10 Reasons We Bought a Casita Trailer #Casita#Casitatrailer#camping#campinglife#trailer#casitareview

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he [Music] good morning happy Saturday we have John in the car with us today and we are actually going to do something we haven't done before we were contacted by um a couple who live in our area probably about 45 minutes away um they emailed John and said hey Cita has given us um your email address would you mind if we come and see your Cita uh we're looking at buying one and so we're like sure so we are going to be showing our Cita today and me and John have kind of been talking because this couple currently owns a Bigfoot and uh looking to downsize for various reasons which um you know maybe we'll find out a little bit more about today but um yeah we thought this would be a really good opportunity to take a minute and sit down with you guys and tell you why we decided to buy the Ceda so yeah we're really excited about this video and just really glad you're here see you in just a bit hey everyone it's John and Carrie here and we are in our Cita trailer and you may be saying why are you in your cedo trailer and your bed's looking like it is and the trailer doesn't look very set up to camp well cuz we're at the storage yard we're not camping we actually just met a very lovely couple um who is thinking about buying a Cita and wanted to come and view our trailer um just to see if it would work for them and we had we ended up having a great conversation um they really enjoyed the trailer not sure if they're going to be buying one but um yeah it was really a fun experience that was our first time doing it um you know we are new to The Trailer World this is our first this is our first trailer and so we gave them the knowledge that you know what we know yeah and it was uh this is one of those things I think is really neat that Cita does do is that uh there's a community and if you reach out to Cita I don't know how long it takes but at some point they'll uh get back to you with you know maybe a name of uh some people that have a a trailer in that area so you're able to go check out a trailer yeah which I don't even remember us doing but uh John's like oh I must have marked whatever the Box saying that we would show it but it was actually an experience that I would totally do again I thought it was a lot of fun and you know just really thinking about this space and sharing that with somebody else so we thought it would be super cool to sit down and do a video of why we bought a Cita and um so I think we want to give you like our top 10 reasons why we bought a Cita and they probably won't be in any particular order because we really haven't even talked um about why um like what these reasons are before this video so like we're going to be finding out from each other also I think U maybe we'll each do five like you do one I'll do one or something like that if you want to yeah yeah so um if this is something you're interested in or you're looking for you know a fiberglass trailer you might this might be a great video for you to listen to and watch um when we were first uh looking in the market to buy a trailer we watched a ton of videos um and really you know looked at other people's experiences and since I've started this channel I've actually had a couple of people reach out to me they're like this is so cool you know I have a cassita on order or um we just got our new Cita and it's something that we're you know Camp going to start camping in this summer or whatever um we are not experts I'll tell you that right now uh we definitely are still learning but yeah we'll give you our top five reasons of why we bought a Cita I'd say we're not even novices yet we're not even good enough to be novices yet um okay I'll start um the number one reason we bought a Cita is it's a fiberglass trailer I have some friends that had just a normal trailer I don't know what brand it was not a fiber blast trailer they were driving down the highway and their floor fell out of their trailer um it I I just feel better about being in a fiberglass trailer we live in a very rainy State um and so that was huge for me that we had a trailer that could we could camp in the rain camp in the snow if we had to um and not have to wor about the aspect of like leaking mold things like that not that I'm saying mold can't happen in this trailer cuz it can and it it I'm sure it's happened in other people's Casitas but um it's something I don't worry as much about by having a fiberglass a lot less leak points and then also it's fiberglass so it's not wood or something like that that's going to get damaged there's a wood floor but but it's a fully sealed uh fiberglass trailer so the wood floor is on the inside so it's not like anything's going to fall out um if if you got water damage inside you could replace the floor and you still have the same shell so yeah I think it's great uh me number two well number two again not in any specific order although I would say fiberglass was the number one thing uh that was one of our parameters uh we looked at I'd say value we looked at a lot of different um fiberglass companies some of them were just quite frankly out of our price range uh some of them you know weren't it wasn't like this wasn't the only one but uh we felt that for the size uh you know that we were getting and the cost this was just a great value to us uh we looked at scamps scamps aren't um uh sealed on the bottom so like the bottom is just a regular floor and their shell is built over that or obviously it was molded then put over that floor um but we we really kind of came down to I think Escape uh Scamp or Cita and Cita won out just I think because it was or one of the big reasons was it was just a really good value one of the things we wanted to do is hey can we limit or or not have a payment uh cased do allowed us to do that um you know and again it was just a great size we wanted something you know that fiberglass fit our budget and and all those things so the value was there right um my number two uh reason or I guess number three number reason um is the size um it's a 17t trailer um and that is a 17t from Hitch to yeah from the very front to the H the hitch to the bumper right me and John like to camp at state parks and um there's limitations on sizes um we were in San Diego a couple summers ago visiting our daughter who was in the Navy at that time and we were just at a KOA Park and we had a van and I don't know if the KOA Parks have like limitations of how big a rig you can have we were taking a walk and we saw this huge motor home pull in this thing was beautiful I mean showroom worthy just gorgeous motor home do you remember this thing how big do you think that was I don't know would have no it was big but it was like the size of a bus now listen if you're traveling 100% on the road I think that's awesome Comfort I mean it's a house on Wheels truly but that's not what we wanted we want to be able to go to state parks that have those size limitations um or BLM land or BLM land um that you know some of the roads are not very big to get down and um so the side for me we wanted a smaller trailer is there times I get in here and I'm like oh my gosh I wish we had more room yes but overall in looking at the big picture this size Works um for us we do not camp with kids our kids are older uh they're grown um so it's normally just the two of us and honestly this space for two people is fine it's perfect so that would be number three yeah number four is going to be the same um I I think the the size but just to kind of piggyback off that a little bit uh sometimes I I'm in here and I have to remind myself this is for us mostly a tent replacement but it's a tent replacement that we have a refrigerator and a freezer a stove a sink um a really comfortable bed uh heater you know air conditioner I mean it's very nice um for the size and you know we were looking at um teardrops at one point as well and Teardrops are amazing I have nothing against teardrops but for us when we looked at like this is from a length perspective almost the same as some of the teardrops that are out there but the kitchen's inside we can stand up um we have a little bit more room we'll actually sometimes put a table right here between us and um have our coffee or play cards or something and and just the ability to do all that um you know when when we feel cramped inside like Carrie talked about uh at times I have to remind myself hey this is a tent replacement and it's a pretty cool tent rep we shouldn't be like hanging out inside we need to like get out in nature that's what which yeah which is one of the reasons we wanted something small we you know so you know our time isn't spent here it's spent outside right yeah I'm on number six four five you did one three five I did two and four so I'm a number five lucky number five five's alive five's feeling alive okay number five coming from a van camping in a van if me and John wanted to go anywhere we would have to take everything with us in the van cuz that's where you're camping too it's your driving vehicle you're camping in your van van life is great it is an it is an adventure we loved it um but if you're like Hey we're out of coffee let's go grab a cup of coffee or we want to go have breakfast out um you'd have to pack everything away in the van and it's like that just felt like um at least take down your Camp yeah yeah it's a lot of work and you don't necessarily want to do that especially if you spent time setting it up just the right way so everything's comfortable um by having a trailer we can literally drop it lock it and go that should be a t-shirt drop it lock it and go that might be my new motto let's all say it together drop it lock it and go um so we like the fact that we can unhook from the truck drop it lock it and go um and just have a car and not you know when we were camping with our really good friends Mike and Audra um he would always have to like drive because our van was only two-seater so it's nice just to leave camp at Camp and then be able to take that you know car or truck whatever you have and you know go yeah if you want to drive to a trail head or into town or whatever yeah you're not taking your whole campsite again nothing against van life I think van life is great it's just it's not where we were at anymore it's not we had our van for three years yeah it's just not what we wanted anymore um we wanted something a little bit more booy yeah I mean I think we wanted to try something else because um you know quite frankly if we had all the space and all the money we probably would have kept the van and bought the trailer totally actually I would love I mean I would love to be able to have like a sprinter van like just an now our we had a Ford Transit and it was an all-wheel drive um and people would see it and they're like oh my gosh dude that is so cool you have an all wheel drive van um because they're not very common in the Fords I guess I guess um but a sprinter yeah I would love a sprinter van but I don't know anyway it it yeah I did like van life I I planning so far I like trailer life also so we'll see um you know how that goes but uh yeah I would say so now I'm on number six um I I've never really had a trailer never done this trailering thing um and you know one of the things that we wanted was something that we could see around we could you know tow fairly easily put it anywhere I I know this is kind of almost going back to the side thing again but it wasn't just about the size it was the weight the like all the different things um how heavy is this trailer when you tow it what's it weight I want to say the gross vehicle weight on this trailer is under 5,000 lbs I mean it's probably like 4,000 or maybe 30 I don't know um you know it's it's pretty light um and that's the gross vehicle weight it's actually it drive weights even lighter right so it's it's light enough Carrie has a Subaru Outback we're probably like pushing the limit of what the Outback do but it's light enough that you know we could actually pull it from here to our house which is only a couple miles away with the Outback if we wanted to um I have a F-150 that's overkill for it um but it makes it just this thing so easy to tellw yeah it makes it really easy and safe or I feel safe um you know and so yeah I think it's you know it feels manageable it totally it's not overwhelming yeah yeah so I think number seven for me is uh it was a customer service with Cita um they actually responded to us there was another company um I won't mention names but there was another company that we were looking at going with first and um that was a fiberglass trailer um and they never responded and we reached John reached out to them several times and their customer service never responded it's like yeah in fact it was uh the last time I reached out to them um was the tell them hey you know just to give you guys some feedback I I can't get a hold of anybody and so we're going with Cito this is you know why you know we're not even giving you a chance at this point and uh you know after we put in our order with the Cito and put our deposit down and all that kind of fun stuff um about a week later all of a sudden I got a a email um from uh this other manufacturer and then they wanted to call and talk and and get feedback and so I was I was happy to do that because honestly I want everybody to do good I want all these companies to to do good and get better and so I was I was willing to give them that feedback and I wasn't mad because we no we you know put our deposit on a casin I was happy about it and it was a company we had been looking at for you know a long time and kind of like drooling over um and it still do sometimes yeah still do and it was just it was kind of disheartening that they didn't didn't respond um Cita responded very quick um anytime there was an email um forms were emailed to us very quickly it was very easy to get our deposit in you know phone calls emails like anything pay the trailer and John and I our plan was to go to Texas and pick up the trailer um and it was in November and we just could November of 2023 and we just couldn't swing it with work and so we actually ended up having it delivered and I feel so bad I cannot remember the delivery guy's name because he was so awesome um and got it here and like within two days yeah it was really quick like it was so quick and um and it was really I I will give Cita a ton of credit because I think when we first talked to them we said we were going to have it delivered then we said we were going to have it picked up then we said we were going to have it delivered then we said we were going to have it picked up and then at the end we said we're going to have it delivered and um I that would have frustrated me quite a bit if I was uh working with somebody you know flip-flopping on that so much uh but they were fantastic he was always like oh yeah no problem no problem we'll change it we got to change on the paperwork you'll get a confirmation email um and yeah it was it was awesome it so the customer service was great um and that was that's my number seven cool number eight this is probably the same on most trailers uh you know so this isn't maybe strictly a cassita thing but um you know I loved the fact that we had the ability to have the propane the electric or the DC power I think that's a an exciting thing to me on our band we were strictly uh we had a house battery that was solar powered and when we drove it would charge up the battery also but that was we had the blue Eddie and it was great and I got to tell you if you're looking for solar power I am not sponsored by them however if somehow this video gets to them and they ever want to sponsor me I would be so down with it even though I don't really need a battery um I highly recommend like highly recommend blueti but um with this with the with the DC with the AC uh with the the propane um you know we can run our air conditioner right which we couldn't do in the van really we just didn't have enough power for that um we don't have to worry about like just like so like I I don't in the van I always felt like um we got to conserve power which is a good thing we probably should be conserving power but I always felt we have to conserve power and I haven't had those um misgivings on our camping trips lately with this um and and so one of those things was just the ability to plug in Easy uh to be able to switch it over to DC power for the battery easy our fridge we can run off propane and it's very um low consumption of of uh propane and you know DC obviously to run the control um we have a propane heater and we have a electric heater um just all those options I think are are extremely nice yeah I agree um number nine for me is okay so we bought the Cita Independence this is an independence model and I've explained this in an earlier video um that this is set up for two twin beds and then you have like this walkthrough space we found that we didn't like it but we weren't stuck so what I give credit to Cita for is even though this model was specifically designed to be one way the configuration we have made work so this trailer still works for us very flexible yeah very flexible with its space this is a I if I could find this guy on YouTube I will link his video but I I I'm going to have to do some research cuz I cannot remember for the life of me his name but he him and his wife had an independence and found that they didn't like the configuration either so they got a fullsize bed and made the bed configure the way that they wanted to which me and John are just so much happier this way um so if you find that you buy a cassed and you're like man this model just isn't working for me really think about it because there is possible ways to do different configurations you just have to get creative with it um and we did lose some space but as you can see me and John are sitting here across from each other right below me we can put up a very small table and have like coffee if we want so the configuration still works for us so that is my number nine yeah and I'd say um we knew about the fact that it was flexible and we could put a full- sizee bed here um if we wanted to we could do a queen but we would lose our seating space but but we knew about it before we bought the trailer so we knew this was an option um we actually had a friend that told us that we should do it this way first before we tried the twin bed way we tried the twin bedway anyway so so we bought two mattresses but uh um but yeah so so just looking at that beforehand and and seeing that flexibility was um a good one for us for sure so you're lucky you got number 10 oh lucky number 10 uh storage I would say storage we have not figured out how to use the storage but we have so much storage there's storage under the sink there's storage under the stove there's a a fairly good siiz closet there's storage all up around here there's storage under the bed yeah um in our van um you know we had very limited storage and uh a lot of times we'd have stuff in what I would call the living area of the van um and we'd have to move all that outside to be able to use the van um you know effectively a lot of times if we were going at least if we were going for any length of time where we had a lot of stuff to carry so uh the storage is very storage is great yeah the storage is awesome and we opted we have like a big Pantry area cuz we opted not to have a microwave so if you do if you're looking at the Cita and you're trying to determine if you want a microwave if you're not going to use that microwave get it out because that gives you like a just a blank hole of space that you can truly use as your pantries it sits like right over your fridge um so those are our 10 reasons why we bought a Cita and I'm sure there's many more um what about things you don't like about the Cita things I don't like about the Cita the bathroom um the bathroom I get is not supposed to be a festar bathroom you know go in there take a luxury shower it is a dry wet it's a wet bath I totally understand that concept I get it if it was up to me and John disagrees with me on this I would have bought a tra trailer without a bathroom um the we I'm going to be very honest here we do not poop in our trailer I know that is a Hot Topic um let me know if you poop in yours but we don't poop in our trailer we do use a black tank to pee number one and um that has not been an issue but the way that this bathroom that cassita now has done their bathroom they haven't made it very easy because they've added a molded like a a molded floor storage unit storage unit with a sink on top which the sink is you know this big and we don't use we brush our teeth here in the kitchen area or we brush our teeth outside I don't utilize that sink to wash my hands I wash my hands here um so I don't like the bathroom that that would be my number one one thing I don't like about it is the bathroom but I think in any small trailer you're not going to have a great bathroom yeah no I and I I don't mind the bathroom I think it's fine it's it is a little small and cramped but um one it's good for resale value I think two it's uh I mean again this is a tent replacement and you can actually wake up and in this space go to the bathroom like that's pretty pretty amazing so yeah um yeah and I would say my biggest dislike at this point my only real dislike at this point it's it's maybe not a dislike um for the trailer specifically it's just trailers in general when we had the van so we're in an HOA we can't park our trailer um in our um driveway so it's at a storage lot um you know so so it's a little bit inconvenient to go get it but also you know you have to hook it up you have to you know um it it's a little bit less convenient than the van the van was we could park in the driveway we could park in the driveway but also you know on a Saturday early afternoon we could say hey why don't we go up to the Coast Range and go spend the night and we could just go do it we just go hop in the van and and just do it on that spur the moment and you don't have to worry about looking for spaces right because you can go on a service road or for a service road or you could go kind of anywhere you're not worried about backing up backing in a trailer getting stuck somewhere because um again I don't you know maybe if I'm a great trailer driver I could back down a a road that didn't have a turnaround but um now now just thinking about those things and worrying about those things just makes it a little bit less convenient I think you have to put a lot more thought into the trailer I can't I can't figure it out yet I'm still trying to like figure out the storage space in here the storage is great it's ample we have a lot of storage but like I know people who are in their trailer and they're like oh yeah we leave our clothes in the the trailer you know so and then we leave like these shoes and I'm like do we just buy two of everything I don't know it's just like I can't figure it out yet I feel like it's a project anytime we go camping to get the trailer ready get it packed you know and then you kind of get to Camp here like oh my gosh I'm so tired but um yeah uh so yeah I agree with John on that it's not as easy just to jump in as it was the van here was my misconception on a fiberglass trailer I when we bought the fiberglass I had I was under the impression that it was going to be this incredibly insulated trailer Four Season camper you know camping in the coldest conditions as you can see I have my coat here because uh we're sitting in the storage yard because we just got done showing our trailer to this couple it is it is well it's saying it's 55 degrees in here it feels colder I thought thought it would be warmer but it's it's not but we have I so I I will say we camped in pretty cold uh conditions when we at Deception Pass and um you know you turn on the heater and it keeps it at a fine temperature whatever temperature you want um you know the floor is though I would say cold no matter what if it's like that outside um you know and it's not I know that there's some other brands I'll say Bigfoot Oliver where I think they have like a double whole construction so so like they really truly are made maybe to be a a four season trailer um we knew buying this one it was just that single yeah you know whole construction so and John's right when the heater's on this this baby is warm it is so cozy in here he's right the floor is always cold regardless um but I don't know why I was just under the impression that this was always it was going to be warmer so I have a Hot Topic question that I would like you to respond to I heard somebody say the other day um that there is no such thing as a four season trailer and even though trailers do Market hey I'm a four season trailer um what are your thoughts do you feel that there is such a thing as a four season trailer if you have a four season trailer um what do you think do you really do they keep you warmer um because a lot of the Four Season trailers I was watching they don't they have like that shell but there's not more insulation than like the Cita has so so tell me your thoughts what do you think do you believe in a for season trailer do they exist is it a unicorn in the trailer World um is it real because without the heater it it's pretty chilly in here so that was my misconception um with the Cita was that it was going to be warmer for for some reason without the heat because it was fiberglass silly right I don't really have any other dislikes um I I don't I honestly don't I would recommend this company to anybody um the customer service is great they're always willing to answer your questions and it's fun it it's just it's fun we have such a cool summer lined up we're going on a camping trip next weekend which you will be there with me um and I'll give that location when you know we're there and doing uh that trip so yeah we're stoked we are just really happy to be in this Cita um Miss Holly Fairmont and we're doing a cedo rally the end of this month or not a cedo rally it's a fiberglass rally the end of this month and I really wanted to put my own like our own personal touch on the trailer so didn't look it just looks very standard and very sterile um I actually want to paint the cupboards they're just that standard gray I don't know what to do so if you guys have any suggestions help me out because I really want to put a stamp on it but I just am not sure what to do um yeah so yep guys I really hope you enjoy this video we're not going to hold you here any longer and um if you have any questions let us know we are happy to help answer any questions you might have about this particular trailer um yeah if there's even any suggestions of what you want to see what you want to look at I mean yeah unfortunately me and John cannot Camp every weekend I wish we could we have so much camping coming up though this summer um what kind of videos do you want to see in between trips what what are you interested in what do you want to see from us keep it clean folks keep it clean all right well um we're going to end this video here and um thank you so much for watching if you like this kind of content and want to see camping stuff in the future including the ca um subscribe it always helps if you like my channel ding ding and if you share it if not that's okay too but um this is really fun and uh we're growing so it's exciting it's very exciting so all right guys have a great weekend great week whatever time of year it is for you um and we will see you on the next video peace bye 3 two 1 my gosh are youing well I'm fat that's what I'm doing two one three two one hey everyone we are coming at you from our trailer and I'm going to start over because I don't need to be screaming so I have the mic on and I don't want to say I'm coming at you from our trailer [Music] three [Music] m
Channel: It’s a Kariful Life
Views: 10,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Casita, camp, campiing, casita trailer, casitareview, review
Id: IzrnnL16LGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 6sec (2046 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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