10 Reasons YOU Should Move To Costa Rica!

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hey everyone welcome back to another video this is going to be a helpful video for you my name is chris my name's shayna and we are the defranes so many of our previous videos that some of you have probably already seen we've talked about the reasons why we personally chose to call costa rica home why we specifically chose samurai costa rica to set up our life and also the most recent one that we did was why we felt that you should visit costa rica so this video is why we think that you should move to costa rica so we put a top 10 list together and these reasons [Music] [Applause] [Music] so number one is the peaceful laid-back lifestyle here in costa rica whether you're a tourist that's spending some time here uh an expat that's lived here for quite a while and plans on staying or a local person that's born and raised in this area is just very very relaxed and tranquilo easy going and anybody that you meet here um i feel like we're all very like-minded we're all looking for the same type of lifestyle we all want that change we want to get away from the rat race and the craziness so it's very easy to meet other people that are thinking the same thing and are looking for that same type of thing so you can uh meet lots of friends and and uh definitely find things to do with other people that are in similar situations it's enjoyable to hang out with number two would be the fact that it is a peaceful country costa rica hasn't had an army for quite a few years they put their money into education and healthcare instead and yeah they call it the switzerland of central america we can walk around at night with our kids especially in samurai or beach towns and not feel threatened at all in any way we've been to san jose there's certain areas of course you want to avoid but for the most part it's a city people are very helpful so yeah definitely a peaceful country number three there's definitely a lot of choice for international schools for expat children we noticed before we came down here i mean we didn't do a ton of research as you know from other videos but one of the main things that we did look into was all the different areas and what international schools that were accredited were available for our children to go to and there's there's a lot almost every area main area or even some of the smaller areas do have a lot of options for that so you don't have to worry as far as education goes number four would be the ease of getting residency it has to be one of the easiest countries actually there's a few ways we've done a video i'll put the link above if you want to go watch that video uh you can be an investor you could be a retiree with a pension you could work online and show proof of income so there's a few different ways you can get your residency here and once you've had your residency for a little while you can actually apply for your citizenship and then you can vote and things like that so yeah that's one of the great things about costa rica and number five the just the general beauty of the country it's just it's so diverse with beaches waterfalls volcanoes so many animals everything's just pristine sometimes it doesn't even feel real yeah it's almost like you wake up in a dream like even look behind us right now we're just in the the kanger hall end of the beach closest to see casa and like we're just under like awesome palm trees and the beaches right there never gets old no it's definitely worth waking up to every morning but it's nice too because um in a country like this of course uh you can do things outside all year round yeah um you know even if it's a little bit rainy and stuff like that it's just nice to have that option to not you know live somewhere where it's winter and you're cooped up in the house because it's too cold too snowy too icy and here you can just enjoy it all year yeah you can figure out things to do all year different adventures and outdoor stuff and lots of vitamin d yes number six is you can actually own your land outright or your house or whatever it is you're buying here it's not like some countries like in thailand where you have to go in 50 with one of the nationals it's you come down you own it outright if you keep it forever you can pass it on to your kids things like that so it's it's a good country to invest in because you actually get to own it and you get to keep that investment i was reading something actually uh in the top three countries in the entire world to invest in so yeah that kind of helps uh people make decisions and right now with the whole global pandemic thing uh there's like everyone wants to come down here and buy property so like a lot of the property in this area is buying up so definitely do it sooner than later if you're going to this is the time yes and for number seven we have the awesome health care system here whether it's a local clinic or a private clinic just the way that the doctors and nurses and even pharmacists treat you here you're not just a number like we're used to that yeah back in bc i mean the doctor we had was great uh but it was just rushed in and out you could only ask two questions here it's different they will spend as much time with you as they need you're not you're not feeling like you're pressured or anything like that and very reasonable as well especially if you have residency you become part of the universal health care here which is called the kaha so you just pay a small monthly fee into that and you're going to have a lot of coverage that way but when we do have to pay out of pocket sometimes it's pretty reasonable so it's not too bad and to add to that too is dental actually people actually come to costa rica vacation yeah because it's cheaper to come here and stay for two weeks get your dental work done than it is to have the dental work done in the state so people will actually make a vacation come here and it's like probably the best in the world from what we've heard so yeah dental health care for sure if your mouth ends up sore you can cure it by sitting on the beach yeah with uh daiquiris something cold so number eight has to be there's more influence on healthy living down here whether it's the renewable resources they use for electricity things like that the fact that most of the foods are like fresh vegetables fresh fruit uh the meat they don't pump it full of hormones the cows are actually skinny here and then there's more access to that yeah more access to just a healthier diet and healthier lifestyle even with exercise things like that we live in the blue zone which we've talked about before which is the fact that the water is really good here a lot of mineral content in it uh the sun sets and rises around the same time all year round you get a lot of sun so um yeah just all those those things factor into a healthy lifestyle fresh clean air as well you really notice a difference in the air quality here that i mean of course there's cars and motorbikes and stuff like that but you can definitely tell there's it's pressure number nine is just how welcome the costa rican people make you feel they're just always smiling they're always friendly they make you feel like you're part of their family to be honest they're always willing to help no matter what the situation is it can be something big or something small and that's not just for the other locals they are always wanting to help the uh the tourists and the foreigners that are here they need the expats that live here as well so it's just that comfortable you know comfortable feel and yeah and that's the thing too is like for us to come in as expats white skin blonde hair blue eyes like our kids they don't like segregate you they don't separate you they actually welcome you into the community and things like that and they want to like learn where you're from learn about your family you want to be your friend most of the time yeah so that's uh it makes the transition that much easier and the final one number 10 again this isn't in any order like we said uh the fact that you can come here and get a three-month tourist visa or 90-day tourist visa um it's good because if you're not like us where we just sold everything and came down and wanted to make the move and you're just kind of feeling it out you can come down here and you can stay for a year and it's easy for you to go and renew that visa especially if you're from canada europe or the u.s you can just go across the border and come back and get that views again and try it out before you come down and move which a lot of people do because some people get down here and they find that there's things that they don't like like you have to wait in the bank line for longer or the internet goes out every once in a while so there's things that people don't like but being able to come down here and try it out and be able to get that visa a lot easier than most countries like thailand's like i think it's two weeks if you do a land border now it used to be a month and then um other countries are like a month or two month where this is three months so it's it's that much better and honestly you guys one of the most important things is your mindset there are so many people that come down here and they think that everything's going to be the way it is in north america you're in a different country this is not your country it's costa rica same as any other country you go to you need to be willing to adapt to changes you need to be able to accept the way they do things down here and not come down and try to change things that's not going to work for you anyways um but this is a very livable place for sure we can say that we've been here almost four years full-time uh but yeah it's easy to live here but ultimately you just have to keep an open mind not get stressed out about little things not get frustrated or mad when something takes a little bit longer or it might not be what you're used to or someone doesn't speak english it's a spanish country yeah it's it's it's our responsibility to learn the language it's not their responsibility to learn ours but um you know things don't go your way or don't go at your pace or whatever just make it work it'll work we promise you they're not doing it intentionally to make your day terrible it's just the way that they are every country is different yeah exactly i mean i've been to thailand and you've been to mexico canada in the united states yeah it's different yeah exactly so yeah it's just very important that's that's the only thing we can say that some people i think know how no matter how livable it is here some people have a really hard time with that and then they end up leaving and it's too bad it's sad because there's really no reason to you just need to be okay with things and know that it's more worth it to be in a place like this for sure if you can yes all right so we also want to add to uh with this video i know we've said it a couple times in the last couple of videos about our consultation service that we offer if you guys have any questions that aren't answered in our videos or you don't have the time to watch all of our videos and get those uh answers and you have a list you can help so yeah we actually did uh a few this week so we have done almost 20 consultations that have been super helpful for people so so yeah if you are interested in that just send us an email at casasamra gmail.com and we'll answer you back on there and we can set up a time it's not a very large fee we do charge a little bit just for our time uh we do an hour at a time if you're actually in the country i would do a little bit differently but uh yeah you can reach out to us on the email for that yeah so if you guys liked the video uh please leave a thumbs up if you haven't yet hit the subscribe button hit the little bell icon to get notified when we come with new videos and we'll see you in the next one ciao [Music] you
Channel: The Dufresnes
Views: 23,842
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Keywords: costa rica, pura vida, moving to costa rica, how to move to costa rica, central america, food of costa rica, travel, adventure, traveling family, travel with kids, roam the planet, travel vlogs, travel vlog, Guanacaste, Samara, Shipping containers, shipping container home, tiny home, sea casa samara, sea casa, living in costa rica, how to live in costa rica, how to move to costa rica from canada and united states, how to travel costa rica, how to visit costa rica
Id: subNRCfpwKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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