10 Pressed Flowers Crafts (that don't suck)

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so you got yourself some press flowers here well that that sure is a lot of flowers here are 10 different projects you can do with those flowers [Music] this video is sponsored by skillshare so there's a little spot called tony's grove in utah and like in the middle of summer they just have a plethora plethora that means there's a ton okay there's lots they have a lot of flowers and what i started to do is i'd actually bring a little notebook with me so that when i see ones i like which are all of them i just go ahead and smush them in there so i can have some impressed flowers hi guys it's me straw hat adventure schmood so almost a year ago i pressed those and looked really good actually i i have a past video where i think i do four yeah i have four different methods to press flowers and my favorite and kind of the quickest way is to press them when you find them like i did there and then let them sit for like a day and then get a microwave and all you're going to do is you're going to microwave them for like 10 seconds in between some cardboard paper cardboard and something flattened kind of heavy and yeah so you put in there for 10 seconds take it out see how it looks and then maybe do it for another 10 seconds try not to burn it i actually burnt this one and then once you have them kind of how you want some of the water out you're gonna press them in a book again so put them back in like a notebook and let them sit with something heavy on it for two days and here are all those flowers from last summer the first project i'm gonna show you is this little embroidery hoop all you need for this one is two contact papers and a hoop so peel off that clear vinyl stuff sticky side facing up and place the hoop down and then just place your flowers in there oh so delicately wow oh you're so gentle with those flowers bud good job kind of the hardest part for all these for me at least is trying to figure out how like where to put all the flowers and with that you're going to just peel off the hoop that was basically just a guideline so you know where to place the flowers with the peeled off you can take the second sheet place on top and smoosh it on down so it's nice and flat take the inner hoop the smaller one put underneath the bigger one and push it on down tighten it up and then go around all the edges to make sure it's nice and taut you can then just cut off all the extra spillage of that contact paper i just like using a little razor blade because i feel like it looks and feels nice nice job dude and with that you're all done the next piece is this two-sided odd-shaped glass you need two picture frames a glass cutter and some mod podge so i'm just using this picture frames for the glass so pop those on out got two of them and then i actually use the cardboard backing to kind of cut my shape of what i want the glass to look like and then just trace it onto both those pieces of glass throw some felt down and then i'm going to use that glass cutter to cut on those lines hey don't cut me in line there there's no butting then just flip it around and i use the handles of some scissors to break the little edges of the glass works every time works like a charm kinda it worked this time so i stoked with it so then i just have to do the same thing on this next piece and i tried to get the shapes to be as identical as possible but i then took some sandpaper to shave it down so they both match perfectly so cool then just take one of the sides and start figuring out how the composition sure composition how it's going to look i took a small piece of paper and wrote out a cute little word and cut out those shapes s for snake and now to just figure out how they're gonna interlace with each other i think it was really cool to put some of the flowers like behind and in front so that when the sun shines through there's like shadows on the the words with that i just gotta place in the flowers where i want them and now we're gonna use the modge podge and this kind of sucks but i'm gonna take off everything and put a little dab of glue and place it back on and i did that for all the things so that it won't move the second piece of glass kind of helps but it's best to have them in place exactly where you want otherwise they'll shift i cut off the extra little stems of those flowers and to stick the second piece of glass on there i have this double-sided adhesive tape that i thought was clear but turned out to be white so i had to make a quick little trip to go get some clear ones quick little trip you you take half an hour just looking at and smelling all the candles got that clear stuff and then cut it up in little pieces and i did was just to stick it all around the outside edge that way i could smush the glass there on top but i ended up not liking how it looked so i just ripped it out ripped it out ripped it off and i thought i could do like small little circles just like selective places i liked how that looked a lot better and i'm just gonna use clear double-sided tape to hang it up next up we have the tool flower piece and all you need for this is tool and an embroidered hoop with tool on it which is actually more easier than i thought i did three videos kind of like an easy medium hard and here at the end of this video little shirtless me figured out a good way to do it okay so i just placed that paper down with the design put the tool on top and excuse me sir and started just tracing it with this sharpie and it seems like it's gonna work so i just hooped it up and started going at it i immediately noticed there's like a little ghost pattern where the sharpie is so to fix that you can just use a bigger thread or draw thinner lines another trick i learned to hide like the white tool on top of the thread is you can sharpen it out so cool so take your embroidery piece and loosen the hoop take it out and then you're just going to place another piece of tool on the bottom one put flour in there put the embroidered piece on top adjust it how you want it put the hoop on top tighten it and then tighten the two layers of tulle so that the flower stays in place cut off the xs tool that's around the hoop and with that you're oh you got to cut those strings too hey cut you gotta cut all ties bud cut cut those ties next we're gonna use antique black and white photos but first pass me a little something to say so come on oh come on so like i'm saying thank you to skillshare for sponsoring this video if you guys don't know what skillshare is skillshare is an online learning community where millions come together to take the next steps in their creative process or journey and they have a bunch of different topics like illustration video design photography freelancing and so much more there's a skillshare original by spencer falls called everyday flowers simple stunning arrangements for any occasion so if you're looking for more things to do with flowers i think it'd be really cool to learn how to do a flower arrangement or emily fluska is one where she makes flowers from paper and they look absolutely stunning called papercraft florals beautiful lifelike florals anyone can make so anyone can make them another one that i thought looked interesting maybe because i was struggling with the resin is flora resin jewelry basics by sarah tafford where she's going to show you how to make all these little resin flower pieces so skillshare is meant for like real working creatives it's created specifically for learning meaning there's no ads and they're always launching premium skillshare exclusive classes can we find there it's cool the classes include a combination of video and a class project and they're meant to fit your schedule meaning you can pick up start right where you left and if you're anything like me you have a bunch of different projects going on at once so cool so whether you're a beginner expert or you just like to mess around skillshare has a class for you it's less than ten dollars a month with an annual subscription and skillshare is doing something cool the first thousand people who sign up on the link below we'll get a free trial of skillshare premium so cool so i found these two photos at an antique shop and we're gonna use more of that transparent stuff so i place the photo on some cardboard so that when i cut out the little face it won't scratch my table and i just cut around his cute little yet and [Music] his head came out then i just flipped it over and i stuck on that transparent contact paper stuff so that when i flipped it over the sticky side is facing up pried up the photo and just stuck a flower in i really liked how i looked with one but i ended up adding a couple more and you fill it up with that second contact paper make sure it's all nice and flat cut off the edges and cool for the next photo i wanted to use this spray on modge podge and just cover the photo up with it so i placed something down on my table so i wouldn't spray the table just put a nice layer of that and then the idea is that why it's still wet i'm just gonna go ahead and place the flowers on there so that it is adhered to the photo and it's like an interesting timing because you can't have it so fresh that it's not tacky or sticky at all but if you wait too long then it's dried so figured that out smooshed it on there and once it was all dry i found this little clear stand up thing that you just pry open the back and you can just shove a photo up in there take off the protective plastic and yep so the next one i want to do these little match boxes so when antique shopping for these match boxes and i wanted to separate this back and front layer and just rip out the back layer so that the front layer will lay nice and flat painted on some of the modge podge so i could just tuck these flowers in for the night good night good night mr flower you sleep so well the cool thing about like painting on the modge podge is you could actually open the flowers back up and then once i was done with that i just cut off some of the flowers and used a straight razor to cut in between the matches so i could pry them up and cool i liked the cover on this grand canyon once better so i just took out the staple and switched out the matches and then just re-stapled it in there so that i could have that cover i did a second one using the spray on modge podge and did both layers of matches so as they get used you can see more flowers next up we're going to cover this candles outside with flowers and wax we need for this is a hot plate a pot some candles and mod podge so i'm just going to take the little candle and smother it up with the mod podge and place a flower on top and then cover it with modge podge again to have a bunch of flowers on there covered in modge podge let it dry cut off the excess and then take the hot plate some water and a pot throw that second candle in there and let it melt oh i'm melting i hope so then just take the melted wax and i put it in a little tin and we're gonna take the candle and just dip it in there and rotate it so it's a nice covering of wax on top that will get rid of like the glossy look of the mod podge and also make it look like it's kind of inlaid in next i took this little jar and just sprayed it with that modge podge all inside the idea was that i would stick the flowers in there but i was very impatient and i didn't wait for it to dry and get tacky so i thought maybe if i made some resin that would work so i made some resin mixed it on up and i put it inside of the jar and then just rotated the jar all around so i had a nice layer of resin and put the flour in there and it looked good but again i was so impatient that it was still runny and not tacky i think i'm just gonna do a video another video where i just messed with flowers and resin i think that'd be really fun so i just use a leftover resin to make this cute little mirror so i take the mirror and just place the flowers where i wanted them i want them around the outside so you can still use the mirror as a mirror actually it'd kind of be cool to cover the tire mirror but or whatever so then i just covered it with resin make sure my mirror was nice and flat so it'd be an even coat use the brush to kind of fill in all the gaps mine combine the cap then i just use a little kitchen blow torch to get all the bubbles out and make it nice and smooth then let it dry and it kind of was like a little warpy around the flowers and i could have added a second layer now probably would have fixed it but i actually liked how it looked warps and all next up this little clock i found the clock for like like three or five bucks at walmart and i just flipped it over took it off and then we're gonna get rid of this white face by getting a white piece of watercolor paper tracing the glass circle and then cutting it out i checked to see if it would fit and it was too big so i just trimmed the edges one more time and made sure it fit with it fitting i just marked the center right where the hand is and then we're going to cut a line to that center point and make a little hole for the hands of the clock so then just slide it in there you're doing so good but just slide it you can you can do it there we go so with that in there i'm just going to take some mod podge and paint the underside so the paper lays nice and flat and is stuck and to hide that seam that we made with the scissors i'm just going to paint on some mod podge on the back of this flower and cover it up so you won't see it oh that that that seems like you're cheating it seems so just figured out how i want the flowers to look and then painted the back of the mod podge and pressed them on there got them nice in place put them where i want to let it dry and then i tested to see if the arms are going to run into something and it did around that daisy so i just bent them up a little bit and then just test it out again and it looks like it's gonna work so put the glass on top and the frame turned it over and screwed it back into place and there we go got a cute little flower clock so next i wanted to do this little hanging glass arch thing and so took some glass found something circle that fit drew a half circle on top then it took the glass cutter and just cut around the lines made a little relief cut there on top and then just like the last glass piece i flipped it over then use the back handles of the scissors to break the score lines honestly i was a little surprised at how well that worked but to help clean it up i just used some sandpaper again to clean up the edges and good to stick the flowers in place i used that spray-on modge podge again and just moroccan them on let it dry so it was sticky and then just place the flowers on there adjusted them so they were flat and i liked how it looked placed something to protect my table and so that was raised off the table and added some resin on top i use a little putty knife to mix it around and also get clean edges and then a blow torch to get the bubbles out it had little like drip drops on the back side once it was dry so i just took a straight razor to get rid of those and just cleaned up the sides on any part where the resin was spilling over i then flipped it over so it was resin side up and that we're gonna take a drill with a little glass drill bit to drill a hole into it then i just took a little chain and threaded it on through then put hoops on both sides of the chain so i could hang it up last we're gonna do this little glass candle holder so i found this next to the candles in walmart for like a dollar or something and i'm just gonna spray the back of it and then while it's sticky just going to place all the flowers in place and honestly that was it once it was dry it was like a little foggy on the back and the back is kind of fragile so maybe i'll coat it again but i liked how that looked so there you go there's 10 different projects that you can do with some pressed flowers some probably a little bit better than others but overall honestly it was pretty fun to do them all so cool hope you like making things with flowers because they're there's there's lots you can do so much with it [Music] all right so be sure to like and subscribe go ahead and hit that bell notification and yeah thanks so much for watching and thanks so much for our patrons
Channel: Shmoxd
Views: 299,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 10 Pressed Flowers Crafts (that don't suck), pressed flowers, how to, diy, shmood, shmoxd, easy, fun, craft, craft projects, tutorial, top down, tik tok craft, resin, clock, urban outfitters, home decor, vintage, make over
Id: g0oLMUE0J3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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