10 People Who Altered History as Entrepreneurs

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this video is sponsored by Mount Fornell Advisors experts in the American dream welcome to US entrepreneur TV for today's top 10 we're taking a look at entrepreneurs who changed the world many of the greatest and most important advancements throughout history have been a result of hardworking entrepreneurs following their dreams and ambitions our list includes both entrepreneurs who made their mark in just the last few years and entrepreneurs who changed the world more than a century ago here at 10 entrepreneurs who changed the world forever number 10 George Eastman George Eastman is commonly credited with popularizing photography and film he was the founder of Kodak and arrived on the scene during a time when photography was considered nothing more than a novelty Eastman's first advancement came as a result of his experimentation with gelatin emulsions after three years of experimenting he had invented a dry plate coding machine this significantly lowered the entry barrier of photography and led to downsizing and ease of use development for photography equipment he first formed the Eastman dry plate and film company in 1884 and later on the Eastman Kodak Company in 1892 Eastman was a generous philanthropist who donated over a hundred million dollars after finding success quite a lot of money back in the nineteenth century only society's wrenches were able to practice photography as a hobby until Kodak formed and made the practice more accessible to the general public without George Eastman xinput photography may have remained as little more than a niche pastime and the photography and filmmaking boom may never have happened number nine Andrew Carnegie Andrew Carnegie is often called the father of modern philanthropy his business innovations proved massively successful and made him one of the wealthiest men in the world during the turn of the century he put his amassed fortune to excellent use by establishing the Carnegie Corporation of New York to this day the Carnegie Corporation of New York is responsible for the philanthropic support of countless well-intentioned endeavors the vast majority of Carnegie's fortune came from the steel industry by 1901 he was able to sell his business and retire as a millionaire of the time equivalent to the richest billionaire of today when adjusted for inflation he was a real self-made businessman his childhood as the son of pure immigrant parents instilled in him a world-class business ethic his peak wealth would have been equivalent to three hundred and nine billion dollars today at number eight it's john d rockefeller John D Rockefellers influences still easily seen today he was involved in a number of different businesses throughout his life most importantly Standard Oil he was a part of the very first trust by forming the world's first Board of Trustees consisting of nine members this set the standard for large businesses to follow in the future Standard Oil was a monopoly and rightly regarded as aggressive and ruthless this monopoly led to the formation of the Sherman Antitrust Act the 1980s saw a remarkable change to john d rockefeller business practices rockefeller became less involved in his active business and devoted more of his time to philanthropic activities these activities included the likes of massive charitable donations and the founding of the University of Chicago in 1892 among other efforts the latter stages of his life was spent on philanthropic efforts the results of which are still plainly visible to our modern society number seven it's the man in the turtleneck Steve Jobs the modern technological landscape owes a great deal to Steve Jobs and the Apple company formed as a true entrepreneurial enterprise by two men in a garage Apple would revolutionize home computing the Macintosh computer iPhone and iPad were all major technological advancements of our era jobs also founded Pixar Animation Studios during a break from Apple Steve Jobs had a complicated relationship with education while always testing highly he absolutely hated school he had a natural intelligence that was often stifled by traditional education he only attended college briefly before dropping out to pursue his own interests which of course worked out magnificently in the end and number six it's Eli Whitney Eli Whitney was the inventor of the cotton gin which was instrumental in the advancement of both the American textile industry and the overall industrial revolution in America beyond the invention of the cotton gin he also introduced two key concepts and practices that would further revolutionize the very nature of industrial production these two practices were mass production and replaceable parts neither of which was standard or implemented to any degree before Eli Whitney at number five it's Tony Stark amine Elon Musk Elon Musk is a self-made entrepreneur with a distinctly diverse portfolio of quilled changing innovations born in South Africa in his 20s Elon Musk had become one of the richest men in America he continues to contribute world-changing in generation-defining innovations across a wide range of application Musk's first major financial success came in the form of an online city guide service called zip to corporation which was bought for hundreds of millions of dollars by the compact computer corporation he soon followed up that success with another as a result of launching XCOM which would soon become known as PayPal and would revolutionize online payment practices musk has major investments in space trouble and exploration with his company SpaceX and in renewable energy with his company Solar City his enterprises don't end there however musk is perhaps best known for his role in Tesla Motors the electric car company is leading the way for environmentally friendly travel his latest endeavor took the form of the boring company which plans to reduce traffic congestion by creating underground travel routes number four Henry Ford Henry Ford is sometimes attributed as having invented the first motor vehicle but this is not true he was responsible for the Model T which was not the first car but was in fact the first motor vehicle mass-produced at an affordable cost to middle-class Americans his major contribution wasn't the invention of this vehicle but rather the methods he employed to make it so commercially viable and widespread in popularity imagining our world today without motor vehicles is next to impossible Ford was the first industrialist to make use of an assembly line this production method was not just a pivotal moment in the history of American vehicle manufacturing but in fact a pivotal moment for all types of factory production across the entire world his production methods saw a reduction in manufacturing time for a chassis from 12 and a half hours all the way down to just a touch over one and a half hour at number three he's in his prime it's Jeff Bezos Jeff Bezos is the man behind the business pea moth that is Amazon Jeff Bezos first launched amazon.com in 1995 what began simply as an online book store has continued to expand and encompass additional purposes and endeavors ever since Amundsen has become far and above the leading e-commerce realtor and has seen Jeff Bezos through to becoming the richest person in the world by a substantial margin part of Amazon's success lies in its diversification practices as Amazon has continued to grow the company has continued to introduce additional services and to acquire additional pre-existing companies what began as an online bookstore now encompasses a fully fledged online retailer of anything imaginable a streaming video platform a music streaming service newspaper publications physical retail locations final mile infrastructure and much much more new services are constantly being announced and Bezos continues to push the boundaries of current technology and commercial practices by advancing delivery autum ization drone and space technology at number two it's Nikola Tesla Nikola Tesla was a man with a brilliant mind whose inventions and innovation changed the world forever but who didn't see the proper respect he deserved during his lifetime niccola's life was fraught with trouble even when the remarkable success of his experiments and inventions should have seen him thrive the AC or alternating current electrical system was Tesla's most significant contribution to history but far from his only AC power is the foundation for all electrical devices of the modern age but during his time DC power from an vente Thomas Edison was considered preferable do you in no small part to the questionable ethics and manipulative methods employed by Edison Tesla eventually passed away with a somewhat besmirched reputation and without ever having a master fortune owed to him by his advancements his legacy has gone on to receive the praise that is deserved beyond the incredibly important AC electrical system Tesla also designed a number of other game-changing inventions such as the Tesla coil the hydroelectric power plant and the free energy Network [Music] and finally number one Thomas Edison Thomas Edison's interaction with Nikola Tesla certainly paint him in a villainous light but also paint him as the certain vector of their feud his sometimes questionable work ethics can call into question which of the inventions attributed to him were truly a result of his genius and which were the hard work of others whose work he stole even discounting his more questionable contributions the impact his inventions of had on the world is insurmountable there are over a thousand patents to Edison's name many of these patents a game-changing ideas that revolutionized the technology of the time among his inventions are the incandescent lightbulb the phonograph the electric typewriter the concept of mass communication electrical delivery methods the film camera and many more he accrued massive wealth within his lifetime and used it to finance further scientific and innovations that was our list of the top 10 entrepreneurs who changed the world do you agree with our list was there anyone that you would have liked to have seen let us know in the comments below make sure you click the subscribe button to stay up to date with all future videos right here at US entrepreneur TV and this video was sponsored by Mount Bonnell advisors dream big dream America [Music]
Channel: U.S. Entrepreneur TV
Views: 11,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: people who altered history, businessmen who changed the world, most famous entrepreneurs in the world, most successful entrepreneurs in history, world famous entrepreneurs, famous entrepreneurs in history, Entrepreneurs who changed history, 10 most successful entrepreneurs in the world, most famous entrepreneurs, jeff bezos, elon musk, steve jobs, andrew carnigie, henry ford, john d rockefeller, Eli Whitney, George Eastman, Nikola Tesla, Thomas Edison
Id: SC_8kHMuyUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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