10 Old Fashioned Frugal Living Skills You NEED to Learn

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how many of these do you already know and do let me know in the comments and let's get right to the tips tip number one is having tears of clothing so on the top you're going to have like your nice clothes these are the ones you'll wear to Grandma's house or to church below that this is what I'd call your everyday wear the very bottom you've got work clothes these are clothes you're going to probably get dirty in cooking cleaning and as your clothes get more worn they graduate or what's the opposite of graduate you're getting demoted clothes get demoted from nice category to Everyday wear from everyday wear to work wear it keeps them in rotation longer in your closet so you have to purchase fewer clothes nowadays clothing companies want you to buy clothes for each of those purposes because that makes them more money you've got workout clothes Leisure clothes business casual it it just it keeps them in business and it keeps you poor in addition this is why even as recently as the 1950s aprons were really popular because they saved you money for two different reasons number one they would keep your nice clothes in the nice category for longer because they would be catching all the spills and grind whatever ever you're working on this means that you're not doing laundry as often because the apron is catching the messes so you're saving money on the electricity to run your washing machine on the detergent to clean everything up also the more often your clothes go through the wash the faster those fibers break down the faster all the dyes are going to start to kind of fade and get this kind of me look and they're not as bright popping and vibrant as they were when you bought them in the store so the fewer times clothes are going through the wash the longer lasting they will be meaning you don't have to keep going in buying new clothes meaning you're saving money on the clothes all right tip number two speaking of laundry learn how to spot treat stains on your clothing if you get a tiny stain on your shirt and you just take the whole thing off and throw it in the hamper and say I'll get to it next laundry day that's a missed opportunity because instead what you could be doing is just spot treating the stain which which yes does take a little bit of skill to learn how to differentiate between a grass stain and a wine stain and an ink stain like each of those Stains have different different ways that you need to get them cleaned however if you can learn even just a couple treatments for stains that you really frequently are seeing and you can spot treat those that saves you from having to throw the entire thing into the wash have it use up all the water and soap suds and energy that it takes to get the whole garment clean when really it's just a little spot now I'll be honest I'm still working on this scale myself especially with the three little kids running around I don't have time to spot treat every mush banana in a shirt however I do have a few stained fighting tricks in my Arsenal for example I recently learned like a couple months ago that if I get a coffee stain on a shirt all I have to do is put the shirt Inside Out run cold water in the opposite direction that the stain came in I don't know if it's like reverse osmosis I don't know what you'd call it but it got the stain completely out after air drying for day this was my favorite white shirt got a big old coffee stain on it and I just had to run the cold water in the opposite direction let it air dry overnight it was perfect the next morning zero soap or laundry needed it's pretty cool also just a little heads up that this tip this this laundry tip number two is your secret hint for the next giant Frugal experiment I'm attempting any guesses right number three having useful Hobbies this isn't I'm not talking about hustle culture I'm not talking about never having any free time to yourself always working yourself to the bone no I'm saying find hobbies that you enjoy that fill your cup that also happen to be useful you don't have to make money off of them but things like quilt making cooking baking car repair gardening these were things that our foremothers and forefathers did all the time and there was a skill involved that's why things like quilt making contests and Pie making contests exist because not that long ago these were very useful necessary skills that people really worked to hone and craft and enjoyed even if you can find some hobbies that basically create things that beautify your home will save you money because now you don't have to go to the $5 section at Target and buy something kit that you think oh that will make my house look really nice like I have right here my grandmother's oh maybe it's on this side yeah this side is the pretty side like this is my grandmother's there's hand embroidered handkerchief nowadays we're not using hand embroidered handkerchiefs to blow our noses in the same way but if you've got a skill like painting or embroidering to make your home feel comfortable and warm and nice that saves you from having to buy them don't get sucked into the DIY rabbit hole because that is actually a money loser my friends I'm not saying you have to turn all of your favorite hobbies into a small business and have the joy sucked out of them but just find more useful ways to employ your time then you know which kind of along with that one number four entertaining yourself is a very useful oldfashioned skill you know in today's society companies just love to offer you the opportunity to part with your money in exchange for some momentary pleasure or enjoyment but if you can figure out how to make your own fun you're going to clean up and that doesn't mean you never get to spend any money on fun things but if you can figure out how to only spend money on the things you really want and not just waste $5 here a dollar here on some little attempted store bought happiness you're going to be better off in the long run this is why back in the day people with like musical talents or the ability to tell really funny stories those guys were the ones people wanted at all the parties because there wasn't any way to turn on the big game to entertain the whole crowd at a party you couldn't put on background music on Alexa you had to have all of the people around you be part of the entertainment and so if you've got the skill to entertain yourself by playing an instrument or singing dance like no one's watching in the kitchen while doing the dishes that's one of my favorites you're going to have a good time right number five doing natural exercise like the gym for normal people is a very new idea if you want to do things the oldfashioned way you can go hoist some cast iron pans I know that's my aunt yesterday commented wow you have such big muscles I'm like yeah I'm carrying babies and cast iron pants and you're probably laughing at me because I don't have very big muscles but I more than you more than I used to or go hoist bales of hay or run away from a bear okay maybe not that one that's a terrible idea even just go for a walk you can get creative and find ways to move your body in ways that challenge it that are not expensive six cook from scratch with whole ingredients so your grandma or your great grandma your great great great grandma used to have a whole chicken that she would cook and then cut up whole potatoes maybe should whip up some Fresh Tortillas these are the things the skills that don't come from a hamburger helper or a canned of cream of chicken soup people nowadays are purchasing way fewer whole ingredients in favor of a lot of these ultr processed things side note my husband and I are reading this book called ultr processed people so there's been a lot of discussion of this in our house recently there's a crazy stat from that book which said that in the UK the average person only purchases 2 kg of flour or you know that's close to 4 lbs of flour per year for home baking I don't know about you but I purchased more than that like last week do you use more than that and speaking of oldfashioned skills around real food number seven is bread making here's a secret for you bread is not that hard now hear me out if you want to try to make bread that's exactly like store-bought sliced up sandwich bread or you're trying to make like these gorgeous artisanal sourdough loaves with all the little like slices and pretty patterns on the top okay both of those things are hard but that's not what I'm talking about I'm calling this peasant bread it's it's bread that tastes delicious it tastes like bread and it's not hard to make it won't slice as well if you want to make sandwiches if you want to make sandwiches I've learned that doing it in slider format like if you make these rolls then you have a lot more hard constructed bread to hold the sandwich together it works better than slicing a loaf of bread but if you're just making bread at home super duper easy don't need a bread maker as long as you got muscles to me or a St mixer I'll leave a link in the description for my foolproof recipe that I've been tinkering with for a while now and swear by right number eight is gardening obviously people think of the idea of gardening and just immediately nope out they get too overwhelmed but if you want to start really small get some herbs from the grocery store you know how they've got like herbs just in the produce section like verbs get them on your window sill in front of put them directly in front of wherever you're going to do the dishes so you've got to look at them a bunch of times a day and that way you won't forget about them look up how often they need water just work on one little baby skill at a time especially herbs I like to have for a starter plants because they just bring so much flavor into your home cooking that it's immediately gratifying whereas like growing a tomato plant it takes a really long time there's a lot of ways to mess it up you can only do it at certain times of the year like there's just there's a lot of Reas not to start with tomato although everyone thinks to start with tomato No I say I say start with an herb and bit by bit if you want if you if you're enjoying it and you want to go further your skills grow every year I'm I'm a Master Gardener I got my certification before kids thank God and even I am learning tons every single year because it's just practicing and tinkering and learning by experience which by default if you're going to do it outside takes a long time also gardening does not have to be an expensive hobby if you go on to like a free cycle or a buy nothing group you can find a lot lot of starter equipment like a Trel and some soil maybe even some seeds if you don't have seeds on a Bine nothing group you can find check your local library see if they know where you can access a seed Library which is just where you get seeds for free which is pretty cool gardeners in my experience tend to be a very generous bunch and if you want to start this as a hobby and a money saving skill it's a good place to start because they will be willing to help you out a lot number nine is paying with your money like cash or maybe a debit card but you know money that you earned and is in your account that you physically already have I'm not talking about credit cards or buy now pay later like afterpay or a firm or zip any any of those guys guys they're they're death traps you miss one payment and you're going to get the late fee of your life and they have interest rates that make me want to vom it anything resembling the modern credit card wasn't even invented until 1958 so our forefathers literally didn't have any other options if they didn't have the money they had to find a new solution so my advice to you is just to pretend like you bought in a time machine and you're back in 1940 and there's no credit cards and you just got to you've got to come up with a more creative solution because these alternatives are out there they're easy traps to fall into it's going to be so much better for your credit for your bank account for your mental health to not be worrying about these 5,000 different apps that you owe money to to just pay only with money you have and if you don't have it get super creative and one of the ways you might need to get creative is 10 talking to people in real life I love the internet clearly I'm I'm talking to you through the internet we wouldn't have met without the internet but learning to have conversations face to face with people can bring out a ton of new information and ways to save money that you wouldn't have known otherwise for example like if you're trying to do a negotiation with someone being able to read their facial expression and get a sense for their true intentions really is hard to do especially over text going face to face also means you can barter goods and services like you've got an apple pie and I've got the ability to teach your third grader some math lessons those I I have looked everywhere I cannot find an effective um app or website for bartering goods and services online I tried like I'm not sure if any of you have heard of this I've tried time banking didn't work and Facebook Marketplace barter groups those I haven't seen them work either I've tried um so if you know of any secret websites out there I would really love to know for those of you new to the channel hi I'm Hillary I talk about all the different ways you can save money and if you would like some more tips because you're like yeah I need to save some more money hellary where what are you doing so if you need a few more tips I'll send you to this video and that'll give you a bunch more and I hope you enjoy and I'll see you over there bye YouTube
Channel: Homegrown Hillary
Views: 7,192
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Keywords: Frugal living skills, Frugal living tips from the great depression, Frugal skills, Old fashioned frugal living, Old fashioned habits, Old fashioned living, frugal, frugal habits, frugal living, frugal living habits, frugal living hacks, frugal living ideas, frugal living tips, frugal living tips and ideas, how to save money, money saving tips, old fashioned frugal living tips, old fashioned frugal living tips to try today, slow living
Id: tD6z7mw-DE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2023
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