10 Mysterious Things Found Frozen in Ice

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if we look closely at the nature around us will surely find a lot of windows into the past it only takes some digging in an explorative spirit to come across some secrets from the people who dwelled on this land before us or perhaps something you lost last week but some of the most interesting things of all time are preserved in ice and element news to make things last longer I mean just have a look in your fridge and see how long things and stay good if you put them instead in the freezer although there is a bit of an issue with global warming and ice melting in the poles I'm sure there are a lot of interesting things hidden in that ice waiting to be discovered and with global warming maybe we wouldn't have that long to figure out what's in there either way today I'm going to be showing you ten mysterious things that were found frozen and ice you'll learn that ice is indeed good at preserving things and you won't believe what the number one finding is I'll be as shocked as the people who first saw it so let's begin shall we number ten the Viking sword on the mountain it only makes sense to start the list was something that was found up in the mountains of a very cold country in fact let me give you all a heads up we'll be having quite a few findings in the northernmost countries of the world so expect to hear about them a few times during this video this first one is in Norway where a group of reindeer hunters found a well-preserved sword at high altitude it is the sort of a Viking and it's believed to be more than a thousand years old it's finding like experts to believe that there might be other artifacts out there waiting to be discovered but after some exploration they came to learn that the Viking sword was an isolated find the quality of the iron and the extreme coal was what kept this artifact intact although there were probably some organic materials with it that disappeared over the years after a little bit of research people learned that the Viking who owned this sword was probably lost and died in the mountain where it was found number nine frozen islands we're in the midst of the 21st century it seems that we finally come to a point where every piece of land around the world has been discovered now our exploration is taking us on journeys underwater and even out of our planet to see what else can be colonized however with so much ice in the world it only makes sense that some chunks of land haven't been discovered by modern-day explorers and are well preserved in cold temperatures this is the case of some islands around Greenland that had been hidden from society until recently from 1999 all the way to 2014 and group of islands started to emerge in the northwestern part of Greenland scientific research credits global warming for these discoveries of the apparition of the islands happen due to glaciers retreating quickly and giving way to the undiscovered masses of land this event has forced maps to be redrawn so the new pieces of land that were unknown to us can now be included if the ice keeps retreating in the way it did over the last 20 years we might witness more land discovery soon whether we should be excited or worried that's kind of a 50-50 guess number 8 in the ancient forests the story of this frozen forest starts about a thousand years ago when the Mendenhall Glacier starts to advance and covered a forest and gravel this gravel acted as a protection to the force of the point of the glacier was able to advance right on top of it flash forward to the modern days the glacier is now receding and uncovering trees which remained intact throughout the whole process archaeologists came to study the age of the trees and they found that most of them date from a thousand to twenty 350 years old I just say in a line for that long if only those trees could talk I'm sure they'd have a lot of crazy stories to tell number seven an ancient plant we always hear about animals evolving while others go extinct but survival and extinction are not limited to animals only there are also a ton of plants that we don't have with us today due to their extinction and the next finding on this list can give you an idea of what some ancient plants looked like back over in 2012 a group of Russian scientists were able to revive plants that have been frozen in the tundra they were able to bring them back to life due to the fact that some of the tissue of the plant was still alive they were able to produce new specimens of the plants which later were able to grow produce flowers and even new seeds and it seems like ice can really preserve life without even trying hard number six anthrax it was like I said is a really great job of preserving life but that includes some of the things we don't really want to keep amongst us that being viruses and bacterias this is exactly what happened with anthrax this disease game back to life after high temperatures melted some in Siberia the anthrax bacteria has been sitting on the bodies of frozen reindeer for a long time members released back into the atmosphere when the ice started to melt the dangerous disease had been out of the region for more than 75 years but it came back and infected multiple herds of reindeers and the lives of 20 people it even caused the unfortunate death of a 12 year old boy so I hope you ever find yourself near regions were ice is melting keep in mind that some diseases might be released around you without you even noticing number 5 the baby mammoth Yuri cootie a reindeer breeder in Russia came across something rather impressive during one of his journeys he was so fascinated that he hiked more than 200 kilometers just to hit an expert from a museum to have a look and explain just what this finding was it turns out it was a baby mammoth that had been frozen in the tundra for about 42,000 years this baby was so well preserved that scientists were even able to tell at the mammoth ate before getting frozen there have been many specimens that have been found frozen but this baby is one of the best preserved mammoths in the world this baby received the name lee yubi which is also the name of Cody's wife the Explorer who found it I guess it's a great way of honoring him number 4 the fish in the wall of ice there's this photo of fish inside of law of ice that made everyone go crazy on social media awhile ago as you might have guessed this wall of ice was once a wave and it seems like the fish were able to ride above the wave but they never made it back down in this Lake in South Dakota no one could really explain what happened but my guess would be the December turd route in the blink of an eye but that is pretty unlikely experts however believe that the fish were not even up there and the law formed as a result of lack of oxygen at the bottom of the ocean this deficit then caused fish and other living beings to come up to the service and get frozen in this unlikely but striking manner the most famous photo of this phenomenon were taken by Kelly pre Haines she says that they were actually more fish than what you can see in the pictures she claims they were actually thousands of them I guess cold temperatures can be played brutal a wild life sometimes but eh it gave us a pretty cool picture number three the Iron Age horse Norway has been the scenario to a lot of cool findings not only giving you a few of them on this video but if you go online you'll find that they witness the discovery of things frozen in ice quite a lot next on this list I had the bones of an Iron Age horse they were found up in the mountains about 2,000 meters high and next of the bones there was some manure and a horseshoe which indicates that horses were used in the Iron Age to carry heavy stuff up these mountains as the ice melts in this region archeologists are finding a lot of tools that help us understand the ways in which people lived in the past however these artifacts start deteriorating as soon as the ice melts and for that reason the experts need to hurry and uncover as many artifacts as possible before it's too late now it's time for the day's best pic the picture I have today is of something that looks like a human figure frozen and ice and so far we talked about tools bacteria plans and animals that were found in ice we even saw that plants and bacteria can survive for a long time walked in ice while animals die as soon as they're frozen however that being said their looks can still remain intact now it is time to wonder what happens when a human is frozen and ice what does that look like let's have a look number two the Incan sacrifice of victims ancient cultures amazed me and I personally believe there is much we can learn from them some of their practices however are quite questionable scary amoral the list goes on here but then again I guess that gives us more reason to learn and try to understand why they did what they did in the Incan culture Kappa kocha was a very common practice and it entailed the sacrifice of children that's just fun some Spanish Tech's from the colonies indicated the most beautiful and talented children were chosen to be surrendered to the Incan gods as a way of celebration or as a way to respond to natural threats now you might think these stories are crazy or even made-up but I can confidently tell you that these are facts and there are three frozen bodies that can prove it back in 1999 the bodies of three children were found on a volcano in Argentina they were well preserved in frozen and were found just in time before the summer heat started to melt them down and decomposed them through the study of the bodies experts came to the conclusion that these children had been well taken care of prior to the intended sacrifice information gathered from the hair also indicates that they were probably drugged before carrying them up to the top of the volcano about five hundred years ago when they died of hypothermia these mummies are on display at the high mountain archaeology Museum in Argentina and I guess it is a pretty dark story actually hey it does open new understanding of cultures from the past at least so that's something I see the best for last but first I have a quick challenge that takes 45 seconds 53 if you can even like and subscribe within the next 5 seconds you'll get 10 years of amazing luck just try it it really worked number one the missing couple imagine getting lost in being found 75 years later this is exactly what happened to Marceline and Francine do mullen in Switzerland after they went missing on August 15 1942 the couple was meant to go back to their seven children after going out to melt their cows in the southern part of the country but Marcella and Francine never went back and their children were put in the homes of welcoming locals who took care of them for that moment onwards 75 years later in 2017 a group of ski workers found the perfectly preserved bodies of the do Mullen couple they knew they were from the forties just by looking at the clothes they were wearing it seems like they had an accident such as a fall down that ended up in them getting covered in snow and ice which kept them from going back to their family Marceline Audrey to Mullen the youngest of the daughters says that she and her siblings never gave up hope that one day they would find their parents and now 75 years later these children can finally say a proper goodbye to their parents if you could preserve something in eyes what would it be or better yet what is something that you would like to find and what's the most interesting findings from this list there's no in the comment section down below thoughts and a nun that's our video for today folks and I hope you all have a great day and I will see you next time later everybody [Music]
Channel: Top 5 Best
Views: 1,399,932
Rating: 4.8496256 out of 5
Keywords: Top, Best, education, 10 Mysterious Things Found Frozen in Ice, Antarctica, mysterious places, coldest place on earth, ancient meteorite, Elongated skulls, Ancient fossils, unusual animals, Blood waterfall, 100-year-old whiskey, underground lake, frozen ship, satellite imagery, satellite photos, seen from space, antarctica, strange shapes, Biology, Science, Paleontology, Palaeontology, Dinosaurs, Animals, Nature, Wildlife, Ben, Thomas, Prehistory, Anatomy, Fossil, Bones, top5best
Id: qFYlxeukU8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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