10 Reasons the Megalodon Shark May Still Exist

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does the monstrous Megalodon still hunt the oceans of the world here are 10 reasons the Megalodon shark may still exist number 10 the Google Earth picture proof a picture taken on Google Earth in November 2017 may provide definitive proof that the ancient Megalodon still exists the picture shows a massive shark like shadow in the water of a creature that looks to be about 70 feet and seeing as the Megalodon was believed to be 60 feet or longer experts at the University of Columbia have suggested that this picture may be of a Megalodon the giant creature was caught on camera in the Persian Gulf in the Indian Ocean the picture has since gone viral as many Megalodon believers believe that the picture could not be of anything other than a Megalodon number 9 the Beast of Brazil on November 20th 2012 the Brazilian Coast Guard caught some strange footage of a massive shark lurking in the waters off the coast of Brazil a swimmer was in the water when a very large shark like creature swam right by the swimmer the creature can be seen in the upper right hand corner of the video the creature is easily 60 feet long as it quickly swims by in fact the creature wasn't even seen until technicians were reviewing the video later the video went viral and the creature was given the name the Beast of Brazil but what is this oversized swimming creature well given its size some shark experts believe that it was in fact a Megalodon number 8 the baby Megalodon a very large shark was spotted in January 2016 off the coast of Australia the shark was spotted by a helicopter that was flying above the calm waters and the shark was so big that everyone on the beach was cautioned not to go into the water when the footage hit the Internet shark experts were quick to claim that the shark in the water at 22 feet long could be a baby Megalodon megalodons once ruled the oceans and were found in almost every part of the world although they seem to prefer the warmest waters so experts suggest that should the Megalodon still exist it would be highly likely that they would like the tepid waters of Australia before we move on be sure to subscribe to daily toptenz with notifications on so you don't miss any of our videos number 7 Mariana Trench monster the Mariana Trench is the deepest part of the ocean and as such there are a lot of strange and undiscovered creatures lurking in the deaths so when a Facebook page called buzz channel posted a video of a giant shark on October 4th 2016 Megalodon enthusiasts wondered if they were seeing a Megalodon the shark in the video appears to be over 50 feet long which supports the size of a Megalodon the shark is also one mile down the trench which has led some people to believe that the Megalodon has been lurking in the Mariana Trench all along it just hasn't been discovered until now that is number 6 deep blue a huge female shark was discovered by Michael Mayer in 2016 the great white shark was discovered in Guadalupe Mexico and she was an astounding twenty-two feet she was also thought to be around 50 years old now the shark was confirmed to be a great white shark but her sheer size baffled scientists so some people have suggested that this giant great white is proof that the Megalodon may still exist great whites evolved from megalodons before the Megalodon went extinct this oversized great white may be proof that the Megalodon is still out there somewhere in the sea and that large great whites are still evolving from them this theory would account for the unprecedented size of this female great white number five the black demon of Cortez in Baja California off the coast there have been numerous reports of an oversized sea creature that bears a striking resemblance to a shark this creature has been dubbed the black demon and although there is no definitive size for this shark all who have bore witness to it claimed that it was the largest shark they have ever seen and some say it's as long as 65 feet Erik Mack a skilled black shark fisherman was terrified when he encountered the Beast he said that it rocked his boat and that its tail shot out of the water and was at least five feet long other fishermen in the area have confirmed Mac's account claiming that they too have seen the black demon furthermore a number of whales have been attacked in the area and other people have claimed that they saw huge shadows beneath the surface the black demon of Cortez has garnered so much attention that History Channel's TV show Monster quest tried to find the Beast and although they were unsuccessful people still believe that this unexplained behemoth shark is reason to believe that the Megalodon still exists number four David steed crayfish fishermen saw something so terrifying in the water that it sparked the imagination of Australian naturalist David steed the fisherman said they saw a shark so big that it surpassed the length of their boat now the men were very experienced fishermen and they were adamant that it was not a whale and given their experience the story has some credibility they saw the massive shark near Broughton Island and estimated that it was almost 100 feet long they stated the head alone was at least as long as the roof on the wharf shed at Nelson's Bay David steed wrote about this strange encounter in his book sharks and rays of the Australian seas given the colour of the shark almost pure white and the sheer size it is possible that it was a Megalodon number three the great barrier reef shark in the 1960s on the very edge of Australia's famous Great Barrier Reef a number of sailors saw something that could be reason to believe that the Megalodon is in fact alive and well the sailors saw a massive shark swim by their boat they claimed the shark was 85 feet long in fact they didn't tell anyone about the sighting at first because they knew it sounded surreal and they didn't think anyone would believe them but eventually they did tell their story years later in 1978 writer BC Cartmell made the sailors sighting famous when he wrote about it in his book let's go fossil shark tooth hunting since the publication of the book and the sailors strange account of the giant shark people have pointed to the great barrier reef shark as proof of a Megalodon number two the HMS challenger teeth the Megalodon whose scientific name is Karkar oculus Megalodon means big tooth in fact the Megalodon is known for its massive teeth so when the British ship the HMS challenger found a pair of Megalodon teeth in Tahiti in 1875 archaeologists were excited to study that the teeth were well-preserved and were confirmed to be those of a Megalodon but it wasn't until 1959 that dr. W janeski dated the teeth but when they were dated it caused massive confusion in the scientific community the teeth were dated to be between 11,000 and 24,000 years old but the Megalodon was thought to have gone extinct almost 1.5 million years ago now the teeth were dated using manganese dioxide which can sometimes be unreliable but still if the teeth are only eleven thousand years old then these teeth are one of the strongest reasons to believe that the Megalodon still exists if it existed only a short eleven thousand years ago then it's survived extinction which means it would likely still be around today number one past precedence one of the strongest arguments for the existence of the Megalodon is in the past shark researchers and marine biologists who specialized in the Megalodon believe it is entirely possible that it still exists and use other cases where ancient creatures were rediscovered to show how it could be possible for example the megamouth shark wasn't even discovered until 1976 it lives in deep unexplored waters and only comes to surface at night since this creature went all these years without being seen then is it not possible that we just haven't seen the Megalodon yet another strong example is the coelacanth up until 1938 the coelacanth was thought to have gone extinct 65 million years ago but it was rediscovered in 1938 off the coast of South Africa the coelacanth is proof that some animals are not actually extinct at all and maybe that's the case - with the Megalodon and finally the giant squid was thought to have only been a legend for years Norse mythology spoke of the Kraken which was a giant squid like creature and people took it as myth until it was actually caught on film in 2004 for years people claimed that they saw a giant squid much in the same way that people are claiming today that they have seen a giant shark so the number one reason the Megalodon shark may still exists the possibility lies in the past precedent set by the discovery and rediscovery of other creatures that didn't exist until they did check out our previous videos on the top ten abandoned real estate developments that failed and the top ten most haunted wrote on earth and remember to subscribe to daily top tens with notifications on so you don't miss any of our videos [Music]
Channel: DailyTop10s
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Keywords: Megalodon Shark, Reasons the Megalodon Shark May Still Exist, biggest sharks, biggest fish, shark facts
Id: k-awz7qm5ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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