10 Puzzles That Look Easy But Are Actually Impossible!

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we're just gonna do this with the instructions right now step 66 steps 66 oh I don't even think I'm gonna be able to follow this with the instructions I know I'm cheating right now I am a self-proclaimed idiot I already told you this this definitely seems somewhat impossible to me I don't like this one this one is not the way my brain works what's going on guys I am Matthias and this is dope or no the channel in which we try to rope and grow Tanner's nope so today we're looking at ten puzzles that look easy but are actually level 10 or just extreme ly hard what is a level 10 you ask well great question stupid a level 10 puzzle is the hardest puzzle you could possibly try to solve and to be honest with you I like you I'm stupid and therefore I'm probably not gonna be able to solve any of these because I'm stupid but what makes a level 10 puzzle a level bias I know you told me that's right before we started shooting yeah I to be honest wasn't listening yeah oh you guys what makes a level level 10 isn't that it's just like Oh super mechanically tough it's that it's impossible to like replicate your solution so if you solve it once it's really hard to memorize the solution to do it again so it's almost like a safe yeah you might be able to slip into it once you know you might like oh I got it you might be able to do I don't know you might be able to solve it once but to solve it twice is unlikely so we have a bunch of solutions lined up just in case so you guys can see them all quad el metal puzzle two and a half out of five stars that looks so simple it just looks like brain dead simple look if you just move it around or look so you just take it off and look these are what the pieces look like and here's the reaction when you first get it I haven't been that fake happy about anything in my life did you try to do this and fail no it just got a little loose you would oh my gosh this is actually oh this is hard I'm supposed to have all the elves interlocking so in there it doesn't even come apart I just have to do it like that that doesn't even make sense that sounds impossible okay I got that guy I know I can't get that guy out of the way so the idea here is I need to get the L know what I need to get the L inside there we go like that No that's not right I need to get the L curved what that doesn't even make sense they didn't build it right everybody with the hard puzzle they didn't build it it doesn't make sense who you did one so you are supposed to take them off you can take them off what is the goal of this puzzle the goal of this puzzle is to get it like that I think I know it's literally just a pattern but that's the issue is that it's hard okay I give up all right take a look at the solution what I can't even see what you're doing brother okay so that's what he's sent he's like just saying you just got to continue to rotate in random different directions until things fall out that's what I was doing yeah I mean you luckily you can't show it once oh I did yeah I did show it once so that's that's for you that's for you viewer that's wild okay so I mean I did it once that's that's it that's how you solve the puzzle if you want some hours of fun I don't know just buy this puzzle it's it's a difficult one how frustrating your after one one level nine puzzle I'm like moderate frustration definitely moderate frustration I feel like if I maybe spent like thirty minutes on this I could probably get them all out and if I spent maybe two hours on I could get them back in well you did get one so that's still my so 25% is an a in this world payment next product Aiko Sukho pseudo COO challenge brain teaser so Sudoku oh I should have brought Amanda in for this one she loves Sudoku you know since she's Asian black she's like I'm let me do my pseudo code and I'm like nerve to be fair my dad does too don't go on the toilet every morning and he has an entire book fold somehow I don't believe that Sudoku is an art it's not to be done while defecating he's not deaf this is a brilliant brain teaser with literally thousands of challenges wastin number buttons randomly then match the dots to the numbers Amanda would love this puzzle and I hate Sudoku I get it I understand it but I hate math I could do it I just don't want to add the cart hey it's a really cool-looking puzzle though to be honest with you I feel like it's a puzzle I would love you like math don't you yeah math if I if I'm not mistaken with this puzzle I think this number right here is what all these points need to add up to right so we got one two three four five six seven eight nine what I don't think it's solved right now is it really not solved that's your job brother and that is just like Sudoku puzzles like Sudoku puzzles you can only have a certain thing account to a certain amount like you can count to ten in one block but it can only count to ten in a straight line so it like it is all about so let's just let's just start with one and you got to be thoughtful here because which of the one do you want to be one what do you mean there's one now yeah but which side do you want it to be connected to because you oh I can work I can ten you're right I have to see if it conflicts with any of these right now so 5 is less than 2 less than 2 less than 2 this is a good one to have 10 on and 7 that one might be a little bit difficult to have there so let's then go to maybe 5 so let's go with maybe a 2 here nope I don't want that because it's a 7 there so maybe let's go with a 2 there and a 3 here so that gives it you know 7 more of a chance and 1 2 3 4 and then we need a 1 and a 0 so let's throw a 0 there it's also good to point out think of how many sides are always touching the 5 you always are gonna have 5 things touching it so when you get to things like 12 you're gonna want to have at least everything being a 2 so I think it's kind of like say it's not true you can have a 3 over here yeah I'd say at least everything or to them oh yeah at least yeah well watch me just screw you over 3 is at least 2 that's a 1 that's 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I just need another three so forth reason 2 1 suck it all right tough guy you got me there but now see if that broken into definitely broke this one doesn't work there so I need to find a three maybe with a zero there there we go what's the other 3 connected to X that's a tough because now you're one two or three four and that's really good just gonna ripple change everything yeah dude a man will love this whoo is 11 solvable right now solvable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 it's not 8 9 10 ah do we have a 2 with a 0 we have 2 & a 0 so we have a 2 this is the same piece what do I need a 2 right here that's fine can I can I do that yes I can so here right here I got it so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 so I needed right here that distraught that all that ruins me and so this is the point where I'm gonna let go and just say if to solve this I'll probably need to spend another 30 to 40 minutes on it and you don't want to see me do that but you get the general gist and I'm absolutely gonna say this is a dope because I feel like this would definitely be hours of fun in which you can just really just change everything you want and get it down I mean is gonna love this guess what the next product is a safe with three digit mechanical code lock but this is a light - just wanna make sure that you want to do it because it's always usually tied to always usually always usually tied to a video and this particular one is expensive puzzles this particular one is all about how much cash we can drop on some really intricate expensive cool puzzles so if you guys want to see that hit me with I don't know 125 kale Ike's and we're gonna be spending legitimately almost I think a thousand dollars on this video I'm just puzzles we'd be doing 10 puzzles some will be way over hundreds uh might be barely under like this one like 77 it's getting like a thousand dollars in puzzles so comment down below what down below think fun Gord Ian's not sounds like someone has a disease and they've named it after themselves you see my not as you can see this puzzle book I think I've seen this before this is a step-by-step solution the literary keen with a book that's how difficult it is sex colorful interlocking puzzle pieces forty page step-by-step solution book forty moves poop and a card so the challenge of this puzzle is to straight-up just take it apart that's it Hey look at the back of it did you see Joe to read that the world's most difficult take apart puzzle oh really dang it I was just joking because I thought that would be the easy part so here's the instructions we're not gonna look through that we're just gonna do it through us Moses we're gonna try oh no I see that's straight up defi what so now there's some things to move around there no I'm lost I'm already so lost oh I'm too scared I'm too scared I'm too scared this is why puzzles give me so much anxiety because I'm like I have a poor memory I do like three moves and I'm like forgot what I did you can never go back I could never go back and I have to like re figure it all out we're just gonna do this with the instructions right now Steph 6666 oh I don't even think I'm gonna be able to follow this with the instructions move the orange piece out okay move the green piece away from you I can follow this I got this Wow move the blue orange and yellow pieces left what does that mean move them with us all to the left what I can't oh you mean this blue piece what you're talking about blue orange and yellow yeah that that's what they're talking about that's a complicated move right there ah this is the definition of a level-10 puzzle like the actual movements aren't that hard but like imagine memorizing them oh jeez literally impossible [Music] purple gone-gone breathe do this without yeah okay cool dang dude how long did that take me I feel like he just woke up from a coma I took like 15 minutes wow that was 68 steps I mean like I don't know that doesn't feel like a puzzle to me that feels like a safe yeah it does I don't know what do you what do you guys think down in the comments below that that seemed a little bit extreme but you know for the Masters I'll give it a DOS stab aisle sign and stable stable no it isn't stable you're right I was like that's how you spell stable I don't think so tanner I'm sorry the classic ante slide puzzle oh we just worked on slide puzzle and now I'm gonna just want to slide things the objective is to put all the eight pieces into the tray so that no piece can move if you tilt the tray to one side I'll just buy it because it's hard Add to Cart oh this one's been taped down though get some like a this might be one - oh that still fell I hope to feel like it's in a restraining jacket okay so the object of this puzzle is to make it in a way that like keeps them all there friction based is that true I think it's so that they are all touching in a way amongst each other that they can't move if they're tilted okay so I'm absolutely not gonna figure this out let's kind of figure out what it would look like if I tried to mimic the picture the picture and then this guy goes here possibly I don't know and then this guy maybe goes here I know I'm cheating right now I am a self-proclaimed idiot I've already told you this I could see how this could be increasingly difficult okay so that's the idea oh I get it you see what I'm saying you know these things hold it all in place and when you slide it it won't slide it's an anti slide puzzle I still think it's pretty cool I think the quality of it's good and I think for the puzzle connoisseurs you might enjoy it let me know down in the comments below are you a puzzle genius and also are you a keyboard warrior because those often show up in my comments I'll say that's a dope but I feel like maybe just one solution once you solve it you know it once you solve it you just know how to solve it for the most part but it's enjoyable in the process ah Einsteins lock puzzle interesante so this is quite literally safe look at that that's kind of cool so the idea is you got to move around pieces in there maybe with the key and then slowly get them all out solve this tricky puzzle by using the key to slide the inner pieces of the lock around until it opens learn to use your physical dexterity and visual perception to slide the locked pieces around in the correct order to remove the key from the law I see so you're not to get them out you just have to move them all around so that they get out of the way of the lock developed by Professor puzzle breath guys last name is present oh no professor puzzles just the brand cool I think that's pretty cool let's see what the reviews say too easy this person said see what I mean too easy only took me two hours you know like the flexors but flexors tanaris flexing on me downstairs earlier right you see how many views do burn up is getting and I was like cool I didn't say views no you know five minutes to figure out but it's not easy unless you're familiar with these types of teasers okay genius like anyone else just annoyed by these I'm always annoyed by Thomas so comment down below if your cool packaging can you open the lock question mark Albert Einstein he's a genius okay I see you okay so how does this puzzle work uh I actually need the key yeah so the key the whole goal is to unlock the lock so that you can remove the key from the puzzle in general so you have to use the key to move the pieces interesting so I have to move this guy out of the way and this guy up I have to move all these guys out of the way somehow routinely okay so I see what I have to do I have to consistently try to get this piece up and so if I move this guy out of the way I can move it up this way and I have to move pieces back and then move them out of the way so I can continue to raise it so this definitely seems somewhat impossible to me all the meanwhile I can just cut it off with scissors and I will and I will oh I see I see my friend but how am I gonna do that I'm stuck dude those move the bottom lifting left I can't oh it's locked into that there's a notch right there I feel like I need to get this guy into here somehow but I can't move this guy left because I can't move this guy down is there really something that obvious that I'm missing how could there be something that obvious wow I guess I got a look at that I'm I need to know the solution of the puzzle now okay don't act like wait dog you can't even make that of mine doesn't do that hard enough awesome I didn't pull hard enough I'm so upset by that oh he moves the brown piece down moves that down to the middle and slides that all the way up oh I see that guy that's what I was trying to do and put that up then moves the brown piece to the left brown piece to the left oh yeah raise that move the brown piece yeah that's it that's Rize oh is that it not quite but but it's open oh yeah that's it yeah yeah that's it that's it wow I feel like I almost got there but I doubted myself yeah I think this is definitely memorizing yeah one of the easier hard one yeah very interesting very interesting already the dove because I said that was fun the fish puzzle oh boy that looks complicated I don't know you solutions why trying to solve one of our puzzles I need a hand just enter the email address below to watch one of our solution videos so that's like them saying we don't want you to accidentally see one of our solution videos so we're gonna you're gonna have to personally request it and admit that you can't do it that's what they're saying also they get your email address in the meantime okay cool Add to Cart oh fish puzzle Albert Einstein is that is that what makes you look like a genius this absolutely looks like an insane toy I hate this so much I just like everything can just like get tangled up and like in different directions like I really don't like it I think we went the approach of like it just looks like a fish and it's relatability makes it seem easy but it actually does look kind of complicated oh yeah for sure it just looks like it's just like a little pipe and that's it but in reality like I'm supposed to like I don't know even what I'm supposed to do here I'm supposed to like move these pieces around and like get it out and loop through certain things and things like that and oh just forget it that feels like anxiety Krong like I'm down to do Rubik's cubes and everything like that but like this kind of thing where you get like twisted and turned and then you're just like I'm in a spot where I have no idea where to go gives you that includes I it and it'll like it so let's see the solution can you remove the handle from the fish what whoa whoa slow it down turbo I have to like get this guy over here get this guy over here and get this guy over here go down here like this throw this guy in here and move through the left yeah so I move through the left one see this is what I'm talking about I kind of like who would have thought of that oh that's the kind of stuff that I would never have thought of supposed to like do this and then do this to get outside of that what did I just do some voodoo magic no I was no no I was on the inside of this I don't like what what I don't even understand what's happening this doesn't even feel like a puzzle when it's this difficult it's like you're not using your brain to solve any of this you're just getting lucky look see I'm here that's some weird magic like this is so complicated for my brain to understand because I'm like going in and out of all these loops and I'm not understanding how the loops are interacting with this yeah and why I need to go through them and it's just probably like puzzle you know basic puzzle logic but like my brains like what is happening oh there we go I did it Wow did you figure out the rest on your owner did you just follow I was following it now return the handle back to its original position now thank you thank you I did it now let's just cook the fish and eat it I'll say that was a note that one gives me 2 inch anxiety it works and everything like that but a personal preference no cast do it what is it I have to get the ring all the way through the Bing and then then do it or what ah I'm starting to get to like high levels of frustrations by the end of this video and I'm not even actually solving any of these I'm just going through instructions what if that's why it's frustrating yeah yeah the goal this is you want to swing it around and there's little divots so you want to use the ring to go through those divots Add to Cart oh there's 2 oh boy so if you can kind of see there's that little divot right there and that's why you can't just like take it off right here even though I am doing it but you can move it through this part so that's what's interesting is that I don't think I can move it that way though oh but wait a second I can rotate it and go on the opposite side oh look at that see that's that's part of the irritation see like if I'm over here and I want to go over here yo that's dope that's fine but then I'll have to spin it like this and then spin it around like that and then I spin it like this what and then around like that yeah but now I'm gonna tough predicament so that's not right that gives me anxiety but now this guy you're in the wake the heck out of here now now we have complications of both of the Rings being in the same orientation and in the way well what the heck bro what's the point of that who gave me two rings that I only see one ring all these rings are no Lord's bro what's going on so I got them both on the same spot so now I can just do the exact same thing with them what I feel like I just was here how did you get over here bud wow he's got like a 5 minute video and he's going through all the whole thing and they're both in different places brings them together oh he brings them together as a bull ring oh that's the puzzle that's the puzzle you're not trying to get them off I'm trying to get these puppies together to form a full magnetic ring so I got really really close I got this guy there and I'm so close and I'm sorry but you can just look at this picture to get the satisfaction that you need in a satisfying picture it's not blurry at all I'll say that's a dope I could get their next product three piece pyramid be warned when you divide all the pieces at the beginning you better watch what you're doing other we'll hit you know otherwise you will get lost when trying to solve this difficult puzzle I don't want to get lost let's just figure it out remind me so no oh my word that's so confusing that this is one piece luckily it's only a three piece uh but if it's a slider boy oh that's a toughy I really hope it's not oh this is gross there's three pieces I have no idea it just doesn't look right at all I see it it's supposed to be happening I just have to see the puzzle that I can't see right now it's like they're all kind of facing upwards this way and I can't kind of need to all be you know like this one's probably in the best spot to be doing that I want to put them in like sideways or something you know yeah I definitely figure out which one's supposed to be the top one the one that's like half and half like half to our kaftan oh my word I'm absolutely confused I just can't see it I can't see where how this piece gets there cuz like I'm playing blocks like when I was a kid okay so we got the instructions right here and I don't even understand them you know what is that so they said start out with this piece it's all wood how do you follow it no I don't understand why I literally don't know where this piece even goes in the I don't understand the instructions actually doesn't even help that has got to be it for the most part and like I'm just missing a block right here so then the question is if that's the case and this had some opportunity to get there first there we go I got it I like zoning out and I looked up and you had it done and I was like dig I did it I actually did it because the instructions made no sense so to pull it apart yeah there were definitely like sliding pieces here like here and then here and that's literally how it how it goes it just kind of all slides into place like that and that's it thank you thank you random applause thank you I don't like that one even though I don't like it I'll say no next Ronda too much anxiety Shane Hana Yama cast metal brain teaser so the Hana Yama is that the thing where you're sliding pieces through each other with the divots yeah like a similar one that we just did it's a level six out of six by the way okay level six out of six consider them very difficult by most puzzlers be puzzled is more than just jigsaw puzzles it's puzzle plus sure what that means but I appreciate the effort and cart okay what on earth this is even looser than the other one and I'm not sure which ones like the main piece and so they're all their own pieces and it's getting me shocked and I hate it I don't even know how to move these things in and out of in and out of themselves what how does this worked a min I believe divots as well well I don't even understand how it works this is definitely more complicated than I anticipated what's the goals to separate all three of them from each other yeah you think so yeah okay so I'm not even seeing how it all comes together clearly I need to be like putting these things through each other somehow but I'm just rotating the pieces back and forth so I got to be like maybe throwing this guy up here like that maybe throwing this guy down like that Wow no idea I actually have no idea right off the bat but look we have a through we have like divots right here you see like three right there on this guy you see there's a one right there and on this guy you see there's a two right there and that's like me the identification of the pieces okay give me throw me those instruction as thanks mr. puzzle now he's got two from number one for this I gotta move number two down here number three in this get down here and continue twisting number two until I can remove it from why what are you even saying number two and three so the initial order was one two three now it's one three and two that was some genius stuff right no-nobody I don't like this one this one is not the way my brain works so many things that look the exact same doing things that your brain can't understand yeah I think that's the biggest thing is like when you're trying to puzzle solve like one of the biggest things is like okay I understand where you're going yeah but also understand like the the underlying mechanics and I can't understand the underlying mechanics what do you guys think pull right there let me know do you guys think this is a dope and you could do it you you think this is a nope and you'd much rather a different type of puzzle let me know your favorite puzzle down in the comments below this video right here is difficult looking puzzles that are actually easy that's more of my speed that was I was on my game in that video so maybe you watch that one of this one frustrated you and this video over here is a video that YouTube thinks you specifically will enjoy and until next time subscribe and we'll see it then high-five
Channel: DOPE or NOPE
Views: 1,317,413
Rating: 4.9286318 out of 5
Keywords: 2019, top 5, to 10, amazon, amazon haul, haul, shopping spree, shopping, puzzles, brain teasers, iq test, challenge, reacting to, fun, funny, fun video, funny reviews, comedy, reviews, friends, friendship, best friends, unboxing, matthiasiam, matthias, dope or nope, hi5, hi 5 studios, family friendly, random, absurd
Id: 3c_bhfpz95w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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