which means you're basically welding to different diameters and the metal can get a little funky that way if you're using a smaller diameter tube like this inch and 3/4 here you see that the gap is just monstrous t'k this is huge the smaller step that's been machined into the bung doesn't even go all the way through so you're gonna be faced with a lot of problems and a big giant gap when it comes to welding it that's gonna heat up the part tremendously and it's gonna look like crap the second style you're gonna find is the round or straight o to bung I generally don't use these at all because one if you cut the diameter to the same size of the bung it's hard to hold in place while you're getting a tack weld and it also affects the position of the o2 sensor itself if your o2 sensor is positioned incorrectly it may read incorrectly and that's not a good thing if you choose to just cut a hole and stick it on top you see that there's a big giant gap that you got to deal with big gaps cause slow time slow time causes more heat more heat is what effectively destroys your work the third type that's available is the radiused type this is the style that I shoot for every single time I do not use anything else however I will note that these are in different sizes or different radii so they're actually machined or radius to fit a certain diameter tubing if you use the wrong size for example you're going to find that you're gonna have a big old gap to deal with so if you're going to use a radius style make sure it's the right size the second thing is cutting the right size hole it sounds kind of silly right but bear with me here take a look at this first hole that I cut here this is a three quarter inch or nineteen millimeter now if you look very carefully pretty much all you can see is the threads themselves this allows the tube to maintain the most surface area which means it's less likely to blow out when you get too close to that edge now what do I mean by that we'll take a look at this one that i cut here it's about seven eighths to an inch somewhere in that range it's pretty big you see how there's a lot more area of the bung exposed well that means that there's a lot less tube to weld it to and those sections are going to get really really hot and they're gonna want to blow through so having the correct sized hole perfectly set at 3/4 or nineteen millimeter is exactly what you need number three on the list of Secrets seems pretty straightforward clean your part a little bit of acetone on a rag wipe it down on the outside wipe it down on the inside if you can especially if you are cleaning an existing piece that has like you know exhaust sort junk carbon deposit anything else on the inside of there if you can access it clean it you need to clean that otherwise it could get sucked up into your weld and contaminate it don't forget to clean the bung as well the last tone little rag wipe it down good to go now notice I have a bolt in here that's secret number four using a bolt with a correct sized bolt for the bung in this case an 18 millimeter it will help you do a lot of things first and foremost it will help you locate your hole once you slip this through there it's nearly impossible to screw up because it's automatically located even if the threads touch the side of the tube just by a little bit it's not going to interfere with the installation of an o2 sensor because if the bolt fits the sensor will fit screwing up the location of an o2 sensor is a pretty rookie move you don't want to do that I've seen it happen before people are never happy that you've got to cut it off damage they're stainless grind it down whatever the case is it doesn't look the same even though nobody's going to see it so make sure you put the bolt through and help it line up the second thing that it's going to do is act as a heat sink there's a lot of heat going into this part so the more you can take away from it the better off it is the bolt is a fantastic heat sink for it and they're cheap so there's no reason not to have one the third thing that's going to do it's gonna lead us right into the next thing on the list number five if you're using stainless purge it always always purge your stainless the bolt will act as a block off for that bung as well as serving all of the other functions it's a win-win so now we're ready to start welding and that leads us right into secret number six which is use smaller diameter wire when welding now most people would use like 1/16 inch or something around that range but we're gonna run this in a little bit less amps which means if we pop that much filler in there it's gonna kind of build up cool off and get kind of clumpy which makes you move a little bit slower it doesn't flow it doesn't have the fluidity that we want it to have so I usually use oh four five diameter wire some people even prefer to go all the way down to oh three five both of those are available at weld metals online.com and if you use the code TFS ten at checkout you'll save on your order I also use the stainless steel consumables kit from weld metals online the kit includes everything you need in order to weld stainless steel CKD gas lens asik a wedge collet seek a laser tungsten and a Furyk bbws g19 this is all you need to weld stainless titanium and all the rest of that good stuff it's available in the regular nine twenty series as well as the stubby version for seventeen eighteen and twenty six torches that's deal you're gonna get so now we move into the welding portion that brings us a secret number seven move quickly through your welds and keep that large cut pumping out the shielding gas you need to move fast you need to keep it tight you need to keep it going and that cup is pumping about 35 to 40 CFH it's quite a bit but you need that gas to stay on there this includes when you terminate your weld you keep the torch in place and let that post flow run it's imperative that the metal that you're welding remains shielded especially if it's stainless and also coincides with number eight keep the arc tight and the amps correct I usually run this about 75 to 80 amps it really depends on what your style is what you like and everything else like that but you definitely don't want to be too low on your amps or too high on your amps either one of those is going to cook your part and you definitely don't want to do that but keeping that archetype and the amps correct allows you to move quickly through your part now since we're basically welding a thick part - a thin part and that thick part has a heat sink in it thanks to the bolt secret number nine on this list is to focus the arc on the bung more than on the tube if you look carefully in the shot it's a slight amount it's not extreme or anything like that but the actual arc itself is biased or pointed more at the bung than it is on the tube number ten on this list of secrets my biggest kept secret count your dabs and stick to that number counting your dabs does a couple of things for you first and foremost it allows you to maintain the best uniformity if you have the same amount going all the way around it looks a lot cleaner but that's not the only reason that I use it I count by gabs because it tells me how far I can go before I should stop and reposition now of course if I get uncomfortable or anything else like that in between I will stop I will reposition but having that small number in that small target goal for each weld really allows me to concentrate and it does for a lot of other people as well so count your dabs and stick to it my number on this one 15 as soon as I hit fifteen dabs no matter what I stop I allow my post flow to run then I reposition then I get back in it so there you have it 11 of the best kept secrets I have for welding Oh to censor bungs follow it to a tee and you'll only go up from here you
Channel: The Fabrication Series
Views: 826,945
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Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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